Chronology of nuclear explosions
I propose to find out how a nuclear explosion occurs. We are talking about an air blast (like Hiroshima) at a height of about 1 kilometer megaton nuclear bomb. Taken from the wiki.
Time: 0s. Distance: 0m. Initiation of explosion of a nuclear detonator.
Time: 0.0000001c. Distance: 0m Temperature: up to 100 million. ° C. The beginning and the course of nuclear and thermonuclear reactions in charge. The nuclear detonator its explosion creates conditions to start fusion reactions: a zone of thermonuclear burning passes the shock wave in the substance of the charge at a rate of about 5000 km / s (106 - 107 m / s) Approximately 90% released during the reaction of neutrons absorbed substance bomb, the remaining 10% fly out.
Further, under the cut.
Time: 10-7c. Distance: 0m. Up to 80% more energy reactant transformed and released in the form of soft and hard X-ray UV light with great energy. X-rays generates a heat wave that heats the bomb goes out and starts to heat the surrounding air.
Time: & lt; 10-7c. Distance: 2 m Temperature: 30 million. ° C. The end of the reaction, the beginning of the dispersion of bomb material. Bomb immediately disappears from view, and in its place there is a bright luminous sphere (ball of fire), masking the dispersion of charge. The growth rate of the scope of the first few meters close to the speed of light. The density of the substance here as 0, 01 seconds drops to 1% of the density of the ambient air; temperature for 2, 6 seconds, drops to 7-8 thousand. ° C, ~ 5 seconds and kept on decreasing with the rise of a fiery sphere; pressure 2-3 seconds drops to slightly below atmospheric.
Time: 1.1h10-7c. Distance: 10m Temperature: 6 million. ° C. Expansion of the visible sphere to ~ 10 m comes at the expense of the glow of ionized air under the X-rays of nuclear reactions, and further diffusion of the radiation by the heated air. The energy of photons leaving the thermonuclear charge is that of the mean free path of air to capture particles of the order of 10 m and initially comparable to the size of the sphere; photons quickly run around the entire sphere, averaging its temperature and the speed of light are emitted from it, all the new layers of ionizing the air, hence the same temperature and near-light speed growth. Further, from capture to capture the photons lose energy and their path length is reduced, the growth slowed down the scope.
Time: 1.4h10-7c. Distance: 16m Temperature: 4 million. ° C. In general, from 7.10 to 0, 08 seconds goes 1st phase glow sphere with a rapid drop in temperature and output ~ 1% of the radiation energy, mostly in the form of UV rays and the brightest light that can damage vision in the distant observer without education skin burns. Illumination of the earth's surface in these moments at distances up to tens of kilometers can be a hundred or more times the sun.
Time: 1.7h10-7c. Distance: 21m Temperature: 3 million. ° C. Couples bomb in the form of clubs, dense clumps and streams of plasma piston is compressed in front of him the air and form a shock wave inside the sphere - the inner leap differs from the normal shock wave nonadiabatic nearly isothermal properties and the same pressures several times higher density: contracting jump air immediately emits most of its energy through radiation is transparent to the ball.
In the first ten meters of the surrounding objects in front of them a touch of the scope of the fire because of too much speed it did not have time to react - even virtually no heat, and once inside the scope of a radiation flux evaporate instantly.
Time: 0, 000001c. Distance: 34m Temperature: 2 million. ° C. The speed of 1000 km / s. With the growing scope and a drop in temperature and the energy of the photon flux density and reduced their range (about a meter) is not enough to near-light speed of expansion of fire front. The heated air volume began to expand, and the flow of the particles formed from the center of the explosion. Heatwave in still air at the boundary of the sphere slows down. Expanding the heated air inside the sphere runs into immobile at its borders, and somewhere since 36-37 m there is a wave of increasing the density - future external air blast; before that waves can not appear because of the tremendous growth rate of the light sphere.
Time: 0, 000001c. Distance: 34m Temperature: 2 million. ° C. And a pair of inner discontinuity bomb in a layer of 8-12 m from the explosion, the peak pressure of 000 to 17 MPa at 10, 5 m, density ~ 4 times the density of the air, the speed of about 100 km / s. Field of hot air: pressure at the interface 2.500 MPa, in the region up to 5000 MPa, the particle velocity of 16 km / s. The substance vapor bomb starts to lag behind ext. jump to the extent that as more air in it is drawn into the movement. Dense clumps and keep the speed of the jet.
