The reasons for the increase of lymph nodes — psychosomatics
Psychosomatics lymph nodes revolves around one topic — protection.
In the lymph nodes of Mature cells — lymphocytes, which participate in the immune system, cleansing the body from foreign objects.
In life when someone attacks the person and he feels that he can't defend himself, the body makes a decision to help increase starts lymphoid tissue, lymph nodes, in which there is a growth in the number of lymphocytes.
Twenty million six hundred sixty eight thousand eight hundred thirty
After resolving the conflict begins the recovery phase — lymphadenitis — inflammation in the lymph node.
What is the classic situation that will lead to psychosomatic processes in the lymph node?
Man learns that tonight it'll be black funnels of the NKVD. There's nothing he can do about it. Neither escape nor defend. It overlaid.
The chief accountant understands that the owners of the company set her up, and she survives. But it has nothing to do. Although she tries. The longer the situation lasts, the more likely to earn a lymphoma.
The student understands that passed two. He faces expulsion. If he still remains at the University, then it is likely lymphadenitis, for example, thighs.
Lymph node enlargement occurs not only in the case when there is no actual ability to avoid the threat. People can devalue themselves, not giving themselves the right to defend themselves.
Also a huge sense of guilt can not afford to protect themselves, although this is desperately needed. But protection is needed and the body will increase the lymph nodes.
Psychosomatics lymphadenitis in children
All the same, that of the adults — the child feels that can not defend themselves.
If the mother or father felt this way, after the resolution of the conflict lymphadenitis can be diagnosed in a child.
Psychosomatics lymphostasis (lymphedema)
Lymphedema is a swelling of the arms or legs due to violations of the outflow of lymph in the tissues.
For some reason, the body from day to day trying to collect the lymph in the leg or in the arm?
Once had a leg or arm to protect themselves, but the man was not hit (not just literally, but figuratively). "Charge" stuck in the body. Experiences in the unconscious is not yet complete (although the person does not think about the case).
The unresolved conflict in the unconscious — reason enough for the body to continue to solve the problem.
Sixty two million six hundred twenty four thousand one hundred thirty nine
Psychosomatics Hodgkin's lymphoma
Hodgkin's Lymphoma is a disease in which there is an increase in the whole group of lymph nodes. In 70-75% of cases, affects the cervical and supraclavicular lymph nodes.
Why the body needs to increase the lymph nodes the whole bulk of the body? Why the body believes that you need to protect extensive areas of the body?
This is necessary when a frontal attack. When the bull rushes at the Matador.
I know a case where the man had Hodgkin's lymphoma due to the fact that he was small in stature, but the wife was tall and big. And when they fought, and they fought often, she was literally bearing down on him, threatening.
Observed also severe pain in cervical lymph nodes in men, when it ended the "fight" in the trial, which lasted quite a long time.
Also interesting: the Treatment of cervical lymph nodes folk remedies
Do not allow lymph to stagnate!
It is always important to remember that it is not enough to establish a link between illness and emotions — we also need to finalize them.published
Author: Elena Guskova
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
Source: elenaguskova.ru/psihosomatika-limfouzly/
In the lymph nodes of Mature cells — lymphocytes, which participate in the immune system, cleansing the body from foreign objects.
In life when someone attacks the person and he feels that he can't defend himself, the body makes a decision to help increase starts lymphoid tissue, lymph nodes, in which there is a growth in the number of lymphocytes.
Twenty million six hundred sixty eight thousand eight hundred thirty
After resolving the conflict begins the recovery phase — lymphadenitis — inflammation in the lymph node.
What is the classic situation that will lead to psychosomatic processes in the lymph node?
Man learns that tonight it'll be black funnels of the NKVD. There's nothing he can do about it. Neither escape nor defend. It overlaid.
The chief accountant understands that the owners of the company set her up, and she survives. But it has nothing to do. Although she tries. The longer the situation lasts, the more likely to earn a lymphoma.
The student understands that passed two. He faces expulsion. If he still remains at the University, then it is likely lymphadenitis, for example, thighs.
Lymph node enlargement occurs not only in the case when there is no actual ability to avoid the threat. People can devalue themselves, not giving themselves the right to defend themselves.
Also a huge sense of guilt can not afford to protect themselves, although this is desperately needed. But protection is needed and the body will increase the lymph nodes.
Psychosomatics lymphadenitis in children
All the same, that of the adults — the child feels that can not defend themselves.
If the mother or father felt this way, after the resolution of the conflict lymphadenitis can be diagnosed in a child.
Psychosomatics lymphostasis (lymphedema)
Lymphedema is a swelling of the arms or legs due to violations of the outflow of lymph in the tissues.
For some reason, the body from day to day trying to collect the lymph in the leg or in the arm?
Once had a leg or arm to protect themselves, but the man was not hit (not just literally, but figuratively). "Charge" stuck in the body. Experiences in the unconscious is not yet complete (although the person does not think about the case).
The unresolved conflict in the unconscious — reason enough for the body to continue to solve the problem.
Sixty two million six hundred twenty four thousand one hundred thirty nine
Psychosomatics Hodgkin's lymphoma
Hodgkin's Lymphoma is a disease in which there is an increase in the whole group of lymph nodes. In 70-75% of cases, affects the cervical and supraclavicular lymph nodes.
Why the body needs to increase the lymph nodes the whole bulk of the body? Why the body believes that you need to protect extensive areas of the body?
This is necessary when a frontal attack. When the bull rushes at the Matador.
I know a case where the man had Hodgkin's lymphoma due to the fact that he was small in stature, but the wife was tall and big. And when they fought, and they fought often, she was literally bearing down on him, threatening.
Observed also severe pain in cervical lymph nodes in men, when it ended the "fight" in the trial, which lasted quite a long time.
Also interesting: the Treatment of cervical lymph nodes folk remedies
Do not allow lymph to stagnate!
It is always important to remember that it is not enough to establish a link between illness and emotions — we also need to finalize them.published
Author: Elena Guskova
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
Source: elenaguskova.ru/psihosomatika-limfouzly/