Instructions on actions in the nuclear impact (for Moscow's true, but nevertheless)
In any case, nada know
In all seriousness
Instructions on actions with an atomic strike
For Official Use
Events on the situation "Atomic alarm»:
Civil Defense Headquarters in Moscow
Department of Emergencies Ministry
Manual fire, emergency, rescue and medical services
§1. Preliminary information.
eleven. The most likely time a nuclear strike by Moscow - about 18 pm Moscow time. This is due to the fact that:
a) 10 am Washington time to prepare and make a shot in the morning during the work of relevant law enforcement agencies without attracting early attention to the activity of our intelligence agencies possible opponent after hours;
b) all kinds of urban and long-distance communication at the end of the day overwhelmed and coordination of emergency defensive measures is difficult;
c) attention to duty services at this time is reduced;
d) a significant part of the population is on the road between the places of work and residence, which further complicates the coordination of measures and actions;
d) transport arteries paralyzed by traffic jams and are in their population before the first unprotected affecting factors.
12. The most likely power thermonuclear warheads - from 2 to 10 megatons. Heavy Duty ammunition limited by the means of delivery and is caused by a large area of the metropolis of Moscow, the concentration therein of central intelligence and defense departments and enterprises, and on the perimeter - zone missile and aircraft systems cover, but first of all - high security shelters presidential and governmental apparatus and services Department of the Ministry of Defence, is the main goal.
13. The most likely time from alarm signal "Atomic Alarm!" Until striking a blow:
a) about 14 minutes at the start of ground-based launchers from the territory of the Americas;
b) about 7 minutes at launch carrier rockets with a sea-based missile submarine, occupying positions in the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean.
This corresponds to a flight time of ballistic missiles, moving in space nadatmosfernom ballistic trajectory at a speed of the order of the first space, t. E. 7, 9 km / s, or approx. 28 000 km / h. Almost in combat conditions may provide some glitches and delays in communication, which can reduce the time really alert to a few minutes.
§2. Signal "Atomic Alarm!" Votes cast for all channels broadcasting, as well as duplicated whistles railway locomotives and boats - one long beep and two short, repeated several times.
§3. Persons provided for shall be ex officio shelters immediately begin to act according to the evacuation plan in case of nuclear anxiety under the guidance of authorized civil defense commanders or buildings, or team leaders, or their own. Act should not panic, orderly, without the slightest delay. Any manifestation of panic must immediately be stopped by any means possible, including the use of force and weapons.
No more than 6 minutes (or earlier on the orders of senior Asylum, make sure you have a safe haven assigned teams at full strength) after the first warning signal all the entrances to the shelter should be closed and locked in combat mode, regardless of the cases had not managed to hide in them, and the number of remaining outside. Attempts to prevent the closure of input from all parties, without exception, should immediately be suppressed by any means including the use of weapons.
§4. At the signal "Atomic Alarm!" Persons who have not secured shelters operate independently, depending on where they currently are, without delay and panic taking all necessary measures for the protection and hiding from the effects of nuclear destruction. Should act calmly, competently, evaluating the specific conditions of their residence, voice and action of inducing others to follow his example and inspiring confidence. The first step is to take care of the safety of children and women, and the elderly.
4.1. If the house has a basement, you should take shelter in the basement. The slots in the doors should be shut any tissue, it may be wet. With a helpful take a small supply of drinking water.
4.2. While in the building, it is better to take refuge indoors - inner hallway, bathroom, closet - which is separated from the exterior walls of the additional partition and has no windows. It is also useful to plug the cracks in the door and stock up on water.
4.3. In the room with the window lie down on the floor with his feet toward the outside wall, covering his head with his hands. Select a location below or to the side of the window, the light shines on you as possible. It is better to take refuge from the world in a heavy object - a wardrobe, a sofa, a desk.
4.4. Located on the streets should immediately take shelter in buildings, even in their porches, or apply other natural shelter, which include:
a) underground - the best of all possible shelters;
b) any basements, boiler rooms, parking garages;
c) manholes and underground tunnels all routes;
d) the foundations and lower areas of new buildings;
d) underpasses and road tunnels;
e) storage, underground toilets, etc.
4.5. Being in the public land transport, should leave immediately and take shelter (see. Above).
4.6. While in the car, you should leave immediately and take shelter (see. Above). When the vehicle is in a tunnel should stop it. If it is impossible to leave the car in the traffic jam or absence of nearby shelters should lie on the floor between the seats and cover the head with his hands, protection from radiation from the outside.
