Neighborhood without credit
So, take the calculator (or even better exel), remember mathematics for grade 3 of high school and together we believe that it is more profitable: renting a home or a mortgage.
All prices are valid for 2014, for the city of Kazan. In your city, the situation will be different, but it is unlikely much, because the “free market” has almost everywhere “self-adjusted” the relationship between the cost of housing and its rent.
The flow and cost of money are calculated by the mortgage calculator on the website of Sberbank. For most regions, they will be the same as in my calculation.
2-room apartment, with an area of 56 meters in a panel 9-storey house, built just over 20 years ago. No repair, almost no furniture, with an old refrigerator, an old stove and the same washing machine.
The cost of such apartments declared by realtors is 2.590,000 rubles.
To be closer to reality and further from real estate expectations, further calculations will be carried out at a price of 2,500,000 rubles.
The cost of renting an apartment is 17,000 rubles, including a communal apartment, but without the cost of electricity and Internet.
At first, the realtors wanted 18,000, but in the end, the owner and I agreed on 17,000 rubles a month, plus agreed that any improvements I made would be credited to the rent.
Since we will have to pay for electricity and the Internet separately from the apartment and utility, I think everyone will agree that they should not be taken into account in the calculations, as well as other items of the family budget. We only count housing.
Consider the option of purchasing this apartment in debt
We go to the website of Sberbank, drive the figure of 2,500,000 rubles into the mortgage calculator, specify the minimum down payment (15%), choose the general conditions and perform two calculations - for 10 years (120 months) and 20 years (240 months).
We get that in any case we must immediately pay for the apartment 375,000 rubles, and then:
1) or pay 38,068 rubles per month for 10 years;
2) or pay 30,635 roubles per month for 20 years.
Overpayment on the loan for the entire term will be 2,068,228 or 4,852,432, respectively.
The figures are not small, but nevertheless, we must add to them the cost of communal housing, because it is included in the rent of an apartment, but not in the mortgage.
In my case, the owner of the apartment claims that the communal costs him about 7,500 rubles a month. Personally, I tend to believe him, because firstly, he pays for it himself from a fixed rent and therefore it makes no sense for him to deceive me, and secondly, this apartment was bought from the maternity capital for his growing children and therefore it is likely that several people from his family are registered in it, which affects the cost of utilities.
Anyway, let’s take 5,000 rubles for the true amount of utility payments. For a two-bedroom apartment in my city, that's a small number. But even if it differs from this value, it will not greatly distort our further calculations.
Now we add these 5,000 rubles to mortgage payments and get this picture:
1) we will have to pay 43,062 rubles per month for 10 years, or
2) we will have to pay 35,635 rubles each month for 20 years.
Remember those numbers. Twice we swear dirty at greedy bankers. We close the bank’s website and move on to the most interesting.
We accept these terrible conditions. We accept it unconditionally as an objective reality that we cannot change right now. Therefore, we are preparing for these abnormal payments for the killed two-piece in the Soviet panel and ... rent an apartment.
We rent an apartment to “overpay someone else’s uncle”
We rent an apartment and live in it for 17,000 rubles a month.
1) by the time of moving to this apartment, we must already have 375,000 rubles, which we did not give for a down payment;
2) each month we must have 43,062 or 35,635 rubles (depending on the term of the loan), which we do not give for a mortgage.
The availability of this money is crucial. If we took out a mortgage, we would have to pay that amount every month, no matter what. Imagine that your house is pledged to the bank and be prepared at the end of each month to have one of these sums on hand, as if you were evicted for late payment!
Now, as well as in the future, of these monthly amounts, we pay rent of an apartment in the amount of 17,000 rubles, and the rest calmly, disciplinedly and relentlessly accumulate on our housing.
Repairs, furniture, household items and much more, which will inevitably require spending on a new place of residence to buy and pay for any other money! Monthly unpaid payments are only accumulated!
And this is what we get as a result.
