How to make small apartment beautiful: 15 ways
Twenty four million three hundred seventeen thousand five hundred fifteen
If you live in a small apartment, it does not mean that the interior of your home may not be fashionable and amazing. In order to stun the guests do not necessarily have huge living area, simply follow the expert advice — and even a small abode would be remarkably comfortable and attractive.
1. Use all the space from floor to ceiling For example, building a wall of shelves and racks, you will create a lot of additional space for storing all kinds of things for a small apartment is truly a priceless gift. Thus, every inch of space is used most efficiently.
Tatiana Kolotushkin, "Your designer": — it is considered that the built-in furniture, custom made, costs a fortune and is much easier to buy a ready-made enclosure or rack. However, it is not always so! Hardly custom cabinetry slaughtered for the price of IKEA, but will definitely be cheaper many European and American brands. Talk to the neighbors and friends in search of a reliable, experienced carpenter who will be able to realize your wishes. You can save a lot of time (in search of risers in a niche Cabinet), money and, most importantly, precious space!
Thirty million six hundred seven thousand eight hundred two
Forty seven million one hundred ninety two thousand twenty one
2. Place the bed on the second floor Now this is useful not only for children! Having a small area, but high enough ceilings, just create a second level, this technique can increase your apartment in half. Moreover, under the stairs, you can optionally embed a roomy closet, and the stairs turn into a shelf or to provide them with drawers.
Forty six million seven hundred thirty six thousand seven hundred sixty seven
Sixty two million eight hundred eighty thousand three hundred forty nine
3. Turn closet into home office If you don't have too many clothes and it fits in a cupboard, it is necessary to sacrifice a pantry to small workplace, not to create closet. Perhaps it is here, working with comfort, you will earn even faster on the flat bigger.
Twenty two million eight hundred sixty eight thousand eight hundred sixty six
Eleven million eight hundred eighty eight thousand one hundred forty nine
4. The lack of a dressing room — no problem! Wardrobe is too expensive, but still visually reduces the already small space, but things still need to be stored somewhere. There are plenty of interesting ways of storing things, among which you will definitely find something suitable.
Our view: — Mobile shelving or even just a frame of steel pipes with a chest of drawers doesn't take up much space, and things will act as decor. Now this technique is very popular, especially attracted by the fact that many such open storage is easy and quick to make with their hands.
Fourteen million one hundred eighty two thousand one hundred thirty three
Ninety six million two hundred thirty eight thousand two hundred eighty six
5. Choose the right furniture For a small interior, it is vital to visually expand the space, and copes with it is now fashionable transparent furniture. Peruse through a couple of plastic chairs or glass coffee table will not block the light and dissolve in space that will help to create the effect of spaciousness.
Fifty five million three hundred ninety three thousand three hundred nineteen
Nineteen million two hundred thirty one thousand five
6. Hide bed curtains To hide the sleeper from prying eyes, it is wise to use the blinds. But if the bed is not in a separate area, as partition you can use a massive wardrobe and still hide the bed behind the curtains.
Eight million twenty three thousand nine hundred fifty three
Sixty six million twenty two thousand sixty nine
Ninety two million five hundred eighty nine thousand twenty seven
7. Hang wicker baskets in the bathroom I do not know how to use the bathroom wall? Then a wicker basket will be for you a beautiful, functional and life-saving option to correct this misunderstanding.
Thirty million three hundred sixteen thousand eight hundred fifty seven
Sixty seven million eighty one thousand nine hundred ninety four
8. Create hanging gardens Even if there is no balcony, you can grow flowers, herbs and any other plants in hanging vases and pots around the house. This will help save more space on the tables and shelves, and the abundance of greenery will give the room a more oxygen and will make the space more airy.
Tatiana Kolotushkin, "Your designer": — Now ready modules, creating in the interior fitesten is a very hot trend these days. Often these walls are equipped with a watering system and do not require special care, and they look very stylish and original.
Ten million nine hundred ninety thousand one hundred seventy
Six million four hundred forty five thousand forty eight
9. Try wooden partition Wood paneling is a great idea of zoning rooms, they look very natural and original, and also act as full barriers. Especially good to place them at the foot of the bed to securely hide your intimate life.
Sixty five million four hundred forty nine thousand seven hundred twenty five
Three million nine hundred thirty five thousand five hundred ninety nine
10. Add some elegant accessories Want to become more stylish? Only a couple of bright pillows or a family photo will do it for you. And to quickly redecorate without buying new furniture, just change the lighting and add a few pictures.
