Healing holistic massage - ambulance for stress and injuries
Holistic massage is by definition a technique with a high therapeutic potential (holos - whole, healing, healing).
But this potential can only be unleashed—again—in some holistic, collaborative process in which the healer and the healer work closely together. This is a massage for people concerned with their health, not their illnesses.
This is a massage for people who are dynamically developing and successfully implementing in society, but who want to further improve their quality of life.
Nevertheless, this technique when connecting additional resources (phytotherapy, apitherapy, naturopathy, etc.) can work in the traditional way, familiar and understandable to the “average level of consciousness”, that is, as a means of combating overwhelming ailments.
It is quite difficult to describe everything that I had to work with over the years of practice, and therefore on this page I will tell you about some health problems that are most often encountered and for which over the years of practice there have already been enough statistics.
Propulsion and propulsion problems
These are, of course, the most common reasons why people turn to a masseuse. Stress has accumulated in the shoulders (arms, neck, lower back, etc.), stiffness is felt. Later, pain in the neck, back, lower back, etc. is felt. This is osteochondrosis.
Osteochondrosis is now the most common problem of the spine. According to the most common opinion, the cause of osteochondrosis is the deposition of salts in the spine. In fact, osteochondrosis is a dystrophic disease of the spine, characterized by a predominant lesion of the intervertebral discs, often in the cervical and lumbar parts of it.
Violation of the blood supply to the spine leads to malnutrition (trophic) of the intervertebral discs. They lose their elasticity, lose the ability to regenerate, decrease in size, wear off, which in turn affects the nerve roots that extend from the spine.
Manifestations of osteochondrosis are diverse. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is characterized by pain in the occipital, interscapular areas, a feeling of heaviness in the shoulders, pain in the neck, especially during movements, general restriction of neck mobility, numbness of the fingers during sleep. The involvement of the vertebral arteries in the process and a violation of the blood supply to the brain are indicated by dizziness and flashing of stars before the eyes when turning the head.
With osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, there is rapid fatigue of the back muscles, the inability to be in an upright position for a long time, constant monotonous debilitating pain along the spine. With osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine in the initial period, there is a feeling of fatigue and minor pain when tilting the trunk forward, quickly passing after its straightening. Over time, these sensations become constant, long-lasting, appear when laughing, coughing, sneezing. There are pains in the buttock region, on the back surface of the rib. There is a significant tension of muscles in the lumbar region, muscles of the buttock region, thigh, shin. There is no mobility in the affected segment of the spine.
Holistic massage in osteochondrosis Any localization gives a good result, since it stimulates blood and lymph circulation in the spine, thereby improving the nutrition of the intervertebral discs. Reduced pain, reduced increased tone or tension in the muscles of the neck, back, lower back. Pain in the hands and feet go away, a person begins to sleep calmly and does not wake up with numb limbs.
The next very common disease of the spine is radiculitis - damage to the roots of the spinal nerves, characterized by specific pains. The main cause of the development of radiculitis is osteochondrosis of the spine, dystrophy of the intervertebral discs, often with their displacement. Depending on the localization, lumbosacral, cervical chest and cervical radiculitis are distinguished.
Manifestations of radiculitis of different localization has common features: spontaneous pain in the innervation zone of the affected roots, aggravated by movements, coughing, sneezing and straining; limited mobility of the spine, protective (anti-pain) posture in which a person is forced to walk, pain when pressing on the spinal processes of the vertebrae and in paravertebral (circumvertebral) points, weakness and hypotrophy of muscles in the radicular innervation zone.
In the course of lumbosacral radiculitis distinguish between lumbagic and root stages. In the first stage, pain can occur suddenly in the muscles after physical exertion, cooling or grow gradually, intensifying with coughing, sneezing, etc. As the transition to the second stage, the pain intensifies, changes character, begins to radiate to the buttock region, along the posterior outer surface of the thigh and shin.
Treatment of sciatica is treated in the same way as osteochondrosis, except for a little longer. Despite the fact that the holistic massage technique is quite mild, and unlike classical medical massage, a person usually does not hurt, the effect of restoring blood supply to the spine and paravertebral muscles is quite high. What does that mean? First, this technique works not only with the muscles themselves, but also with their biofield, with their “energy flesh.” The flow of energy in the muscles is activated and the muscle is restored not only during the massage session, but also after it, since self-healing mechanisms are turned on. If, after a massage course, a person masters the techniques of self-massage, then within a few months he can restore the spine so much that he simply forgets that he suffered from sciatica.
Ears, ligaments and joints
Often people do not know how effective massage can be for bruises and sprains. Most often, a person thinks that the massage will be even more painful. But it's not. A competent masseur not only does not make it hurt, but also relieves pain, and also helps the tissues recover faster. During my time at the theatre, I was convinced of this. Bruises are damage to soft tissues, in which the integrity of the outer cover is maintained. With a significant bruise, ruptures of blood vessels, muscles, nerves, hemarthrosis are possible. The main manifestations of bruise are pain, swelling, local hemorrhages with an increase in skin temperature in the bruise area. With the penetration of infection, purulent inflammations may occur. Stretching of ligaments is a variety of their damage without displacement of the joints. At the same time, ligaments, places of their attachment, the synovial membrane of the joints, cartilage, tendons, muscles, vessels, nerves can be affected. With severe injuries, an inflammatory process in the joint may begin and stiffness will remain in it forever.
