The garden of Igor Liadov – the miracle, it is feasible to everyone
The longer the land is used for growing crops, the less fertile it becomes.
Yields are falling, no matter how many forces they were not invested, and what grows here is not happy neither quality nor quantity.
The same problem faced by living in the far East of Russia Igor Liadov, like many gardeners conducting a few weekends at his summer cottage. To put up with the fall in yields with the most advanced technologies Lyadov did not, and decided to exert all his powers to bring the land fertility and achieve high yield with the least effort.
Technology Igor Liadov
The result of observation, study experience of foreign colleagues and their own practical work in twenty acres was a record harvest and the creation of a truly smart garden. The technology was extremely simple and at first glance similar to that proposed in the end of XX century the technique of American Jacob advanced methods.
However, unlike overseas agronomist, offers for fertilizing plants to use only mineral additives, Igor Liadov gave preference to organic and even developed a more unique mixture of herbal and traditional fertilizers: manure and bird droppings.
The total of the two currents is the construction of highbeds-boxesfilled, and the remnants survived their century plants. Therefore, the site no untidy compost heaps, all hidden in the narrow beds and immediately begins to benefit.
Features narrow garden beds:
The main advantage of the method is increasing almost twice the yield ofthe plot compared with the conventional technology, when crops are grown on wide, located on the ground level beds.
However, there are other positive aspects, attractive to experience Lyadova increasing attention gardeners:
Bed according to the method of Liadov's works for several years, and with regular replenishment of crop residues and fertilizing properly conducted its service life and is difficult to define.
When the crop is harvested, the author advises to sow the green manure is quickly rising, which further enrich the soil in the box. When planting to add humus or fertilizer is no longer necessary, because in fact the bed itself is a kind of storage of the compost.
As becomes clear, the advantages of garden by Igor Liadov many, but the lack of one. It costs labor, time and money in the first year in the transition to an unusual technology.
The creation of the garden-boxes
The beds in the garden smart Igor Liadov constructed in the fall and are drawn strictly from North to South, and for their manufacture can use any available materials from slate and boards to bricks or building blocks.
During the master class, arranged by Igor Liadov, he used old logs, of which once was built the home, and cutting boards. However, before assembling the box, it is important to choose a suitable site and level it.
Then wall beds the future is firmly, perhaps a little deepening, set on the ground, observing the rule that says that the width of the box should not exceed 120 cm. Length can be arbitrary.
The walls between them be sure to knock or twist to the design gained strength, and at the bottom of the resulting boxes stack cardboard, which will become a barrier to the ubiquitous, perennial weed.
After the cardboard comes the turn of a thin layer of sand.
And then the box is lined with a layer of coarse plant residues. Do not forget about the protection of structures from moisture and pests. Therefore, the author advises the technology to handle a wooden box stand, but safe water-based paint for exterior use.
When the painting is completed, you can permanently fill the bed more juicy and small waste tops and leaves of collected vegetables, mowed lawn grass or straw, eliminating perennial weeds with roots that could sprout. On top of the pile for manure and humus, compost, and water the nutrient solution prepared according to the methodology of Igor Liadov infusion. The top layer with a thickness of about 10 cm, in the box is the usual soil.
It should be noted that in the Northern parts of boxes to do the above, and in the South, to eliminate rapid moisture loss below.
Good help these garden beds in areas where frequent spring flooding of the plots.
Thanks to the large, about 30 cm layer of organic matter in the garden liadova is a constant process of perepravnaya, and therefore, the temperature in the depth of the box is elevated, but not critical. Plants quickly give amicable shoots and begin to bear fruit.
Construction of greenhouses on the basis of the beds by the method of Igor Liadov
1. Along the long sides of the beds opposite each other at a distance of not more than one meter set pegs.
2. These pegs are put on the ends of plastic pipes to above the patch turned out of the arc.
3. Design cover film or other material, receiving a warm, sheltered bed for the early cultivation of various vegetable crops and berries.
The system of narrow beds used in the garden of Igor Liadov significantly extend the vegetation period of plants and to obtain consistently high yields, not paying attention to the weather and especially the garden plots.
Important: to ensure proper ventilation and space the plants in these garden beds are planted in a staggered manner. Major crops such as cabbage or eggplant are planted in two rows, and smaller, such as radishes or onions, four.
Fertilizing vegetable garden
The author considers that to restore the fertility of the mixture in the box can not with chemical additives but by self-prepared infusions, which include yeasts and lactic acid bacteria. Leaven mixture can serve as the usual Braga.
Three liters of well water take five tablespoons of sugar and a package of dry Baker's yeast. The liquid after two or three days of fermentation can add to the overall capacity, to keep it better on the cold to the fungi died.
Recipes feeding from Igor Liadov
All recipes are for two hundred liter capacity. The compositions of the mixture for at least a week, and when using the divorce at least twice — in the case of the herbal composition, and even more if you use litter or manure.
1. For the first mixture will require:
2. For the second infusion , two-thirds fill the tank with weeds or cut grass, add two shovels of sifted ash. Now you can fill the mixture with water and close the barrel film. Two weeks later, the vehicle is ready, but before use it is diluted 1 to 10.
3. The third blend includes a third barrel of dung or manure, which is filled with clean water and also insist up to two weeks. Infusion manure is diluted 1: 10 and mix with the dung in the ratio of 1 to 20.
The roots of plants into a wonderful garden of Igor Liadov always provided with everything necessary for growth and fruiting, and the bacteria produced carbon dioxide is not consumed in vain, and immediately transferred to the roots. The role played by the generated heat, making it possible to obtain guaranteed early yields.
Also interesting: the Unique technology of planting potatoes
How to get a bumper crop —PODKORMIKI for Your vegetable garden from Igor Liadov
Organic farming, which calls Lyadov, allows you to forget about chemical additives, to carry out gentle handling of the soil and continue to enjoy useful quality fruits of their labor, not thinking that after their cultivation the soil loses fertility and will soon deteriorate.published
Source: www.glav-dacha.ru/ogorod-igorya-lyadova/
Yields are falling, no matter how many forces they were not invested, and what grows here is not happy neither quality nor quantity.
The same problem faced by living in the far East of Russia Igor Liadov, like many gardeners conducting a few weekends at his summer cottage. To put up with the fall in yields with the most advanced technologies Lyadov did not, and decided to exert all his powers to bring the land fertility and achieve high yield with the least effort.

