25 films from the 1980s, who need to show their children

"Mary Poppins, Goodbye", "The Karate Kid", "Treasure Island," "The Little Mermaid", "The Mystery of the Third Planet". On these and many other films increased generation of the 80's and has continued to grow generation of the 90s. They can criticize, constantly compare to modern, to find fault with special effects, but they can not deny one thing - it's unique masterpieces that wants to revise again and again. < Website publishes a selection of films from the 80s, which will be interesting to see the whole family.
Island sokrovischOdnoy rainy night in a coastal tavern "Admiral Benbow" fell a cold sailor. An inquisitive young man, Jim, the owner of the restaurant, know that the new lodger - Billy Bones - a former aide to Captain Flint, the most famous and terrible pirate. After the latter's death, Billy managed to steal a treasure map of Flint, and now he hunted most ruthless pirates Britain
Back in buduscheeMarti McFly -. A normal teenager who lives in 1985. One day, his friend, the eccentric inventor Emmett Brown nicknamed Doc tells Marty that he had made a time machine and offers the guy to try it in practice. Marty agrees falls in 1955 and happened to fall in love with ... my mother. Now Marty will reunite parents who because of his intervention can not meet at all.
Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkina, ordinary and neveroyatnyeOdnazhdy the lesson skromnik Vasya Petrov writes a note with a declaration of his love classmate, honors pupil Masha. Mistakenly girl guess who sent her a message, and responds to a refusal. Bob tells everything to his friend, Pete Vasechkin joker, who immediately comes up as "tame" obstinate Masha. As a result of unsuccessful attempts, and he falls in love with her ...
Auburn, honest, and incredibly honest vlyublennyyMily fox Ludwig and could not understand the need to lie and be tricky. Misunderstood relatives, he leaves his home and meets a charming tutti. The guys quickly find a common language and become friends. Later, Louis finds out that she ... chicken! But we all know that foxes are not compatible with chickens
Land Before vremenKogda something our planet was inhabited by strange creatures and surprising -. Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were of two types: herbivores, lovers of wood leaves, and the predators that prey on herbivores. With the trees began to die over time, and many herds were gone in search of the Great Valley - a place where the trees in abundance. From this-and our story begins.
Day off Ferris ByulleraUstav from the school routine, senior Ferris decides Byuller absent from school, relax a bit and sway around the city. How "otmazatsya" parents? The fact that the heated thermometers, clever fake cough and fever, he invented it. Ideal depicting patient Ferris "steal" his girlfriend and best friend from school, to enjoy a day of freedom.
Uncle BakDobrodushnogo tolstyachka, lazy bak asked to take care of nephews at the time of family crisis their parents . Buck always happy to help, the trouble only in the fact that he was careless dolt, and indeed, the last person that you would want to leave the children. But with a little luck, a lot of love, and Uncle Buck will be able to surprise everyone.
Oliver kompaniyaPri hand kitten little Oliver proved unnecessary, and nobody stayed on the streets. In search of food, he accidentally stumbles upon a street vendor hot dogs and decided to steal a couple of sausages. But little inexperienced kitten difficult to cope with this task. And then he comes to the aid Dodger -. Street dog with a good heart
stuffed provincial school comes a new student - Lena Bessoltseva. The immediacy and openness of the girls seem to be her new classmates strange and inappropriate. As a result, Lena becomes an outcast and local gets the nickname "Scarecrow." Trying to get the approval, it takes the blame the other person, but instead receives a boycott friendship and bullying ...
pёsMultfilm Fox and tells the story of an unusual friendship. Because of Tod fox hunters deprived mothers and remains the care of forest dwellers and good-natured woman, the widow of the Tweed. At the same time, Amos Slade, a hunter and a widow neighbor, brings home a little puppy Copper, that it helped him in the hunt for the fox, when he grows up. Toddlers are introduced and almost immediately became "friends forever»
Honey, I Shrunk deteyUcheny Wayne invents incredible machine, which can reduce the items. By distraction he leaves it unattended, and curious children immediately include it. Within seconds, the children are the size of a speck of dust, and sweep away the careless father children in the trash and throws in the backyard. Now the guys have to go through the jungle backyard where dangers await them at every step.
Mary Poppins, svidaniya1980's, England, London. Respectable family publishes ad for a nanny in a local newspaper. And here appears on their doorstep young governess - Mary Poppins. Restrained, accurate and punctual nanny is not the same as the others. She can fly, she understands the language of animals and helps adults to meet briefly with his own childhood.
