Thailand is not a single or as a freelancer in three hours to change the habitat without visa problems
The routes of nomads and a half thousand years have not changed. But manners have become softer i>
Time: 3.5 hours (from Moscow to Larnaca Airport)
Visa: online, stay - 90 days within six months
What do I need to enter:
● Pro-visa, a modern online ;
● passport, valid for 6 months past the end of the trip.

Cyprus, Russia lightweight entry mode, but only when you make a provisional visa (Pro-visa), which оформляется Online , the term of consideration of 1-2 days. Getting a visa to the consulate to provide optional booking of the hotel and a return ticket to Russia - enough to print and present a copy upon arrival at the airport of Larnaca or Paphos.
Cyprus suitable for those freelancers who want to fly to the sun and the sea: a perfect time to stay - from September to November. In the summer months, Cyprus is too hot, the winter - quite cold, especially without central heating.
The island has a developed infrastructure: the roads are spacious, have all the services and shops. Fast shipping and duty-free goods from the UK Amazon and Ebay. Ski resort in the center of the island - in the winter can be enough to roll on skis or snowboard.
Travel medical insurance cost of 200 Euros per year covers 90% of costs, even in private physicians. Any car insurance involves assistance in any situation: stuck, struck the wheel, ran out of petrol, etc.
Internet is available - in large cities on the coast multipoint Wi-Fi, occasionally come across open. The hotel was free, usually up to 5-7 Mbit / s. The speed of 6-7 Mbit / s (to download) cost budget accommodation in the 15-20 euro.
Monthly cost аренды apartments in Cyprus without the Internet - from 550 euros *.

kirillrst , November 27, 2014, to post a comment « Freelance Cyprus »
- [In Cypriots] do not have the culture of consumption of beef. If you want marble beef, it will cost you 50E / kg. Juices expensive wine. Fish is more expensive than in Moscow.
- The most expensive electricity in Europe.
- Build a cool house. Because of the small seismic build of the monolith. About insulation, forced ventilation not heard since They believe that they have all the time summer. i> blockquote> Turkey
Time of flight: 3 hours (from Moscow to Istanbul airport)
Time of stay: 60 days within six months.
What do I need to enter:
● passport, valid for 3 months at the end of the trip;
● voucher, your hotel or a return ticket;
● availability of adequate funds;
● visa is not required.
Convenient time for life - spring, autumn, winter. Summer is very hot - the Bosporus 28, on the south coast 33 degrees. If you are a fan of noisy city life, you - in Istanbul, if the soul calm coast and seascapes on the background of mountains and pine trees - go to the south: in the Аланью, Мармарис, Сиде, Кемер. Cheap airline tickets, acceptable, compared with Moscow, the standard of living. Safety on the streets when the police closer inspection.
Internet, as well as Cyprus, have in large cities and on the coast. Istanbul conditional NL from the local operator TURKCELL cost 35-70 lira (1 lira = 19, 22 rubles) per month, with a speed limit after 4 GB traffic. Speed to download at 6, 24 Mbit / s is sufficient for surfing, voice and video.
On the streets and at the airport there is the point of Wi-Fi, but very little open. 3G developed better , than in Russia LTE - can speak fluent Skype, walking around Istanbul. Housing prices are lower than in Moscow - in the long term you can pick up 3-bedroom apartment in fully furnished residential complex away from the center of ~ 20K rubles (1000 lire rate 19 2 rubles per lira). Plus tenement often is a gym, pool, sauna and shatlbas to nearby shopping malls and subway stations.
From minuses: Not all speak English, in case of a conversation with a representative of a service company such as customer service ISP.
In downtown small 1 bedroom apartment in Istanbul Bosphorus will cost 27,000 rubles per month.
PapaBubaDiop , November 21, 2014, to post a comment « Freelance Turkey »
The nearest decent beach [near Istanbul] - Princes' Islands, a paradise for IT specialists - are only bicycles, Starbucks, horses and pine. Surprisingly! 2 hours by boat from Istanbul - 5 lira (about 90 rubles). Conversely - as much, if you want to back. Earlier the islands were in prison, and then the camp-link Wrangel's army, Trotsky, now - the hacienda. In winter, here, of course, it is boring, but to work - the most it. I> blockquote> Gugic , November 21, 2014 , Comments to the post « Freelance Turkey »
Try to get rolled up in Ayvalık. Drove with his family in the fall along the coast of the Aegean Sea (Marmaris, Didim, Izmir, Ayvalik Canakkale, Bursa, Istanbul, on everything about everything two weeks) ... Ayvalik hooked. Interesting little town. Landscapes around more like some Iceland than usual turkey. Part of the city and surrounding villages are located on the peninsula and the island - the terms of the water and islands. Quietly, quietly (not in the center), next door to a national park with woods and walking paths + 8 km away is one of the coolest beaches in Turkey (currently irrelevant, of course) - Sarymsakly. I> blockquote> Montenegro < br /> Time: 3 hours (from Moscow to Podgorica airport)
Time of stay: 30 days within six months.