Technology Igor Liadov
The result of observation, study experience of foreign colleagues and their own practical work in twenty acres was a record harvest and the creation of a truly smart garden. The technology was extremely simple and at first glance similar to that proposed in the end of XX century the technique of American Jacob advanced methods.
However, unlike overseas agronomist, offers for fertilizing plants to use only mineral additives, Igor Liadov gave preference to organic and even developed a more unique mixture of herbal and traditional fertilizers: manure and bird droppings.

The total of the two currents is the construction of highbeds-boxesfilled, and the remnants survived their century plants. Therefore, the site no untidy compost heaps, all hidden in the narrow beds and immediately begins to benefit.
Features narrow garden beds:
- Width of beds is 60 – 100 cm, which is narrower than recommended American colleague Lyadova.
- Passages in width comparable to the beds, make up 60 to 80 cm and can be covered with roofing felt, tiles, ordinary sand and sawdust. If the aisles between the beds sown grass, then mow it periodically.
- The location of the beds – strictly from North to South.
- But the wall boxes in the garden Lyadova can be made of any material: boards, logs, slate, brick or blocks, depending on the work and capabilities of the gardener.
The main advantage of the method is increasing almost twice the yield ofthe plot compared with the conventional technology, when crops are grown on wide, located on the ground level beds.

However, there are other positive aspects, attractive to experience Lyadova increasing attention gardeners:
- Boxes are durable and their maintenance is not time consuming.
- Amazing garden Igor Liadov convenient to water and to loosening.
- Moisture inside the box is not stagnant, but not spend on the hydration of unnecessary plots.
- Not required a laborious weeding, especially if mulching of the soil under the plants.
- Landing well lit and actively ventilated.
- From the garden-boxes does not occur leaching of nutrients.
- Save time and effort on digging of the plot.
- Loosen the same ridge need to the depth of only seven or ten inches.
- The crop is not affected by pests and plant diseases.
- Every year it's easy to swap landing and plan the desirable neighborhood of plants.
- Smart garden Igor Liadov because of the height of the beds gives vacationers a real opportunity to plant the seedlings much earlier.
- If you cover the box with tape or put a plastic arc, then bed without any additional effort will allow us to grow vegetables in a makeshift, but very effective greenhouse.
Bed according to the method of Liadov's works for several years, and with regular replenishment of crop residues and fertilizing properly conducted its service life and is difficult to define.
When the crop is harvested, the author advises to sow the green manure is quickly rising, which further enrich the soil in the box. When planting to add humus or fertilizer is no longer necessary, because in fact the bed itself is a kind of storage of the compost.
As becomes clear, the advantages of garden by Igor Liadov many, but the lack of one. It costs labor, time and money in the first year in the transition to an unusual technology.
The creation of the garden-boxes
The beds in the garden smart Igor Liadov constructed in the fall and are drawn strictly from North to South, and for their manufacture can use any available materials from slate and boards to bricks or building blocks.
During the master class, arranged by Igor Liadov, he used old logs, of which once was built the home, and cutting boards. However, before assembling the box, it is important to choose a suitable site and level it.

