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Where in Kiev free to eat, watch a movie and have a massage

To get gratuitous benefits of civilization, it is necessary not so much

They say that only free cheese is in a mousetrap or even steeper, they say, who does not work shall not eat. Fudge! As found "Today", a lot of services in Kiev can get quite in vain: for example, to eat, haircut, exercise, learn foreign languages ​​and even a massage! Tolerably well you can dine on the market, trying foods, but often in the same traders should not be - an impressive and chase away. And, for example, you can get a haircut at the hairdressers students, but they do not guarantee the quality of service.
These loopholes are often used by students: "Why should I be ashamed? Unless there scholarship will live! Himself from Vinnitsa, and in Kiev and pay hostel need and soak. But there is always: Beat the market - where the sausage, where herring, and where and tangerine try "- says Kievan Alexander Yemets, whom we met near Lukyanovka market.
It turns out that to get gratuitous benefits of civilization, man has to do not so much. First of all, get out of their homes couch, overcome shyness, to show a little imagination and go outside. For everyone "Today" was the map of free services.
FOOD: Feeds Bazaar and the Hare Krishnas. Imagine that you have in your pocket a penny of money. You stand on the street and in the stomach from hunger - a revolution, and in my head, only one thought: "Where to eat ?!". The first thing to do is to ask passers-by, where the nearest market. The most generous people of Kiev called Zhitny market, and we tried it on himself. At the market in the morning bustle. Many buyers, goes live auction. Someone asks to cede the hryvnia, and some five. Solve a colleague meal here lard ahead capturing a piece of black bread. In the meat department - as in the hive. Each seller is trying to sell his own. Just the sight of the customer, traders actively offer goods per sample. This moment you need to quickly use. Ate a piece - and efficiently move around further along the series will deal with merchants. Questions like: "How do salsa?", "How old boar?", "How do you smoked it?" - Very helpful. For some 5-10 minutes we managed to collect 200 grams of fat, however, thin slices. A good-natured vendor Luba from Poltava, hearing that we students told me how fed up six months on the market Physics Volodya. "He's so skinny, pale little, as much afraid. Came once stood for half an hour before the counter, salivating blew, and then he said: "Auntie, let eat." Fed him, I do not mind. Especially when people are asked politely, but not blatant stealing.
So he then every morning on the market comes, I will eat bacon, banana who ask, and where and strawberries or grapes give. Now, had disappeared. Maybe find a job or to the market to come ashamed "- reflects Luba.
After we pulled on fat salty. Oh, and did we naprobovalis cucumbers, carrots and Korean sauerkraut! Already wanted to drink ... In series with pickles sellers do not skimp on food to give a sample of whole spoons. And this is true for those who strictly adheres to the post. Then the experiment we continued on Lukyanovka market. Result - four ate a banana and two kiwi. Honestly, after more fat did not want to! Most readily, by the way, here give a sample of apples, sauerkraut, pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, cheese, sausages and bacon. However, we quickly noticed traders. "Something you guys all try, try, and do not buy anything," - shouted at us woman selling apples. So for those who dare to go in our footsteps, we advise not to go "graze" on the same market constantly. Them in the city, by the way, more than 80, plus food markets on Fridays and Saturdays, which are held in all districts of Kiev.
Supermarket. Another way to eat for free - found in supermarkets in terms of presentation of new products. However, this option is more suitable for dinner weekend - manufacturers rarely spend their weekdays. Here you can eat sausage, cheese, yogurt and chocolates. Promoters working on points, happy to give your product a try, not expecting anything in return. What, when and where you can try, administrators know in supermarkets.
BALL exotics. Perhaps the most satisfying option - to eat at the Center of Vedic culture, which is Zoryane Lane, 16. Every day at 9 am there for breakfast, 13:00 - lunch. A weekend passes "Sunday Feast" - a more lush than on weekdays. Most often, then served rice, porridge, various fruits and traditional Indian spices. In addition, the Hare Krishnas distribute food on the road - every Wednesday at 13:00 on the street Bestuzhev, 32. There can be absolutely free to dial in a jar of cereal, bread and juice to take and eat it all at home. "With this meal to be careful. Our neighbor on the street Belitskaya frequented these feasts. And doped in 70 years, he joined the Hare Krishnas and left the family "- told us Maria V. with Kurenevka.
Free lunches for the homeless, which also can eat, organizes Society of Sant'Egidio every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in different parts of Kiev. Groups of volunteers often distribute food at the hem, the central railway / train station, near metro stations "Darnitsa" and "Forest". Complete meals do not offer, but sandwiches with mayonnaise and sausages you can always eat. Give food not only homeless, but also to anyone who wants. So, going to the volunteers, you can get free delicious sandwich.