Time: 0, 000034c. Distance: 42m Temperature: 1 million. ° C. Conditions in the epicenter of the explosion of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb (400kt at a height of 30 m), where the crater of about 50 meters in diameter and 8 meters deep. At 15 meters from the epicenter or 5-6 meters from the base of the tower with a charge was placed concrete bunker with walls of a thickness of 2 m. To place scientific instruments on top of a large mound covered with a thickness of 8 m of land destroyed.
Time: 0, 0036c. Distance: 60m Temperature: 600tys. ° C.S this point, the nature of the shock wave ceases to depend on the initial conditions of a nuclear explosion, and close to the model for a strong explosion in the air, that is, parameters such waves could be seen in the explosion of a large mass of conventional explosives.
Time: 0, 0036c. Distance: 60m Temperature: 600tys. ° C. Internal jump, having all of the isothermal sphere, catches and merges with the outside, increasing its density and forming t. N. strong jump - the united front of the shock wave. The density of matter in the field of atmospheric falls to 1/3.
Time: 0, 014c. Distance: 110m Temperature: 400tys. ° C. A similar shock wave at the epicenter of the explosion of the first Soviet nuclear bomb capacity of 22 kt at an altitude of 30 m generated a seismic shift that destroyed imitation metro tunnels with different types of mounting depths of 10 and 20 m to 30 m, the animals in the tunnels at depths of 10, 20 and 30 m were killed . On the surface there was a little-noticed saucer recess diameter of about 100 meters. Similar conditions were at the epicenter of the explosion, "Trinity" 21 kt at an altitude of 30 m crater diameter of 80 m and a depth of 2 m.
Time: 0, 004c. Distance: 135m Temperature: 300 thousands. ° C. The maximum height of the air blast to produce 1 Mt prominent crater in the ground. Front shock wave curved strokes clots vapor bomb:
Time: 0, 007c. Distance: 190m Temperature: 200 thousand. ° C. On a smooth and shiny as it beats the front. Large waves are formed blisters and bright spots (the sphere as it boils). The matter density in an isothermal sphere with a diameter of ~ 150 m falls below 10% atmospheric.
Nonmassive items evaporate a few meters before the arrival of AGN. sphere ("rope trick"); the human body by the explosion of time to char, and has completely evaporated with the arrival of a shock wave.
Time: 0, 01c. Distance: 214m Temperature: 200 thousand. ° C. Similar airblast first Soviet atomic bomb at a distance of 60 m (52 m from the epicenter) destroyed headroom trunks leading to simulate the underground tunnels at the epicenter (see. Above). Each headroom is a powerful concrete dungeon, covered a small dirt mound. Debris in the end walls have fallen trunks, and then crushed by recent seismic wave.
Time: 0, 015c. Distance: 250m Temperature: 170tys. ° C. The shock wave destroys much rocks. The shock wave velocity greater than the speed of sound in the metal: a theoretical tensile strength of the front door of the shelter; Tank flattened and burned.
Time: 0, 028c. Distance: 320m Temperature: 110tys. ° C. Man dissipates plasma flow (shock-wave velocity = speed of sound in the bones, the body breaks down into dust, and immediately burned). Complete destruction of the most solid ground buildings.
Time: 0, 073c. Distance: 400m Temperature: 80tys. ° C. Irregularities in the area disappear. The density of matter falls to the center of almost 1%, and at the edge of the isotherms. sphere Diamer ~ 320 m to 2% atmosfernoy.Na this distance between 1 and 5 with heating to 30 ° C and 000 drop to 7000 ° C, hold 5 ~ at ~ 6.500 ° C and lowering the temperature to 10-20 as leaving the fireball up.
