What did Elena Valyushkina pay for her success and that she could not forgive her second husband?

Elena Valyushkina photo The film, which used to appear in film magazines of its time, actually has quite an interesting, however, as well as a dramatic biography. The woman, whom the modern viewer may know by the role of the commandant of the hostel in the series Univer, at one time played the first roles not only in the cinema, but also on the stage of the theater. Her contemporaries spoke of her as an actress of extraordinary talent and delicate, gentle beauty.

Nevertheless, in her personal life Elena has repeatedly faced misunderstandings and difficulties. The audience, of course, always believe that the stars of theater and cinema lead a comfortable, happy life. Especially those who have no problems with the law or bad habits. But this is not always true. Especially if we talk about the actress, who shone during the Soviet period. Back then, when sky-high contracts were probably only a few actors for the entire multimillion-dollar country.

Elena Valyushkina photo Leonid Fomin Leonid Fomin, Elena’s first husband, was her teacher from the Shchepkin School. An adult man 15 years older than his wife. He was in love with her not only as a husband, but also as a person related to culture and art. All their mutual acquaintances told Leonid that his wife is simply phenomenal on stage and she has a great future. But the husband seemed to know this very well. And unfortunately, there was a fear of loss in his head. Which, however, was one of the reasons for their painful rupture.

In the same year, in which the wedding of Elena and Leonid took place, the famous film “Formula of Love” was released on the screens of the country. Of course, after him, many predicted Valyushkina a stunning career in cinema. However, the husband, unfortunately, behaved not very decently and resisted the promotion of his wife on the career ladder. Perhaps an important factor was his age. Or maybe just the character of Leonid Fomin. But since the successful release of the first film with Elena, he has turned into an unbearable and suspicious jealous, who stared at his young and successful wife’s every move.

Despite the fact that their marriage lasted for a long 12 years, the spouses never became truly happy. All the fault was the position of Leonid regarding Lena. Toya almost every day had to justify his success and literally, like a little girl, to report on every step taken. It came to the point that Valyushkina broke off relations with friends and other colleagues in the film shop. In fact, her husband suspected her even when male fans approached them on the street just to say hello.

There were even cases when Elena was not allowed to take some open things with her on tour or those that for one reason or another did not approve of her husband. But that's not what ruined their marriage. Even when it was revealed that many good roles simply did not reach Valushkina due to her husband’s secret ban. And even then, she was ready to endure and continue to live in marriage with Leonid. The point in their relationship was set by the death of Elena’s mother, which became an occasion for her daughter to think about the transience of life and its meaning. As a result, the husband after the divorce hated his ex-wife so much that he left her completely alone and without housing. This method of revenge seemed the most appropriate. And Elena, for her part, vowed to ever get married.

With her second husband, Alexander Yatsko Elena Valushkina met in the theater named after the Moscow Council. It so happened that two actors were paired and they even managed to play the main roles of lovers. Although at first the couple had no feelings for each other except professional, little by little their relationship began to develop into something more and even developed into a real romance. The only problem that stood between them turned into a trump card in the sleeve. However, Elena was barren and from the very beginning “on the shore” admitted this. But Alexander liked her so much that her news only aroused in him the desire to fight the young woman for their future to the end. Despite all the obstacles.

Already in 1994, the couple signed in the registry office. Like the last time, for Elena this is just a formality, a stamp in the passport, since the real wedding of their couple, and does not celebrate. But for a woman in love, it does not matter at all. The main thing, not some wrapper. In addition, in a huge contrast, their family life with Alexander takes place: no more suspicion, no more jealousy. Sasha trusts her wife 100% and she trusts him. Elena finally begins to understand what life is like with a loved one in comfort.

In addition, Alexander keeps his promise about the child. He supports his wife in her attempts to get pregnant. Together they undergo several operations, IVF procedures. It is he who becomes the man who literally forces his wife to continue trying, even when she herself believes that she will not succeed. And, as a result, in 1997, their eldest son Vasily was born, and in 2003 a daughter Maria appeared.

But, unfortunately, even the presence of children did not insure the couple from divorce. Now that Elena seems completely happy and calm, a new attack appears on evil. Namely, treason. From a beloved husband and father of two children. First, Valyushkina’s friends and acquaintances whisper some incredible news about her husband’s adventures. But she refuses to believe in gossip and rumors, and the husband does not want to comment on it.

Then, accidentally checking email on her husband’s computer, Lena discovers his correspondence with another woman. After reading only a couple of messages, it becomes clear that people did not lie to her, but tried to help and protect her from an unfaithful husband. She probably would have forgiven Alexander’s party if the children who had grown up by that time had not taken their word. They asked the mother not to humiliate herself or close her eyes to the situation. A second divorce took place after 20 years of marriage. And, by the way, this time the divorced man also turned out to be quite vindictive, using their common real estate as a payment.

In the life of Alexander Yatsko, a new woman, Daria Otvaga, appeared. And together with her, he moved to live in the apartment in which he used to live with Elena. And even more so, he wrote his own son Daria. At the moment, Elena and Alexander no longer maintain communication. They don’t talk to their father or their new family. Elena still hopes that their long-standing housing issue will one day be resolved. Of course, this is already hard to believe.

There is no official information on this topic yet, but it is rumored that Elena came out for the third time last year, 2023. Now she has bought an apartment and lives in it with a new man. According to rumors, his name is Andrew and he is a financier. Well, we wish Elena even more interesting roles and good health. And let her relationship finally become happy and comfortable for both spouses. These wishes for Elena will still be relevant.


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