Eggplant: 5 delicious recipes

Eggplants are very useful, they contain an optimal amount of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, is needed by the body carotene and a large number of b vitamins Eggplant is also stimulate the process of hematopoiesis, and increase hemoglobin in the blood. Do not forget that these vegetables are high in fiber, so if you manage to use minimal amount of oil when cooked, eggplant can be a great dietary product.

How to select and store eggplant is the Most delicious fruit is a small, 10-15 centimeters in length. Fruit-Champions can grow up to 70 centimeters and weigh more than a kilogram, but these eggplants are rarely used in cooking. The most useful eggplant — almost black shiny skinned, with elongated narrow shape and small number of seeds. Overripe eggplant is not only delicious, but also harmful — they contain the toxic substance solanine. It is the solanine makes overripe fruits including eggplant bitter. When selecting a sure that the fruit was not damaged. The smell should not cause you rejection. The fruit itself should be firm. At room temperature, the eggplant can be stored for no more than two days, and at a temperature of 1-2 degrees and average humidity of 85-90 percent to 25 days.

How to cook eggplant Eggplant combine well with other vegetables — tomatoes, peppers, zucchini. They perfectly complement dishes of meat and fish, and dairy products — cheese, cheese and yogurt. Eggplants are best cooked with spices and herbs — Basil, garlic, onion, thyme, rosemary, cumin, coriander, tarragon. Eggplant is delicious get together with pastas and sauces — suitable Thai curry, and Mexican Tabasco, and Italian pesto. They can be cooked in different ways: boil, fry, bake, simmer, grill, marinate, and use for cooking eggplant salad and caviar. Eggplant replace the meat for those who decided to switch to a vegetarian diet. Below we offer you 5 most delicious recipes using eggplant.

1. Georgian eggplants with sauce satsivi eggplant Rolls — a typical appetizer for an autumn dinner table. This dish can be done not only tasty, but also useful — instead of mayonnaise to prepare Georgian satsivi sauce of natural ingredients and the eggplant after frying thoroughly wet wipes to have gone excess fat. Ingredients:
- Баклажаны500 g
- Walnut орехи250 g
- Чеснок3 cloves
- Bow репчатый150 g
- Parsley рубленая50 g
- Cilantro свежая50 g
- Seasoning Khmeli-suneli 1 tsp.
- Vinegar white винный1 tsp.
- Vegetable oil рафинированное5 tbsp
- Соль0,5 tsp.
- Saffron имеретинский0,5 tsp.
- Cass перец0 ground,5 tsp.
- Granatas decoration

2. Canned eggplant for the winter, Canned eggplant — excellent preparation for the winter. Special storage conditions this wax protection does not require. Following this recipe, you'll have a 6 liter jars of eggplant. The taste turned out to be informative and innovative, at the end of cooking you can add all kinds of spices: fresh Basil, thyme, rosemary. An unusual hint of cumin give, coriander and tarragon. And you can just add to the taste of the hot sauce, Indian curry paste or spicy sauce.
- Баклажаны6 kg
- Pepper красный6-8 PCs.
- Чеснок200 g
- Vinegar 9% 0.5 Cup
- Растительное0 oil,5 cups
- Соль2 tbsp
- Сахар1 glass
Preparation method: Before to start cooking, the banks that you will use for preservation, you need to wash with baking soda and sterilize by any method. Wash the eggplant, and then cut off the green stems. Cut them lengthwise and crosswise into 8 pieces, and then sprinkle with salt. Enough 1-2 tablespoons with a slide, mix them a few times and leave for 2 hours. Then, the eggplant should be thoroughly washed, put them in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Once the water boils, cook for 5 minutes over medium heat and drain the water. To prepare the marinade. Sweet pepper and garlic, wash and clean. Finely chop or use a blender to grind garlic, sweet and hot peppers. To the mixture add the vegetable oil, salt, sugar and vinegar. Pour the marinade in the pan, put it on the stove and bring to a boil. Boiled eggplant pour the marinade and give again to boil. Reduce heat and continue to boil for 5 minutes. Eggplant lay on a sterile banks and roll.