Tatiana Kolotushkin, "Your designer": — Contrast accents is incredibly important for any modern interior. Select one saturated color (e.g., dark blue, fuchsia, or the most fashionable in this season the hue of the color Marsala is a deep brown-Burgundy), let the selected tone resonates on the pillows, the carpet, the paintings and other decor.
Three million six hundred eighty six thousand four hundred ninety four
Sixty two million five hundred forty three thousand nine hundred twenty two
11. Don't forget about the window sill Empty windowsill? Immediately save the situation! After all, this is a potential place of rest, Breakfast bar, work surface or additional storage space.
Our view: — do Not use the sill as a place where there are flowers just gathering dust and all sorts of trinkets, especially when your apartment can not boast of large size. Where Windows are low, will make a cozy mini-sofa — for this sill build a few pillows and a blanket. And if the sill height of 90 centimeters — safely extend the work surface in the kitchen and increase the usable area. The bar is also an excellent option.
Twenty five million six hundred thirty four thousand eight hundred twelve
Sixty million six hundred thirty thousand four hundred eight
12. Use unusual bookshelves They can sit around the sofa or chair both horizontally and vertically. With their help, you can perfectly zoned space, as well as to give the room a distinctive and very extravagant.
Seventy million five hundred ninety seven thousand eight hundred seventy seven
Ninety three million four hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety eight
13. Maybe a bed-transformer? Multifunctional furniture is very useful in the household, especially if it is the marker bed. So why not combine the roles of wardrobe, table, sofa, or both? Today, even that was possible. Bed-transformer helps you to save useful space on a small area.
Seventy two million five hundred forty one thousand one hundred sixty
Eighty five million three hundred seventy two thousand one hundred twenty five
Sixty five million sixty nine thousand six hundred forty eight
14. Competently use niche Seemingly banal hole in the wall, but it can be a consummate assistant, both in terms of decor and its functional properties. And to make it a secluded area for relaxing or storage — only you can decide.
Sixty seven million three hundred ninety three thousand three hundred twenty seven
Three million six hundred seventy thousand four hundred thirty
15. Make TV a part of something bigger Why take the place of a curbstone under the TV, if you can mount the plasma to the wall, right in the middle of the racks or shelves. Then just decorate the shelves with candles, books or mirror — now everything looks great!
Eighty eight million three hundred eighty seven thousand one hundred sixty four
Elena Eller . published
Source: roomble.com/publication/kak-sdelat-malenkuyu-kvartiru-krasivoy-15-sposobov/
If you live in a small apartment, it does not mean that the interior of your home may not be fashionable and amazing. In order to stun the guests do not necessarily have huge living area, simply follow the expert advice — and even a small abode would be remarkably comfortable and attractive.
1. Use all the space from floor to ceiling For example, building a wall of shelves and racks, you will create a lot of additional space for storing all kinds of things for a small apartment is truly a priceless gift. Thus, every inch of space is used most efficiently.
Tatiana Kolotushkin, "Your designer": — it is considered that the built-in furniture, custom made, costs a fortune and is much easier to buy a ready-made enclosure or rack. However, it is not always so! Hardly custom cabinetry slaughtered for the price of IKEA, but will definitely be cheaper many European and American brands. Talk to the neighbors and friends in search of a reliable, experienced carpenter who will be able to realize your wishes. You can save a lot of time (in search of risers in a niche Cabinet), money and, most importantly, precious space!
Thirty million six hundred seven thousand eight hundred two
Forty seven million one hundred ninety two thousand twenty one
2. Place the bed on the second floor Now this is useful not only for children! Having a small area, but high enough ceilings, just create a second level, this technique can increase your apartment in half. Moreover, under the stairs, you can optionally embed a roomy closet, and the stairs turn into a shelf or to provide them with drawers.
Forty six million seven hundred thirty six thousand seven hundred sixty seven
Sixty two million eight hundred eighty thousand three hundred forty nine
3. Turn closet into home office If you don't have too many clothes and it fits in a cupboard, it is necessary to sacrifice a pantry to small workplace, not to create closet. Perhaps it is here, working with comfort, you will earn even faster on the flat bigger.
Twenty two million eight hundred sixty eight thousand eight hundred sixty six
Eleven million eight hundred eighty eight thousand one hundred forty nine
4. The lack of a dressing room — no problem! Wardrobe is too expensive, but still visually reduces the already small space, but things still need to be stored somewhere. There are plenty of interesting ways of storing things, among which you will definitely find something suitable.
Our view: — Mobile shelving or even just a frame of steel pipes with a chest of drawers doesn't take up much space, and things will act as decor. Now this technique is very popular, especially attracted by the fact that many such open storage is easy and quick to make with their hands.
