Fantastic izohayku Igor Savin
One of the few Russian artists, who paints a truly vibrant and gloomy illustrations of science fiction is Igor Savin. Deep space, abandoned the planet and the world of the future - all this is reflected in his illustrations. He works in his own genre of "izohayku." This means that each picture relies entire text story. We went out to the orbit of Mars and docked with the orbital station "Ares-7." Three days of wind circles the planet in preparation for landing. All my free time I spent at the windows of the review, admiring her red dream, which was now at hand.
I got lander "PM-17". He was the first in the queue, which reflected my impatience. The same is certainly experienced and Erin, and Arne, and another seven of our boarding department. Then everything went in the normal automatic mode, and we came to the perfect Martian station "Mariner-2", located in the Valles Marineris. Making a U-turn, which would like to call "lap of honor", the lander slowly went straight down.
On the surface we have been waiting for a team kosmodromnoy service. We saw it when scattered clouds of dust and sand caused our arrival from the heavens ... The team undocked our rescue capsule directly to the transport area, act quickly and harmoniously. When we took them to the station hangars, dock workers have dismantled the cargo bay of our module, they are in a hurry: they had to take a dozen of the guests.
I was suddenly very lucky: I immediately after the quarantine was in the expedition "nomadic" station "Bedouin-43" instead of a month or two wandering around the corridors of the base and carry out routine work. When the station, arriving at the point of dislocation, proceed to "unpack" the chief of the party Kardyshev included me in the first exit. He laughed a little, and then I had no idea that began "wash freshman."
Reflamer slowly penetrated the viscous flows lazily swirling mist.
- We're over the mountains - pointedly told the pilot inspector. - Fifteen minutes base.
Despite the automatic flight, he always had his hands on the control panels. Suddenly, a thick shroud of fog was torn, and Valim saw Korgeniuta ranges. Dozens of stone dragon wove his huge body, forming ridges in the abyss and unimaginable combinations.
- Wow! - Involuntarily from him.
- Yes, impressive peyzazhik - confirmed the pilot. - How many times I see it, and I can not get used.
If you are on Solaris, make sure you will get to the station "Rusty". Through it pass all who arrive to Egghead. As a rule, it is also clever, only smaller - scientists, artists, musicians, and writers. They flock here in droves for advice when they themselves have nothing to think. There are tourists - these mainly come to pull their nerves. And to many it is obviously fails because the hospital station packed to overflowing and continuously evacuates them back. A hard worker, that is, we appear on Rusty quietly, without fanfare and without experience. Because spices and required on Solaris.
He suddenly thought of a boat as an old friend. And it was true: they had to sit down together for dozens of planets in search of work, to save each other's lives. Pavlysh could accurately recall the history of each dents and scratches on the body of industrious K715. They had almost the same length of service, the boat has twice written off, but there is another urgent mission, and the minutes of the inventory commission lost until the next return.
And now, hearing behind him dimensional buzz Pavlysh felt calm, even peaceful.
Kralkov broke down and went into the water. When such a wealth of zoological floats before my eyes, this biologist has to come to the state gambling and losing even a little intelligence. And Kralkov grabbed arthropod, which was watched the last half hour. Being in the perturbation flushed so that was scarlet, and for such unexpected force baby beginning to resist stranglehold Coiled around the arm. Biologist puffed, but not inferior, and almost pulled reptile from the ocean, he saw that this little piece of writhing biomass has an extension that goes in depth, which is now slowly surged in front of him a great dark hulk.
Morionskih puppies our laboratory brings up a second month. This unique opportunity presented to us as a result of the tragic death of a nursing uterus stalemate Morion, which are found in the search output of the plateau. Trying to save the cubs, they were taken to the station. The success of the enterprise at first nobody believed, except Elanova and Jaynes: because of morionskih Patach little was known. But a miracle happened: first, Captain Crowland somehow allowed to use the hangar biochemical activation, then Elan for eleven o'clock solved the problem of food and incubation Patov. But the first few days, many still working at the limit of exertion. But when transferred from the Center for Research landing with unique equipment, everything started to happen in a normal laboratory mode.
"Lenta" for some reason, was chosen bioreactor gesiytsev and appeared there more often. She was talking at the same time with only one consciousness, so we went there at a time. At first I only Belov, then had to say Aran: "Lenta" asked to bring her "creature with a red head." Aranea naturally blabbed, and soon the whole crew except the captain was entered into a busy schedule visiting this mysterious flowing talkative nature ...
In the second week they came to drilling. At first it was unusual and beautiful - all free Watch looked at the rings circling, waiting for the moment of "expiration" which always begins suddenly. It was an incredibly complex music of light and form, will never be repeated and indescribable in words. She was fascinated and wanted to look at it again and again ...
Ninth July the patrol disappeared and all-terrain vehicle with Volaninym Male. The same evening, on returning from the search were killed and Shorena Dvorkis. Their bodies were found on the plateau of the Rings just five hundred meters from the gateway. What is learned from the suits, it was a little like the people ...
