"Formula of Love" - the story of the movie
Genre: comedy, romance, adventure, film adaptation
The film stars Nodar Mgaloblishvili, Elena Valyushkina, Alexander Mikhailov, Alexander Abdulov, Farad Simon, Elena Aminova, Tatiana Peltzer, Leonid Armour, Alexander Zakharov, Nikolai Skorobogatov, Anna Andrijanova
Directed by: Mark Zakharov
Script: Grigory Gorin
Operator: Vladimir Nahabtsev
Composer: Gennady Gladkov
Artist: Viktor Yushin
The film premiered December 30, 1984 (TV)
Plot of this comedy will remember everything. A famous adventurer Count Cagliostro, accompanied by his very extravagant entourage arrives in Russia. Running away from Prince Potemkin, the whole merry company gets stuck in a Russian province and the people rejoice, trying to hold a session of magic and revive marble marvel.
But not everyone knows that this pattern has quite serious artistic source. In 1921, one of the German publishing work was published with the eerie name "Moonlight dampness." This was the first work of Cagliostro Alexei Tolstoy, the writer who later decided to rename.
It Tolstoy enough mocked theosophical literature, which then was fascinated by the highest light. In short, the thing turned gloomy, and whether it is the will of the director, we would have in the arsenal of the classic horror film. But thanks to the talent of Mark Zakharov and playwright Grigory Gorin for thirty years, we continue to sing "Uno Momento" and issue on occasion jokes about the barn and blacksmith.
Typically, Mark Zakharov before the shooting knew exactly who meant what role. Therefore, the sample never arranged. On the contrary, he went sometimes "by artist" and urged them to agree to play selected for their hero. As it happened, for example, and with the leading male role in the "Formula of Love" - Nodar Mgaloblishvili. Nodar was in Moscow on tour with the Tbilisi theater Mardzhanishvili name, and somehow to his dressing room he granted Mark A.
"We are in the year was brought to Moscow in MAT our" Othello "directed by Temur Chkheidze - says Nodar. - I'm out there playing Iago. And during the intermission after the first act to me behind the scenes, accompanied by the then minister of culture of our Teimuraz Badurashvili comes Mark Zakharov and stretches scenario: that's your role, it is necessary to read the entire text until tomorrow ».
No objection, of course, nor the Minister of Culture of Georgia, neither the Mark Zakharov did not take: it and it never occurred that Nodar can not agree on such a tempting offer.
And it is necessary, what an embarrassment! Although Nodar Mgaloblishvili and knew that the fate gives him a huge chance, at first he refused the role. Motivation was quite hell-to adequately: "Yes, I do not even know the Russian language is not enough to fully play with your actors».
"Well, this question, we have already decided - with a straight face (which nepodrazha-emo manage Mark Zakharov) said the director. - You announce another actor who speaks in Russian ».
Indeed, the picture says Nodar golosomArmena Dzhigarkhanyan, and the role of Cagliostro was for Mgaloblishvili truly a landmark.
Almost immediately (which happens very rarely, when the role of the young actresses are tried) was found the main character. Just at this time graduate drama schools in large numbers were shown in different theaters. Among them was freshly baked Schepkinskogo School graduate Elena Valyushkina.
And it was chosen by Mark Zakharov, who, looking after actresses to his troupe "Lenkom", in actual fact looking for the main character in "The Formula of Love».
What is most surprising in this story: when Valyushkinoy called assistant director with "astonishing news", Lena suddenly ... also refused the role.
"What movie? What shooting? I actually was going to go on vacation! "And it said yesterday graduate, who seemed, was to drop everything for the sake of such a gift of fate! At the end of the tube grunted in bewilderment: "But this, by the way, the main role. And - for a moment - at the very Mark Zakharov!
"I must say that until this film I starred in two films Yuri Chulyukina:" I do not want to be an adult "and" How to be happy. " Good director, and partners, which can only dream of: Eugene stems, Natalya Varley, Lev Durov, Vladimir Shevelkov Nicholas Karachentsov. Therefore, an invitation to the "Formula of Love" impressed me just another proposal violates my vacation plans, "- Helen laughs today.
Of course, to think things through, she agreed to shoot and for many years was left for the audience touching Mary, who was not afraid for daddy to go to recovery unknowns Veda distance with a mysterious and frightening Count Cagliostro.
