Treatment of sinus pressure point massage
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane, and sometimes bone walls of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. The inflammation may be extended to one maxillary sinus, and both. As a rule, two inflamed sinus, evidence of bilateral maxillary sinusitis.
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Depending on how the disease, there are the following forms of sinusitis:
The main symptoms of sinusitis are pain in the affected (one or both) of the sinuses, nasal congestion on one or both sides, mucous or purulent nasal discharge, headache, feeling of pressure in head and eyes. Body temperature can rise to 38 °C and above. The voice becomes nasal.
One of the effective methods for the treatment and relief of symptoms when sinusitis assetcategory massage. It can be used purposefully to influence the state of the organism as a whole. Is especially beneficial massage in combination with physiotherapy.
Interestingly, for the treatment of sinusitis and relief of symptoms the massage is not only the nose and temples, eyes, arms, back, feet of the patient. Acupressure relieve sinusitis accelerates the metabolic processes in the body, thereby catalyse its recovery from illness and increases human resistance to viruses and infections. It is also useful in the prevention of inflammation of the sinuses.
In addition, acupressure relieve sinusitis activates local immunity to fight infection, promotes tissue repair after the inflammatory process, increasing the level of metabolism in the cells.
Acupressure relieve sinusitis can be of two types – therapeutic and soothing.
Therapeutic massage
This type of massage is indicated for acute sinusitis and chronic sinusitis as a complication of viral respiratory infection in the complex therapy in the initial stage and at the recovery.
Here are the main acupuncture points (i.e. the places that need to work when undertaking a massage):
Soothing massage
Used to relieve headaches, restore the nasal mucosa.
Here are the main acupuncture points:
The massage is performed in a seated position, the impact on the acupuncture points is the soft pressing movements of fingers in a clockwise direction.
When performing the massage, you need to follow certain tactics. Initially, slowly the index and middle fingers you need to make circular movements.
Next you need to gradually increase the impact on the massaged area. You need to alternate soft pressing and intense.
Each area should be massaged for about five minutes. For more effectiveness of acupressure hold it not less than three times a day.
In this disease, as sinusitis, massage (and any other procedure) has nectrioidaceae. It is used with caution in children under one year of age, pregnancy, presence of tumors, warts, moles, abscesses on the skin in the areas of massage.
It should be noted that the use of point massage in the sinus need to obyazatelnaya General therapy. At the same time massage shall be appointed anti-inflammatory drugs, sprays, nasal drops vasoconstrictor action, rinsing the nasal passages for the excretion of mucus, physiotherapy (UHF-therapy, blue light therapy, laser treatment).
The necessary set of procedures will help you to choose your treating doctor. Bless you. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.minzdrav-rf.ru/article/lechenie-gajmorita-tochechnym-massazhem-metodiki
Sixty nine million two hundred eighty four thousand six hundred eleven
Depending on how the disease, there are the following forms of sinusitis:
- subacute – lasts more than 3-4 weeks, its symptoms are very similar to signs of a cold;
- acute – a disease coincides with the period of unfavorable epidemiological situation, especially in spring and autumn. Lasts less than a month;
- chronic inflammation is always present in the axils of more or less pronounced form. Increase of symptoms alternating with full attenuation; lasts for more than 6-8 months.
The main symptoms of sinusitis are pain in the affected (one or both) of the sinuses, nasal congestion on one or both sides, mucous or purulent nasal discharge, headache, feeling of pressure in head and eyes. Body temperature can rise to 38 °C and above. The voice becomes nasal.
One of the effective methods for the treatment and relief of symptoms when sinusitis assetcategory massage. It can be used purposefully to influence the state of the organism as a whole. Is especially beneficial massage in combination with physiotherapy.
Interestingly, for the treatment of sinusitis and relief of symptoms the massage is not only the nose and temples, eyes, arms, back, feet of the patient. Acupressure relieve sinusitis accelerates the metabolic processes in the body, thereby catalyse its recovery from illness and increases human resistance to viruses and infections. It is also useful in the prevention of inflammation of the sinuses.
In addition, acupressure relieve sinusitis activates local immunity to fight infection, promotes tissue repair after the inflammatory process, increasing the level of metabolism in the cells.
Acupressure relieve sinusitis can be of two types – therapeutic and soothing.
Therapeutic massage
This type of massage is indicated for acute sinusitis and chronic sinusitis as a complication of viral respiratory infection in the complex therapy in the initial stage and at the recovery.
Here are the main acupuncture points (i.e. the places that need to work when undertaking a massage):
- steel point in the center of the forehead to the width of a finger below the mysik hair;
- symmetrical points in the glabellar folds;
- steel point on the nose;
- symmetrical points on the side of the nose;
- symmetrical points on the nose;
- symmetrical points on the upper jaw;
- symmetrical dots under eye opposite the pupil.
Soothing massage
Used to relieve headaches, restore the nasal mucosa.
Here are the main acupuncture points:
- symmetrical point in the upper jaw on the projection of the maxillary sinus;
- symmetrical points on the back on either side of the third or fourth thoracic vertebrae;
- symmetrical points (pits) under the head;
- asymmetric point located right between the neck and the ear;
- symmetrical points above the eyebrows;
- from the thumb 2 cm above the skin folds.
The massage is performed in a seated position, the impact on the acupuncture points is the soft pressing movements of fingers in a clockwise direction.
When performing the massage, you need to follow certain tactics. Initially, slowly the index and middle fingers you need to make circular movements.
Next you need to gradually increase the impact on the massaged area. You need to alternate soft pressing and intense.
Each area should be massaged for about five minutes. For more effectiveness of acupressure hold it not less than three times a day.
In this disease, as sinusitis, massage (and any other procedure) has nectrioidaceae. It is used with caution in children under one year of age, pregnancy, presence of tumors, warts, moles, abscesses on the skin in the areas of massage.
It should be noted that the use of point massage in the sinus need to obyazatelnaya General therapy. At the same time massage shall be appointed anti-inflammatory drugs, sprays, nasal drops vasoconstrictor action, rinsing the nasal passages for the excretion of mucus, physiotherapy (UHF-therapy, blue light therapy, laser treatment).
The necessary set of procedures will help you to choose your treating doctor. Bless you. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.minzdrav-rf.ru/article/lechenie-gajmorita-tochechnym-massazhem-metodiki
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