The effect of massage causes a decrease in the overall soreness of the injured area, an improvement in metabolism, the activation of muscle contractions, the prevention of possible and elimination of the onset of muscle atrophy, accelerated resorption of edema, infiltrates and hemorrhages. Moreover, the early start of massage sessions contributes to a more effective reduction of pain and faster recovery.
Specificity of massage for bruises and sprains in the fact that first the so-called "suction massage" is done - a massage of the area directly above the affected area (that is, the area that is above the affected area). This overlying, intact area is well massaged, blood and lymph naturally flow into this area. And since the affected area is in close proximity, blood and lymph drain from it. The preparatory massage session can be started either immediately - with bruises of moderate severity, or after a few hours with severe bruises or severe stretching of the ligaments.
After the acute phase of the bruise or sprain has passed, the suction massage is complemented by a very light superficial direct massage of the affected area. As a result of such a complex, blood circulation and metabolism in the area of damage are strengthened, which reduces pain and contributes to the resorption of exudate, infiltrates and hemorrhages.
And here it is worth talking about another aspect of the massage effect, about which the masses know little: massage contributes to the disappearance of scars. It may seem strange, but it is. The fact is that with a specific massage effect, regeneration processes are significantly accelerated in the scar tissues. With prolonged exposure, the scars disappear.
Of course, this primarily concerns fresh scars, whose age is from six months to 2 years. Old scars grow more slowly, but also noticeably decrease.
Increased and reduced pressure
Increased blood pressure is a consequence of a violation of vascular tone in different areas (usually the brain), which leads to narrowing of the arterioles, cardiac output changes. Cardiologists have found that the basis of high pressure is a violation of the functional state of the central nervous system and other systems that affect the regulation of vascular tone. It affects psycho-emotional overstrain, and stress, and hereditary predisposition, etc.
Violations of the regulation of vascular tone arise in connection with the overexcitation of the centers of sympathetic innervation. This causes responses in the renal-hepatic system and the pituitary-adrenal system. As a result, substances that affect the level of blood pressure are released in the blood. The resulting persistent changes in the vessels of various organs lead to a violation of their blood supply.
In connection with worries, overwork, changes in the weather in humans, there are headaches, heaviness in the head, dizziness, sensation of hot flashes to the head, insomnia, heartbeat. If a person does not deal with this problem, over time such conditions are observed more often, often occur and occur in the form of crises. And then this is joined by the symptoms of persistent violations of organ function due to their diffuse lesion (nephrosclerosis, retinal sclerosis, etc.) or foci of sclerosis due to ischemic heart attacks, hemorrhages.
Massage performed according to a certain scheme, with the selection of special techniques, effectively reduces blood pressure, reduces headache and dizziness and, most importantly, contribute to the general normalization of the psycho-emotional state.
Hypotension is low blood pressure. Primary hypotension is neurocirculatory dystonia of hypotonic type. Hypotension, arising as a result of infectious, neuroendocrine and other diseases, that is, as a symptom in various diseases, is secondary hypotension. The basis of neurocirculatory dystonia is a disorder of vascular tone and heat regulation as a consequence of dysfunction of the nervous and humoral systems.
The main manifestations of the disease: low blood pressure, general weakness, rapid fatigue, headaches, frequent pain in the heart, dizziness, darkening in the eyes when changing body position, poor adaptability to physical exertion. With all this, a person may have vascular crises, during which blood pressure rises somewhat.
There are two variants of the course of the disease depending on the predominance of inhibition (more often) or excitation processes in the cerebral cortex. At the same time, symptomatically in one form, asthenic syndrome with inhibition, lethargy, depression, drowsiness, a persistent decrease in blood pressure appear. Headache is localized mainly in the fronto-parietal and temporal regions. A person has a tendency to bradycardia at rest, and by the evening the blood pressure does not change. If such a person will be examined by an optometrist, then the examination reveals atony of the vessels of the fundus.
In another form, other symptoms prevail: increased irritability, superficial restless sleep, headaches in the occipital-parietal region, a pronounced tendency to increase blood pressure in the evening, a tendency to tachycardia at rest. Examination of the optometrist reveals spasm of the vessels of the fundus of the eye.
As in the case of hypertension, massage performed according to a certain scheme (naturally, different from hypertension), with the selection of the necessary techniques in this case increases blood pressure, which also reduces headache, contributes to the general normalization of the psycho-emotional state and increases efficiency.
Contradictions for Massage
Like any therapeutic effect, holistic massage (both muscular and any other) is not suitable for everyone.
It is contraindicated in cancer, skin diseases in acute form, severe injuries, burns, high temperature caused by inflammatory processes, acute infectious diseases (purulents, sepsis, etc.), febrile conditions, acute stage of rheumatic arthritis, acute cardiovascular failure, acute stage of arterial and venous thrombosis, as well as mental diseases and pathologies.
Massage is not carried out with overwork, a strong feeling of hunger or overeating, with alcoholic intoxication or other intoxication.
In conclusion, we note once again that in the absence of contraindications, holistic massage is a good general health remedy that increases the level of vitality and creative potential of a person, normalizes natural psycho-physiological processes and, finally, simply improves mood.