MOVIES: YOU CAN SEE RETRO. For those who like to go to the movies and do not want to give away for the film show about 100 hryvnia for two, in the city there are free sessions. Without money watch movies possible in several places. For example, in the Cinema Club of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (st. Naberezhnye Khreschatytska, 27) every day show documentaries and feature films Ukrainian and foreign directors. A detailed schedule and poster for April promise to post the other day - kinoklub-kma.livejournal.com. Also in the "visual laboratory" center Kurbas (st. Vladimir, 23-in) every Thursday on the screen 3x4 meters show films and cultural chronicles. More themes video screenings and availability (maximum room seats 60 people) to be specified on the website (kurbas.org.ua). "My husband and I often go to these shows. The question is not only in the economy. They have their own intimate atmosphere, and people tend to be the same. So that all know each other ", - said Anastasia from Kiev.
"I would love to come to our shows old movies. For example, revised to "The Lost Letter" or "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors". However, as a steeper squirrel in a cage. At the cinema time is not enough. But there is the internet, where you can download any "kinoshku" and revise it for nothing, "- says Sergey Ponomarev student KPI. For those who have a car - economical option Kinodrom. With one car take 80 UAH. That is, all four of 20 USD per person.
LANGUAGE: study Tatar and go for a master class. Free language courses, you can visit the cultural centers. Most sentences in the English language: the web can find a lot of conversational clubs with free courses. For example, in one of them at the hem, they are held on Sundays. Session lasts 2 hours and includes not only speaking practice, but also lessons on grammar. (Full details can be found here: english-clubs.net). But Ukrainian Tatar Cultural Centre offers lessons Tatar language on Skype: students from home to communicate with teachers via the Internet. Classes are held every-day conversation and seven days a week from 21:00 to 21:30. They can sign up for e-mail (tugantel@gmail.com and anwarzihan@gmail.com). Free can even start to learn Hebrew. However, to enroll happens only in August: the beginning of classes, which are held in Israeli Cultural Center from September. Gaining group annually. Classes are held twice on weekdays (1, 5 hours) or on Sundays - 3-hour.
Pick up a lesson for the soul and no load on the purse can be on several Internet resources (for example, freekiev.com.ua, nahalyavu.com, training.com.ua/action/free). There's a wide range of free offers on events, concerts, master classes, exhibitions, lectures, which are constantly replenished and do not require payment for the visit. For example, as soon as possible to attend a master class on Buddhism "Secrets of Tibet", learn how to "read" human facial features, go online consultation for hair care, visit the presentation of the book.
MASSAGE: Beginner's necessary to search. Kiyani can count on a free massage. As is the case with manicure, take advantage of this service can be mainly students and graduates of specialized institutions. "Basically friends come and friends of friends. Here triggered principle of word of mouth. But the Internet is still the advert I placed, "- tells us the student Ivan Tymoshchuk.
"For some therapeutic massage massage therapists who work in hospitals, take 50 hryvnia per person, but there are real professionals work, and that can offer students, I say seriously. The main thing is that their work does not hurt the patient "- commented Dr. us in one of the city hospitals. Per shift masseur pros serves an average of up to 12 people, in addition, he has ezdtit on domestic calls. That is, earn a decent massage therapists, especially in private institutions. "Massages are varying degrees of complexity and cost. But I can assure you that many of my colleagues and myself included, will do it for free if one is ill and experiencing financial difficulties, "- explained to us the therapist who works in a hospital on Troyeschina. Well, free massage - this is a good advertisement for the novice. If he has the talent, it is literally just a few weeks or months of work for nothing, he begins to earn good.
MUSEUMS: free days. If you like the visual arts, you try, you can almost daily free admission to the exhibition artists. For example, in "PinchukArtCenter" exhibition loud the names of the world, admission is free, but to master classes and lectures should pre-register as space is limited. Without money, you can get into the State Polytechnical Museum (Ave. Victory, 37, Bldg. 6, of. 6 a) and see the famous space capsule, and the Museum of recyclables (st. Sagaidak, 112) - a collection of glass bottles, busts of Lenin , antique furniture and books. Capital institutions are ready to attract new visitors free days. "We are always on the last Sunday of the month visitors than usual," - told the "Today" at the National Art Museum of Ukraine.
