Magic points to reduce appetite
In order to reduce appetite, you can use an alternative approach based on acupuncture, the ancient Chinese method of healing, which is in the right pressure points on the human body.
One variation of this technique is acupressure, in which a special needle is not used (as in acupuncture), and the pressure on the points is carried out using the hands, elbows or other tools.
In addition, this massage is not recommended during pregnancy, as the massaging of certain points around the ankle can cause stimulation of labor activity. Therefore, always consult with your doctor before using alternative methods of influence.
How to reduce appetite: 7 biologically active points
Point appetite control
Place the index and middle fingers at the top of your lower jaw (in front of the ears) and repeatedly open and close mouth. You will feel the jaw movement under your fingers.
Find a place where it felt best, and a little grab near the area of the skin, which acts in the inner part of the ear, just above his earlobes. This will be the point of appetite control. Massage the area between thumb and forefinger for three minutes.
Another point for appetite control is right at your ear, in place of its connection with the jaw. Massage this point for several minutes before eating will help reduce cravings and hunger.
Sit down and put your legs. Horizontally place the four fingers of the right hand on the upper leg, just below the kneecap. The index finger of the left hand feel on the Shin point of the stomach, which lies immediately below the nail of the little finger of your right hand. This point symbolizes the abdomen and massage it in for three minutes.
Upper lip
One of the main points for appetite suppression is located between the upper lip and nose. Place the thumb UNDER the upper lip and index finger on the outside. Perform massage the point with some pressure for a few minutes – this will allow you to significantly reduce appetite.
Determine the largest part of the calf and start her massage with medium pressure using the middle finger of the hand. This point is one of those that you can massage quietly while in the company of work colleagues or friends.
The back side of the knee
Situated in the bend of the knee on the back side, also helps to reduce appetite and it in the first place imperceptibly to massage in those moments when the massage points of the ears or face because the environment is not acceptable.
In his book "Zone therapy" by Joseph Corvo recommends massage fleshy (thickest) part of the palm in order to reduce the appetite and control their weight.
The massage area just below the thumb conducive to healthy functioning of the thyroid gland, helping to regulate the metabolism. Massage this area for about three minutes, and then gradually move your fingers up slightly on the wrist to stimulate the pancreas.
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This will help to regulate insulin production and keep constant your blood sugar levels. This is very important because its peak levels cause acute hunger and increased cravings for sweet foods.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: easy-lose-weight.info/kak-umenshit-appetit/
One variation of this technique is acupressure, in which a special needle is not used (as in acupuncture), and the pressure on the points is carried out using the hands, elbows or other tools.
In addition, this massage is not recommended during pregnancy, as the massaging of certain points around the ankle can cause stimulation of labor activity. Therefore, always consult with your doctor before using alternative methods of influence.
How to reduce appetite: 7 biologically active points
Point appetite control
Place the index and middle fingers at the top of your lower jaw (in front of the ears) and repeatedly open and close mouth. You will feel the jaw movement under your fingers.
Find a place where it felt best, and a little grab near the area of the skin, which acts in the inner part of the ear, just above his earlobes. This will be the point of appetite control. Massage the area between thumb and forefinger for three minutes.
Another point for appetite control is right at your ear, in place of its connection with the jaw. Massage this point for several minutes before eating will help reduce cravings and hunger.

Sit down and put your legs. Horizontally place the four fingers of the right hand on the upper leg, just below the kneecap. The index finger of the left hand feel on the Shin point of the stomach, which lies immediately below the nail of the little finger of your right hand. This point symbolizes the abdomen and massage it in for three minutes.
Upper lip
One of the main points for appetite suppression is located between the upper lip and nose. Place the thumb UNDER the upper lip and index finger on the outside. Perform massage the point with some pressure for a few minutes – this will allow you to significantly reduce appetite.
Determine the largest part of the calf and start her massage with medium pressure using the middle finger of the hand. This point is one of those that you can massage quietly while in the company of work colleagues or friends.
The back side of the knee
Situated in the bend of the knee on the back side, also helps to reduce appetite and it in the first place imperceptibly to massage in those moments when the massage points of the ears or face because the environment is not acceptable.
In his book "Zone therapy" by Joseph Corvo recommends massage fleshy (thickest) part of the palm in order to reduce the appetite and control their weight.
The massage area just below the thumb conducive to healthy functioning of the thyroid gland, helping to regulate the metabolism. Massage this area for about three minutes, and then gradually move your fingers up slightly on the wrist to stimulate the pancreas.
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This will help to regulate insulin production and keep constant your blood sugar levels. This is very important because its peak levels cause acute hunger and increased cravings for sweet foods.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: easy-lose-weight.info/kak-umenshit-appetit/