Happy B-day
December 30 - the birthday of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on 30 December 1922 by combining the RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR and Byelorussian SSR and TSFSR was created by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - the state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia.
December 29th, 1922 at the Conference of delegation from the Congress of Soviets of the RSFSR, the Ukrainian SSR and Byelorussian SSR TSFSR signed a Treaty on the Creation of the USSR. This document was approved December 30, 1922 I-st All-Union Congress of Soviets and signed by the heads of delegations. This date is considered the date of formation of the USSR.
December 30, 1922, delegates I met Union Congress of Soviets at the Bolshoi Theatre.
In the first hour of the day on the stage stood a member of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee Peter Germogenovich Smidovich. Member of three Russian revolutions, party member since 1898, he opened the congress and he could not speak - it was interrupted by applause from the oldest delegate.
Finally, closing the fading noise Smidovich started:
"The unanimous will of the working people of Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia and Belarus to merge separate Soviet republics into a single whole, a powerful state union of socialist Soviet republics expressed at the Congresses of Soviets of Ukraine, Belarus and the Transcaucasian Federation. This will with indescribable enthusiasm supported the workers' representatives at a meeting of the Russian Federation X Congress of Soviets ... the resolutions adopted at the congress, confirmed as the basis of principle of equality of Union republics, their voluntary entry into a union state with preservation of each of the right of free exit. These principles form the basis for the proposed delegations agreed ... we unite into a single state, we form a single political and economic organism. And each wound from the outside, every pain in at a distant outskirts respond simultaneously in all parts of the state and cause a corresponding reaction in the whole body of the Union ... »
A report on the formation of the USSR, Stalin spoke, he read the text of the Declaration and Treaty on the Formation of the USSR.
Heads of delegations signed the first treaties and declarations. From the Russian Federation - Mikhail Kalinin from the USSR - Mikhail Frunze, GI Petrovsky from TSFSR - M. Tskhakaia from BSSR - AG worm. Creation of the Union was legally formalized. Delegates elected the Central Executive Committee of the USSR as part of 371 members and 138 candidates. Most represent was not necessary. LB Krasin and GM Krzyzanowski stood at the origins of the party, as Krupskaya. The first Soviet People's Commissars were A. G.Shlihter (Agriculture), Stalin (for Nationalities), NA Semashko (Health), Dzerzhinsky (prev. Cheka, the People's Commissar of rail transport), A. D. Tsyurupa (food).
With an area of 22.4 million square kilometers, the Soviet Union was the largest country in the world. He held the sixth of the land, and its size was comparable to the size of North America. The length of the Soviet Union was more than 10 000 km from east to west (11 time zones), and almost 7,200 kilometers from north to south. On the territory of the country are five climatic zones. The Soviet Union had the longest border in the world (more than 60 000 km) and is bordered by the United States, Afghanistan, China, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Hungary, Iran, Mongolia, North Korea, Norway, Poland, Romania and Turkey.
After World War II the Soviet Union became a superpower and dominate the world socialist system, and has been a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
According to the Constitution of 1977, the Soviet Union proclaimed uniform federal and multinational socialist state. It consisted of the union republics. The composition of the republics of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (ASSR), territory, region, autonomous region (AR), and autonomous regions. The Federal Republic was entitled to enter into relations with foreign states, conclude treaties with them, exchange diplomatic and consular representatives, to participate in international organizations. Among the 50 founding countries of the United Nations along with the Soviet Union were two of its union republics: the Byelorussian SSR and the Ukrainian SSR.
Article 2 of the Constitution of the USSR of 1977 proclaimed: "All power in the USSR belongs to the people. The people exercise state power through Soviets of People's Deputies, which constitute the political foundation of the USSR. All other state bodies are controlled and accountable to the Soviets of People's Deputies. " In the election of candidates nominated by labor collectives, trade unions, youth organizations (Young Communist League), amateur creative organizations and the party (CPSU).
