Algorithm forgiveness resentment.

1. Acknowledge the presence of resentment
The realization that there is resentment sometimes explicit, sometimes suddenly come out junk.
Tracking personal reaction to the information about older offenders (see. Epigraph).
Why is it so hard to forgive: to recognize the existence of resentment
2. Release the anger
Anger, desire justice - it must release.
Recognize and allow yourself to be a bastard, too, for a moment, wishing all the serious offender.
There is very helpful technique of "pebble". Find the stone (the image of the offender), leave away from people, reprimand or even shout all-all this stone and throw far away, it is better in the pond.
Why is it so hard to forgive: Let anger
3. Understand that everything goes
Understand that everything goes ... well, absolutely everything goes!
Go to the cemetery and make sure everything goes. This reduces the significance of any problems calms emotions and raises awareness.
Resentment is not what eats you from the inside, and sometimes even go crazy brains, but simply the problem to be solved ... preferably to the cemetery.
Why is it so hard to forgive: Everything passes
4. Look for a jewel
Understand that any painful situation have pearls of wisdom.
And to you, for you, it was necessary. Not the bastard ruined your life, and you for some reason it was "asked" to teach you something.
It helps me to write the so-called I-tive coup: You write all claims without hesitation and choice of words.
"He does not love me. He mocks! How could he say such a thing! "And then rewriting, replacing" he "to" I ».
"I do not love myself, I mocked myself ...". So you can see what a lesson.
Why is it so hard to forgive: We are looking for treasure
5. Recognize, but release resentment over
Here comes the most unpleasant thing - the accusation itself, for what IS allowed in your life for what drew situation ...
Ie resentment against a loved one, which means a dislike to him, is already sadly. Forgive yourself harder just because no one else to lose responsibility.
Why is it so hard to forgive: to recognize, but let go of resentment over
Here is just think about the uniqueness (and not the uniqueness of the situation), its unique experience and the way on this planet, and by all means return the love of self.
Accept yourself, everything you've done. No self-flagellation. Well, breaking anything, so let it burn all the blue flame - could become warmer.
6. Write a letter of forgiveness
Good work, when suddenly the memories came flooding back. Grab a sheet and a pen and write:
I'm sorry that ...
forgive me for ...
I thank you ...
I love you.
I forgive myself!
I accept myself!
I approve of myself!
I hold myself!
I love myself!
If necessary, prokrikivaem written all coverings emotions. At least 50 times!
Why is it so hard to forgive: Letter-forgiveness
7. Give up the notion of justice at any level
Avoiding mistakes - waiting for justice.
Even if we understood everything and honestly try to forgive the offender, deep down hope for justice and no longer at the level of a simple 3D-world, and the spiritual.
Here I was on a higher level, magician, and he was out there floundering in the 3D-world and even if he has all the external safely, then I know that he does not return energy ...
Ridiculous? .. But it is so. Admit it.
It is better to thank the person who has offended - his soul had to manifest itself not in the best light to teach you.
Why is it so hard to forgive: to abandon the concept of justice at any level
8. Forgiveness offense as a vital necessity, even without understanding the mind
Try to imagine what an insult - a stab ... though not in the heart, for example, in the palm.
The wound bleeds and hurts. It struck the knife.
And you, instead of action to stop the blood and wound treatment, pay the anger on the knife. Even throw it in the bucket, continue to remember and regret not cast him into the melter.
Each recollection the wound bleeds.
Well? We will continue to bleed, and convince yourself that you have a right and there is something about justice?
You have a breakdown in the flow of energy, it is necessary to repair and build, but the knife did not understand why so much to him - he was engaged in the business generally.
By the way, it would be nice to actually assign a knife (pin, etc.) of your way and throw insults.
So to say "goodbye, goodbye." Forgiveness was held.
An effective way to get rid of the negative impact of the past on your present life - a master-class of Alena Starovoitova
"Heal the trauma of the past».
Write a new, successful and happy your life script.
Why is it so hard to forgive: Forgiveness offense as a vital necessity, even without understanding the mind
P.S. Forgiveness ...
I forgive you, him, someone. And on what basis?
This man is worse than you, and you "Divine" it, that would be forgiving? ..
If you forgive the man cash debt, then you release it from its obligations in relation to you.
It seems clear. Ie forgiving, we free from obligations.
WHAT? Who has the obligation? In the universe, that "injustice" was. A person who was required?
What is required, who decided that he owed? ... If you look from this angle, then right-this is we do not have - to take offense and to forgive.