What do I need to enter:
● passport, valid for more than stay in the country;
● visa is not required.
Montenegrin climate is comfortable to stay - snowless winter, sunny and warm spring and hot summer.
From minuses: hot water and central heating in the country is not in principle. The water is heated by a boiler, and air conditioning in the summer cooling work, winter - heating. Monotonous life away from the big cities, but for someone it can be plus.
are also pluses: similar to the Russian language, which can be mastered in a short time, the Adriatic Sea, wonderful mountain views, delicious food. Internet in major cities of Montenegro enough quality:
He tells andorro :
At least in Podgorica online pleased with its speed - I do not know the name of my ISP, but download speed was quite comparable with Moscow. For trips around the country, I used the mobile Internet - in Montenegro have both European and private operators. Traffic a little more expensive than in Russia, but the cover is good - anywhere else in the country, I did not stay without a connection (at least in populated areas and on highways). I> blockquote> The cost of monthly rent apartments on the coast of Montenegro in May and June - from 18,000 rubles, Podgoritse - from 19000 rubles.
After 30 days of stay can move to neighboring Serbia - in the summer there is much more comfortable.
cocojumber , November 20, 2012, to post a comment « Montenegro - not Thailand »
If you could - would have fallen out of love black tea, black bread and vodka!
This is not a joke, this is my real suffering. For the rest, I like everything - little people, the food is delicious. Sea, say good, but I like it turned out - not a fan :)
What really difficult:
- Medical mediocre. Tolerated, but could be better.
- Goods (equipment) a hi-end no. Including peripherals for computers.
- From everyone is waiting for Russian money-money-money. But this just accept.
- Nationals in the season - a zoo and ATAS. Budva - full hello. In the middle of Sochi naturel.
- Internet - only adsl, 3g is not applicable to the work.
- Find a house for a long time on one family - a problem not of the easiest. Apartments - easily.
- Sadiki / school - this is very average. But not bad!
- Strong hate that when you open something new, private-good-for-money, to instantly stuffed anglikashki crappy, and child to drive longer want all (of whom only speak).
- Anyone with a clutch gos.sistemoy (permits, papers, statements, taxes, sots.strahovanie) - is killing time at leisure and forgetfulness. The first half could not be held in any way without emotion, now fine. I> blockquote> darii , November 4, 2012, Comments to the post « Montenegro - not Thailand »
I have lived in the first year in Montenegro, and then six months in Serbia. I can say that summer in Belgrade for me personally and for my companion every 500 comfortable summer in Petrovac (which "na Moru"), and the rest of the season, not much more comfortable not in the depths of the continent, and deserted the Adriatic Riviera.
Even Serbia is good that there is low property prices and all in general (we rented an apartment in Belgrade polutorakomnatnuyu Dositejevoj on the street - on the centrality that's about as Nikitskaya in Moscow) for 200 euros per month. Even Serbia has dill in the bazaars. Even in Serbia owning real estate is the basis for obtaining residence permits and Montenegro - have not. Even in Serbia have normal shops with clothes and normal service for every branded hardware (but the timing and the quality of care is not a fountain). Back in Belgrade, there are theaters and the opera. And so on.
So, moving on to Montenegro for several years, keep in mind that for a comfortable life, you will likely have to visit Belgrade (where all the blessings of civilization). I> blockquote> Serbia
Time: 3 hours (from Moscow to Belgrade Airport)
Time of stay: 30 days within six months
What do I need to enter:
● passport;
● visa is not required.
One of the advantages of life in Serbia: low prices for food and accommodation, the hospitality of the Serbs and their warm attitude towards the Russian, beautiful nature and spectacular views of the mountainous terrain, proximity to the sea of Montenegro Riviera Montenegro.
From minuses: decaying post-Soviet landscape of the city with lots of graffiti.
Commented Milan Miletic from Belgrade coach running:
We have the perfect place for foreign freelancers. Rent 1-bedroom apartment in Belgrade - from 150 euros per month, two-bedroom 200-250 euros. Wi-fi is in the 95% of the coffee shop, and it's free. Fastest Wi-fi is 20-25 euros. I> blockquote> Georgia
Time: 2.5 hours (from Moscow to Tbilisi Airport)
Time of stay: 90 days within six months
What do I need to enter:
● passport, valid for at least 3 months at the end of the trip;
● entry through South Ossetia and Abkhazia denied.
Not all CIS countries are equally useful. But Georgia in recent years clearly aims to become a European country, which, combined with the climate, nature and cuisine make it a very interesting option for freelancers.