At the beginning of the year (we just moved into the apartment) we have on hand 375,000 rubles, which did not give for the down payment. We live for a year, accumulate the difference between the proposed mortgage and the real lease, then at the end of the year we get:
Year 1:
(43,062 - 17,000) 12 = 312,744 savings 375,000 = 687,744 rubles or
(35,635 - 17,000) 12 = 223,620 savings 375,000 = 598,620 rubles
Year 2:
687.744 312.744 = 1,000.488 rubles
598.620 223.620 = 822.240
Year 3:
1,000.488 312.744 = 1.313.232
822,240 223,620 = 1.045,860
Next, everyone can calculate by simply adding 312,744 or 233,620 each year, according to the chosen term of the mortgage.
To anyone who is too lazy to count, I inform you:
Instead of a mortgage for 10 years, you will safely save up for your apartment for 7 years, instead of a mortgage for 20 years, you will save up for an apartment for 10 years and another 100,000 rubles will remain.
Taking into account the money you spent on renting an apartment, you will save on bank interest 640,228 and 2,812,432 rubles, respectively (multiply 17,000 by the number of months of rent until we have enough to buy an apartment and subtract the result from the amount of overpayment).
At the same time, for 7 or 10 years you live in peace, without debt and at the same time having a significant cushion for any unforeseen event!
Sudden illness or job loss will not lead to eviction
If you have problems with money, you may have to spend a little of your savings on rent (and thus roll back on the way to your goal), but this is as a last resort and only for the time you are looking for a new job.
Agree, this is not the same as staying on the street and even with debts (banks in case of late payment take the apartment off the debt at a very small price, and you remain them owed accumulated interest and lose already paid).
All the lyrics like “we live in our own housing”, “we do not need to huddle in rented apartments”, “but we can already do repairs”, actively imposed by banks – nothing more than an illusion. In case of problems with your solvency, the bank will very quickly show you whose apartment you are actually in.
But when renting, all these issues are elementary solved by an agreement with the owner, according to which he does not have the right to evict you within a certain period of time, cannot evict you without advance warning and can raise the rent no more than a certain number of percent per year.
A little more about rising prices and interest rates
By the way, about the growth of rent, increase in the cost of the apartment and other interest rates... Here I can be scolded for such scenarios, but words cannot be thrown out of the song and, if your conscience and worldview allow you personally, you can use the conditions of the fucking capitalist system to your advantage.
In short, if you do not have any business or investment skills, you can easily give money to usurers-bankers at interest in the form of a regular deposit and compensate for inflation, the possible increase in the value of real estate and at the same time seriously accelerate the growth of your savings.
Let’s calculate what will happen if instead of accumulating money in a mattress (or where you hide it there), you take it to the bank for an ordinary deposit at a rate of 10% per annum and renew the deposit with a capitalization of interest every year, adding your savings to them.
Start of the first year:
We deposit 375,000 saved on the down payment.
Year 1 is over:
In our bank there are 375,000 1.1 = 412,500 to which is added (43,062-17,000)12 = 312,744 savings and it turns out
412,500 312.744 = 725,244
412,500 223,620 = 636.120
Year 2:
725,244 1,1 312,744 = 1,110,512
636.120 1.1 223.620 = 923.352
Year 3:
1,110,512 1,1 312,744 = 1,534,308
923.352 1.1 223.620 = 1,239.307
Year 4:
1.534.308 1.1 312.744 = 2,000.482
1,239,307 1,1 223,620 = 1.586,858
Year 5:
2,000,482 1,1,312,744 = 2,513,151 Is it?
1.586.858 1.1 223.620 = 1.969.164
Year 6:
Those who have wanted a mortgage for 10 years have been living in their own apartment for a year.
Or continues to rent an old apartment, the costs of which are fully covered by bank interest (about 20,900 per month).