But the approval of the other actresses on one of the main roles made the whole company "Lenkoma" long and loud discuss this fact. After character named Fimka Mark Zakharov offered to play, too, without trial, his daughter Alexandra Zakharova. It would seem that what could be wrong with that - to attach a favorite child on the cushy job?
But since he could think only one who did not know about the complicated relations director Mark Zakharov and actress Alexandra Zakharova. The fact that Mark A. skeptical of dramatic talent of his daughter. To be precise, he did not believe in its existence. Therefore be discouraged at the time of her desire to follow an artistic path, and then flatly refused to take her in the company of "Lenkom". And here too found a cut diamond.
Although Alexander gladly took the staff for five metropolitan theaters, she wanted to play in only one - in "Lenkom". Mark Zakharov then even gathered Arts Council, was he to determine whether theater actress Alexandra Zakharova.
And when professionals were unanimous decision: to take - and no nails - reluctantly agreed with the majority opinion. That, however, nothing has said. For many years Alexander appeared on stage "Lenkoma" exclusively in the crowd.
Therefore, the fact that no samples Zakharov offered his daughter Fimka role, surprised many. But the result is arranged, it seems everyone. Even the stern father!
Antipode villain.
Traditionally, Mark Zakharov involved in their own theater actors kinopostanovkah. However, when the question arose as to who should play the antipode of Cagliostro, he thought for a long time. The idea is that it had to be a man - as charismatic as he Nodar Mgaloblishvili. But no matter how tormented Mark A., was not a suitable candidate. Do pay attention to the "foreign" actors? ..
"And then we Gorin suddenly decided that it would be ... Tatiana Peltzer, who starred in the role of Aunt Theodosia Ivanovna. And everything fell into place. This is only one (as it turned out, we correctly identified) will be able to naturally remain cheerful and lively in grotesque situations in extreme mode and resist the magical machinations of a visiting Italian.
My favorite actress did not have to explain anything and show - she had long known that the most "formula of love." Only she did not draw a paper, and in his own generous and long-suffering heart. She learned very troublesome but complex case on the ground - like people ».
Filming, which took place in sub-moskovnom Barybino town, all the actors involved in the "Formula of Love", is remembered as one big miracle. So magic was the situation on the set! Still Dodger Mark Zakharov, he somehow always knew how to pick a team, which will not be squabbling, and will only help and mutual respect.
The most important thing at the site (well, apart from the director, of course) was Alexander Abdulov. He constantly entertained people, arranged sketches: could, for example, at night rouse the whole people to go fishing ....
For a time, almost the whole crew lived in a local hostel. Gradually, however, many have moved overnight to the locals. First actress Elena Aminova (in the picture, she played assistant Count Cagliostro) request to wait for an old married couple in the local village. And after a time there too and Simon moved to Alexander Abdulov Farad for a couple.
To his unwitting neighbor actors treated very tenderly. Once, says Elena, she was awakened by stupefying fragrance of flowers. She opened her eyes and saw that the whole bed strewn with flowers: it Farad Abdulov broke off with a local flower bed to pamper the beautiful actress. That's just about the reaction of the locals who have found some of their finest plantations, history is silent.
And once Elena became the reason of a family quarrel Faraday and his wife - actress Marina Politseymako. Once the actor suggested Aminova ride around the neighborhood - nothing personal, just for fun. The saloon car at Farad windshield hung strange doll that Elena had nothing to do decided to improve. Disrupted flowering burr, found somewhere nice pen - and the doll immediately changed.
Time passes, Faraday goes to Moscow, and as soon as the car sits his wife, he immediately begins sparring. "You are a woman drove!" - Outraged Marina. Farad unlocked every way: though everything was innocent, why did the man immediately confess? But the wife was so adamant that even Simon L. thought that she opened the gift of clairvoyance.
