The coolest IT-museums of the world. Part 2
This - the second part of the guide to museums and research laboratories, which will be interesting aytishnomu inquisitive mind. But first you can read here . All museums, which we described, it is not those notorious echoing rooms with parquet flooring and caretaker-grandmother, seated on a chair, upholstered in velvet. It - interactive crossroads of past, present and future technologies, the development of which you are involved. And often right on the exposures.
Office Blizzard
Where: the United States, Калифорния, Ирвайн, 16215 Alton Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92618
site: eu.blizzard.com
Phone: +1 (949) 955-13-80
Yes, at the head office of the company, you can come on the tour. Only the tour is conducted only once a month and to sign it, you must first read here This , and then write to the post office tours@blizzard.com in English. And then maybe ... Though, most likely it's just an intrigue in style.
Argonne National Laboratory
Where: the United States, Иллинойс, Чикаго, 9700 South Cass Avenue B109, Lemont, IL 60439
site: www.anl.gov
Phone: +1 (630) 252-55-62
Source synchrotron radiation 3rd generation i>
Tour Argonne National Laboratory - the same one which was created and is a supercomputer Mira , developed the project Blue Gene . Just imagine what it can tell and show on the tour! The concept of "tour" in such labs - a visit with a tour group, and no trip to the Transfer and accommodation, as you know.
The supercomputer Mira i>
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Where: the United States, Теннесси, Oak Ridge , Oak Ridge National Laboratory, PO Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831
site: ornl.gov
Phone: +1 (865) 576-76-58
Tours Oak Ridge National Laboratory - the world leader in advanced materials research and development, the largest research laboratory of the Ministry of Energy. Want to see the most powerful supercomputer Jaguar and its modern version of Titan? And ever seen a neutron research facilities? There are at least two: High Flux Isotope Reactor and Spallation Neutron Source .
Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) i>
NASA Space Center (NASA)
Where: the United States, Техас, Хьюстон, 1601 Nasa Parkway, Houston, TX 77058
site: spacecenter.org
Phone: +1 (281) 244-21-00
That is the very NASA. And do not say that space technologies you are not interested. Here, my friends, are attractions that you never dreamed of! Can you imagine any tours and lectures here?
Science Museum (MoS)
Where: the United States, Массачусетс, Бостон, 1 Science Park, Boston, MA 02114
site: mos.org
Phone: +1 (617) 723-25-00
The museum is located in the Science Park since 1830. Includes permanent exposition , floor thousand interactive exhibits, a planetarium and a cinema Mugar Omni IMAX with a domed screen. The main guide - science and fauna that, at first glance, there is little interest combined with IT specialist. But among all the sciences have a relation, and in this museum, it can be traced clearly than anywhere else.
Science Museum
Where: United Kingdom, Лондон, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2DD.
site: sciencemuseum.org.uk
Phone: +44 (870) 870-48-68
The ultramodern museum old! Exactly. Museum a half century, and exposure to it such that you understand: The 21st century has come, with a long time. There can be an interesting test engineering systems, the creation of virtual worlds through the game, check the ability of your brain, traveling on models alien spaces, study the history of the art in 3D-theater screen IMAX. Exhibit move, make sounds. Always pass current exhibition: from the history of electronic music to the interactive simulation of the Large Hadron Collider. Sometimes funny costumes give visitors!
National Museum of the media
Where: United Kingdom, Бредфорд, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD1 1NQ
site: nationalmediamuseum.org.uk
Phone: +44 (0844) 856-37-97
Several levels of the media heaven zavlekut in their networks and hipster, and boom, and grandfather, and a baby. The British - skilful showmen, and here they showed this talent to the fullest. Spectacular installations, interactive exhibits, the exhibition on the history of the Internet, photos, TV, film industry. 3 cinemas, machines for arcades, museum media, interactive TV studio, an excellent cafe. Admission is free.
Multimedia Museum SONY
Where: , Japan, Токио, Mediage 5F 1-7-1 Daiba, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 135-8718 Japan
site: sonyexplorascience.jp
Phone: +81 (355) 31-21-86
Top interactive sound and light installation in the world - the synthesis of science, technology and entertainment. Here are all the exhibits you can touch it in every possible way, using them as attractions. The sea all sorts of gadgets, which can also be juzat as toys.