A collective head of state in the 1922-1937 biennium. was All-Union Congress of Soviets, in the intervals between congresses - its Bureau. In 1937-1989 gg. the collective head of state was considered the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, between sessions - Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
In the USSR, a large part of the economy, the entire industry, and 99, 9 agriculture was state or cooperative that enabled more efficient use of resources to conduct their equitable distribution and to significantly improve the working conditions as compared to the pre-Soviet.
Economic development has led to a five-year form of economic planning. In the USSR, for several years it was held industrialization, as a result of which it became possible to increase the economic power of the Soviet Union. During the years of Soviet power were built DnieproGES, Baikonur, Turksib, Novokuznetsk Iron and Steel Plant, the new machine-building enterprises in the Urals. In the Soviet Union, new industries: missile industry, electrical engineering, new power plants. Rapidly developing industry, providing scientific and technical progress. During the years 1940-1986 the electricity production increased by 41 times, mechanical engineering and metal - 105 times, the chemical and petrochemical industry - 79 times.
In total it was built a huge number of industrial enterprises, factories, conducted house-building, erected schools kindergartens and pioneer camps (including the world-famous "Arteek" - International Children's Center in the Crimea, rest homes for workers, cultural centers and more .
The right of citizens of the USSR to free education at all levels, from primary to tertiary, was enshrined in the Constitution of the USSR, Article 45 of which (1977) states: "Citizens of the USSR have the right to education. This right is ensured by free provision of all types of education, the implementation of universal compulsory secondary education of young people, broad development of vocational, specialized secondary and higher education, based on communication training activity and production: the development of correspondence and evening education; the provision of state scholarships and privileges to pupils and students; free issue of school textbooks; the possibility of schooling in their mother tongue; creation of conditions for self-education ».
In 1973, the Soviet Union expenditure from the state budget (and this without capital investment) on higher education institutions amounted to 2, 97 billion rubles, technical schools and schools for training secondary qualifications - 1, 79 billion rubles for the technical and vocational education - 2, 09 billion rubles. In 1975 the Soviet Union acted in 856 high schools (including 65 universities), with an enrollment of more than 4, 9 million students. According to the number of students per 10 thousand. Population of the USSR was significantly superior to countries such as United Kingdom, Federal Republic of Germany, France, Japan and others.
As of 1 January 1976, in the USSR, there were 6272 vocational education institutions, with an enrollment of 3, 08 million students.
At the beginning of the 1975/1976 school year in the USSR acted 167 thousand. Secondary schools, with an enrollment of 48, 8 million people. As of 1975, training of teachers and educators held at 65 universities, 200 pedagogical institutes and 404 teacher training colleges.
The Soviet state has paid special attention to the children and youth. In schools en masse at the state level there children-Union Pioneer Organization, admission to which is carried out for 9 years. Before Pioneer organization, children from 7 years old to take the pioneers in the Young Octobrists. Pioneer organization of free, provided the mass of Soviet children's extracurricular activities with their all kinds of thematic groups and clubs, and the Palace of Pioneers.
Particular attention was paid to improvement of children in schools there and dentist offices, which have been assigned to each school, medical center existed in parallel. Summer school students were sent to the countryside camp, by the type of spa summer vacation. Pioneers took patronage over the young Octobrists.
With 14 years of pioneers were accepted into the Komsomol. After graduation necessarily Komsomol, the Young Communist League ticket distribution, sent to work on the entire territory of the Soviet Union in their specialty. On arrival at their place of work, he also was assigned to the local Komsomol cell company or organization and got the hostel later in the established order queue, received a free apartment from your business or organization, or Komsomol state housing program, created in 1971 year Youth residential complex (SWC).
In the Soviet Union there was a state housing program in which residential meters of apartments distributed in line with the established procedure for free, while apartments remained in state ownership. Construction of a series of model homes to hold public trusts with the construction company or organization for their employees.
In 1971, at the initiative of the Komsomol youth it established a state housing program Youth residential complex (SWC).