Then wall beds the future is firmly, perhaps a little deepening, set on the ground, observing the rule that says that the width of the box should not exceed 120 cm. Length can be arbitrary.
The walls between them be sure to knock or twist to the design gained strength, and at the bottom of the resulting boxes stack cardboard, which will become a barrier to the ubiquitous, perennial weed.
After the cardboard comes the turn of a thin layer of sand.

And then the box is lined with a layer of coarse plant residues. Do not forget about the protection of structures from moisture and pests. Therefore, the author advises the technology to handle a wooden box stand, but safe water-based paint for exterior use.

When the painting is completed, you can permanently fill the bed more juicy and small waste tops and leaves of collected vegetables, mowed lawn grass or straw, eliminating perennial weeds with roots that could sprout. On top of the pile for manure and humus, compost, and water the nutrient solution prepared according to the methodology of Igor Liadov infusion. The top layer with a thickness of about 10 cm, in the box is the usual soil.
It should be noted that in the Northern parts of boxes to do the above, and in the South, to eliminate rapid moisture loss below.
Good help these garden beds in areas where frequent spring flooding of the plots.
Thanks to the large, about 30 cm layer of organic matter in the garden liadova is a constant process of perepravnaya, and therefore, the temperature in the depth of the box is elevated, but not critical. Plants quickly give amicable shoots and begin to bear fruit.

Construction of greenhouses on the basis of the beds by the method of Igor Liadov
1. Along the long sides of the beds opposite each other at a distance of not more than one meter set pegs.
2. These pegs are put on the ends of plastic pipes to above the patch turned out of the arc.
3. Design cover film or other material, receiving a warm, sheltered bed for the early cultivation of various vegetable crops and berries.
The system of narrow beds used in the garden of Igor Liadov significantly extend the vegetation period of plants and to obtain consistently high yields, not paying attention to the weather and especially the garden plots.
Important: to ensure proper ventilation and space the plants in these garden beds are planted in a staggered manner. Major crops such as cabbage or eggplant are planted in two rows, and smaller, such as radishes or onions, four.

Fertilizing vegetable garden
The author considers that to restore the fertility of the mixture in the box can not with chemical additives but by self-prepared infusions, which include yeasts and lactic acid bacteria. Leaven mixture can serve as the usual Braga.
Three liters of well water take five tablespoons of sugar and a package of dry Baker's yeast. The liquid after two or three days of fermentation can add to the overall capacity, to keep it better on the cold to the fungi died.
Recipes feeding from Igor Liadov
All recipes are for two hundred liter capacity. The compositions of the mixture for at least a week, and when using the divorce at least twice — in the case of the herbal composition, and even more if you use litter or manure.
1. For the first mixture will require:
- shovel sifted ash;
- half bucket manure, or poultry manure;
- a bucket of rotten straw or dead leaves;
- shovel of turf earth, humus or rotted compost;
- shovel clean sand;
- one liter of sour milk or whey;
- three liters of Braga.
2. For the second infusion , two-thirds fill the tank with weeds or cut grass, add two shovels of sifted ash. Now you can fill the mixture with water and close the barrel film. Two weeks later, the vehicle is ready, but before use it is diluted 1 to 10.
3. The third blend includes a third barrel of dung or manure, which is filled with clean water and also insist up to two weeks. Infusion manure is diluted 1: 10 and mix with the dung in the ratio of 1 to 20.
The roots of plants into a wonderful garden of Igor Liadov always provided with everything necessary for growth and fruiting, and the bacteria produced carbon dioxide is not consumed in vain, and immediately transferred to the roots. The role played by the generated heat, making it possible to obtain guaranteed early yields.
Also interesting: the Unique technology of planting potatoes
How to get a bumper crop —PODKORMIKI for Your vegetable garden from Igor Liadov
Organic farming, which calls Lyadov, allows you to forget about chemical additives, to carry out gentle handling of the soil and continue to enjoy useful quality fruits of their labor, not thinking that after their cultivation the soil loses fertility and will soon deteriorate.published
Source: www.glav-dacha.ru/ogorod-igorya-lyadova/
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