Over the years, I have developed my own massage style, on the basis of which I developed my own type of massage, which I call “holistic massage”.
It must be said that nowadays this term is most often applied to the body-oriented technique, which was originally called “holistic palsing”, authored by the osteopath Tovy Browning. In Russia, this technique appeared in the early 90s of the last century through the Australian M. Manro. But, apparently, the desire to simplify everything and adapt as much as possible to our Russian reality, led to the fact that instead of the incomprehensible word “Palsing”, the people began to call this technique “holistic massage”.
And now, even in well-known and authoritative massage schools, this technique is taught exactly as “holistic massage”, certificates are issued. . .
It is sad, of course, that our massage schools are so superficially approaching the techniques that are taught, but there is nothing. . .
I myself am very familiar with the technique of “holistic palsing”, I studied it back in 1993 and since then I have successfully applied it when necessary, because dechnica itself is quite working, but I want to emphasize that this is precisely “palsing”, namely pulsation, vibration, and not massage in the traditional sense of the word. I use the term “holistic massage” to refer to massage in the conventional sense.
The term "holistic" comes from the Greek "holos" (whole, whole, whole). In this case, the use of this term, on the one hand, determines my approach to massage as such, and on the other hand, shows the deep relationship of this type of massage with the philosophy of holism and in general with the holistic worldview and attitude.
This massage combines elements of some Eastern and Western healing systems that I have become familiar with and practiced to varying degrees at different times of life.
The first include yoga, qi-gong, zhen-ju, su-jok and rei-ki, the second - classical massage, manual therapy, bioenergy therapy and reflexology.
In addition, elements of body-oriented psychotherapy are woven into this massage.
In brief, we can say that holistic massage is based on the same approach to a person as in traditional oriental medicine. In it, the human body is perceived as an integral system, all parts of which are in deep interrelation and interdependence, and the whole system is in the same deep interrelation and interdependence with the external environment (first of all, of course, the surrounding people).
Accordingly, treatment consists not so much in eliminating the symptoms of a particular disease, but in normalizing the disturbed bio-informational connections in the body, as well as in normalizing the relationship of a person with the outside world. As a result of this approach, the body is able to recover at its own level.
Embodying the principle of “from the general to the particular”, holistic massage covers the entire body of a person.
The area that requires the most attention (and is often the main reason for contacting a masseur), is worked out in close relationship with the whole body.
The general health, “life-giving” effect of this holistic effect is significantly higher than that given by the traditional “fragmentary” massage, prevailing in medicine.
There, a person is approached as a certain set of body parts, some of which must be massaged.
That is, you are initially divided into so-called “massage units” (for example, the hand is one “massage unit”, the back is “two massage units”, etc.). The rest of your body doesn’t really matter. And, accordingly, how the intense massage effect on this “unit” can affect them is not taken into account.
As a result, it turns out that metabolic processes are intensified only in one zone, which is why various imbalances and stresses may occur in other parts of the body (for example, after intensive back massage, a person may have a headache, etc.).
In my practice, there were many cases when, after such a negative experience, people decided to completely abandon the services of massage therapists - despite the fact that they needed massage. .
With a holistic approach, the problem area is restored as the whole organism recovers, that is, as much as the entire body recovers. No part of the body remains cold. Accordingly, any imbalances in this process are excluded as much as possible.
There are several types of holistic massage: muscle, joint, honey, api massage, etc. Each of them is based on the same holistic principle, but each type of massage is unique in its own way and has its own nuances of therapeutic and health effects.
Holistic massage is well adapted to the modern rhythms and dynamics inherent in the urban lifestyle. It does not require a couch or a massage table, because in the Eastern tradition, massage is always carried out on the floor, you only need to bed a blanket or blanket.
As practice shows, it is better if the session takes place at home with the client, when he does not have to go anywhere or go immediately after the session. The restorative processes triggered by massage do not stop with the end of the massage, and if a person has the opportunity to sleep, rest or act in a calm, unstressed rhythm, the effectiveness of the session increases significantly.
An even larger healing effect is obtained when during a massage course a person takes a specially selected api-program consisting of natural bee products and begins to practice alkaline healing techniques that contribute to the maximum removal of toxins from the body.
Since holistic massage launches an intensive process of removing accumulated toxins from the body, and the excretory system in a person living in a bad environment does not always work perfectly, these alkaline techniques greatly help the body to cleanse itself.
In addition, the healing effect of massage can be enhanced by various procedures from the field of cosmetology: peeling, wrapping, whiskey swaddling.
Technically, this is a classic European massage.
But given the fact that holistic principles are integrated into it, it works much deeper and has a number of healing elements new for classical massage.
First of all, muscular holistic massage relieves the general muscle tension accumulated as a result of numerous unbalanced physical exertion and staying in a stressful environment.
Moreover, not only external tension is removed, which, in principle, a person can relieve himself if he calmly lies down and lets go of his muscles, but also the tension that exists already beyond the threshold of consciousness.
It is a tension that prevents us from relaxing even when we really want it, that remains in the muscles even when we sleep, that creates discomfort in the body - sometimes barely perceptible, sometimes very strong, but always present as a background.
When this peculiar “muscle corset” loses its stiffness, the natural restorative processes that are inherent in the human body, but usually suppressed by stress, are turned on.