4.7. If it is impossible to hide in any room lie on the ground in front of a wall, opposite the city center, where there will be the epicenter of the explosion. Try to choose a closed on all sides by the yard-well or a narrow passage between buildings.
4.8. While in the park area away from possible shelters - Define a thick tree or a hill or ditch, or any uneven terrain, or monument, and lie to his feet, facing the center of the city, where there will be the epicenter of the explosion. This prevents you from radiant heat, which is a major damaging factor.
4.9. All entrances to the subway on the alert be closed immediately. Any manifestation of panic among the population or attempt to counteract the immediate closure inputs are suppressed immediately pickets the police station staff by appropriate means including the use of weapons to defeat. However:
a) All the escalators are switched on the descent; After
gathering all citizens of the platforms of stations all escalators are stopped;
b) the personnel of stations of all the equipment switches Energy Emergency in economic mode;
c) from the train station is not sent; train tunnels are on stages, continue to move to the nearest station and remain on or within close as possible;
d) train themselves in hauls on the open space, must reach the entrances to tunnels and possibly delve into them.
§5. In clear cloudless weather in the daytime approach of decreasing the warhead can be identified by a white vapor trail, like the following from the aircraft at a higher altitude, the descending arch of the upper layers of the atmosphere in the direction of the center of Moscow with great speed. Remember the sound of flies and falling warheads will not be heard due to its supersonic speed.
§6. With modern precision guidance epicenter of the explosion will be located within the Boulevard Ring, focusing on the area of the Kremlin-Lubyanka-Arbat.
§7. In Moscow, we should expect ground explosion. This somewhat reduces the range of the total lesion compared with overhead explosion, but increases the power of the seismic waves, which leads to dirt shifting of type tectonic perturbations character similar to an earthquake a large power in the upper layers, resulting in crushing and degradation even considerably recessed shelters increased safety level in radius ten to fifteen kilometers.
§8. Thermal damaging factors.
8.1. At the epicenter of the explosion there is light flash, brightness observed many times superior sunlight. For 0, 03-0, 04 sec. drawn up in a dazzling flash of luminous sphere 1, 5 2 km in diameter, with a temperature of 10-20 million, "S. It covers the city center within a radius of Boulevard Ring - Kremlin - Glade, all, part of this space, immediately ceases to exist, turning into a plasma state.
8.2. Within a radius of 3-4 km instantly evaporate and incinerates all objects of organic origin, is directly exposed to the direct heat radiation of the explosion (neukrytye people, animals, plants, the wooden parts of buildings, facing the explosion). Melt, vaporize instantly burn asphalt pavements, metal fences, roofs and parts of structures of buildings, concrete and brick walls, in Vol. H. With a stone and ceramic facings, both open to the direct heat radiation of the explosion, and nestled at a depth of several meters . All substances are sheltered organic and inorganic heat-resistant, radius Garden Ring immediately after the moment of explosion burns for a few seconds with the temperature in the tens of thousands of degrees.
8.3. Within a radius of 20-25 km erupt all facing the blast and thermal radiation immediately available wood, plastic, painted surfaces, plants, burn through the metal roof, melted concrete, brick, glass, metal, stone; burn window frames, glass evaporate, melt the wire lights up the asphalt. The zone covers the active fire instantly inside the city within the Ring Road. Outside the MKAD ring wildfire occurs. Flammable completely built-up arrays and green space. Reservoirs of the Moskva River and the Yauza evaporate, boil the upper layer of the Khimki Reservoir.
Remember: the direct radiation heat exposure continues from fractions of a second to a few seconds or even up to a few tens of seconds, depending on the power of the explosion and extends in a straight line, t. E. Any obstacle between you and the explosion in the shade of which you yourself can save you lives in a situation of sufficient distance from the epicenter.
§9. Damaging factors of the shock wave.
9.1. The action of the shock air wave begins at the moment of explosion, and should be followed by thermal radiation, but lagging behind its instant impact as the distance from the epicenter more and for a longer period of time, the second zone of destruction rate of air shock wave reaches 1-5 thousand m / s, i.e. everything in this area, already subjected to thermal influence, the demolition of a massive explosion in the direction from the epicenter to the periphery, becoming a leveled surface of crushed debris burning with high temperatures (ie. n. "deflation landscape"). Shredded pieces of burning materials, is located between the radii of the Boulevard and the Garden Ring, the shock wave emitted by the expanding concentric circle in zone three.