In the tenth five-year plan from 1976 to 1980, the USSR was put into operation 527, 3 million sq.m. housing is more than 10 million apartments. In 1985, construction of about 2 million apartments in 1987, 2.265 million apartments.
In the late 1980s for the three room apartment of 4 people in a 16-storey building, Series II-60, at an internal exchange rate of $ 1 dollar - 90 cents and the average income of 200 rubles per person monthly public utility services They accounted for 90 cents, and the total amount of payment for the cost of the apartment is 15 rubles per month. Servicing the public housing fund of the USSR were engaged in territorial public administration Housing and communal services, abbreviated (housing office, housing department, rap, REU).
More many achievements of the Soviet state could be listed in this article: the army and space projects, and much more, from the entire set that was done for the people, for the state, for us, in a great country - the Soviet Union, but as It says, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.
The Soviet Union, it was a great country - superpower. Many were irritated and frightened neighborhood and the existence of a country, and even the communist course of development. Rich (the oligarchs, the nouveaux riches, big thief, etc.), it was like a bone in the throat. No wonder, because only there did not respect money, and respect human relations. After the destruction of the Soviet Union, the former monolith torn to pieces, local princelings. Sweet talk of "freedom and independence" began to haunt the immature minds of some citizens. They did not understand that independence - is a myth for simpletons who are naturally found in sufficient quantities. If earlier the Soviet Union feared and respected, now Romania easily chop off part of the territory of Ukraine with oil and gas. If they are Union (Romania) could only dream about such dreams in rainbow. Is this independence? Yes, it's just a slavish obedience to the West. In the Soviet Union we were one family, we have respected all over the world. And let today venal hacks come bile of "a totalitarian state," We know that was not the case. We respect and listen to our opinion. We were one, a family of winners and masters of the country. Now separated from the whole, it is strange to hear the cheers of independence and autonomy. Ukraine quietly gone to the rank of "banana republics". It should absolutely not be reason to not see it!
Remember friends, that our future and the future of our children and grandchildren, in our hands, and it is based on the great past! So let us, comrades - will return to the people !!!
Source: communist-party.ucoz.ru

December 29th, 1922 at the Conference of delegation from the Congress of Soviets of the RSFSR, the Ukrainian SSR and Byelorussian SSR TSFSR signed a Treaty on the Creation of the USSR. This document was approved December 30, 1922 I-st All-Union Congress of Soviets and signed by the heads of delegations. This date is considered the date of formation of the USSR.
December 30, 1922, delegates I met Union Congress of Soviets at the Bolshoi Theatre.
In the first hour of the day on the stage stood a member of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee Peter Germogenovich Smidovich. Member of three Russian revolutions, party member since 1898, he opened the congress and he could not speak - it was interrupted by applause from the oldest delegate.
Finally, closing the fading noise Smidovich started:

"The unanimous will of the working people of Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia and Belarus to merge separate Soviet republics into a single whole, a powerful state union of socialist Soviet republics expressed at the Congresses of Soviets of Ukraine, Belarus and the Transcaucasian Federation. This will with indescribable enthusiasm supported the workers' representatives at a meeting of the Russian Federation X Congress of Soviets ... the resolutions adopted at the congress, confirmed as the basis of principle of equality of Union republics, their voluntary entry into a union state with preservation of each of the right of free exit. These principles form the basis for the proposed delegations agreed ... we unite into a single state, we form a single political and economic organism. And each wound from the outside, every pain in at a distant outskirts respond simultaneously in all parts of the state and cause a corresponding reaction in the whole body of the Union ... »

A report on the formation of the USSR, Stalin spoke, he read the text of the Declaration and Treaty on the Formation of the USSR.