Massage increases muscle tone, contributes to the rapid restoration of muscle performance, as well as the accumulation of glycogen in them, which helps the development and strengthening of muscle tissues. Massage relieves side effects associated with both intense muscle activity (clamps, stiffness, pain) and prolonged immobility (muscle hypotension, swelling, numbness, etc.).
Massage helps to reduce the content of lactic acid in the muscles and the removal of organic acids, which has a powerful restorative effect on tired muscles after physical exertion.
The work of the circulatory system due to the action of this type of holistic massage is significantly improved. The ability of the blood to absorb oxygen increases, while the acid-base balance in the blood is not disturbed.
Under the influence of massage, the number of functioning capillaries increases, they open, which causes an increased flow of arterial blood, contributes to the activation of blood circulation in general, the redistribution of blood from internal organs to muscles and skin. This, in turn, causes an increase in local temperature, warming of tissues, changing their physicochemical state, in connection with which their elasticity improves.
The walls of blood vessels become more elastic, stagnation of blood in various parts of the circulatory system is eliminated, and this significantly reduces the load on the heart. In addition, blood pressure is normalized. It has long been known that when massaging the upper part of the body, it decreases, and when massaging the lower part of the body - increases. Holistic massage, by definition, covering the whole body, regulates blood pressure well, which provides prevention of both hypertension and vascular hypotension.
Muscle massage has a significant effect on the lymphatic system. The circulation of lymph through the lymphatic vessels is provided by muscle contractions. By affecting the muscles, massage stimulates this circulation, as a result of which swelling, swelling and other stagnant phenomena are eliminated.
This is especially noticeable with swelling of the legs, which occurs after a long walk or due to a difficult outflow of lymph. Restoring the normal circulation of fluids in the body, massage relieves the heaviness and feeling of fatigue in the legs.
The walls of the chest also receive a direct stimulating effect. Massage promotes redistribution of blood and more uniform blood circulation in all parts of the lungs. Causing a reflex reaction of the nerve branches located in the chest area, massage contributes to the deepening of the respiratory process. This activates the function of the lungs and helps to cleanse the lung tissue from toxins deposited in the lungs as a result of inhalation of polluted air, smoking, etc.
Thanks to reflex connections, breathing becomes deeper, calmer and less frequent. Massage of the chest, especially intercostal spaces, improves the function of the respiratory muscles, which, in turn, contributes to better saturation of the body with oxygen, excretion of metabolic products, removal of fatigue. Massaging the chest, back, respiratory muscles, thoracic spine, you can increase the ventilation of the corresponding segments of the lungs and improve blood circulation in them.
Under the influence of massage, the function of respiratory muscles is normalized, bronchopulmonary circulation, bronchial patency improves. The lungs after the massage procedure are ventilated more actively and much more evenly than before it.
Muscle holistic massage increases the tone of not only skeletal muscles, but also smooth muscles of organs. The tone of the stomach, intestines and other digestive organs increases, which, in turn, improves the digestive process, helps to get rid of toxins and stimulates the processes of splitting dense deposits in the gastrointestinal tract.
This effect of massage on the activity of internal organs is due to the fact that each organ corresponds to a certain skin zone. The first who pointed to the relationship of internal organs and integuments of the body innervated from the same spinal segments were Zakharyin and Ged. These zones are called Zakharyin-Ged zones. If usually the impact on these areas does not cause discomfort and pain, then with diseases of individual internal organs, certain areas of the skin become especially sensitive, in areas belonging to a certain segment, hypertonus (tension) and hyperesthesia (increased soreness) of the muscles are observed.
Interconnections between internal organs and segments of spinal innervation are the basis for the therapeutic effect of massage: when massaging surface tissues (skin, connective tissue, muscles) there are responses associated with improved blood supply, changes in cellular metabolism in the relevant organs.
Impact on altered tissues, elimination of pathological processes in them contribute to the restoration of the normal state of all internal organs and the normal functioning of all vegetative functions of the body: respiration, blood circulation, digestion, the activity of the glands of internal secretion, etc.
It is difficult to overestimate the effect of this type of holistic massage on the central nervous system. Almost every adult who is actively functioning in society, there are periods of fatigue, when significantly reduced performance and reduced efficiency. Massage provides significant assistance in solving these problems, relieving accumulated stress and balancing the general condition of the person.
Embracing the whole body, massage helps to disconnect from negative thoughts and emotions and switches the consciousness to the immediate bodily sensations that exist here and now. Calm atmosphere, silence or pleasant music help to relax completely. During this harmonious process, the nervous system gently and naturally comes into balance. A full course of such massage normalizes sleep, increases the recovery potential of the body, significantly increases the stability of the nervous system, and therefore its resistance to stress influences from the outside.
In addition, holistic massage can work as an “ambulance” for severe stress, mental shocks and injuries. In this state, all muscle tissues of the body are very tense and often spasmic, which entails functional disorders, and often serious diseases (heart attacks, strokes, etc.). Due to its ability to switch consciousness to real bodily sensations, massage in this case is well combined with psychotherapeutic aids.
General muscle holistic massage is a rather diverse technique. To achieve high results, various massagers and banks are widely used in it. published
Author: Alexey Galkin
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: alg-massage.ru/massagnie_tehniki/massage.htm
Holistic massage is by definition a technique with a high therapeutic potential (holos - whole, healing, healing).