Had he finally agreed: "Yes, there was a peccadillo, cruising the beautiful young lady." They say she later Marina Politseymako explained to her husband: "Oh, silly you, silly, what am I clairvoyant? After all, only a woman could so decorate this doll! »
Women in general have played a role in this film, even if they are hundreds of kilometers away from the set. So, thanks to a lovely lady just do not have time to stop all the work. And all because of Nodar Mgaloblishvili.
It was like this. Usually on the weekends all the members of the crew went quietly from the provincial suburbs to his Moscow apartment. Only Nodar had nowhere to go. Most often he rested in a hotel "Mosfilm", where he was booked. And once Nodar (in full, it must be said, loneliness) decided to arrange in their apartment solo vocal performance - sang one song after another, carefully deducing roulades.
His vocal talent was appreciated by strolling down the street lady (completely unknown, of course). Aware of the fact that this enthusiastic lady in this situation can become very close friend, Nodar sat on the window sill to continue impromptu concert. Second floor was, Nodar was in a rush of feelings ... In short, "fell woke up - gypsum».
The fate of the mysterious lady remained unknown, but after the weekend when the whole group reconvened to work with the kind of Nodar plastered leg caused all complete stupor. How to work on ?!
We must pay tribute to the professionalism of the operator, who managed to shoot the hero ... no legs. Oh and when the legs Count Cagliostro necessarily needed in a particular episode in the picture was part of ... composer Gennady Gladkov. It was his lower limbs are often visible on the screen.
Among other things, he played in the movie Gladkoff quite full role - servants, uttering the phrase: "With Whom a sculpted?" But crafty Zakharov somehow refused to specify the name of the composer in the credits.
Only three members of the crew completely ignored all the events over and over again organized a tireless Alexander Abdulov. Starring Tatiana Peltzer, Leonid Armour and soundman Yuri Rabinovich pretended that the whole company called "crew" Formula of Love "personally to them is irrelevant.
Immediately after the operation, they retire to one of the small rooms of the hostel. And there all night playing whist. No stranger to the inner sanctum is not allowed, so that the company is playing at cards, was an assumption. By morning, the room looked like a smoky saloon: breathe in this cubicle after a night get-togethers was simply impossible, smoked-all in black.
The most striking thing is that, although the light was burning in the room all night and, accordingly, actors clearly awake in the morning all looked very cheerful - well, the overall impression that the trio rested peacefully in anticipation of future creative achievements!
Blooper for lyapom.
Present in the film and bloopers, which only adds spice to the picture. The most important, which did not pay attention only the scattered audience: the whole film protagonists are jumping on the background of stacks remaining after harvest of grain harvesters, which at that time, of course, there was no trace of ...
Other errors were more intelligent. But they eventually uncovered alert moviegoers.
For example, during a session of clairvoyance, arranged in St. Petersburg Cagliostro large-secular salon, an old Russian general interested in the date of completion of the Russian-Turkish war ("Pro Turks ask! With the Turks when the war is over?»).
So, the previous (fifth in the general count) Russian-Turkish war ended with the victory of Russia in 1774 - six years before the arrival of Cagliostro in St. Petersburg. Next, the sixth, began seven years later. And how's that for a fact? The poem quoted Fedyashevym in the first dialogue with the aunt ("From the country of birth of the river / the kingdom of Life flows ..."), composed in Russian poet and translator Vasily Grigoriev in 1822 - forty-two years after the events described in the film.
Well, the last discrepancy that could discern many. At the end of the film Theodosia Ivanovna tells Cagliostro that it is looking for some staff-captain.
Chief officer rank of captain in the Russian army entered in 1798 - eighteen years after the visit of Cagliostro in Russia.
The film stars Nodar Mgaloblishvili, Elena Valyushkina, Alexander Mikhailov, Alexander Abdulov, Farad Simon, Elena Aminova, Tatiana Peltzer, Leonid Armour, Alexander Zakharov, Nikolai Skorobogatov, Anna Andrijanova
Directed by: Mark Zakharov
Script: Grigory Gorin
Operator: Vladimir Nahabtsev
Composer: Gennady Gladkov
Artist: Viktor Yushin
The film premiered December 30, 1984 (TV)