Heads of delegations signed the first treaties and declarations. From the Russian Federation - Mikhail Kalinin from the USSR - Mikhail Frunze, GI Petrovsky from TSFSR - M. Tskhakaia from BSSR - AG worm. Creation of the Union was legally formalized. Delegates elected the Central Executive Committee of the USSR as part of 371 members and 138 candidates. Most represent was not necessary. LB Krasin and GM Krzyzanowski stood at the origins of the party, as Krupskaya. The first Soviet People's Commissars were A. G.Shlihter (Agriculture), Stalin (for Nationalities), NA Semashko (Health), Dzerzhinsky (prev. Cheka, the People's Commissar of rail transport), A. D. Tsyurupa (food).
With an area of 22.4 million square kilometers, the Soviet Union was the largest country in the world. He held the sixth of the land, and its size was comparable to the size of North America. The length of the Soviet Union was more than 10 000 km from east to west (11 time zones), and almost 7,200 kilometers from north to south. On the territory of the country are five climatic zones. The Soviet Union had the longest border in the world (more than 60 000 km) and is bordered by the United States, Afghanistan, China, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Hungary, Iran, Mongolia, North Korea, Norway, Poland, Romania and Turkey.

After World War II the Soviet Union became a superpower and dominate the world socialist system, and has been a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
According to the Constitution of 1977, the Soviet Union proclaimed uniform federal and multinational socialist state. It consisted of the union republics. The composition of the republics of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (ASSR), territory, region, autonomous region (AR), and autonomous regions. The Federal Republic was entitled to enter into relations with foreign states, conclude treaties with them, exchange diplomatic and consular representatives, to participate in international organizations. Among the 50 founding countries of the United Nations along with the Soviet Union were two of its union republics: the Byelorussian SSR and the Ukrainian SSR.
Article 2 of the Constitution of the USSR of 1977 proclaimed: "All power in the USSR belongs to the people. The people exercise state power through Soviets of People's Deputies, which constitute the political foundation of the USSR. All other state bodies are controlled and accountable to the Soviets of People's Deputies. " In the election of candidates nominated by labor collectives, trade unions, youth organizations (Young Communist League), amateur creative organizations and the party (CPSU).
A collective head of state in the 1922-1937 biennium. was All-Union Congress of Soviets, in the intervals between congresses - its Bureau. In 1937-1989 gg. the collective head of state was considered the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, between sessions - Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
In the USSR, a large part of the economy, the entire industry, and 99, 9 agriculture was state or cooperative that enabled more efficient use of resources to conduct their equitable distribution and to significantly improve the working conditions as compared to the pre-Soviet.
Economic development has led to a five-year form of economic planning. In the USSR, for several years it was held industrialization, as a result of which it became possible to increase the economic power of the Soviet Union. During the years of Soviet power were built DnieproGES, Baikonur, Turksib, Novokuznetsk Iron and Steel Plant, the new machine-building enterprises in the Urals. In the Soviet Union, new industries: missile industry, electrical engineering, new power plants. Rapidly developing industry, providing scientific and technical progress. During the years 1940-1986 the electricity production increased by 41 times, mechanical engineering and metal - 105 times, the chemical and petrochemical industry - 79 times.
In total it was built a huge number of industrial enterprises, factories, conducted house-building, erected schools kindergartens and pioneer camps (including the world-famous "Arteek" - International Children's Center in the Crimea, rest homes for workers, cultural centers and more .

The right of citizens of the USSR to free education at all levels, from primary to tertiary, was enshrined in the Constitution of the USSR, Article 45 of which (1977) states: "Citizens of the USSR have the right to education. This right is ensured by free provision of all types of education, the implementation of universal compulsory secondary education of young people, broad development of vocational, specialized secondary and higher education, based on communication training activity and production: the development of correspondence and evening education; the provision of state scholarships and privileges to pupils and students; free issue of school textbooks; the possibility of schooling in their mother tongue; creation of conditions for self-education ».
In 1973, the Soviet Union expenditure from the state budget (and this without capital investment) on higher education institutions amounted to 2, 97 billion rubles, technical schools and schools for training secondary qualifications - 1, 79 billion rubles for the technical and vocational education - 2, 09 billion rubles. In 1975 the Soviet Union acted in 856 high schools (including 65 universities), with an enrollment of more than 4, 9 million students. According to the number of students per 10 thousand. Population of the USSR was significantly superior to countries such as United Kingdom, Federal Republic of Germany, France, Japan and others.