But this potential can only be unleashed—again—in some holistic, collaborative process in which the healer and the healer work closely together. This is a massage for people concerned with their health, not their illnesses.
This is a massage for people who are dynamically developing and successfully implementing in society, but who want to further improve their quality of life.
Nevertheless, this technique when connecting additional resources (phytotherapy, apitherapy, naturopathy, etc.) can work in the traditional way, familiar and understandable to the “average level of consciousness”, that is, as a means of combating overwhelming ailments.
It is quite difficult to describe everything that I had to work with over the years of practice, and therefore on this page I will tell you about some health problems that are most often encountered and for which over the years of practice there have already been enough statistics.
Propulsion and propulsion problems
These are, of course, the most common reasons why people turn to a masseuse. Stress has accumulated in the shoulders (arms, neck, lower back, etc.), stiffness is felt. Later, pain in the neck, back, lower back, etc. is felt. This is osteochondrosis.
Osteochondrosis is now the most common problem of the spine. According to the most common opinion, the cause of osteochondrosis is the deposition of salts in the spine. In fact, osteochondrosis is a dystrophic disease of the spine, characterized by a predominant lesion of the intervertebral discs, often in the cervical and lumbar parts of it.
Violation of the blood supply to the spine leads to malnutrition (trophic) of the intervertebral discs. They lose their elasticity, lose the ability to regenerate, decrease in size, wear off, which in turn affects the nerve roots that extend from the spine.
Manifestations of osteochondrosis are diverse. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is characterized by pain in the occipital, interscapular areas, a feeling of heaviness in the shoulders, pain in the neck, especially during movements, general restriction of neck mobility, numbness of the fingers during sleep. The involvement of the vertebral arteries in the process and a violation of the blood supply to the brain are indicated by dizziness and flashing of stars before the eyes when turning the head.
With osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, there is rapid fatigue of the back muscles, the inability to be in an upright position for a long time, constant monotonous debilitating pain along the spine. With osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine in the initial period, there is a feeling of fatigue and minor pain when tilting the trunk forward, quickly passing after its straightening. Over time, these sensations become constant, long-lasting, appear when laughing, coughing, sneezing. There are pains in the buttock region, on the back surface of the rib. There is a significant tension of muscles in the lumbar region, muscles of the buttock region, thigh, shin. There is no mobility in the affected segment of the spine.
Holistic massage in osteochondrosis Any localization gives a good result, since it stimulates blood and lymph circulation in the spine, thereby improving the nutrition of the intervertebral discs. Reduced pain, reduced increased tone or tension in the muscles of the neck, back, lower back. Pain in the hands and feet go away, a person begins to sleep calmly and does not wake up with numb limbs.
The next very common disease of the spine is radiculitis - damage to the roots of the spinal nerves, characterized by specific pains. The main cause of the development of radiculitis is osteochondrosis of the spine, dystrophy of the intervertebral discs, often with their displacement. Depending on the localization, lumbosacral, cervical chest and cervical radiculitis are distinguished.
Manifestations of radiculitis of different localization has common features: spontaneous pain in the innervation zone of the affected roots, aggravated by movements, coughing, sneezing and straining; limited mobility of the spine, protective (anti-pain) posture in which a person is forced to walk, pain when pressing on the spinal processes of the vertebrae and in paravertebral (circumvertebral) points, weakness and hypotrophy of muscles in the radicular innervation zone.
In the course of lumbosacral radiculitis distinguish between lumbagic and root stages. In the first stage, pain can occur suddenly in the muscles after physical exertion, cooling or grow gradually, intensifying with coughing, sneezing, etc. As the transition to the second stage, the pain intensifies, changes character, begins to radiate to the buttock region, along the posterior outer surface of the thigh and shin.
Treatment of sciatica is treated in the same way as osteochondrosis, except for a little longer. Despite the fact that the holistic massage technique is quite mild, and unlike classical medical massage, a person usually does not hurt, the effect of restoring blood supply to the spine and paravertebral muscles is quite high. What does that mean? First, this technique works not only with the muscles themselves, but also with their biofield, with their “energy flesh.” The flow of energy in the muscles is activated and the muscle is restored not only during the massage session, but also after it, since self-healing mechanisms are turned on. If, after a massage course, a person masters the techniques of self-massage, then within a few months he can restore the spine so much that he simply forgets that he suffered from sciatica.
Ears, ligaments and joints
Often people do not know how effective massage can be for bruises and sprains. Most often, a person thinks that the massage will be even more painful. But it's not. A competent masseur not only does not make it hurt, but also relieves pain, and also helps the tissues recover faster. During my time at the theatre, I was convinced of this. Bruises are damage to soft tissues, in which the integrity of the outer cover is maintained. With a significant bruise, ruptures of blood vessels, muscles, nerves, hemarthrosis are possible. The main manifestations of bruise are pain, swelling, local hemorrhages with an increase in skin temperature in the bruise area. With the penetration of infection, purulent inflammations may occur. Stretching of ligaments is a variety of their damage without displacement of the joints. At the same time, ligaments, places of their attachment, the synovial membrane of the joints, cartilage, tendons, muscles, vessels, nerves can be affected. With severe injuries, an inflammatory process in the joint may begin and stiffness will remain in it forever.
