Point hand massage to reduce appetite and not only

Ancient healers knew recovery methods, applying effects (pressure and massage) on biologically active points of the body. And for treatment they do not require any equipment or medications. All had to have a healer at hand is the knowledge of certain manipulations and hand or foot of the patient. Many diseases can be alleviated and even cured by acupuncture, massage or pressure is applied on points only left hand.
Surprisingly, working with only one little finger, it is possible to significantly improve the condition. To strengthen immunity, harmonizing the joint work of all organs and systems, improving tone, doing the following.

The pad of the little finger, the upper part, it is necessary to put and secure seed, buckwheat grain, or even a bright bead. To clarify the position of places of fastening: nail bed on his left pinkie mentally divide in half and find the middle, and projecting this point to the opposite, inner side of the finger. Bead or seed is held on the finger from a few hours to one day, periodically pushing. For more phlegmatic, apathetic patient to apply the most bright beads.
Ordinary massage given point, improves sleep, helps keep the stress and to recover from it, normalizes heart rate, improves and strengthens the emotional power. With the periodically uniform, a pulsating pressure of this point can be overcome light-headedness.
Massage to reduce appetite
For this purpose, the food need to massage the top (tip) of the little finger. For men and women there is a difference:
- Men – up to 12 hours of massage in a counterclockwise direction, and in the afternoon – clockwise
- Women – up to 12 o'clock clockwise, and in the afternoon – against.
- At noon this point to not touch it.
Massage in diseases of the liver
But not only the little finger is used to solve health problems. Chinese healers use the index fingers for the diagnosis and treatment of the liver, they call them the "finger of the liver". Using the work with the index finger you can check the health of the liver. To do this: spread palm, with the power to uncross the fingers, and holding them in suspense, you should try to bend the index finger.
If everything turned out, and the fingers did not bend with the index finger, then your liver function is normal.
If the fingers began to bend together with the index, it says what is required to strengthen the liver. This requires a daily massage forefinger duration of 2-3 minutes several times a day.
Su Jok
Famous Korean technique of healing, su Jok works with the points of the left hand and foot, using the correspondence principle. On hand and feet are the points corresponding to body organs, and is their projection. The stimulation of these points through the use of seeds, massage or acupuncture, it is possible to organize the work of a diseased organ. This, of course, of a primitive description, but it gives some understanding of how the method works.

Massage with a cold
Here are some examples of using the method. When cold, it is necessary to find painful point on the thumb of the left hand the middle of its upper limbs, about skin curl, and attach it to the plaster buckwheat grain or green pea (in case of strong cold). You should periodically click on the attached seed. Runny nose and quickly pass, but this method can be and prevention in the season of colds and viral diseases.
Massage in diseases of the knees
If you have problems with knees (sick or badly bent), especially in people of advanced age, need to massage the middle joints of the ring and middle fingers. These joints are points of conformity to the knees, and right knee joint corresponds to the nameless and the left joint of the middle finger. In a variety of diseases of the knees have on the joints of the middle and/or ring fingers to fix with plaster plant seeds such as carrot, red pepper or tomato.
Acupressure of the hands from fatigue
Under intense mental stress, frequent stress, strong fatigue, relieve a lot of stress and fatigue, help relax acupressure of the hands. Massage you can be on the job and on the way home and at home, especially because much time it takes, and power restores.
Need to massage the little finger of the left hand forefinger and thumb right. To begin with the phalanx with the nail and pressing down to move to the base of the finger, passing all the little finger. Alternately to massage your thumbs. Like the previous technique, you should start with the phalanx with the nail and move towards the base of the finger, the finger massaging the entire brush. Similar techniques can be used to improve the work of the various bodies, you only need to find the point of compliance.
Methods of doctors and healers of antiquity, such as acupuncture and acupressure, su Jok, etc., are more and more supporters in modern times. And this is not surprising because there is no need to take medications with their side effects and contraindications, especially as these methods improve and harmonize the whole body. These methods are proof that their health is in our hands, literally and figuratively! Be healthy!
Source: www.ja-zdorov.ru/blog/udivitelnaya-sila-mizinca-pravda-li-chto-zdorove-v-nashix-rukax/