Overall, a pretty town in Georgia started. Exceptions - Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi, where there is a choice of housing, streets are more or less well maintained roads normal quality travel by car. In the rest of Georgia - everything is just developing. You can navigate through the Tbilisi public transport - goes on schedule. In order to enjoy the mountain scenery, monasteries and fortresses of Georgia, will likely have to hire a car, it is not cheap: Hyundai Getz - about 3500 rubles / day, the price of gasoline - a little more than 55 rubles per liter.
Of the benefits that could offset the cost of rental housing and cars - tasty and inexpensive food, fruits, vegetables, herbs, plenty of good wine, Georgian hospitality and inexpensive flight from Moscow.
Go to Georgia is best in May - October, the temperature on the beaches of Batumi in July + 28-33 degrees, in September - 25. It is understood that the "high season" rising prices for housing.
bedroom apartment in Batumi to the Internet in the "high season" will cost 21,379 rubles. One-bedroom apartments with internet in Tbilisi 18000-25000 rubles.
In the autumn and winter months, the weather in Georgia, mostly cool and rainy, temperature differences are significant depending on the location, for example, in Svaneti the winter lasts nearly eight months, the average winter temperature of -15 degrees. On the coast in Adjara in January - from +5 to + 23 degrees in Tbilisi in the winter - from 0 to 10.
Writes Elena Kulikova, a freelancer:
«key space for our work in the city was the Tbilisi media center union (Library). Media Library - a modern two-story information center, where you can read, work, socialize, engage in any kind of intellectual activity in an informal atmosphere.
By purchasing a subscription library for six months for 7, 5 lari (GEL 1 - about 20 rubles.), We got smart Wi-Fi, a bright and comfortable work area with a view of the park, access to the library (books and magazines in English, German, Russian and Georgian languages).
Communication inexpensive. Within two weeks of the output is not more than 5 GEL. We enjoyed Beeline, 3G. Some problems arose. Connection to the mobile Internet came in 7, 5 GEL. But all my friends in Tbilisi we were advised local Magti. Offices of cellular communication in Tbilisi at every step, so this issue is to attend to immediately take your passport with you.
The budget for the month - 42 100 rubles.
Accommodation - 17 500 rubles. (In a good area, a cozy two-bedroom apartment).
Power - 8000 rubles. (Most of us eat out).
Personal expenses (training, online courses, etc.) - 8600 rubles.
Transportation, travel, entertainment, restaurants (every weekend) - 8000 rubles.
In general, for the whole trip for three months with housing, food, travel around the country, round-trip flights, all unscheduled expenses and other we left 150,000 rubles ». I> blockquote> Israel
Time: 4 hours (from Moscow to the airport in Tel Aviv on a direct flight)
Time of stay: 90 days a half
What do I need to enter:
● passport, valid for 6 months at the time of entry;
● return ticket;
● medical policy for the provision of services abroad;
● your hotel or travel agency voucher;
● visa is not required.
Comfortable weather to stay on the coast of Israel - in Tel Aviv or in Haifa - accounted for early spring and autumn. In winter, there is often rain, summer heat is unbearable. However, the existence of long beaches, varied cultural program and the Russian-speaking community is able to smooth out these little flaws.
In Tel Aviv and its suburbs is well-developed public transportation is very common motorbike rentals provided confident driving.
The cost of rooms in Tel Aviv - from 35 750 rubles / month, studio apartment in a residential area of Holon - from 40 000 rubles.
Commented Anna Gorodetsky of Tel Aviv, entrepreneur:
to eat / drink in Tel Aviv expensive Internet 1200 rubles / month, in public places - free of charge. You can buy the mobile Internet 4G at registration for the resident of Israel. Uncomfortable weekend that falls on Friday and Saturday - the Sabbath all the cafes are closed, and if you're not in Tel Aviv, public Internet to be seen. The cost of housing and goods in Tel Aviv - more expensive in Europe by 20-30%. A good environment for IT freelancers, because orders can be found on the site - there is a demand. But there is a question a long stay in the country - not all employers are willing to do the work visa. Also because of the benefits - in regular meetup'y Google Camp, of acceleration program for entrepreneurs and startups. I> blockquote> Egypt
Time: 4 hours (direct flight from Moscow to Sharm El-Sheikh)
What do I need to enter:
● passport, valid for at least 6 months past the end of the trip;
● Visa bought on arrival at the airport for $ 25. The residence time - 30 days.
Egypt - habitual leisure tourism, but have you considered it from the point of view of long-term accommodation and facilities for remote work?
On the Egyptian resorts of Hurghada, Thabo, Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab - warm and beautiful sea, hotels are very high-level, low prices, optional - the power and the internet. Dahab - diving mecca - you can rent an apartment or villa for a few like-minded people. Villa for four with air conditioning and Wi-fi will cost 25,136 rubles a month.
Great in Egypt in the autumn and winter, in the summer - is unbearable because of the heat and sandstorms of the desert.
From minuses: the monotony of the natural landscape and the lack of free movement - even in resort towns is relatively safe, the capital and other major cities to remember about