Plot of this comedy will remember everything. A famous adventurer Count Cagliostro, accompanied by his very extravagant entourage arrives in Russia. Running away from Prince Potemkin, the whole merry company gets stuck in a Russian province and the people rejoice, trying to hold a session of magic and revive marble marvel.
But not everyone knows that this pattern has quite serious artistic source. In 1921, one of the German publishing work was published with the eerie name "Moonlight dampness." This was the first work of Cagliostro Alexei Tolstoy, the writer who later decided to rename.

It Tolstoy enough mocked theosophical literature, which then was fascinated by the highest light. In short, the thing turned gloomy, and whether it is the will of the director, we would have in the arsenal of the classic horror film. But thanks to the talent of Mark Zakharov and playwright Grigory Gorin for thirty years, we continue to sing "Uno Momento" and issue on occasion jokes about the barn and blacksmith.
Typically, Mark Zakharov before the shooting knew exactly who meant what role. Therefore, the sample never arranged. On the contrary, he went sometimes "by artist" and urged them to agree to play selected for their hero. As it happened, for example, and with the leading male role in the "Formula of Love" - Nodar Mgaloblishvili. Nodar was in Moscow on tour with the Tbilisi theater Mardzhanishvili name, and somehow to his dressing room he granted Mark A.

"We are in the year was brought to Moscow in MAT our" Othello "directed by Temur Chkheidze - says Nodar. - I'm out there playing Iago. And during the intermission after the first act to me behind the scenes, accompanied by the then minister of culture of our Teimuraz Badurashvili comes Mark Zakharov and stretches scenario: that's your role, it is necessary to read the entire text until tomorrow ».
No objection, of course, nor the Minister of Culture of Georgia, neither the Mark Zakharov did not take: it and it never occurred that Nodar can not agree on such a tempting offer.
And it is necessary, what an embarrassment! Although Nodar Mgaloblishvili and knew that the fate gives him a huge chance, at first he refused the role. Motivation was quite hell-to adequately: "Yes, I do not even know the Russian language is not enough to fully play with your actors».
"Well, this question, we have already decided - with a straight face (which nepodrazha-emo manage Mark Zakharov) said the director. - You announce another actor who speaks in Russian ».
Indeed, the picture says Nodar golosomArmena Dzhigarkhanyan, and the role of Cagliostro was for Mgaloblishvili truly a landmark.

Almost immediately (which happens very rarely, when the role of the young actresses are tried) was found the main character. Just at this time graduate drama schools in large numbers were shown in different theaters. Among them was freshly baked Schepkinskogo School graduate Elena Valyushkina.
And it was chosen by Mark Zakharov, who, looking after actresses to his troupe "Lenkom", in actual fact looking for the main character in "The Formula of Love».
What is most surprising in this story: when Valyushkinoy called assistant director with "astonishing news", Lena suddenly ... also refused the role.

"What movie? What shooting? I actually was going to go on vacation! "And it said yesterday graduate, who seemed, was to drop everything for the sake of such a gift of fate! At the end of the tube grunted in bewilderment: "But this, by the way, the main role. And - for a moment - at the very Mark Zakharov!
"I must say that until this film I starred in two films Yuri Chulyukina:" I do not want to be an adult "and" How to be happy. " Good director, and partners, which can only dream of: Eugene stems, Natalya Varley, Lev Durov, Vladimir Shevelkov Nicholas Karachentsov. Therefore, an invitation to the "Formula of Love" impressed me just another proposal violates my vacation plans, "- Helen laughs today.
Of course, to think things through, she agreed to shoot and for many years was left for the audience touching Mary, who was not afraid for daddy to go to recovery unknowns Veda distance with a mysterious and frightening Count Cagliostro.