9.2. In the third zone, t. E. Within Moscow within the Ring Road, the speed of the shock wave is somewhat reduced, especially at the surface, but remains above the supersonic, t. E. Up to 300-500 m / s on the border of Moscow, which causes instant destruction all ground buildings, as tall and low rise. Glowing and burning of the surface facing the epicenter, mixing with other demolition materials, give the so-called "Fiery carpet" with a temperature that ensures the burning metal and melting ceramics. During the passage of the shock wave of the individual parts and parts move through the air at speeds of the order of artillery shells usugublinya process of destruction of everything that rises above the surface. All stands are pulled out, the water from all water bodies "squeezed".
9.3. Surrounding woods outside Moscow, towns and airports are also subject to full or preferential destruction, partial or total breakdown and combustion.
9.4. Inside, the entire affected area, a region sharply reduced atmospheric pressure due to both burn oxygen in the air, and the concentric "moving apart" air masses. Consequently, soon after the passage of a shock wave arises "reverse shock wave", directed to the epicenter. It is characterized by a significantly lower rate commensurate with the speed of an ordinary hurricane, but it brings the whole sunbathing area weight of fresh oxygen, which creates the effect of "bellows", creating t. N. "Firestorm" in the entire area affected. Area within the Ring Road upodoblinetsya razrovnennoy surface of hot coals in the firebox.
§10. Seismic ground impact of the explosion is "earthquake effect" with sealing and sliding the surface layers. All underground structures within the underground Circle line and her closest stations are destroyed and fall down completely. All the air-raid shelter within the Garden Ring is completely destroyed. All basements within the boundaries of Moscow destroyed completely. All sewage and ventilation underground facilities in the area, "Prospect Mira", "zoo", "Serpukhov", "Lenin Square" are crushed, broken and fall down. All entrances and exits of subway ventilation shafts, spare and service outlets fall down, or crushed, or completely blocked by a layer of red-hot mass on the surface.
§eleven. Exterior painting of the explosion looks usually characteristic of a thermonuclear explosion of high power. White plasma sphere, covering, like a two-kilometer hood, the center of Moscow and exceeding four times the height of the Ostankino TV tower, after a few seconds starts to dim, smoky purple veil be drawn and separated from the surface, "surfacing" up. Burning city "lies" in all directions, like a circle of dominoes, covered with swirling smoke and streams of fire and smoke rush from the periphery of the circle of the Moscow Ring Road to the rising field, forming characteristic "Stipe" that expands the bottom up to the limits of the affected area, tapering at the top of the sphere that envelops a cloud of "mushroom cap". Billowing smoke at the foot of the fungus reaches the height of kilometer diameter "legs" is narrowed to eight - thousand meters under the "hat." "Mushroom" continues to rise, and although the rise is as slow as a result of its huge size, three to five minutes, the height
it reaches 25-35 km. With the explosion of high power, this pattern can be up to several hours.
§12. Himself fire, not giving the possibility to start any whatsoever rescue work can continue, taking into account the affected area of the metropolis of Moscow, up to several days.
§13. High radiation level will not allow any start whatever rescue operations in the city earlier than 15-20 days, except for special actions of special importance. Carrying out any rescue operations should be considered as appropriate in the zone near the line of 5-10 km MKAD.
§14. Funnel in the epicenter of the explosion is a crater with a diameter of about 2 km and a depth in the center to 200-300 m. Its surface is a glassy mass thickness of up to 10-12 m.
The second zone of destruction is a relatively flat surface covered with a glassy layer of caked masses thickness 0, 3-0, 9 m.
The third zone is a lesion bumpy surface, a large part of the coated sintered vitreous mass thickness from several millimeters to several centimeters.
Tests of such munitions, held both the USSR and the United States and France, with the reliability has shown that attempts to conduct any rescue operations in these radii have no real reason. The defeat of the open and sheltered manpower, equipment and buildings up to 100%. Rescue work should focus on resettlement and assistance to people who find themselves outside the immediate area of defeat, beyond the 100-kilometer zone.
Megapolis Moscow should be considered irretrievably lost, any use of its territory in the coming decade is absolutely impossible
So if that happens, all Muscovites Khan
The practical value of this material is not likely to have, but it was interesting to read.