Time: 0, 079c. Distance: 435m Temperature: 110tys. ° C. Complete destruction of roads with asphalt and concrete pavement minimum temperature radiation of the shock wave, the end of the 1st phase of the glow. Refuge type subway lined cast iron tubings and monolithic reinforced concrete and zaglublёnnoe 18 m Calculation able to withstand without breaking the explosion (40 kt) at a height of 30 m at a minimum distance of 150 m (pressure shock wave about 5 MPa), tested 38 kt RDS- 2 at a distance of 235 m (pressure ~ 1, 5 MPa), received minor strain injury. At temperatures in the front compression 80tys below. ° C the new NO2 molecule is no longer there, a layer of nitrogen dioxide gradually disappears and is no longer shield the inner radiation. Shock sphere gradually becomes transparent, and through it as through a darkened glass, while clubs are visible vapor bomb and isothermal sphere; in general, the fiery sphere similar to fireworks. Then, with increasing transparency, the radiation intensity increases, and details as to the scope erupted again become visible. The process resembles the ending of an era and the birth of the recombination of light in the universe a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang.
Time: 0, 1c. Distance: 530m Temperature: USD 70 thousand. ° C. Separation and maintenance ahead of the shock wave from the boundary of the fiery sphere, its growth rate is markedly reduced. Comes 2nd phase glow less intense but more than two orders long a yield of 99% of the radiation energy of the explosion is mainly in the visible and IR spectrum. In the first hundred meters a person does not have time to see the explosion and dies without pain (visual reaction time of the person 0 1 - 0, 3 seconds reaction time to burn 0, 15 - 0, 2).
Time: 0, 15c. Distance: 580m Temperature: 65tys. ° C. Radiation ~ 100 000 Gy. From the charred remains of human bone fragments (shock-wave velocity of the order of the speed of sound in the soft tissues: the body goes destroys cells and tissues hydrodynamic shock).
Time: 0, 25c. Distance: 630M Temperature: 50 thousand. ° C. Ionizing radiation ~ 40,000 Gy. Man turns into a charred wreckage: the shock wave causes a traumatic amputatsiia came up a fraction of a second. chars fiery sphere remains. Complete destruction of the tank. Complete destruction of underground cable lines, water, gas, sewer, manholes. The destruction of underground w / w pipe diameter of 1, 5 m, with a wall thickness of 0, 2m. Destruction of a concrete arch dam. Strong long-term destruction of the concrete fortsooruzheny. Minor damage to underground structures subway.
Time: 0, 4c. Distance: 800m Temperature: 40 thousand. ° C. Heating facilities up to 3000 ° C. Ionizing radiation ~ 20,000 Gy. Complete destruction of civil defense structures (shelters) destruction of the protective devices in the subway. Destruction of a concrete gravity dam bunkers have become unfit for combat distance of 250 m.
Time: 0, 73c. Distance: 1200m Temperature: 17tys. ° C. Radiation ~ 5000 Gr. At an altitude of 1200 m blast heating of surface air in the midst of beats before the arrival. waves of up to 900 ° C. The man - a 100% death from the effects of the shock wave. The destruction of shelters, designed for 200 kPa (type A-III or Class 3). Complete destruction of concrete bunkers precast at a distance of 500 m on the ground conditions of the explosion. Complete destruction of railway tracks. The maximum brightness of the second phase of emission sphere by this time it had allocated about 20% of the light energy
Time: 1, 4c. Distance: 1600m Temperature: 12tys. ° C. Heating facilities up to 200 ° C. Radiation 500 Gy. Numerous 3-4 degree burns up to 60-90% of the body surface, the heavy radiation injury, combined with other injuries, mortality immediately or up to 100% on the first day. Tank discarded ~ 10m and damaged. Full rezrushenie metal and concrete bridges span of 30 - 50 m.
Time: 1, 6c. Distance: 1750m Temperature: 10 thousand. ° C. Radiation approx. 70 Gy. The crew dies within 2-3 weeks from the extremely severe radiation sickness. Complete destruction of concrete, reinforced concrete monolithic (low-rise) and earthquake-resistant buildings 0, 2 MPa, shelters built and detached, designed for 100 kPa (type-IV or grade 4), shelters in the basements of multistory buildings.