Kiki dostavkiDlya service in order to become a full-fledged witch young Kiki need to leave home, go in search of a new city and live there for a year. Special magical talents Kiki there perhaps, except for the ability to fly on a broomstick, and talk to your cat, but this is no surprise. Fortunately, the new place witch opens its delivery service and learning to be responsible and independent.
InoplanetyaninInoplanetyanin, like a turtle without a shell, flew to the ground as part of the research team. During the landing of alien saucers, NASA experts have noticed them. The unfortunate creatures were so frightened that in a hurry forgot one of his in the world. Now the kid need as quickly as possible to pass the message to their relatives, so they took him until the armed men did not reach him.
Great Mouse syschikGlavny hero, Detective Basil, lives in a house on the famous detective Baker Street and, as he investigates the crime, only in the mouse world. One day he calls Olivia, whose dad was abducted. After a while it becomes clear that the crime committed rats Retigan -. Archenemy Basil
Guy karatistDenielu, novice, who moved to Los Angeles, the school was not very warm welcome. And because of the love and communication with the ex-girlfriend of the leader of a local gang, and all got into the eye. To help the guy comes old Japanese Miyagi. It teaches the basics of Daniel Eastern wisdom, calmness, courage, fortitude, and skill of martial arts.
Hunters privideniyamiVsё begins with the fact that parapsychology professors expelled from the university, and now they are forced to seek a new job. After discussing the options, they decide to start a business to catch ghosts. Many take their case as a joke, but soon the New York attack crowds of ghosts and ghost hunters gradually clean the city from evil
Who Framed rabbit RodzheraV world there are two universes -. Multtaun city, where cartoon characters live, and human reality with conventional nenarisovannymi people. In Multtaune gets murdered and suspicion falls on defenseless Roger Rabbit. To deal with such a large thing, the city invited Eddie Valiant -. Detective of the world's people
Sold smehPosle father died young Tim Thaler, kind and cheerful boy remains with a mean stepmother and her spoiled son. To somehow make money, Tim visits the racing, but he was not very lucky. In the race, he met with a strange gentleman Trechem, which offers an interesting boy transaction: Trech gives the boy the opportunity to win any wager in exchange for the laughter Thaler
Mystery of the Third planetyU girl named Alice Selezneva incredible. cool dad. He - a respected professor, Doctor of Science in the field of space biology, often in interplanetary travel, and collecting new specimens for the Moscow Space Zoo. And in one such sortie, he takes a daughter with him. But the search for new animal turns into a dangerous adventure with chases and space pirates.
Mio MioPozhilaya couple adopts orphan Bosse. Over time, Bosse realizes that he - an unwanted child in this family, and looking for any excuse not to go back a little longer in the house where it is not love. One day, with the help of a good woman-boy gets into the spirit of magic desired country. And it turns out that he - the young prince Myo, designed to save the country from the forces of evil, and the king of this country -. His father
All Dogs Go to rayOvcharka Charlie and the pit bull Tuporyl own one of the most popular dog casinos in the city. Tuporyl decided that only he deserves to be the owner of the casino and get rid of Charlie. The latter, having got to heaven, immediately demands to return him to the ground - revenge and justice
Snack on kolesahNedavno Thomas and David moved from Tokyo to Barcelona to start their own business:. Enterprising guys opened a mobile snack bar in the van. Now they know everyone in the neighborhood, in fact - all of their love, both for the delicious food, and for its original approach to work and friendly attitude to each client. And it would be great if guys do not fall in love with the same girl - fatal beauty Sylvia
RusalochkaUpryamaya, curious, and the youngest mermaid Ariel appears briefly on the surface of the water.. Her father does not stop any ban, nor the huge ship, nor the people who sail on this ship. In one of them, the captain of the ship and part-load charming prince, Ariel falls in love at first sight. Now what do the poor princess, who does not even know what a "foot»
sorcerers employees of the institute "Nuin" Research Institute of the extraordinary universal services) important task: by December 31, they should be make a magic wand. Presentation of the invention, is scheduled for December 31, but is unlikely to be able to hold it in time - Director of the Institute opponents endlessly inventors inserted a stick in the wheel
. via www.ivi.ru/titr/goodmovies/welcome-to-1980-again
10 humane phrases creator of the hydrogen bomb Sakharov
25 films from the 1980s, who need to show their children