National Museum of advanced technologies and innovations Miraikan
Where: , Japan, Токио, 2-3-6, Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
site: miraikan.jst.go.jp
Phone: +81 (335) 70-91-51
Thematic exhibition halls: genetic engineering, space exploration, advanced technology of robotics. You can observe the Earth from space on a giant spherical display Geo-Cosmos, or conduct experiments with superconductivity. Android ASIMO twice a day gives presentation. Director of the museum - the first Japanese astronaut. An incredible place!
District Akihabara electronics
Where: , Japan, Токио, Акихабара
This is a huge market for any electronic equipment and its parts, which only exists. Famous Electronic City. Here you can buy branded stuff with 10% discount b / electronics have for nothing, there are duty-free shops for tourists (eg "Laoks" Chuo-dori). In addition to the electronic and computer games, the area is famous for its pilgrimage cosplay and, accordingly, role-playing games. Here, even the waitresses in maid cafe does not come out of role. Fans of anime and manga here just squeak of happiness.
Museum of Innovation Samsung
Where: , South Korea, Сувон, 443-742 Samsung Innovation Museum, Samsung-ro 129, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do
site: samsunginnovationmuseum.com
Phone: + 82 (031) 200-31-13
Museum dedicated to the electronics industry by giant market. The five-storey building of 11 km 2 sup> for: Hall history of electricity, creating a radio, household appliances; Hall of semiconductors, displays, mobile devices; Hall of modern instruments and promising innovations. The whole history of electronics.
Museum of Science and Technology Beijing
Where: China, Пекин, 100012, Beichen East Road, Chaoyang District,
site: cstm.org.cn
Phone: +86 (10) 00-12
This Beijing Museum - the anthem for China's achievements in science and technology and its role in civilization. The museum is divided into zones with thematic sections: energy, industry, transport, aviation, high technology. There are entertaining pavilion ancient Chinese inventions. But the most interesting - 4D cinema, which integrate all the senses, even taste! There is a science park for children.
Market electronics skyscraper
Where: China, Шэньчжэнь, 1015 Huaqiang N Rd, Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong
site: seg.com.cn
Phone: +86 (755) 8368-21-29
72 floors, 356 meters high, 170 000 m 2 sup> area. Himself SEG Electronics Market occupies floors 1 to 7. Next - offices, hotels, restaurants, observation and helipad. New computers, phones and tablets are sold mostly wholesale - trade representatives of manufacturers. But b / u products are sold by the piece.
Where: Switzerland, Женева,
site: outreach.web.cern.ch
Phone: +41 (022) 767-76-76
Tours of the CERN ( CERN ). It is the world's largest laboratory for High Energy Physics. She - the European Council for Nuclear Research. She - the birthplace of the Large Hadron Collider! Togo itself. We pass, do not push.
Yes, it is i>
Computer Museum
Where: Switzerland, Лозанна, Musée Bolo, EPFL - Bâtiment INF, Station 14, 1015 Lausanne
site: bolo.ch
Phone: +41 (078) 748-21-16
Opened at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne ( EPFL ), but independent of it, since it is run by a private foundation < a href = "https://www.linkedin.com/pub/yves-bolognini/1/6b1/784"> Yves Bolognini . The museum's collection consists of several thousand old computers, three of which - 80 supercomputers, occupying the floor of the room, consuming 195 kWh of energy, with 2 Gb RAM and processing power comparable with a modern iPhone. It - nostalgia for the days of teletype, punch cards, green screens and giant floppy disks. At the same time the museum is in the modern style.
And here are the first invention of the computer science geniuses
The Paris Museum of Arts and Crafts can see as many as four arithmetic машины Pascal , one of which even the author's signature for 1652.
Adding machine Pascal i>
The German Technical Museum in Berlin you can see, among other things any interesting, the first model of the mechanical programmable digital computer Konrad Zuse - Z1.
Z1 i>
A Deutsches Museum is Leibniz calculating machine.
Adding machine Leibniz's i>
In conclusion, we note that all of the museum will be interesting not only for adults but also for children. As a rule, always has a separate children's exposure, or the museums themselves are designed for all ages. Indeed, aytishnye joy - they child for fun.
Add your comments variants museums and other interesting places for geeks, not mentioned in the article. Let will collect everything in one place :)
Source: geektimes.ru/company/airbnb/blog/251634/
Office Blizzard
Where: the United States, Калифорния, Ирвайн, 16215 Alton Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92618
site: eu.blizzard.com
Phone: +1 (949) 955-13-80