Time: 1, 9c. Distance: 1900m Temperature: 9tys. ° C Danger of human shock wave and throw up to 300 m at an initial rate of up to 400 km / h, are 100-150 m (0, 3-0, 5 way) free flight, and the rest of the distance - Numerous bounce on the ground. Radiation 50 Gy - fulminant form of radiation sickness [100% mortality within 6-9 days. The destruction of the built-in shelters for 50 kPa. Severe destruction of earthquake-resistant buildings. The pressure of 0, 12 MPa and above - all urban development dense and rarefied turns into solid obstructions (blockages individual merge into one solid), the height of the debris may be 3-4 m. Flame Orb at this time reaches the maximum size (D ~ 2km) It dominates the bottom of the reflected shock wave from the ground and begins to rise; isothermal sphere it collapses, forming a fast upward flow of the epicenter - the future Stipe.
Time: 2, 6c. Distance: 2200m Temperature: 7, 5 thousand. ° C. Heavy defeat human shock. ~ 10 Gy radiation - extremely severe acute radiation sickness, a combination of injuries 100% mortality within 1-2 weeks. Safe location in the tank, in the fortified basement with reinforced w / w floors, and in most shelters GO destruction of trucks. 0, 1 MPa - design pressure of the shock wave for the structural design and safety devices underground facilities shallow underground lines.
Time: 3, 8c. Distance: 2800m Temperature: 7, 5 thousand. ° C. Radiation 1 Gy - in a peaceful environment, and timely treatment of benign radiation injury, but related accident unsanitary conditions and heavy physical and psychological stress, lack of health care, nutrition and proper rest to half the casualty die only on radiation and related diseases, and on the amount of damage ( plus injuries and burns) much more. Pressure less than 0, 1 MPa - urban areas with dense buildings are converted into solid debris. Complete destruction of basements without strengthening structures 0, 075 MPa. Average destruction earthquake-resistant buildings 0, 08-0, 12 MPa. Severe damage to the precast concrete bunkers type. The detonation of fireworks.
Time: 6c. Distance: 3600m Temperature: 4, 5 thousand. ° C. The average person shock defeat. Radiation ~ 0, 05 Gy - the dose is not dangerous. People and objects leave "shadow" on the pavement. Complete destruction of frame multi-storey administrative (office) buildings (0, 05-0, 06 MPa), the simplest type of shelters; powerful and complete destruction of the massive industrial buildings. Almost all the city's buildings destroyed with the formation of local blockages (one house - a blockage). Complete destruction of cars, the complete destruction of the forest. Electromagnetic pulse ~ 3 kV / m electric strikes insensitive. The destruction similar to zemletryaseniyu10 ball. Sphere turned into a fiery dome bubble pop up, dragging along a column of smoke and dust from the surface of the land: the characteristic blast fungus growing from the initial vertical speed of 500 km / h. The wind speed at the surface to the epicenter about 100 km / h.
Time: 10c. Distance: 6400m Temperature: 2tys. ° C. End effective time of the second phase of the glow, highlighting ~ 80% of the total energy of light. The remaining 20% is not dangerous is displayed for about a minute with a continuous decrease in the intensity is gradually lost in the clouds clubs. The destruction of the shelters simplest type (0, 035-0, 05 MPa). In the first kilometers of the person does not hear the roar of the explosion because of the defeat of hearing the shock wave. Garbage human shock wave 20 ~ m ~ with an initial velocity of 30 km / h. Complete destruction of multistory brick buildings, prefabricated houses, severely damaged warehouses mean the destruction of frame office buildings. The destruction similar to the earthquake of 8 points. Safe in almost any basement.
The glow of a fiery dome ceases to be dangerous, it turns into a cloud of fire, growing with the rise in the volume; fiery gases in the cloud starts to rotate in a toroidal vortex; Hot combustion products are located in the upper part of the cloud. The flow of dusty air in the column moves twice as fast lifting "mushroom", catches a cloud passes through, and diverges as it is wound on it as a ring-shaped coil.
Time: 15c. Distance: 7500m. Light destruction of human shock. Third-degree burns of exposed parts of the body. Complete destruction of wooden houses, severely damaged brick apartment buildings 0, 02-0, 03MPa, mean the destruction of brick warehouses, multi-storey reinforced concrete, prefabricated houses; weak destruction of office buildings 0, 02-0, 03 MPa, and massive industrial facilities. Inflammation of the car. 6 earthquake devastation similar to a ball., 12 hurricane ball. to 39 m / s.