When you come out of the cast at the base of "Ocean", involuntarily holds his breath. Ship crashes like in the water column, which immediately compresses all sides heavy viscous mass. A residual noise giperdzhampa like bubbling jets, shed from the finally plunges into the illusion of ocean depths ...
When asked about the bright and joyful experience, I remember the morning flights to Mankere expedition in 2295. It was my first expedition, and literally all the time caused me delight. Even the most ordinary flyby registration points. I made them early in the morning when the sun was just beginning to Mankery its rise over the horizon. My dzhinkar raced low over the surface of an inversion vzmetaya dust trail, toward the rising flames ...
Captain barely had time to cry out: "Let's go!" And the pilot's brain Gaydmakova already dispatched orders. And the "cocoon", the shell of the pilot, worked flawlessly and quickly turning thoughts into control pulses, flying flash simultaneously throughout the space ship systems. Emergency siren wailing already signaling a willingness to throw the engines ...
Day serenity Stolbovoye forest planet Aubrais very deceptive. Although his major life activity takes place at night, during the day, too, there exists a lot of wanting to bite careless employee expedition. Aganov it is well known, so at the first signal of the watchdog system quickly grabbed the taser and turned the pointer purpose. At stake in the foliage zazmeilos long elastic body cava, hastily fleeing from their ambush. It was not the most dangerous predator of the Pillars, but fall into the arms of his steel totally worth it. Flynn intern last week a similar instance of half broke ribs, smashed armor protection suit. No one knows, what would it ended without podospey time help.
Arcot - creatures of the night, slowly drifting over the harsh landscape Dzoriusa. Among the fauna of the planet is only the devil can call them angels.
Mushrooms on Oloene - oases of life in an ocean of red-hot sand. They give shelter to tens of creatures, providing them with food and protection. If you carefully look under the spreading canopy of hats and little to stand still, then stilled by your presence again to resume livelihoods and hairy surface of the fungus begins to move as if alive. They moved to prey on each other or simply coexist Oloene amazing creatures. But we must be careful. Giant mushrooms instances hide a real predators are dangerous even for the man in treyforme high protection.
Buda-Ch'an dragons. They appeared suddenly as always from all sides. From immediate attack group was only saved by the presence of the robot support Chemodanycha. Dragons felt his screening field, and so beware. However, Olson did habitually turn one hundred eighty degrees and activated manually taser.
Dragons silently stood, swaying slightly and moving his limbs. Somewhere deep in the rocks, in a network of underground labyrinths, the hostess sat these many processes, missing out on the surface of all living things. One of the most dangerous predatory life forms Buda-Chang mused.
Sure, there was something out of the ordinary: the cautious, having reasonable aggressive predator dogs this time, if gone mad. Their number grew rapidly, they are no longer hiding, darted around the search group. Dogs attacked the evening. Dozens of them rushed to the perimeter and discarded stunner, fell under the feet of new fighters. People in shock looking at gradually increasing living wall around them immobilized Dogs. Perimeter withstood two more such attacks, and then Maloney technician gruntovschik, said that the defense loses energy. It just could not be as inexplicable disappearance of communication with the ship. And Hasper decided to make its way to the rocks, to the natural protection from the raging elements of living. Throwing equipment and without removing the perimeter, was covering their hasty retreat, people flocked to the running stones. Dogs responded almost immediately, and the red mass, expecting another attack, silently rushed in pursuit. Suddenly reappeared communication with the ship, and it allowed Hasperu ran to report the incident. From orbit, to their aid immediately left the boat.
Karlanov had to make a difficult decision. All the work in kosmorazvedke he does not just have to do it. But it was the first time such a situation. A day with little time was running out "Corridor removal", and people had to leave the station to make an attempt to return to the inhabited area. Chances of success - half and half, but the one who left, they will not completely.
Borkonsky, reported on the current state of affairs, offered to throw a lot, but Karlanov immediately realized that the choice will have to do to him. Those who remain will have over three years to support a "corridor" to everyone else to go through it until the wily Karen did not move into a new journey through the galaxy.
Immured alive in the planetary-based Meadow 17, Bedov often came to these two windows to the world outside. He stood for a long time, staring at the sky, where clouds floated and sometimes flying bird ...
In the fourth dock repairs completed kátera intelligence that twelve days ago, miraculously jumped out of the hurricane over the western coast of the central continent. The fact that this is no ordinary storm, it became clear half an hour before touching its edge. And this phenomenon is called a hurricane just because another name until he was found.
When the boat pulled into the dock cruiser, chief engineer realized that you have to start the main substantgenerator. The body has been minimized, as if he were trying to squeeze out as a rag. Only the inner envelope, filled with a dense network of force fields, has withstood the incredible load and save the crew, which traveled to three more hours revealing chaotic woven bronelisty.
Source: igorsavin.livejournal.com