The effect of massage causes a decrease in the overall soreness of the injured area, an improvement in metabolism, the activation of muscle contractions, the prevention of possible and elimination of the onset of muscle atrophy, accelerated resorption of edema, infiltrates and hemorrhages. Moreover, the early start of massage sessions contributes to a more effective reduction of pain and faster recovery.
Specificity of massage for bruises and sprains in the fact that first the so-called "suction massage" is done - a massage of the area directly above the affected area (that is, the area that is above the affected area). This overlying, intact area is well massaged, blood and lymph naturally flow into this area. And since the affected area is in close proximity, blood and lymph drain from it. The preparatory massage session can be started either immediately - with bruises of moderate severity, or after a few hours with severe bruises or severe stretching of the ligaments.
After the acute phase of the bruise or sprain has passed, the suction massage is complemented by a very light superficial direct massage of the affected area. As a result of such a complex, blood circulation and metabolism in the area of damage are strengthened, which reduces pain and contributes to the resorption of exudate, infiltrates and hemorrhages.
And here it is worth talking about another aspect of the massage effect, about which the masses know little: massage contributes to the disappearance of scars. It may seem strange, but it is. The fact is that with a specific massage effect, regeneration processes are significantly accelerated in the scar tissues. With prolonged exposure, the scars disappear.
Of course, this primarily concerns fresh scars, whose age is from six months to 2 years. Old scars grow more slowly, but also noticeably decrease.
Increased and reduced pressure
Increased blood pressure is a consequence of a violation of vascular tone in different areas (usually the brain), which leads to narrowing of the arterioles, cardiac output changes. Cardiologists have found that the basis of high pressure is a violation of the functional state of the central nervous system and other systems that affect the regulation of vascular tone. It affects psycho-emotional overstrain, and stress, and hereditary predisposition, etc.
Violations of the regulation of vascular tone arise in connection with the overexcitation of the centers of sympathetic innervation. This causes responses in the renal-hepatic system and the pituitary-adrenal system. As a result, substances that affect the level of blood pressure are released in the blood. The resulting persistent changes in the vessels of various organs lead to a violation of their blood supply.
In connection with worries, overwork, changes in the weather in humans, there are headaches, heaviness in the head, dizziness, sensation of hot flashes to the head, insomnia, heartbeat. If a person does not deal with this problem, over time such conditions are observed more often, often occur and occur in the form of crises. And then this is joined by the symptoms of persistent violations of organ function due to their diffuse lesion (nephrosclerosis, retinal sclerosis, etc.) or foci of sclerosis due to ischemic heart attacks, hemorrhages.
Massage performed according to a certain scheme, with the selection of special techniques, effectively reduces blood pressure, reduces headache and dizziness and, most importantly, contribute to the general normalization of the psycho-emotional state.
Hypotension is low blood pressure. Primary hypotension is neurocirculatory dystonia of hypotonic type. Hypotension, arising as a result of infectious, neuroendocrine and other diseases, that is, as a symptom in various diseases, is secondary hypotension. The basis of neurocirculatory dystonia is a disorder of vascular tone and heat regulation as a consequence of dysfunction of the nervous and humoral systems.
The main manifestations of the disease: low blood pressure, general weakness, rapid fatigue, headaches, frequent pain in the heart, dizziness, darkening in the eyes when changing body position, poor adaptability to physical exertion. With all this, a person may have vascular crises, during which blood pressure rises somewhat.
There are two variants of the course of the disease depending on the predominance of inhibition (more often) or excitation processes in the cerebral cortex. At the same time, symptomatically in one form, asthenic syndrome with inhibition, lethargy, depression, drowsiness, a persistent decrease in blood pressure appear. Headache is localized mainly in the fronto-parietal and temporal regions. A person has a tendency to bradycardia at rest, and by the evening the blood pressure does not change. If such a person will be examined by an optometrist, then the examination reveals atony of the vessels of the fundus.
In another form, other symptoms prevail: increased irritability, superficial restless sleep, headaches in the occipital-parietal region, a pronounced tendency to increase blood pressure in the evening, a tendency to tachycardia at rest. Examination of the optometrist reveals spasm of the vessels of the fundus of the eye.
As in the case of hypertension, massage performed according to a certain scheme (naturally, different from hypertension), with the selection of the necessary techniques in this case increases blood pressure, which also reduces headache, contributes to the general normalization of the psycho-emotional state and increases efficiency.
Contradictions for Massage
Like any therapeutic effect, holistic massage (both muscular and any other) is not suitable for everyone.
It is contraindicated in cancer, skin diseases in acute form, severe injuries, burns, high temperature caused by inflammatory processes, acute infectious diseases (purulents, sepsis, etc.), febrile conditions, acute stage of rheumatic arthritis, acute cardiovascular failure, acute stage of arterial and venous thrombosis, as well as mental diseases and pathologies.
Massage is not carried out with overwork, a strong feeling of hunger or overeating, with alcoholic intoxication or other intoxication.
In conclusion, we note once again that in the absence of contraindications, holistic massage is a good general health remedy that increases the level of vitality and creative potential of a person, normalizes natural psycho-physiological processes and, finally, simply improves mood.