Time: 0s. Distance: 0m. Initiation of explosion of a nuclear detonator.
Time: 0.0000001c. Distance: 0m Temperature: up to 100 million. ° C. The beginning and the course of nuclear and thermonuclear reactions in charge. The nuclear detonator its explosion creates conditions to start fusion reactions: a zone of thermonuclear burning passes the shock wave in the substance of the charge at a rate of about 5000 km / s (106 - 107 m / s) Approximately 90% released during the reaction of neutrons absorbed substance bomb, the remaining 10% fly out.
Further, under the cut.

Time: 10-7c. Distance: 0m. Up to 80% more energy reactant transformed and released in the form of soft and hard X-ray UV light with great energy. X-rays generates a heat wave that heats the bomb goes out and starts to heat the surrounding air.
Time: & lt; 10-7c. Distance: 2 m Temperature: 30 million. ° C. The end of the reaction, the beginning of the dispersion of bomb material. Bomb immediately disappears from view, and in its place there is a bright luminous sphere (ball of fire), masking the dispersion of charge. The growth rate of the scope of the first few meters close to the speed of light. The density of the substance here as 0, 01 seconds drops to 1% of the density of the ambient air; temperature for 2, 6 seconds, drops to 7-8 thousand. ° C, ~ 5 seconds and kept on decreasing with the rise of a fiery sphere; pressure 2-3 seconds drops to slightly below atmospheric.
Time: 1.1h10-7c. Distance: 10m Temperature: 6 million. ° C. Expansion of the visible sphere to ~ 10 m comes at the expense of the glow of ionized air under the X-rays of nuclear reactions, and further diffusion of the radiation by the heated air. The energy of photons leaving the thermonuclear charge is that of the mean free path of air to capture particles of the order of 10 m and initially comparable to the size of the sphere; photons quickly run around the entire sphere, averaging its temperature and the speed of light are emitted from it, all the new layers of ionizing the air, hence the same temperature and near-light speed growth. Further, from capture to capture the photons lose energy and their path length is reduced, the growth slowed down the scope.
Time: 1.4h10-7c. Distance: 16m Temperature: 4 million. ° C. In general, from 7.10 to 0, 08 seconds goes 1st phase glow sphere with a rapid drop in temperature and output ~ 1% of the radiation energy, mostly in the form of UV rays and the brightest light that can damage vision in the distant observer without education skin burns. Illumination of the earth's surface in these moments at distances up to tens of kilometers can be a hundred or more times the sun.
Time: 1.7h10-7c. Distance: 21m Temperature: 3 million. ° C. Couples bomb in the form of clubs, dense clumps and streams of plasma piston is compressed in front of him the air and form a shock wave inside the sphere - the inner leap differs from the normal shock wave nonadiabatic nearly isothermal properties and the same pressures several times higher density: contracting jump air immediately emits most of its energy through radiation is transparent to the ball.
In the first ten meters of the surrounding objects in front of them a touch of the scope of the fire because of too much speed it did not have time to react - even virtually no heat, and once inside the scope of a radiation flux evaporate instantly.
Time: 0, 000001c. Distance: 34m Temperature: 2 million. ° C. The speed of 1000 km / s. With the growing scope and a drop in temperature and the energy of the photon flux density and reduced their range (about a meter) is not enough to near-light speed of expansion of fire front. The heated air volume began to expand, and the flow of the particles formed from the center of the explosion. Heatwave in still air at the boundary of the sphere slows down. Expanding the heated air inside the sphere runs into immobile at its borders, and somewhere since 36-37 m there is a wave of increasing the density - future external air blast; before that waves can not appear because of the tremendous growth rate of the light sphere.
Time: 0, 000001c. Distance: 34m Temperature: 2 million. ° C. And a pair of inner discontinuity bomb in a layer of 8-12 m from the explosion, the peak pressure of 000 to 17 MPa at 10, 5 m, density ~ 4 times the density of the air, the speed of about 100 km / s. Field of hot air: pressure at the interface 2.500 MPa, in the region up to 5000 MPa, the particle velocity of 16 km / s. The substance vapor bomb starts to lag behind ext. jump to the extent that as more air in it is drawn into the movement. Dense clumps and keep the speed of the jet.
