Psychosomatics sinusitis
The main conflict underlying the psychosomatic medicine sinusitis — it "stinks."
Sinusitis — this is the recovery phase (R. G. Hamer's "New German medicine") after resolution of the conflict.
For example, a woman goes on maternity leave, and she develops a strong sinusitis. She works in a Shoe factory. And if earlier the smells of glue and other substances at the factory, she didn't care then with the onset of pregnancy and before maternity leave, she was worried about the smells of glue and other substances in the air — suddenly affect the baby's health.
Another example. The husband and wife don't get along with each other. On top of that the husband loses his job and sits at home. The few months that my husband spends at home, trying to build on the work be a painful time for the couple. She works at home and is not only accustomed to someone's presence, but also the relationship with the spouse is not the closest. On the same day, when the husband comes and the wife begins sinusitis (which lasts the longer, the longer was the time of experiences).
Going on vacation with the unloved work, the end of the school year, the dismissal of colleagues with whom there were conflicts — conflict resolution, and sinusitis as a consequence.
If sinusitis is chronic, then the conflict is also "chronic". It's time to change something.
Psychosomatics sinusitis (frontal sinusitis, etmoidit, sinusitis):
All the sinuses are connected with the subject direction.Where to move? You need to choose?
If a person often suffers from the fact that he does not understand what decisions he should take, he may develop chronic sinusitis.Or not clear what to choose: to continue to stay at an old unloved, but well-paid work or find a new one.
Gilbert Renault ("Healing memories") suggested several topics related to psychosomatic medicine sinusitis.
1) a Man may have chronic sinusitis if the wife insists on the birth of a child, and he does not want.
2) a Person may not collect debts — something that belongs to him, from which he suffers.
Success and healthy thoughts to you. published
Author: Elena Glushkova
Source: elenaguskova.ru/psihosomatika-gajmorita-frontita-etmoidita/
Sinusitis — this is the recovery phase (R. G. Hamer's "New German medicine") after resolution of the conflict.
For example, a woman goes on maternity leave, and she develops a strong sinusitis. She works in a Shoe factory. And if earlier the smells of glue and other substances at the factory, she didn't care then with the onset of pregnancy and before maternity leave, she was worried about the smells of glue and other substances in the air — suddenly affect the baby's health.

Another example. The husband and wife don't get along with each other. On top of that the husband loses his job and sits at home. The few months that my husband spends at home, trying to build on the work be a painful time for the couple. She works at home and is not only accustomed to someone's presence, but also the relationship with the spouse is not the closest. On the same day, when the husband comes and the wife begins sinusitis (which lasts the longer, the longer was the time of experiences).
Going on vacation with the unloved work, the end of the school year, the dismissal of colleagues with whom there were conflicts — conflict resolution, and sinusitis as a consequence.
If sinusitis is chronic, then the conflict is also "chronic". It's time to change something.
Psychosomatics sinusitis (frontal sinusitis, etmoidit, sinusitis):
All the sinuses are connected with the subject direction.Where to move? You need to choose?
If a person often suffers from the fact that he does not understand what decisions he should take, he may develop chronic sinusitis.Or not clear what to choose: to continue to stay at an old unloved, but well-paid work or find a new one.

Gilbert Renault ("Healing memories") suggested several topics related to psychosomatic medicine sinusitis.
1) a Man may have chronic sinusitis if the wife insists on the birth of a child, and he does not want.
2) a Person may not collect debts — something that belongs to him, from which he suffers.
Success and healthy thoughts to you. published
Author: Elena Glushkova
Source: elenaguskova.ru/psihosomatika-gajmorita-frontita-etmoidita/