The most interesting museums in the world
The best trip to the museum can only happen at the call of the heart - and then you will get real pleasure. There are a huge number of museums in the world, there are even cities where their number exceeds a hundred. Today we will go only proven routes – where, being in the country, you can not go. The British Museum: the richest in the world. Here are collected the most valuable finds of archaeologists: Buddha statues, medieval church utensils, Celtic runes, granite head of Thutmose III, "Book of the Dead", Rosetta Stone - the Egyptian collection of the British Museum is the richest in the world. The British Museum is huge, and it is better to come to the opening so that before closing at 17.30 you can see the main hits. On Thursdays and Fridays, some departments of the museum are open until 20.30. The entrance to the British Museum is free. The same can be said of all other museums in England. You will only have to pay for visiting temporary exhibitions.
National Museum of Cinematography in Turin: Made with Love Despite the fact that the museum has a lot of strange things, you do not want to leave. Why? First of all, because here you come across screens that show excerpts from cult films. They can be seen standing, sitting and even lying down. In general, the film library of the museum contains 7000 films. Among the exhibits are items that were used during the work on famous paintings, as well as photos taken during the shooting. Secondly, elevators rush right through the museum space, which take visitors to the observation deck, from where you can see the whole of Turin, as well as the Alps and the beautiful Piedmont. The museum is located in a very unusual building - in the 167-meter tower of Mole Antonelliana. This building has a strange and entertaining fate, and when the National Museum of Cinematography entered it in 2000, it immediately made it the most visited (after the Shroud of Turin) tourist attraction in the city. Monday is the museum's day off. On Saturday it is open until 23.00, on other days - until 20.00. An adult ticket costs 9 euros.
Madame Tussauds Museum in Amsterdam: They are moving! This is the first branch of the famous London Wax Museum. As in the London Museum, there are many figures of celebrities made with unparalleled skill: the complete impression that they are real people. With each of the exhibits (for some reason except Barack Obama) you can take a picture. But the Amsterdam Museum is notable for the fact that here you can see a real show about the history of the Netherlands with the participation of moving and talking figures. The museum is open daily from 10.00 to 18.30. An adult ticket costs 22 euros, but if you buy it on the museum website, it will cost 18 euros. And if you come to the museum after 15.00, the ticket will cost 16 euros.
The Laval Milk Museum: Bidons by Marie Antoinette In this largest French milk museum in Europe called "Lactopol" collected 2,500 exhibits. Ancient and modern devices necessary in the production of dairy products: yogurt, cream, oil and ... buttons made from the milk protein casein. Among the exhibits is a unique collection of milk bidons and an oil mill of Marie Antoinette from the “glamorous” village, which the queen in the XVIII century ordered to build near Versailles.
Little museum tricks. Once in the museum, do not try to embrace the immense. Some, like on a sports jog, quickly fly through all halls without exception. Why? One should immerse oneself in the paintings, place oneself in their space, live for some time in that period and in those interiors, admire the details, notice the symbols, guess the riddles that the artist left. In short, with the picture you need to spend a lot of time. So, before you go to walk around the halls, decide what you want to see, plan stops at a particular masterpiece - and calculate your strength. The second nuance: look for ways not to stand in lines at the entrance, because it is extremely exhausting thing. It is very difficult to experience sincere pleasure from the vision of masterpieces, if you first fry in the sun for two hours. How do you avoid queues? To answer this question, you need to carefully study the mode of operation of the museum and the peculiarities of ticket sales, where there are always small loopholes. For example, the Louvre works until 21.45 on Wednesdays and Fridays, and if you come to the museum by seven o’clock these days, the queue will clear up. The same ticket Louvre You can buy it not in the museum itself, but at the ticket offices, which are located all over Paris. The cost of the adult ticket is the same, 12 euros. You can also buy a ticket online. With a ticket in hand, you do not have to queue the Louvre through a glass pyramid, you can go through another entrance from Rivoli Street. In the period from October to March, every first Sunday of the month, entrance to the halls where the permanent exhibition of the Louvre is located is free.
Source: ecowars.tv/

National Museum of Cinematography in Turin: Made with Love Despite the fact that the museum has a lot of strange things, you do not want to leave. Why? First of all, because here you come across screens that show excerpts from cult films. They can be seen standing, sitting and even lying down. In general, the film library of the museum contains 7000 films. Among the exhibits are items that were used during the work on famous paintings, as well as photos taken during the shooting. Secondly, elevators rush right through the museum space, which take visitors to the observation deck, from where you can see the whole of Turin, as well as the Alps and the beautiful Piedmont. The museum is located in a very unusual building - in the 167-meter tower of Mole Antonelliana. This building has a strange and entertaining fate, and when the National Museum of Cinematography entered it in 2000, it immediately made it the most visited (after the Shroud of Turin) tourist attraction in the city. Monday is the museum's day off. On Saturday it is open until 23.00, on other days - until 20.00. An adult ticket costs 9 euros.

Madame Tussauds Museum in Amsterdam: They are moving! This is the first branch of the famous London Wax Museum. As in the London Museum, there are many figures of celebrities made with unparalleled skill: the complete impression that they are real people. With each of the exhibits (for some reason except Barack Obama) you can take a picture. But the Amsterdam Museum is notable for the fact that here you can see a real show about the history of the Netherlands with the participation of moving and talking figures. The museum is open daily from 10.00 to 18.30. An adult ticket costs 22 euros, but if you buy it on the museum website, it will cost 18 euros. And if you come to the museum after 15.00, the ticket will cost 16 euros.

The Laval Milk Museum: Bidons by Marie Antoinette In this largest French milk museum in Europe called "Lactopol" collected 2,500 exhibits. Ancient and modern devices necessary in the production of dairy products: yogurt, cream, oil and ... buttons made from the milk protein casein. Among the exhibits is a unique collection of milk bidons and an oil mill of Marie Antoinette from the “glamorous” village, which the queen in the XVIII century ordered to build near Versailles.

Little museum tricks. Once in the museum, do not try to embrace the immense. Some, like on a sports jog, quickly fly through all halls without exception. Why? One should immerse oneself in the paintings, place oneself in their space, live for some time in that period and in those interiors, admire the details, notice the symbols, guess the riddles that the artist left. In short, with the picture you need to spend a lot of time. So, before you go to walk around the halls, decide what you want to see, plan stops at a particular masterpiece - and calculate your strength. The second nuance: look for ways not to stand in lines at the entrance, because it is extremely exhausting thing. It is very difficult to experience sincere pleasure from the vision of masterpieces, if you first fry in the sun for two hours. How do you avoid queues? To answer this question, you need to carefully study the mode of operation of the museum and the peculiarities of ticket sales, where there are always small loopholes. For example, the Louvre works until 21.45 on Wednesdays and Fridays, and if you come to the museum by seven o’clock these days, the queue will clear up. The same ticket Louvre You can buy it not in the museum itself, but at the ticket offices, which are located all over Paris. The cost of the adult ticket is the same, 12 euros. You can also buy a ticket online. With a ticket in hand, you do not have to queue the Louvre through a glass pyramid, you can go through another entrance from Rivoli Street. In the period from October to March, every first Sunday of the month, entrance to the halls where the permanent exhibition of the Louvre is located is free.

Source: ecowars.tv/