But the approval of the other actresses on one of the main roles made the whole company "Lenkoma" long and loud discuss this fact. After character named Fimka Mark Zakharov offered to play, too, without trial, his daughter Alexandra Zakharova. It would seem that what could be wrong with that - to attach a favorite child on the cushy job?
But since he could think only one who did not know about the complicated relations director Mark Zakharov and actress Alexandra Zakharova. The fact that Mark A. skeptical of dramatic talent of his daughter. To be precise, he did not believe in its existence. Therefore be discouraged at the time of her desire to follow an artistic path, and then flatly refused to take her in the company of "Lenkom". And here too found a cut diamond.

Although Alexander gladly took the staff for five metropolitan theaters, she wanted to play in only one - in "Lenkom". Mark Zakharov then even gathered Arts Council, was he to determine whether theater actress Alexandra Zakharova.
And when professionals were unanimous decision: to take - and no nails - reluctantly agreed with the majority opinion. That, however, nothing has said. For many years Alexander appeared on stage "Lenkoma" exclusively in the crowd.
Therefore, the fact that no samples Zakharov offered his daughter Fimka role, surprised many. But the result is arranged, it seems everyone. Even the stern father!

Antipode villain.
Traditionally, Mark Zakharov involved in their own theater actors kinopostanovkah. However, when the question arose as to who should play the antipode of Cagliostro, he thought for a long time. The idea is that it had to be a man - as charismatic as he Nodar Mgaloblishvili. But no matter how tormented Mark A., was not a suitable candidate. Do pay attention to the "foreign" actors? ..
"And then we Gorin suddenly decided that it would be ... Tatiana Peltzer, who starred in the role of Aunt Theodosia Ivanovna. And everything fell into place. This is only one (as it turned out, we correctly identified) will be able to naturally remain cheerful and lively in grotesque situations in extreme mode and resist the magical machinations of a visiting Italian.
My favorite actress did not have to explain anything and show - she had long known that the most "formula of love." Only she did not draw a paper, and in his own generous and long-suffering heart. She learned very troublesome but complex case on the ground - like people ».

Filming, which took place in sub-moskovnom Barybino town, all the actors involved in the "Formula of Love", is remembered as one big miracle. So magic was the situation on the set! Still Dodger Mark Zakharov, he somehow always knew how to pick a team, which will not be squabbling, and will only help and mutual respect.
The most important thing at the site (well, apart from the director, of course) was Alexander Abdulov. He constantly entertained people, arranged sketches: could, for example, at night rouse the whole people to go fishing ....
For a time, almost the whole crew lived in a local hostel. Gradually, however, many have moved overnight to the locals. First actress Elena Aminova (in the picture, she played assistant Count Cagliostro) request to wait for an old married couple in the local village. And after a time there too and Simon moved to Alexander Abdulov Farad for a couple.

To his unwitting neighbor actors treated very tenderly. Once, says Elena, she was awakened by stupefying fragrance of flowers. She opened her eyes and saw that the whole bed strewn with flowers: it Farad Abdulov broke off with a local flower bed to pamper the beautiful actress. That's just about the reaction of the locals who have found some of their finest plantations, history is silent.
And once Elena became the reason of a family quarrel Faraday and his wife - actress Marina Politseymako. Once the actor suggested Aminova ride around the neighborhood - nothing personal, just for fun. The saloon car at Farad windshield hung strange doll that Elena had nothing to do decided to improve. Disrupted flowering burr, found somewhere nice pen - and the doll immediately changed.

