10 humane phrases creator of the hydrogen bomb Sakharov
Andrei Sakharov was a controversial figure: Soviet physicist, founder of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb, a Nobel Prize winner, and at the same time - the dissident and activist. Unforgettable Sakharov phrase, imbued with love for humanity, true humanism, Website published in this collection.
Disunity threatens him with the loss of humanity ... In the face of the danger of any action that increases the fragmentation of humanity, every sermon incompatibility of ideologies and nations of the world - the madness, crime
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Human society needs intellectual freedom - freedom to receive and impart information, freedom of unbiased and fearless discussion, freedom from authority and prejudices pressure
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I deny any significant deterrent effect of the death penalty on potential criminals. I believe the opposite - the brutality begets brutality
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Progress is inevitable, its termination would mean the death of civilization.
Progress is possible and safe only under the control of reason.
A nuclear war can arise out of the ordinary, and ordinary war, as we know, there is politics.
I do not doubt the vital importance of creating a Soviet super-weapon for our country and for the balance of the world.
It is better to release a certain number of people in some of those responsible, than detain and torture thousands of innocent.
Every sentient being, once on the edge of a precipice, first tries to move away from this region, and only then think about satisfying all other requirements. For humanity back from the brink - it means to overcome the fragmentation
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One should not become a chicken or rat in the famous experiments, experiencing electronic enjoyment of electrodes set into the brain.
via diletant.media/articles/28987666/

Disunity threatens him with the loss of humanity ... In the face of the danger of any action that increases the fragmentation of humanity, every sermon incompatibility of ideologies and nations of the world - the madness, crime
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Human society needs intellectual freedom - freedom to receive and impart information, freedom of unbiased and fearless discussion, freedom from authority and prejudices pressure
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I deny any significant deterrent effect of the death penalty on potential criminals. I believe the opposite - the brutality begets brutality
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Progress is inevitable, its termination would mean the death of civilization.
Progress is possible and safe only under the control of reason.
A nuclear war can arise out of the ordinary, and ordinary war, as we know, there is politics.
I do not doubt the vital importance of creating a Soviet super-weapon for our country and for the balance of the world.
It is better to release a certain number of people in some of those responsible, than detain and torture thousands of innocent.
Every sentient being, once on the edge of a precipice, first tries to move away from this region, and only then think about satisfying all other requirements. For humanity back from the brink - it means to overcome the fragmentation
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One should not become a chicken or rat in the famous experiments, experiencing electronic enjoyment of electrodes set into the brain.
via diletant.media/articles/28987666/
10 humane phrases creator of the hydrogen bomb Sakharov
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