Fourteen million one hundred eighty two thousand one hundred thirty three
Ninety six million two hundred thirty eight thousand two hundred eighty six
5. Choose the right furniture For a small interior, it is vital to visually expand the space, and copes with it is now fashionable transparent furniture. Peruse through a couple of plastic chairs or glass coffee table will not block the light and dissolve in space that will help to create the effect of spaciousness.
Fifty five million three hundred ninety three thousand three hundred nineteen
Nineteen million two hundred thirty one thousand five
6. Hide bed curtains To hide the sleeper from prying eyes, it is wise to use the blinds. But if the bed is not in a separate area, as partition you can use a massive wardrobe and still hide the bed behind the curtains.
Eight million twenty three thousand nine hundred fifty three
Sixty six million twenty two thousand sixty nine
Ninety two million five hundred eighty nine thousand twenty seven
7. Hang wicker baskets in the bathroom I do not know how to use the bathroom wall? Then a wicker basket will be for you a beautiful, functional and life-saving option to correct this misunderstanding.
Thirty million three hundred sixteen thousand eight hundred fifty seven
Sixty seven million eighty one thousand nine hundred ninety four
8. Create hanging gardens Even if there is no balcony, you can grow flowers, herbs and any other plants in hanging vases and pots around the house. This will help save more space on the tables and shelves, and the abundance of greenery will give the room a more oxygen and will make the space more airy.
Tatiana Kolotushkin, "Your designer": — Now ready modules, creating in the interior fitesten is a very hot trend these days. Often these walls are equipped with a watering system and do not require special care, and they look very stylish and original.
Ten million nine hundred ninety thousand one hundred seventy
Six million four hundred forty five thousand forty eight
9. Try wooden partition Wood paneling is a great idea of zoning rooms, they look very natural and original, and also act as full barriers. Especially good to place them at the foot of the bed to securely hide your intimate life.
Sixty five million four hundred forty nine thousand seven hundred twenty five
Three million nine hundred thirty five thousand five hundred ninety nine
10. Add some elegant accessories Want to become more stylish? Only a couple of bright pillows or a family photo will do it for you. And to quickly redecorate without buying new furniture, just change the lighting and add a few pictures.
Tatiana Kolotushkin, "Your designer": — Contrast accents is incredibly important for any modern interior. Select one saturated color (e.g., dark blue, fuchsia, or the most fashionable in this season the hue of the color Marsala is a deep brown-Burgundy), let the selected tone resonates on the pillows, the carpet, the paintings and other decor.
Three million six hundred eighty six thousand four hundred ninety four
Sixty two million five hundred forty three thousand nine hundred twenty two
11. Don't forget about the window sill Empty windowsill? Immediately save the situation! After all, this is a potential place of rest, Breakfast bar, work surface or additional storage space.
Our view: — do Not use the sill as a place where there are flowers just gathering dust and all sorts of trinkets, especially when your apartment can not boast of large size. Where Windows are low, will make a cozy mini-sofa — for this sill build a few pillows and a blanket. And if the sill height of 90 centimeters — safely extend the work surface in the kitchen and increase the usable area. The bar is also an excellent option.
Twenty five million six hundred thirty four thousand eight hundred twelve
Sixty million six hundred thirty thousand four hundred eight
12. Use unusual bookshelves They can sit around the sofa or chair both horizontally and vertically. With their help, you can perfectly zoned space, as well as to give the room a distinctive and very extravagant.
Seventy million five hundred ninety seven thousand eight hundred seventy seven
Ninety three million four hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety eight
13. Maybe a bed-transformer? Multifunctional furniture is very useful in the household, especially if it is the marker bed. So why not combine the roles of wardrobe, table, sofa, or both? Today, even that was possible. Bed-transformer helps you to save useful space on a small area.
Seventy two million five hundred forty one thousand one hundred sixty
Eighty five million three hundred seventy two thousand one hundred twenty five
Sixty five million sixty nine thousand six hundred forty eight
14. Competently use niche Seemingly banal hole in the wall, but it can be a consummate assistant, both in terms of decor and its functional properties. And to make it a secluded area for relaxing or storage — only you can decide.
Sixty seven million three hundred ninety three thousand three hundred twenty seven
Three million six hundred seventy thousand four hundred thirty
15. Make TV a part of something bigger Why take the place of a curbstone under the TV, if you can mount the plasma to the wall, right in the middle of the racks or shelves. Then just decorate the shelves with candles, books or mirror — now everything looks great!
Eighty eight million three hundred eighty seven thousand one hundred sixty four
Elena Eller . published
Source: roomble.com/publication/kak-sdelat-malenkuyu-kvartiru-krasivoy-15-sposobov/
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