Over the years, I have developed my own massage style, on the basis of which I developed my own type of massage, which I call “holistic massage”.
It must be said that nowadays this term is most often applied to the body-oriented technique, which was originally called “holistic palsing”, authored by the osteopath Tovy Browning. In Russia, this technique appeared in the early 90s of the last century through the Australian M. Manro. But, apparently, the desire to simplify everything and adapt as much as possible to our Russian reality, led to the fact that instead of the incomprehensible word “Palsing”, the people began to call this technique “holistic massage”.
And now, even in well-known and authoritative massage schools, this technique is taught exactly as “holistic massage”, certificates are issued. . .
It is sad, of course, that our massage schools are so superficially approaching the techniques that are taught, but there is nothing. . .
I myself am very familiar with the technique of “holistic palsing”, I studied it back in 1993 and since then I have successfully applied it when necessary, because dechnica itself is quite working, but I want to emphasize that this is precisely “palsing”, namely pulsation, vibration, and not massage in the traditional sense of the word. I use the term “holistic massage” to refer to massage in the conventional sense.
The term "holistic" comes from the Greek "holos" (whole, whole, whole). In this case, the use of this term, on the one hand, determines my approach to massage as such, and on the other hand, shows the deep relationship of this type of massage with the philosophy of holism and in general with the holistic worldview and attitude.
This massage combines elements of some Eastern and Western healing systems that I have become familiar with and practiced to varying degrees at different times of life.
The first include yoga, qi-gong, zhen-ju, su-jok and rei-ki, the second - classical massage, manual therapy, bioenergy therapy and reflexology.
In addition, elements of body-oriented psychotherapy are woven into this massage.
In brief, we can say that holistic massage is based on the same approach to a person as in traditional oriental medicine. In it, the human body is perceived as an integral system, all parts of which are in deep interrelation and interdependence, and the whole system is in the same deep interrelation and interdependence with the external environment (first of all, of course, the surrounding people).
Accordingly, treatment consists not so much in eliminating the symptoms of a particular disease, but in normalizing the disturbed bio-informational connections in the body, as well as in normalizing the relationship of a person with the outside world. As a result of this approach, the body is able to recover at its own level.
Embodying the principle of “from the general to the particular”, holistic massage covers the entire body of a person.
The area that requires the most attention (and is often the main reason for contacting a masseur), is worked out in close relationship with the whole body.
The general health, “life-giving” effect of this holistic effect is significantly higher than that given by the traditional “fragmentary” massage, prevailing in medicine.
There, a person is approached as a certain set of body parts, some of which must be massaged.
That is, you are initially divided into so-called “massage units” (for example, the hand is one “massage unit”, the back is “two massage units”, etc.). The rest of your body doesn’t really matter. And, accordingly, how the intense massage effect on this “unit” can affect them is not taken into account.
As a result, it turns out that metabolic processes are intensified only in one zone, which is why various imbalances and stresses may occur in other parts of the body (for example, after intensive back massage, a person may have a headache, etc.).
In my practice, there were many cases when, after such a negative experience, people decided to completely abandon the services of massage therapists - despite the fact that they needed massage. .
With a holistic approach, the problem area is restored as the whole organism recovers, that is, as much as the entire body recovers. No part of the body remains cold. Accordingly, any imbalances in this process are excluded as much as possible.
There are several types of holistic massage: muscle, joint, honey, api massage, etc. Each of them is based on the same holistic principle, but each type of massage is unique in its own way and has its own nuances of therapeutic and health effects.
Holistic massage is well adapted to the modern rhythms and dynamics inherent in the urban lifestyle. It does not require a couch or a massage table, because in the Eastern tradition, massage is always carried out on the floor, you only need to bed a blanket or blanket.
As practice shows, it is better if the session takes place at home with the client, when he does not have to go anywhere or go immediately after the session. The restorative processes triggered by massage do not stop with the end of the massage, and if a person has the opportunity to sleep, rest or act in a calm, unstressed rhythm, the effectiveness of the session increases significantly.
An even larger healing effect is obtained when during a massage course a person takes a specially selected api-program consisting of natural bee products and begins to practice alkaline healing techniques that contribute to the maximum removal of toxins from the body.
Since holistic massage launches an intensive process of removing accumulated toxins from the body, and the excretory system in a person living in a bad environment does not always work perfectly, these alkaline techniques greatly help the body to cleanse itself.
In addition, the healing effect of massage can be enhanced by various procedures from the field of cosmetology: peeling, wrapping, whiskey swaddling.
Technically, this is a classic European massage.
But given the fact that holistic principles are integrated into it, it works much deeper and has a number of healing elements new for classical massage.
First of all, muscular holistic massage relieves the general muscle tension accumulated as a result of numerous unbalanced physical exertion and staying in a stressful environment.
Moreover, not only external tension is removed, which, in principle, a person can relieve himself if he calmly lies down and lets go of his muscles, but also the tension that exists already beyond the threshold of consciousness.
It is a tension that prevents us from relaxing even when we really want it, that remains in the muscles even when we sleep, that creates discomfort in the body - sometimes barely perceptible, sometimes very strong, but always present as a background.
When this peculiar “muscle corset” loses its stiffness, the natural restorative processes that are inherent in the human body, but usually suppressed by stress, are turned on.