Yes, at the head office of the company, you can come on the tour. Only the tour is conducted only once a month and to sign it, you must first read here This , and then write to the post office tours@blizzard.com in English. And then maybe ... Though, most likely it's just an intrigue in style.
Argonne National Laboratory
Where: the United States, Иллинойс, Чикаго, 9700 South Cass Avenue B109, Lemont, IL 60439
site: www.anl.gov
Phone: +1 (630) 252-55-62

Source synchrotron radiation 3rd generation i>
Tour Argonne National Laboratory - the same one which was created and is a supercomputer Mira , developed the project Blue Gene . Just imagine what it can tell and show on the tour! The concept of "tour" in such labs - a visit with a tour group, and no trip to the Transfer and accommodation, as you know.

The supercomputer Mira i>
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Where: the United States, Теннесси, Oak Ridge , Oak Ridge National Laboratory, PO Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831
site: ornl.gov
Phone: +1 (865) 576-76-58

Tours Oak Ridge National Laboratory - the world leader in advanced materials research and development, the largest research laboratory of the Ministry of Energy. Want to see the most powerful supercomputer Jaguar and its modern version of Titan? And ever seen a neutron research facilities? There are at least two: High Flux Isotope Reactor and Spallation Neutron Source .

Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) i>
NASA Space Center (NASA)
Where: the United States, Техас, Хьюстон, 1601 Nasa Parkway, Houston, TX 77058
site: spacecenter.org
Phone: +1 (281) 244-21-00

That is the very NASA. And do not say that space technologies you are not interested. Here, my friends, are attractions that you never dreamed of! Can you imagine any tours and lectures here?

Science Museum (MoS)
Where: the United States, Массачусетс, Бостон, 1 Science Park, Boston, MA 02114
site: mos.org
Phone: +1 (617) 723-25-00

The museum is located in the Science Park since 1830. Includes permanent exposition , floor thousand interactive exhibits, a planetarium and a cinema Mugar Omni IMAX with a domed screen. The main guide - science and fauna that, at first glance, there is little interest combined with IT specialist. But among all the sciences have a relation, and in this museum, it can be traced clearly than anywhere else.

Science Museum
Where: United Kingdom, Лондон, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2DD.
site: sciencemuseum.org.uk
Phone: +44 (870) 870-48-68

The ultramodern museum old! Exactly. Museum a half century, and exposure to it such that you understand: The 21st century has come, with a long time. There can be an interesting test engineering systems, the creation of virtual worlds through the game, check the ability of your brain, traveling on models alien spaces, study the history of the art in 3D-theater screen IMAX. Exhibit move, make sounds. Always pass current exhibition: from the history of electronic music to the interactive simulation of the Large Hadron Collider. Sometimes funny costumes give visitors!

National Museum of the media
Where: United Kingdom, Бредфорд, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD1 1NQ
site: nationalmediamuseum.org.uk
Phone: +44 (0844) 856-37-97

Several levels of the media heaven zavlekut in their networks and hipster, and boom, and grandfather, and a baby. The British - skilful showmen, and here they showed this talent to the fullest. Spectacular installations, interactive exhibits, the exhibition on the history of the Internet, photos, TV, film industry. 3 cinemas, machines for arcades, museum media, interactive TV studio, an excellent cafe. Admission is free.

Multimedia Museum SONY
Where: , Japan, Токио, Mediage 5F 1-7-1 Daiba, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 135-8718 Japan
site: sonyexplorascience.jp
Phone: +81 (355) 31-21-86

Top interactive sound and light installation in the world - the synthesis of science, technology and entertainment. Here are all the exhibits you can touch it in every possible way, using them as attractions. The sea all sorts of gadgets, which can also be juzat as toys.