3. Parma eggplant with mozzarella In Italy, the eggplant is often roasted with cheese. For soft flavor to the dish add mozzarella for a richer — aged Parmesan and Pecorino. Now on the shelves of supermarkets, it is impossible to find Italian cheeses. Mozzarella can be replaced by domestic analogues, or use similar Mozarella cheese, for example, the Adygei. In the recipe provided the basic spices, but the taste can raznoobrazit typical of Italian herbs — Basil, rosemary and thyme. Ingredients:
- Баклажаны3 PCs.
- Cheese моцарелла250 g
- Tomatoes консервированные2 banks
- Чеснок2 cloves
- Oil оливковое12 tbsp
- Flour пшеничная5 g
- , Listo taste
- Chernyaty pepper, to taste
Method of preparation: first preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Put the pan on fire and pour oil into it and fry in it the finely sliced garlic until Golden brown. Add diced tomatoes, salt and pepper. Bring the sauce to a simmer and keep on minimum heat for 15 minutes. Eggplant cut lengthwise into 5-6 slices, roll them in flour and fry in olive oil until brownish color. Mozzarella cut into thin slices. Form for baking grease tomato sauce. Eggplants Parma laid out on the principle lasagna: a layer of eggplant is covered in sauce, covered with mozzarella and so continues until, until the end of producci. The top layer is covered with mozzarella. Bake eggplant casserole need until cheese melts and acquires a brownish tint. It will take about 30 minutes. Using this basic recipe, you can cook many other dishes. For example, bake eggplant in meat sauce Bolognese.

4. Phala eggplant Georgian Traditional appetizer pkhali consists of dressings and a main ingredient. The filling is a mixture of ground walnuts, pepper, garlic, cilantro, coriander seeds, onion, spices and vinegar. And the basis for the Phal can be spinach, and asparagus, and beets. The recipe is for 3 servings, so if guests more, just take 2 times more ingredients. Ingredients:
- Баклажаны3 — 4 PCs.
- Луковица1 PCs.
- Чеснок1 clove
- Гранат1 PCs.
- Кинза1 beam
- Walnut орехи100 g
- White wine, oxyspa taste
- , Listo taste
- Hops-sunelio taste
- Coriandro, to taste
- Black perespa taste
- Corn, mukpo taste
- Vegetable, makopo taste
- Granatas decoration
Method of preparation: Peel eggplant peeled and cut into cubes. Eggplant roll in flour and fry in the butter in a frying pan until Golden brown. Separately, finely chop the onion, herbs and garlic, and the pomegranate peel and make out the grain. In the bowl of a blender combine chopped walnuts, onion, garlic, cilantro, and eggplant. Season with salt, pepper and vinegar. Add a few tablespoons of water and blend on medium in blender. When serving, roll the paste into balls of a small size and sprinkle pkhali with pomegranate seeds.

5. Eggplant stuffed with Armenian-style Eggplant is used in many recipes of Armenian cuisine. For cooking is not a lot of time. Pumps eggplant can be baked with Suluguni cheese. Depending on the cheese used in this dish varies greatly — try baked eggplant also with goat cheese. And as a filling instead of minced meat you can use fried pieces of sausage or mushrooms. We offer a basic recipe. Ingredients:
- Eggplant medium размера4 PCs.
- Meat beef фарш0,5 kg
- Bow репчатый2 PCs.
- Tomato паста1 tbsp
- Oil подсолнечное2 tbsp
- Oil сливочное1 tbsp
- Black pepper, monotype to taste
- Selenio, to taste
- , Listo taste

Source: kitchenmag.ru/posts/pyat-retseptov-kak-vkusno-prigotovit-baklazhany
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