Eggplant water! Now with the folds on the stomach you can say goodbye!

Oh, those folds of fat on the belly! Probably there is no person who would not want to get rid of them once and for all! It's not just ugly but also harmful for the health of the internal organs. And to get rid of fat in this area is not so easy, need to make some effort to change your lifestyle, try to follow a proper diet and exercise, it all certainly needed. But you will surely be surprised to know that eggplant water can significantly speed up this process and help achieve the desired goal.
In fact it is a very simple means to combat obesity. High water content, fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants makes eggplant the perfect product for weight reduction. In addition, the eggplant is still and extremely nutritious, that is, he will take care of our body, providing it with everything necessary for normal operation. If you know how to eat, he can become simply indispensable and will gradually relieve you of those horrible wrinkles on my stomach.
How eggplant helps weight loss? The advantage of the eggplant before other foods is of high nutritional value with minimal calories. It has on the body diuretic, preventing fluid retention and fighting with her, and it saturates after eating eggplant, you then long will not feel famine.
Only need for ourselves to note that one eggplant water effect will not give. To get rid of body fat in the abdominal area and to lose weight, you must eat a balanced diet and at least a half hour a day to devote to physical exercise.
Eggplant water has cleansing properties, because eggplant is also a detox product, it contains no fat and, as mentioned, very few calories. A "set" of nutrients will perfectly fit and perfectly complement your new healthy diet.
What other useful properties of eggplant?
- Eggplant helps to reduce cholesterol in the blood. You ask how? The fact is that the substances included in it, suck in fats are those foods that are consumed along with eggplant and, accordingly, are also in the intestine.
- Eggplant helps to eliminate toxins from the body and regulate the passage of food through the intestinal tract. They are very effective in combating constipation.
- Eggplant has antioxidant properties due to the presence of vitamin E and anthocyanins. Are antioxidants that protect us from cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
- In the eggplant contains potassium and sodium, and these minerals are important for the correct functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
- Fiber or dietary fiber contained in the eggplant, help to cleanse the body (already mentioned above), but other than that its consumption can significantly reduce the blood sugar level, this product is ideal for those who suffer from diabetes.
- Also, eggplant has folic acid, which is very important for bone health.
- Eggplant is very useful and people who have problems with the liver, as they stimulate the bile.
- Finally, the eggplant belongs to those vegetables which are very rich in magnesium and iron, so it is perfect to prevent anemia and improve the protective function of our body as a whole.
- It is very simple. Take one eggplant of medium size, cleanse it from the peel, wash and dice it.
- Now take a jug or other container made of dark glass, pour half a liter of water and put the chopped eggplant. In this form it is necessary to leave the drink to infuse (overnight). That is, prepare eggplant water in advance.
- Can drink just like that or adding a little lemon juice. So the taste will be more enjoyable and you will get a big "dose" of antioxidants. Do not forget that drinking eggplant water before meals and during seven consecutive days.
- Eggplant water you should drink for seven consecutive days. This diet is recommended to stick to at least once a month, then this will not only help to reduce the body fat folds in the abdomen, but also to effectively cleanse the body of harmful substances.
- In the course of this week you should limit your diet with fresh salads and natural juices, and, of course, to minimize the consumption of various fats and flour products.
- In the day you should drink just a pint of water eggplant. A glass before main meals.
- As a rule, this week lost up to two pounds of weight. But keep in mind that metabolism is different for everyone, so this figure may vary depending on the person.
- In addition to eggplant water, of course you can eat the eggplant in boiled or baked form. It all depends on your taste preferences, as long as it was cooked, in any case, not crude. Because raw eggplant is toxic, because it contains an alkaloid called solanine which can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Source: steptohealth.ru/