National Museum of advanced technologies and innovations Miraikan
Where: , Japan, Токио, 2-3-6, Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
site: miraikan.jst.go.jp
Phone: +81 (335) 70-91-51

Thematic exhibition halls: genetic engineering, space exploration, advanced technology of robotics. You can observe the Earth from space on a giant spherical display Geo-Cosmos, or conduct experiments with superconductivity. Android ASIMO twice a day gives presentation. Director of the museum - the first Japanese astronaut. An incredible place!

District Akihabara electronics
Where: , Japan, Токио, Акихабара

This is a huge market for any electronic equipment and its parts, which only exists. Famous Electronic City. Here you can buy branded stuff with 10% discount b / electronics have for nothing, there are duty-free shops for tourists (eg "Laoks" Chuo-dori). In addition to the electronic and computer games, the area is famous for its pilgrimage cosplay and, accordingly, role-playing games. Here, even the waitresses in maid cafe does not come out of role. Fans of anime and manga here just squeak of happiness.

Museum of Innovation Samsung
Where: , South Korea, Сувон, 443-742 Samsung Innovation Museum, Samsung-ro 129, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do
site: samsunginnovationmuseum.com
Phone: + 82 (031) 200-31-13

Museum dedicated to the electronics industry by giant market. The five-storey building of 11 km 2 sup> for: Hall history of electricity, creating a radio, household appliances; Hall of semiconductors, displays, mobile devices; Hall of modern instruments and promising innovations. The whole history of electronics.

Museum of Science and Technology Beijing
Where: China, Пекин, 100012, Beichen East Road, Chaoyang District,
site: cstm.org.cn
Phone: +86 (10) 00-12

This Beijing Museum - the anthem for China's achievements in science and technology and its role in civilization. The museum is divided into zones with thematic sections: energy, industry, transport, aviation, high technology. There are entertaining pavilion ancient Chinese inventions. But the most interesting - 4D cinema, which integrate all the senses, even taste! There is a science park for children.

Market electronics skyscraper
Where: China, Шэньчжэнь, 1015 Huaqiang N Rd, Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong
site: seg.com.cn
Phone: +86 (755) 8368-21-29

72 floors, 356 meters high, 170 000 m 2 sup> area. Himself SEG Electronics Market occupies floors 1 to 7. Next - offices, hotels, restaurants, observation and helipad. New computers, phones and tablets are sold mostly wholesale - trade representatives of manufacturers. But b / u products are sold by the piece.

Where: Switzerland, Женева,
site: outreach.web.cern.ch
Phone: +41 (022) 767-76-76

Tours of the CERN ( CERN ). It is the world's largest laboratory for High Energy Physics. She - the European Council for Nuclear Research. She - the birthplace of the Large Hadron Collider! Togo itself. We pass, do not push.

Yes, it is i>
Computer Museum
Where: Switzerland, Лозанна, Musée Bolo, EPFL - Bâtiment INF, Station 14, 1015 Lausanne
site: bolo.ch
Phone: +41 (078) 748-21-16

Opened at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne ( EPFL ), but independent of it, since it is run by a private foundation < a href = "https://www.linkedin.com/pub/yves-bolognini/1/6b1/784"> Yves Bolognini . The museum's collection consists of several thousand old computers, three of which - 80 supercomputers, occupying the floor of the room, consuming 195 kWh of energy, with 2 Gb RAM and processing power comparable with a modern iPhone. It - nostalgia for the days of teletype, punch cards, green screens and giant floppy disks. At the same time the museum is in the modern style.

And here are the first invention of the computer science geniuses
The Paris Museum of Arts and Crafts can see as many as four arithmetic машины Pascal , one of which even the author's signature for 1652.

Adding machine Pascal i>
The German Technical Museum in Berlin you can see, among other things any interesting, the first model of the mechanical programmable digital computer Konrad Zuse - Z1.

Z1 i>
A Deutsches Museum is Leibniz calculating machine.

Adding machine Leibniz's i>
In conclusion, we note that all of the museum will be interesting not only for adults but also for children. As a rule, always has a separate children's exposure, or the museums themselves are designed for all ages. Indeed, aytishnye joy - they child for fun.
Add your comments variants museums and other interesting places for geeks, not mentioned in the article. Let will collect everything in one place :)
Source: geektimes.ru/company/airbnb/blog/251634/
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