In all seriousness
Instructions on actions with an atomic strike
For Official Use
Events on the situation "Atomic alarm»:
Civil Defense Headquarters in Moscow
Department of Emergencies Ministry
Manual fire, emergency, rescue and medical services
§1. Preliminary information.
eleven. The most likely time a nuclear strike by Moscow - about 18 pm Moscow time. This is due to the fact that:
a) 10 am Washington time to prepare and make a shot in the morning during the work of relevant law enforcement agencies without attracting early attention to the activity of our intelligence agencies possible opponent after hours;
b) all kinds of urban and long-distance communication at the end of the day overwhelmed and coordination of emergency defensive measures is difficult;
c) attention to duty services at this time is reduced;
d) a significant part of the population is on the road between the places of work and residence, which further complicates the coordination of measures and actions;
d) transport arteries paralyzed by traffic jams and are in their population before the first unprotected affecting factors.
12. The most likely power thermonuclear warheads - from 2 to 10 megatons. Heavy Duty ammunition limited by the means of delivery and is caused by a large area of the metropolis of Moscow, the concentration therein of central intelligence and defense departments and enterprises, and on the perimeter - zone missile and aircraft systems cover, but first of all - high security shelters presidential and governmental apparatus and services Department of the Ministry of Defence, is the main goal.
13. The most likely time from alarm signal "Atomic Alarm!" Until striking a blow:
a) about 14 minutes at the start of ground-based launchers from the territory of the Americas;
b) about 7 minutes at launch carrier rockets with a sea-based missile submarine, occupying positions in the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean.
This corresponds to a flight time of ballistic missiles, moving in space nadatmosfernom ballistic trajectory at a speed of the order of the first space, t. E. 7, 9 km / s, or approx. 28 000 km / h. Almost in combat conditions may provide some glitches and delays in communication, which can reduce the time really alert to a few minutes.
§2. Signal "Atomic Alarm!" Votes cast for all channels broadcasting, as well as duplicated whistles railway locomotives and boats - one long beep and two short, repeated several times.
§3. Persons provided for shall be ex officio shelters immediately begin to act according to the evacuation plan in case of nuclear anxiety under the guidance of authorized civil defense commanders or buildings, or team leaders, or their own. Act should not panic, orderly, without the slightest delay. Any manifestation of panic must immediately be stopped by any means possible, including the use of force and weapons.
No more than 6 minutes (or earlier on the orders of senior Asylum, make sure you have a safe haven assigned teams at full strength) after the first warning signal all the entrances to the shelter should be closed and locked in combat mode, regardless of the cases had not managed to hide in them, and the number of remaining outside. Attempts to prevent the closure of input from all parties, without exception, should immediately be suppressed by any means including the use of weapons.
§4. At the signal "Atomic Alarm!" Persons who have not secured shelters operate independently, depending on where they currently are, without delay and panic taking all necessary measures for the protection and hiding from the effects of nuclear destruction. Should act calmly, competently, evaluating the specific conditions of their residence, voice and action of inducing others to follow his example and inspiring confidence. The first step is to take care of the safety of children and women, and the elderly.
4.1. If the house has a basement, you should take shelter in the basement. The slots in the doors should be shut any tissue, it may be wet. With a helpful take a small supply of drinking water.
4.2. While in the building, it is better to take refuge indoors - inner hallway, bathroom, closet - which is separated from the exterior walls of the additional partition and has no windows. It is also useful to plug the cracks in the door and stock up on water.
4.3. In the room with the window lie down on the floor with his feet toward the outside wall, covering his head with his hands. Select a location below or to the side of the window, the light shines on you as possible. It is better to take refuge from the world in a heavy object - a wardrobe, a sofa, a desk.
4.4. Located on the streets should immediately take shelter in buildings, even in their porches, or apply other natural shelter, which include:
a) underground - the best of all possible shelters;
b) any basements, boiler rooms, parking garages;
c) manholes and underground tunnels all routes;
d) the foundations and lower areas of new buildings;
d) underpasses and road tunnels;
e) storage, underground toilets, etc.
4.5. Being in the public land transport, should leave immediately and take shelter (see. Above).
4.6. While in the car, you should leave immediately and take shelter (see. Above). When the vehicle is in a tunnel should stop it. If it is impossible to leave the car in the traffic jam or absence of nearby shelters should lie on the floor between the seats and cover the head with his hands, protection from radiation from the outside.