Time passes, Faraday goes to Moscow, and as soon as the car sits his wife, he immediately begins sparring. "You are a woman drove!" - Outraged Marina. Farad unlocked every way: though everything was innocent, why did the man immediately confess? But the wife was so adamant that even Simon L. thought that she opened the gift of clairvoyance.
Had he finally agreed: "Yes, there was a peccadillo, cruising the beautiful young lady." They say she later Marina Politseymako explained to her husband: "Oh, silly you, silly, what am I clairvoyant? After all, only a woman could so decorate this doll! »
Women in general have played a role in this film, even if they are hundreds of kilometers away from the set. So, thanks to a lovely lady just do not have time to stop all the work. And all because of Nodar Mgaloblishvili.

It was like this. Usually on the weekends all the members of the crew went quietly from the provincial suburbs to his Moscow apartment. Only Nodar had nowhere to go. Most often he rested in a hotel "Mosfilm", where he was booked. And once Nodar (in full, it must be said, loneliness) decided to arrange in their apartment solo vocal performance - sang one song after another, carefully deducing roulades.
His vocal talent was appreciated by strolling down the street lady (completely unknown, of course). Aware of the fact that this enthusiastic lady in this situation can become very close friend, Nodar sat on the window sill to continue impromptu concert. Second floor was, Nodar was in a rush of feelings ... In short, "fell woke up - gypsum».

The fate of the mysterious lady remained unknown, but after the weekend when the whole group reconvened to work with the kind of Nodar plastered leg caused all complete stupor. How to work on ?!
We must pay tribute to the professionalism of the operator, who managed to shoot the hero ... no legs. Oh and when the legs Count Cagliostro necessarily needed in a particular episode in the picture was part of ... composer Gennady Gladkov. It was his lower limbs are often visible on the screen.
Among other things, he played in the movie Gladkoff quite full role - servants, uttering the phrase: "With Whom a sculpted?" But crafty Zakharov somehow refused to specify the name of the composer in the credits.

Only three members of the crew completely ignored all the events over and over again organized a tireless Alexander Abdulov. Starring Tatiana Peltzer, Leonid Armour and soundman Yuri Rabinovich pretended that the whole company called "crew" Formula of Love "personally to them is irrelevant.
Immediately after the operation, they retire to one of the small rooms of the hostel. And there all night playing whist. No stranger to the inner sanctum is not allowed, so that the company is playing at cards, was an assumption. By morning, the room looked like a smoky saloon: breathe in this cubicle after a night get-togethers was simply impossible, smoked-all in black.
The most striking thing is that, although the light was burning in the room all night and, accordingly, actors clearly awake in the morning all looked very cheerful - well, the overall impression that the trio rested peacefully in anticipation of future creative achievements!

Blooper for lyapom.
Present in the film and bloopers, which only adds spice to the picture. The most important, which did not pay attention only the scattered audience: the whole film protagonists are jumping on the background of stacks remaining after harvest of grain harvesters, which at that time, of course, there was no trace of ...
Other errors were more intelligent. But they eventually uncovered alert moviegoers.
For example, during a session of clairvoyance, arranged in St. Petersburg Cagliostro large-secular salon, an old Russian general interested in the date of completion of the Russian-Turkish war ("Pro Turks ask! With the Turks when the war is over?»).
So, the previous (fifth in the general count) Russian-Turkish war ended with the victory of Russia in 1774 - six years before the arrival of Cagliostro in St. Petersburg. Next, the sixth, began seven years later. And how's that for a fact? The poem quoted Fedyashevym in the first dialogue with the aunt ("From the country of birth of the river / the kingdom of Life flows ..."), composed in Russian poet and translator Vasily Grigoriev in 1822 - forty-two years after the events described in the film.
Well, the last discrepancy that could discern many. At the end of the film Theodosia Ivanovna tells Cagliostro that it is looking for some staff-captain.
Chief officer rank of captain in the Russian army entered in 1798 - eighteen years after the visit of Cagliostro in Russia.