So, if you do not want to wait for the Day of Museums (18 May), when they are open to visitors, offering you a schedule of free days: National Museum of History of Ukraine (st. Vladimir, 2) - the last Monday of the month; National Art Museum of Ukraine (str. Hrushevskoho 6) - the last Sunday of the month; The Museum of Hetman (Spasskaya str., 16-b) - the last Saturday of the month for everyone, every Saturday - for pupils and students; State Museum of Taras Shevchenko (blvd. Shevchenko, 12) - the last Thursday of the month; Literary and Memorial House-Museum of Taras Shevchenko (trans. Taras Shevchenko, 8-a) - the last Wednesday of the month; Memorial House-Museum of Taras Shevchenko (st. Vyshgorodska, 5) - the last Thursday of the month; Museum of Theatre, Music and Cinema of Ukraine (Lavrska Str. 9, Bldg. 26) - every Sunday; Ukrainian Museum of Decorative Arts (Lavra, 9, Bldg. 29) - every first Monday of the month; National Science and Natural History Museum (B. Hmelnitsogo, 15) - the first Wednesday of each month; Kiev National Museum of Russian Art and the Museum of Art. Bogdan and Varvara Khanenko (Tereshchenkovskaya, 9 and 15/17) - for all the visitors entrance is free on the first Wednesday from 10:00 to 14:00, for children and students free admission on Sundays. Perhaps the most expensive to date ticket - in the "Mistets'kiy Arsenal" to 50 hryvnia, depending on the project. But there is a caveat - if you sign up for any events taking place in the framework of the project, besides attending a lecture, will be able to see the exhibition free of charge. "Free museums - it's good, but the question is - is there in them that look? Exposure rarely change. I have all the rounds, "- says Valentin, with whom we spoke on the withdrawal from the Natural History Museum.
CUT: BEAUTY WITHOUT THE VICTIMS OF STUDENTS. One of the most popular free hairdressing is located near the metro station "Lukyanovskaya" on the street Belarusian - Kyiv National University College of Technology and Design. Here on the people of Kiev practiced future "Zvereva." In the hall - mirrors, chairs, tools, bottles with nail - all as in a conventional beauty salon. Customers - a lot. Basically - it is students and seniors. "Our" experimental "behave differently. Some ask - do not cut off if we give them an ear, others are asking every minute show - "like back there," - says "Today" student Svetlana. But there are also regular customers. "One guy, received a summons to the army, ran here and asked him to cut" by zero ", and when served, came again. Very much he liked our girls. One of my friends to meet him. And he goes on prevychke haircut here. In a typical barbershop haircut will cost at least 65-80 hryvnia "- Svetlana laughs. By the way, here you can get a haircut every day until 13:00. However, it is necessary to call in advance to university and agree on time - students leave for competitions.
Elsewhere. Kiev Academy of Hairdressing - Vyborg, 68. Free haircut then you can do from Monday to Wednesday from 9:30 to 13:00. Students work under the supervision of a teacher. Here, too, you must first sign up for a haircut. Academy of Hairdressing - Mishugi, 2. Here everyone sheared professional masters who want to get extra practice. A haircut can be from Monday to Saturday from morning till 19:00. Haircut itself takes 3 hours. That is - plenty of space, but the quality is not guaranteed. "I once was, but I was so trimmed that terrible to remember. Very inexperienced girl was, "- says Olga Yavorets.
With a manicure and pedicure complicated. Beauty salons, where women can use this service free of charge, no. Despite this, some graduates of specialized courses are ready to bring your arms and legs in order for free. "I am ready to make a free manicure, but only once. To place ads on sites that people call, come to my house, "- said Marina us Storozhuk.
TRANSPORT. Ride for nothing in public transport "hare" or pretend boots, when the driver yells at the whole salon "pay the fare!". But all of this is illegal, and if caught - will have to pay a fine (30 hryvnia). But there are free Boucicaut, which run through the city. "We are on Tatarka drive to free shuttle bus. She carries visitors to the shopping center from the street. Baggovutovskoy to underground "Lukyanovskaya" and in the opposite direction, so we sit down. Goes two minibuses "- boasts us Nelia from Kiev.
Also, due to shopping centers can free ride on the Irpin to hypermarket squirrel, and then - the choice - to the metro station "Nivki" or "Lukyanovskaya" to Akademgorodok and husbandman. Hypermarket at Petrovka free transport will take you right on Troeshchina, Obolon (st. North) Hem (Kontraktovaya) to Solomenka (through art. M "Petrovka", "Dorohozhychi", "Shulyavska", Art. Bahn "Karavaevi garden "), and even up to the Upper Town. Hypermarket at the Rainbow can reach Troeschina and Darnitsa. And from a hypermarket in the District have driven to the metro station "Vasylkivska" from viscose - to the metro station "Chernigov" from Berkovetskaya - to Akademgorodok and subway "Minsk».