4.7. If it is impossible to hide in any room lie on the ground in front of a wall, opposite the city center, where there will be the epicenter of the explosion. Try to choose a closed on all sides by the yard-well or a narrow passage between buildings.
4.8. While in the park area away from possible shelters - Define a thick tree or a hill or ditch, or any uneven terrain, or monument, and lie to his feet, facing the center of the city, where there will be the epicenter of the explosion. This prevents you from radiant heat, which is a major damaging factor.
4.9. All entrances to the subway on the alert be closed immediately. Any manifestation of panic among the population or attempt to counteract the immediate closure inputs are suppressed immediately pickets the police station staff by appropriate means including the use of weapons to defeat. However:
a) All the escalators are switched on the descent; After
gathering all citizens of the platforms of stations all escalators are stopped;
b) the personnel of stations of all the equipment switches Energy Emergency in economic mode;
c) from the train station is not sent; train tunnels are on stages, continue to move to the nearest station and remain on or within close as possible;
d) train themselves in hauls on the open space, must reach the entrances to tunnels and possibly delve into them.
§5. In clear cloudless weather in the daytime approach of decreasing the warhead can be identified by a white vapor trail, like the following from the aircraft at a higher altitude, the descending arch of the upper layers of the atmosphere in the direction of the center of Moscow with great speed. Remember the sound of flies and falling warheads will not be heard due to its supersonic speed.
§6. With modern precision guidance epicenter of the explosion will be located within the Boulevard Ring, focusing on the area of the Kremlin-Lubyanka-Arbat.
§7. In Moscow, we should expect ground explosion. This somewhat reduces the range of the total lesion compared with overhead explosion, but increases the power of the seismic waves, which leads to dirt shifting of type tectonic perturbations character similar to an earthquake a large power in the upper layers, resulting in crushing and degradation even considerably recessed shelters increased safety level in radius ten to fifteen kilometers.
§8. Thermal damaging factors.
8.1. At the epicenter of the explosion there is light flash, brightness observed many times superior sunlight. For 0, 03-0, 04 sec. drawn up in a dazzling flash of luminous sphere 1, 5 2 km in diameter, with a temperature of 10-20 million, "S. It covers the city center within a radius of Boulevard Ring - Kremlin - Glade, all, part of this space, immediately ceases to exist, turning into a plasma state.
8.2. Within a radius of 3-4 km instantly evaporate and incinerates all objects of organic origin, is directly exposed to the direct heat radiation of the explosion (neukrytye people, animals, plants, the wooden parts of buildings, facing the explosion). Melt, vaporize instantly burn asphalt pavements, metal fences, roofs and parts of structures of buildings, concrete and brick walls, in Vol. H. With a stone and ceramic facings, both open to the direct heat radiation of the explosion, and nestled at a depth of several meters . All substances are sheltered organic and inorganic heat-resistant, radius Garden Ring immediately after the moment of explosion burns for a few seconds with the temperature in the tens of thousands of degrees.
8.3. Within a radius of 20-25 km erupt all facing the blast and thermal radiation immediately available wood, plastic, painted surfaces, plants, burn through the metal roof, melted concrete, brick, glass, metal, stone; burn window frames, glass evaporate, melt the wire lights up the asphalt. The zone covers the active fire instantly inside the city within the Ring Road. Outside the MKAD ring wildfire occurs. Flammable completely built-up arrays and green space. Reservoirs of the Moskva River and the Yauza evaporate, boil the upper layer of the Khimki Reservoir.
Remember: the direct radiation heat exposure continues from fractions of a second to a few seconds or even up to a few tens of seconds, depending on the power of the explosion and extends in a straight line, t. E. Any obstacle between you and the explosion in the shade of which you yourself can save you lives in a situation of sufficient distance from the epicenter.
§9. Damaging factors of the shock wave.
9.1. The action of the shock air wave begins at the moment of explosion, and should be followed by thermal radiation, but lagging behind its instant impact as the distance from the epicenter more and for a longer period of time, the second zone of destruction rate of air shock wave reaches 1-5 thousand m / s, i.e. everything in this area, already subjected to thermal influence, the demolition of a massive explosion in the direction from the epicenter to the periphery, becoming a leveled surface of crushed debris burning with high temperatures (ie. n. "deflation landscape"). Shredded pieces of burning materials, is located between the radii of the Boulevard and the Garden Ring, the shock wave emitted by the expanding concentric circle in zone three.