As of 1 January 1976, in the USSR, there were 6272 vocational education institutions, with an enrollment of 3, 08 million students.
At the beginning of the 1975/1976 school year in the USSR acted 167 thousand. Secondary schools, with an enrollment of 48, 8 million people. As of 1975, training of teachers and educators held at 65 universities, 200 pedagogical institutes and 404 teacher training colleges.
The Soviet state has paid special attention to the children and youth. In schools en masse at the state level there children-Union Pioneer Organization, admission to which is carried out for 9 years. Before Pioneer organization, children from 7 years old to take the pioneers in the Young Octobrists. Pioneer organization of free, provided the mass of Soviet children's extracurricular activities with their all kinds of thematic groups and clubs, and the Palace of Pioneers.
Particular attention was paid to improvement of children in schools there and dentist offices, which have been assigned to each school, medical center existed in parallel. Summer school students were sent to the countryside camp, by the type of spa summer vacation. Pioneers took patronage over the young Octobrists.

With 14 years of pioneers were accepted into the Komsomol. After graduation necessarily Komsomol, the Young Communist League ticket distribution, sent to work on the entire territory of the Soviet Union in their specialty. On arrival at their place of work, he also was assigned to the local Komsomol cell company or organization and got the hostel later in the established order queue, received a free apartment from your business or organization, or Komsomol state housing program, created in 1971 year Youth residential complex (SWC).
In the Soviet Union there was a state housing program in which residential meters of apartments distributed in line with the established procedure for free, while apartments remained in state ownership. Construction of a series of model homes to hold public trusts with the construction company or organization for their employees.
In 1971, at the initiative of the Komsomol youth it established a state housing program Youth residential complex (SWC).
In the tenth five-year plan from 1976 to 1980, the USSR was put into operation 527, 3 million sq.m. housing is more than 10 million apartments. In 1985, construction of about 2 million apartments in 1987, 2.265 million apartments.
In the late 1980s for the three room apartment of 4 people in a 16-storey building, Series II-60, at an internal exchange rate of $ 1 dollar - 90 cents and the average income of 200 rubles per person monthly public utility services They accounted for 90 cents, and the total amount of payment for the cost of the apartment is 15 rubles per month. Servicing the public housing fund of the USSR were engaged in territorial public administration Housing and communal services, abbreviated (housing office, housing department, rap, REU).
More many achievements of the Soviet state could be listed in this article: the army and space projects, and much more, from the entire set that was done for the people, for the state, for us, in a great country - the Soviet Union, but as It says, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.
The Soviet Union, it was a great country - superpower. Many were irritated and frightened neighborhood and the existence of a country, and even the communist course of development. Rich (the oligarchs, the nouveaux riches, big thief, etc.), it was like a bone in the throat. No wonder, because only there did not respect money, and respect human relations. After the destruction of the Soviet Union, the former monolith torn to pieces, local princelings. Sweet talk of "freedom and independence" began to haunt the immature minds of some citizens. They did not understand that independence - is a myth for simpletons who are naturally found in sufficient quantities. If earlier the Soviet Union feared and respected, now Romania easily chop off part of the territory of Ukraine with oil and gas. If they are Union (Romania) could only dream about such dreams in rainbow. Is this independence? Yes, it's just a slavish obedience to the West. In the Soviet Union we were one family, we have respected all over the world. And let today venal hacks come bile of "a totalitarian state," We know that was not the case. We respect and listen to our opinion. We were one, a family of winners and masters of the country. Now separated from the whole, it is strange to hear the cheers of independence and autonomy. Ukraine quietly gone to the rank of "banana republics". It should absolutely not be reason to not see it!
Remember friends, that our future and the future of our children and grandchildren, in our hands, and it is based on the great past! So let us, comrades - will return to the people !!!
Source: communist-party.ucoz.ru