Time: 0, 000034c. Distance: 42m Temperature: 1 million. ° C. Conditions in the epicenter of the explosion of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb (400kt at a height of 30 m), where the crater of about 50 meters in diameter and 8 meters deep. At 15 meters from the epicenter or 5-6 meters from the base of the tower with a charge was placed concrete bunker with walls of a thickness of 2 m. To place scientific instruments on top of a large mound covered with a thickness of 8 m of land destroyed.
Time: 0, 0036c. Distance: 60m Temperature: 600tys. ° C.S this point, the nature of the shock wave ceases to depend on the initial conditions of a nuclear explosion, and close to the model for a strong explosion in the air, that is, parameters such waves could be seen in the explosion of a large mass of conventional explosives.
Time: 0, 0036c. Distance: 60m Temperature: 600tys. ° C. Internal jump, having all of the isothermal sphere, catches and merges with the outside, increasing its density and forming t. N. strong jump - the united front of the shock wave. The density of matter in the field of atmospheric falls to 1/3.
Time: 0, 014c. Distance: 110m Temperature: 400tys. ° C. A similar shock wave at the epicenter of the explosion of the first Soviet nuclear bomb capacity of 22 kt at an altitude of 30 m generated a seismic shift that destroyed imitation metro tunnels with different types of mounting depths of 10 and 20 m to 30 m, the animals in the tunnels at depths of 10, 20 and 30 m were killed . On the surface there was a little-noticed saucer recess diameter of about 100 meters. Similar conditions were at the epicenter of the explosion, "Trinity" 21 kt at an altitude of 30 m crater diameter of 80 m and a depth of 2 m.
Time: 0, 004c. Distance: 135m Temperature: 300 thousands. ° C. The maximum height of the air blast to produce 1 Mt prominent crater in the ground. Front shock wave curved strokes clots vapor bomb:
Time: 0, 007c. Distance: 190m Temperature: 200 thousand. ° C. On a smooth and shiny as it beats the front. Large waves are formed blisters and bright spots (the sphere as it boils). The matter density in an isothermal sphere with a diameter of ~ 150 m falls below 10% atmospheric.
Nonmassive items evaporate a few meters before the arrival of AGN. sphere ("rope trick"); the human body by the explosion of time to char, and has completely evaporated with the arrival of a shock wave.
Time: 0, 01c. Distance: 214m Temperature: 200 thousand. ° C. Similar airblast first Soviet atomic bomb at a distance of 60 m (52 m from the epicenter) destroyed headroom trunks leading to simulate the underground tunnels at the epicenter (see. Above). Each headroom is a powerful concrete dungeon, covered a small dirt mound. Debris in the end walls have fallen trunks, and then crushed by recent seismic wave.
Time: 0, 015c. Distance: 250m Temperature: 170tys. ° C. The shock wave destroys much rocks. The shock wave velocity greater than the speed of sound in the metal: a theoretical tensile strength of the front door of the shelter; Tank flattened and burned.
Time: 0, 028c. Distance: 320m Temperature: 110tys. ° C. Man dissipates plasma flow (shock-wave velocity = speed of sound in the bones, the body breaks down into dust, and immediately burned). Complete destruction of the most solid ground buildings.
Time: 0, 073c. Distance: 400m Temperature: 80tys. ° C. Irregularities in the area disappear. The density of matter falls to the center of almost 1%, and at the edge of the isotherms. sphere Diamer ~ 320 m to 2% atmosfernoy.Na this distance between 1 and 5 with heating to 30 ° C and 000 drop to 7000 ° C, hold 5 ~ at ~ 6.500 ° C and lowering the temperature to 10-20 as leaving the fireball up.