Massage increases muscle tone, contributes to the rapid restoration of muscle performance, as well as the accumulation of glycogen in them, which helps the development and strengthening of muscle tissues. Massage relieves side effects associated with both intense muscle activity (clamps, stiffness, pain) and prolonged immobility (muscle hypotension, swelling, numbness, etc.).
Massage helps to reduce the content of lactic acid in the muscles and the removal of organic acids, which has a powerful restorative effect on tired muscles after physical exertion.
The work of the circulatory system due to the action of this type of holistic massage is significantly improved. The ability of the blood to absorb oxygen increases, while the acid-base balance in the blood is not disturbed.
Under the influence of massage, the number of functioning capillaries increases, they open, which causes an increased flow of arterial blood, contributes to the activation of blood circulation in general, the redistribution of blood from internal organs to muscles and skin. This, in turn, causes an increase in local temperature, warming of tissues, changing their physicochemical state, in connection with which their elasticity improves.
The walls of blood vessels become more elastic, stagnation of blood in various parts of the circulatory system is eliminated, and this significantly reduces the load on the heart. In addition, blood pressure is normalized. It has long been known that when massaging the upper part of the body, it decreases, and when massaging the lower part of the body - increases. Holistic massage, by definition, covering the whole body, regulates blood pressure well, which provides prevention of both hypertension and vascular hypotension.
Muscle massage has a significant effect on the lymphatic system. The circulation of lymph through the lymphatic vessels is provided by muscle contractions. By affecting the muscles, massage stimulates this circulation, as a result of which swelling, swelling and other stagnant phenomena are eliminated.
This is especially noticeable with swelling of the legs, which occurs after a long walk or due to a difficult outflow of lymph. Restoring the normal circulation of fluids in the body, massage relieves the heaviness and feeling of fatigue in the legs.
The walls of the chest also receive a direct stimulating effect. Massage promotes redistribution of blood and more uniform blood circulation in all parts of the lungs. Causing a reflex reaction of the nerve branches located in the chest area, massage contributes to the deepening of the respiratory process. This activates the function of the lungs and helps to cleanse the lung tissue from toxins deposited in the lungs as a result of inhalation of polluted air, smoking, etc.
Thanks to reflex connections, breathing becomes deeper, calmer and less frequent. Massage of the chest, especially intercostal spaces, improves the function of the respiratory muscles, which, in turn, contributes to better saturation of the body with oxygen, excretion of metabolic products, removal of fatigue. Massaging the chest, back, respiratory muscles, thoracic spine, you can increase the ventilation of the corresponding segments of the lungs and improve blood circulation in them.
Under the influence of massage, the function of respiratory muscles is normalized, bronchopulmonary circulation, bronchial patency improves. The lungs after the massage procedure are ventilated more actively and much more evenly than before it.
Muscle holistic massage increases the tone of not only skeletal muscles, but also smooth muscles of organs. The tone of the stomach, intestines and other digestive organs increases, which, in turn, improves the digestive process, helps to get rid of toxins and stimulates the processes of splitting dense deposits in the gastrointestinal tract.
This effect of massage on the activity of internal organs is due to the fact that each organ corresponds to a certain skin zone. The first who pointed to the relationship of internal organs and integuments of the body innervated from the same spinal segments were Zakharyin and Ged. These zones are called Zakharyin-Ged zones. If usually the impact on these areas does not cause discomfort and pain, then with diseases of individual internal organs, certain areas of the skin become especially sensitive, in areas belonging to a certain segment, hypertonus (tension) and hyperesthesia (increased soreness) of the muscles are observed.
Interconnections between internal organs and segments of spinal innervation are the basis for the therapeutic effect of massage: when massaging surface tissues (skin, connective tissue, muscles) there are responses associated with improved blood supply, changes in cellular metabolism in the relevant organs.
Impact on altered tissues, elimination of pathological processes in them contribute to the restoration of the normal state of all internal organs and the normal functioning of all vegetative functions of the body: respiration, blood circulation, digestion, the activity of the glands of internal secretion, etc.
It is difficult to overestimate the effect of this type of holistic massage on the central nervous system. Almost every adult who is actively functioning in society, there are periods of fatigue, when significantly reduced performance and reduced efficiency. Massage provides significant assistance in solving these problems, relieving accumulated stress and balancing the general condition of the person.
Embracing the whole body, massage helps to disconnect from negative thoughts and emotions and switches the consciousness to the immediate bodily sensations that exist here and now. Calm atmosphere, silence or pleasant music help to relax completely. During this harmonious process, the nervous system gently and naturally comes into balance. A full course of such massage normalizes sleep, increases the recovery potential of the body, significantly increases the stability of the nervous system, and therefore its resistance to stress influences from the outside.
In addition, holistic massage can work as an “ambulance” for severe stress, mental shocks and injuries. In this state, all muscle tissues of the body are very tense and often spasmic, which entails functional disorders, and often serious diseases (heart attacks, strokes, etc.). Due to its ability to switch consciousness to real bodily sensations, massage in this case is well combined with psychotherapeutic aids.
General muscle holistic massage is a rather diverse technique. To achieve high results, various massagers and banks are widely used in it. published
Author: Alexey Galkin
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: alg-massage.ru/massagnie_tehniki/massage.htm
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