9.2. In the third zone, t. E. Within Moscow within the Ring Road, the speed of the shock wave is somewhat reduced, especially at the surface, but remains above the supersonic, t. E. Up to 300-500 m / s on the border of Moscow, which causes instant destruction all ground buildings, as tall and low rise. Glowing and burning of the surface facing the epicenter, mixing with other demolition materials, give the so-called "Fiery carpet" with a temperature that ensures the burning metal and melting ceramics. During the passage of the shock wave of the individual parts and parts move through the air at speeds of the order of artillery shells usugublinya process of destruction of everything that rises above the surface. All stands are pulled out, the water from all water bodies "squeezed".
9.3. Surrounding woods outside Moscow, towns and airports are also subject to full or preferential destruction, partial or total breakdown and combustion.
9.4. Inside, the entire affected area, a region sharply reduced atmospheric pressure due to both burn oxygen in the air, and the concentric "moving apart" air masses. Consequently, soon after the passage of a shock wave arises "reverse shock wave", directed to the epicenter. It is characterized by a significantly lower rate commensurate with the speed of an ordinary hurricane, but it brings the whole sunbathing area weight of fresh oxygen, which creates the effect of "bellows", creating t. N. "Firestorm" in the entire area affected. Area within the Ring Road upodoblinetsya razrovnennoy surface of hot coals in the firebox.
§10. Seismic ground impact of the explosion is "earthquake effect" with sealing and sliding the surface layers. All underground structures within the underground Circle line and her closest stations are destroyed and fall down completely. All the air-raid shelter within the Garden Ring is completely destroyed. All basements within the boundaries of Moscow destroyed completely. All sewage and ventilation underground facilities in the area, "Prospect Mira", "zoo", "Serpukhov", "Lenin Square" are crushed, broken and fall down. All entrances and exits of subway ventilation shafts, spare and service outlets fall down, or crushed, or completely blocked by a layer of red-hot mass on the surface.
§eleven. Exterior painting of the explosion looks usually characteristic of a thermonuclear explosion of high power. White plasma sphere, covering, like a two-kilometer hood, the center of Moscow and exceeding four times the height of the Ostankino TV tower, after a few seconds starts to dim, smoky purple veil be drawn and separated from the surface, "surfacing" up. Burning city "lies" in all directions, like a circle of dominoes, covered with swirling smoke and streams of fire and smoke rush from the periphery of the circle of the Moscow Ring Road to the rising field, forming characteristic "Stipe" that expands the bottom up to the limits of the affected area, tapering at the top of the sphere that envelops a cloud of "mushroom cap". Billowing smoke at the foot of the fungus reaches the height of kilometer diameter "legs" is narrowed to eight - thousand meters under the "hat." "Mushroom" continues to rise, and although the rise is as slow as a result of its huge size, three to five minutes, the height
it reaches 25-35 km. With the explosion of high power, this pattern can be up to several hours.
§12. Himself fire, not giving the possibility to start any whatsoever rescue work can continue, taking into account the affected area of the metropolis of Moscow, up to several days.
§13. High radiation level will not allow any start whatever rescue operations in the city earlier than 15-20 days, except for special actions of special importance. Carrying out any rescue operations should be considered as appropriate in the zone near the line of 5-10 km MKAD.
§14. Funnel in the epicenter of the explosion is a crater with a diameter of about 2 km and a depth in the center to 200-300 m. Its surface is a glassy mass thickness of up to 10-12 m.
The second zone of destruction is a relatively flat surface covered with a glassy layer of caked masses thickness 0, 3-0, 9 m.
The third zone is a lesion bumpy surface, a large part of the coated sintered vitreous mass thickness from several millimeters to several centimeters.
Tests of such munitions, held both the USSR and the United States and France, with the reliability has shown that attempts to conduct any rescue operations in these radii have no real reason. The defeat of the open and sheltered manpower, equipment and buildings up to 100%. Rescue work should focus on resettlement and assistance to people who find themselves outside the immediate area of defeat, beyond the 100-kilometer zone.
Megapolis Moscow should be considered irretrievably lost, any use of its territory in the coming decade is absolutely impossible
So if that happens, all Muscovites Khan
The practical value of this material is not likely to have, but it was interesting to read.