Time: 0, 079c. Distance: 435m Temperature: 110tys. ° C. Complete destruction of roads with asphalt and concrete pavement minimum temperature radiation of the shock wave, the end of the 1st phase of the glow. Refuge type subway lined cast iron tubings and monolithic reinforced concrete and zaglublёnnoe 18 m Calculation able to withstand without breaking the explosion (40 kt) at a height of 30 m at a minimum distance of 150 m (pressure shock wave about 5 MPa), tested 38 kt RDS- 2 at a distance of 235 m (pressure ~ 1, 5 MPa), received minor strain injury. At temperatures in the front compression 80tys below. ° C the new NO2 molecule is no longer there, a layer of nitrogen dioxide gradually disappears and is no longer shield the inner radiation. Shock sphere gradually becomes transparent, and through it as through a darkened glass, while clubs are visible vapor bomb and isothermal sphere; in general, the fiery sphere similar to fireworks. Then, with increasing transparency, the radiation intensity increases, and details as to the scope erupted again become visible. The process resembles the ending of an era and the birth of the recombination of light in the universe a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang.
Time: 0, 1c. Distance: 530m Temperature: USD 70 thousand. ° C. Separation and maintenance ahead of the shock wave from the boundary of the fiery sphere, its growth rate is markedly reduced. Comes 2nd phase glow less intense but more than two orders long a yield of 99% of the radiation energy of the explosion is mainly in the visible and IR spectrum. In the first hundred meters a person does not have time to see the explosion and dies without pain (visual reaction time of the person 0 1 - 0, 3 seconds reaction time to burn 0, 15 - 0, 2).
Time: 0, 15c. Distance: 580m Temperature: 65tys. ° C. Radiation ~ 100 000 Gy. From the charred remains of human bone fragments (shock-wave velocity of the order of the speed of sound in the soft tissues: the body goes destroys cells and tissues hydrodynamic shock).
Time: 0, 25c. Distance: 630M Temperature: 50 thousand. ° C. Ionizing radiation ~ 40,000 Gy. Man turns into a charred wreckage: the shock wave causes a traumatic amputatsiia came up a fraction of a second. chars fiery sphere remains. Complete destruction of the tank. Complete destruction of underground cable lines, water, gas, sewer, manholes. The destruction of underground w / w pipe diameter of 1, 5 m, with a wall thickness of 0, 2m. Destruction of a concrete arch dam. Strong long-term destruction of the concrete fortsooruzheny. Minor damage to underground structures subway.
Time: 0, 4c. Distance: 800m Temperature: 40 thousand. ° C. Heating facilities up to 3000 ° C. Ionizing radiation ~ 20,000 Gy. Complete destruction of civil defense structures (shelters) destruction of the protective devices in the subway. Destruction of a concrete gravity dam bunkers have become unfit for combat distance of 250 m.
Time: 0, 73c. Distance: 1200m Temperature: 17tys. ° C. Radiation ~ 5000 Gr. At an altitude of 1200 m blast heating of surface air in the midst of beats before the arrival. waves of up to 900 ° C. The man - a 100% death from the effects of the shock wave. The destruction of shelters, designed for 200 kPa (type A-III or Class 3). Complete destruction of concrete bunkers precast at a distance of 500 m on the ground conditions of the explosion. Complete destruction of railway tracks. The maximum brightness of the second phase of emission sphere by this time it had allocated about 20% of the light energy
Time: 1, 4c. Distance: 1600m Temperature: 12tys. ° C. Heating facilities up to 200 ° C. Radiation 500 Gy. Numerous 3-4 degree burns up to 60-90% of the body surface, the heavy radiation injury, combined with other injuries, mortality immediately or up to 100% on the first day. Tank discarded ~ 10m and damaged. Full rezrushenie metal and concrete bridges span of 30 - 50 m.
Time: 1, 6c. Distance: 1750m Temperature: 10 thousand. ° C. Radiation approx. 70 Gy. The crew dies within 2-3 weeks from the extremely severe radiation sickness. Complete destruction of concrete, reinforced concrete monolithic (low-rise) and earthquake-resistant buildings 0, 2 MPa, shelters built and detached, designed for 100 kPa (type-IV or grade 4), shelters in the basements of multistory buildings.