I got lander "PM-17". He was the first in the queue, which reflected my impatience. The same is certainly experienced and Erin, and Arne, and another seven of our boarding department. Then everything went in the normal automatic mode, and we came to the perfect Martian station "Mariner-2", located in the Valles Marineris. Making a U-turn, which would like to call "lap of honor", the lander slowly went straight down.

On the surface we have been waiting for a team kosmodromnoy service. We saw it when scattered clouds of dust and sand caused our arrival from the heavens ... The team undocked our rescue capsule directly to the transport area, act quickly and harmoniously. When we took them to the station hangars, dock workers have dismantled the cargo bay of our module, they are in a hurry: they had to take a dozen of the guests.

I was suddenly very lucky: I immediately after the quarantine was in the expedition "nomadic" station "Bedouin-43" instead of a month or two wandering around the corridors of the base and carry out routine work. When the station, arriving at the point of dislocation, proceed to "unpack" the chief of the party Kardyshev included me in the first exit. He laughed a little, and then I had no idea that began "wash freshman."

Reflamer slowly penetrated the viscous flows lazily swirling mist.
- We're over the mountains - pointedly told the pilot inspector. - Fifteen minutes base.
Despite the automatic flight, he always had his hands on the control panels. Suddenly, a thick shroud of fog was torn, and Valim saw Korgeniuta ranges. Dozens of stone dragon wove his huge body, forming ridges in the abyss and unimaginable combinations.
- Wow! - Involuntarily from him.
- Yes, impressive peyzazhik - confirmed the pilot. - How many times I see it, and I can not get used.

If you are on Solaris, make sure you will get to the station "Rusty". Through it pass all who arrive to Egghead. As a rule, it is also clever, only smaller - scientists, artists, musicians, and writers. They flock here in droves for advice when they themselves have nothing to think. There are tourists - these mainly come to pull their nerves. And to many it is obviously fails because the hospital station packed to overflowing and continuously evacuates them back. A hard worker, that is, we appear on Rusty quietly, without fanfare and without experience. Because spices and required on Solaris.

He suddenly thought of a boat as an old friend. And it was true: they had to sit down together for dozens of planets in search of work, to save each other's lives. Pavlysh could accurately recall the history of each dents and scratches on the body of industrious K715. They had almost the same length of service, the boat has twice written off, but there is another urgent mission, and the minutes of the inventory commission lost until the next return.
And now, hearing behind him dimensional buzz Pavlysh felt calm, even peaceful.

Kralkov broke down and went into the water. When such a wealth of zoological floats before my eyes, this biologist has to come to the state gambling and losing even a little intelligence. And Kralkov grabbed arthropod, which was watched the last half hour. Being in the perturbation flushed so that was scarlet, and for such unexpected force baby beginning to resist stranglehold Coiled around the arm. Biologist puffed, but not inferior, and almost pulled reptile from the ocean, he saw that this little piece of writhing biomass has an extension that goes in depth, which is now slowly surged in front of him a great dark hulk.

Morionskih puppies our laboratory brings up a second month. This unique opportunity presented to us as a result of the tragic death of a nursing uterus stalemate Morion, which are found in the search output of the plateau. Trying to save the cubs, they were taken to the station. The success of the enterprise at first nobody believed, except Elanova and Jaynes: because of morionskih Patach little was known. But a miracle happened: first, Captain Crowland somehow allowed to use the hangar biochemical activation, then Elan for eleven o'clock solved the problem of food and incubation Patov. But the first few days, many still working at the limit of exertion. But when transferred from the Center for Research landing with unique equipment, everything started to happen in a normal laboratory mode.

"Lenta" for some reason, was chosen bioreactor gesiytsev and appeared there more often. She was talking at the same time with only one consciousness, so we went there at a time. At first I only Belov, then had to say Aran: "Lenta" asked to bring her "creature with a red head." Aranea naturally blabbed, and soon the whole crew except the captain was entered into a busy schedule visiting this mysterious flowing talkative nature ...

In the second week they came to drilling. At first it was unusual and beautiful - all free Watch looked at the rings circling, waiting for the moment of "expiration" which always begins suddenly. It was an incredibly complex music of light and form, will never be repeated and indescribable in words. She was fascinated and wanted to look at it again and again ...
Ninth July the patrol disappeared and all-terrain vehicle with Volaninym Male. The same evening, on returning from the search were killed and Shorena Dvorkis. Their bodies were found on the plateau of the Rings just five hundred meters from the gateway. What is learned from the suits, it was a little like the people ...