Time: 1, 9c. Distance: 1900m Temperature: 9tys. ° C Danger of human shock wave and throw up to 300 m at an initial rate of up to 400 km / h, are 100-150 m (0, 3-0, 5 way) free flight, and the rest of the distance - Numerous bounce on the ground. Radiation 50 Gy - fulminant form of radiation sickness [100% mortality within 6-9 days. The destruction of the built-in shelters for 50 kPa. Severe destruction of earthquake-resistant buildings. The pressure of 0, 12 MPa and above - all urban development dense and rarefied turns into solid obstructions (blockages individual merge into one solid), the height of the debris may be 3-4 m. Flame Orb at this time reaches the maximum size (D ~ 2km) It dominates the bottom of the reflected shock wave from the ground and begins to rise; isothermal sphere it collapses, forming a fast upward flow of the epicenter - the future Stipe.
Time: 2, 6c. Distance: 2200m Temperature: 7, 5 thousand. ° C. Heavy defeat human shock. ~ 10 Gy radiation - extremely severe acute radiation sickness, a combination of injuries 100% mortality within 1-2 weeks. Safe location in the tank, in the fortified basement with reinforced w / w floors, and in most shelters GO destruction of trucks. 0, 1 MPa - design pressure of the shock wave for the structural design and safety devices underground facilities shallow underground lines.
Time: 3, 8c. Distance: 2800m Temperature: 7, 5 thousand. ° C. Radiation 1 Gy - in a peaceful environment, and timely treatment of benign radiation injury, but related accident unsanitary conditions and heavy physical and psychological stress, lack of health care, nutrition and proper rest to half the casualty die only on radiation and related diseases, and on the amount of damage ( plus injuries and burns) much more. Pressure less than 0, 1 MPa - urban areas with dense buildings are converted into solid debris. Complete destruction of basements without strengthening structures 0, 075 MPa. Average destruction earthquake-resistant buildings 0, 08-0, 12 MPa. Severe damage to the precast concrete bunkers type. The detonation of fireworks.
Time: 6c. Distance: 3600m Temperature: 4, 5 thousand. ° C. The average person shock defeat. Radiation ~ 0, 05 Gy - the dose is not dangerous. People and objects leave "shadow" on the pavement. Complete destruction of frame multi-storey administrative (office) buildings (0, 05-0, 06 MPa), the simplest type of shelters; powerful and complete destruction of the massive industrial buildings. Almost all the city's buildings destroyed with the formation of local blockages (one house - a blockage). Complete destruction of cars, the complete destruction of the forest. Electromagnetic pulse ~ 3 kV / m electric strikes insensitive. The destruction similar to zemletryaseniyu10 ball. Sphere turned into a fiery dome bubble pop up, dragging along a column of smoke and dust from the surface of the land: the characteristic blast fungus growing from the initial vertical speed of 500 km / h. The wind speed at the surface to the epicenter about 100 km / h.
Time: 10c. Distance: 6400m Temperature: 2tys. ° C. End effective time of the second phase of the glow, highlighting ~ 80% of the total energy of light. The remaining 20% is not dangerous is displayed for about a minute with a continuous decrease in the intensity is gradually lost in the clouds clubs. The destruction of the shelters simplest type (0, 035-0, 05 MPa). In the first kilometers of the person does not hear the roar of the explosion because of the defeat of hearing the shock wave. Garbage human shock wave 20 ~ m ~ with an initial velocity of 30 km / h. Complete destruction of multistory brick buildings, prefabricated houses, severely damaged warehouses mean the destruction of frame office buildings. The destruction similar to the earthquake of 8 points. Safe in almost any basement.
The glow of a fiery dome ceases to be dangerous, it turns into a cloud of fire, growing with the rise in the volume; fiery gases in the cloud starts to rotate in a toroidal vortex; Hot combustion products are located in the upper part of the cloud. The flow of dusty air in the column moves twice as fast lifting "mushroom", catches a cloud passes through, and diverges as it is wound on it as a ring-shaped coil.
Time: 15c. Distance: 7500m. Light destruction of human shock. Third-degree burns of exposed parts of the body. Complete destruction of wooden houses, severely damaged brick apartment buildings 0, 02-0, 03MPa, mean the destruction of brick warehouses, multi-storey reinforced concrete, prefabricated houses; weak destruction of office buildings 0, 02-0, 03 MPa, and massive industrial facilities. Inflammation of the car. 6 earthquake devastation similar to a ball., 12 hurricane ball. to 39 m / s.