When you come out of the cast at the base of "Ocean", involuntarily holds his breath. Ship crashes like in the water column, which immediately compresses all sides heavy viscous mass. A residual noise giperdzhampa like bubbling jets, shed from the finally plunges into the illusion of ocean depths ...

When asked about the bright and joyful experience, I remember the morning flights to Mankere expedition in 2295. It was my first expedition, and literally all the time caused me delight. Even the most ordinary flyby registration points. I made them early in the morning when the sun was just beginning to Mankery its rise over the horizon. My dzhinkar raced low over the surface of an inversion vzmetaya dust trail, toward the rising flames ...

Captain barely had time to cry out: "Let's go!" And the pilot's brain Gaydmakova already dispatched orders. And the "cocoon", the shell of the pilot, worked flawlessly and quickly turning thoughts into control pulses, flying flash simultaneously throughout the space ship systems. Emergency siren wailing already signaling a willingness to throw the engines ...

Day serenity Stolbovoye forest planet Aubrais very deceptive. Although his major life activity takes place at night, during the day, too, there exists a lot of wanting to bite careless employee expedition. Aganov it is well known, so at the first signal of the watchdog system quickly grabbed the taser and turned the pointer purpose. At stake in the foliage zazmeilos long elastic body cava, hastily fleeing from their ambush. It was not the most dangerous predator of the Pillars, but fall into the arms of his steel totally worth it. Flynn intern last week a similar instance of half broke ribs, smashed armor protection suit. No one knows, what would it ended without podospey time help.

Arcot - creatures of the night, slowly drifting over the harsh landscape Dzoriusa. Among the fauna of the planet is only the devil can call them angels.

Mushrooms on Oloene - oases of life in an ocean of red-hot sand. They give shelter to tens of creatures, providing them with food and protection. If you carefully look under the spreading canopy of hats and little to stand still, then stilled by your presence again to resume livelihoods and hairy surface of the fungus begins to move as if alive. They moved to prey on each other or simply coexist Oloene amazing creatures. But we must be careful. Giant mushrooms instances hide a real predators are dangerous even for the man in treyforme high protection.

Buda-Ch'an dragons. They appeared suddenly as always from all sides. From immediate attack group was only saved by the presence of the robot support Chemodanycha. Dragons felt his screening field, and so beware. However, Olson did habitually turn one hundred eighty degrees and activated manually taser.
Dragons silently stood, swaying slightly and moving his limbs. Somewhere deep in the rocks, in a network of underground labyrinths, the hostess sat these many processes, missing out on the surface of all living things. One of the most dangerous predatory life forms Buda-Chang mused.

Sure, there was something out of the ordinary: the cautious, having reasonable aggressive predator dogs this time, if gone mad. Their number grew rapidly, they are no longer hiding, darted around the search group. Dogs attacked the evening. Dozens of them rushed to the perimeter and discarded stunner, fell under the feet of new fighters. People in shock looking at gradually increasing living wall around them immobilized Dogs. Perimeter withstood two more such attacks, and then Maloney technician gruntovschik, said that the defense loses energy. It just could not be as inexplicable disappearance of communication with the ship. And Hasper decided to make its way to the rocks, to the natural protection from the raging elements of living. Throwing equipment and without removing the perimeter, was covering their hasty retreat, people flocked to the running stones. Dogs responded almost immediately, and the red mass, expecting another attack, silently rushed in pursuit. Suddenly reappeared communication with the ship, and it allowed Hasperu ran to report the incident. From orbit, to their aid immediately left the boat.

Karlanov had to make a difficult decision. All the work in kosmorazvedke he does not just have to do it. But it was the first time such a situation. A day with little time was running out "Corridor removal", and people had to leave the station to make an attempt to return to the inhabited area. Chances of success - half and half, but the one who left, they will not completely.
Borkonsky, reported on the current state of affairs, offered to throw a lot, but Karlanov immediately realized that the choice will have to do to him. Those who remain will have over three years to support a "corridor" to everyone else to go through it until the wily Karen did not move into a new journey through the galaxy.

Immured alive in the planetary-based Meadow 17, Bedov often came to these two windows to the world outside. He stood for a long time, staring at the sky, where clouds floated and sometimes flying bird ...

In the fourth dock repairs completed kátera intelligence that twelve days ago, miraculously jumped out of the hurricane over the western coast of the central continent. The fact that this is no ordinary storm, it became clear half an hour before touching its edge. And this phenomenon is called a hurricane just because another name until he was found.
When the boat pulled into the dock cruiser, chief engineer realized that you have to start the main substantgenerator. The body has been minimized, as if he were trying to squeeze out as a rag. Only the inner envelope, filled with a dense network of force fields, has withstood the incredible load and save the crew, which traveled to three more hours revealing chaotic woven bronelisty.

Source: igorsavin.livejournal.com