Year 7:
Who wanted a mortgage for 20 years, buys an apartment for 2,628,670 rubles at the end of 7 years or stays in a rented apartment, calculating for rent by bank interest, which runs a little more than 21,000 rubles a month.
That's the simple math.
15 minutes of calculations, which allows you to save from 5 to 13 years of life, which with a mortgage would have to work for bankers.
It is clear that when investing money on a deposit, the interest received by you will have to be worked out by fans to take plasma or a jeep on credit, so if you do not want to participate in the robbery of these impatient comrades, then just save without investing in the bank. Still, it will be much more profitable than keeping bankers and replenishing the ranks of people working off other people's capital.
Source: okinawa-japan.livejournal.com
All prices are valid for 2014, for the city of Kazan. In your city, the situation will be different, but it is unlikely much, because the “free market” has almost everywhere “self-adjusted” the relationship between the cost of housing and its rent.
The flow and cost of money are calculated by the mortgage calculator on the website of Sberbank. For most regions, they will be the same as in my calculation.

2-room apartment, with an area of 56 meters in a panel 9-storey house, built just over 20 years ago. No repair, almost no furniture, with an old refrigerator, an old stove and the same washing machine.
The cost of such apartments declared by realtors is 2.590,000 rubles.
To be closer to reality and further from real estate expectations, further calculations will be carried out at a price of 2,500,000 rubles.
The cost of renting an apartment is 17,000 rubles, including a communal apartment, but without the cost of electricity and Internet.
At first, the realtors wanted 18,000, but in the end, the owner and I agreed on 17,000 rubles a month, plus agreed that any improvements I made would be credited to the rent.
Since we will have to pay for electricity and the Internet separately from the apartment and utility, I think everyone will agree that they should not be taken into account in the calculations, as well as other items of the family budget. We only count housing.

Consider the option of purchasing this apartment in debt
We go to the website of Sberbank, drive the figure of 2,500,000 rubles into the mortgage calculator, specify the minimum down payment (15%), choose the general conditions and perform two calculations - for 10 years (120 months) and 20 years (240 months).
We get that in any case we must immediately pay for the apartment 375,000 rubles, and then:
1) or pay 38,068 rubles per month for 10 years;
2) or pay 30,635 roubles per month for 20 years.
Overpayment on the loan for the entire term will be 2,068,228 or 4,852,432, respectively.
The figures are not small, but nevertheless, we must add to them the cost of communal housing, because it is included in the rent of an apartment, but not in the mortgage.
In my case, the owner of the apartment claims that the communal costs him about 7,500 rubles a month. Personally, I tend to believe him, because firstly, he pays for it himself from a fixed rent and therefore it makes no sense for him to deceive me, and secondly, this apartment was bought from the maternity capital for his growing children and therefore it is likely that several people from his family are registered in it, which affects the cost of utilities.
Anyway, let’s take 5,000 rubles for the true amount of utility payments. For a two-bedroom apartment in my city, that's a small number. But even if it differs from this value, it will not greatly distort our further calculations.
Now we add these 5,000 rubles to mortgage payments and get this picture:
1) we will have to pay 43,062 rubles per month for 10 years, or
2) we will have to pay 35,635 rubles each month for 20 years.
Remember those numbers. Twice we swear dirty at greedy bankers. We close the bank’s website and move on to the most interesting.

We accept these terrible conditions. We accept it unconditionally as an objective reality that we cannot change right now. Therefore, we are preparing for these abnormal payments for the killed two-piece in the Soviet panel and ... rent an apartment.
We rent an apartment to “overpay someone else’s uncle”
We rent an apartment and live in it for 17,000 rubles a month.
1) by the time of moving to this apartment, we must already have 375,000 rubles, which we did not give for a down payment;
2) each month we must have 43,062 or 35,635 rubles (depending on the term of the loan), which we do not give for a mortgage.
The availability of this money is crucial. If we took out a mortgage, we would have to pay that amount every month, no matter what. Imagine that your house is pledged to the bank and be prepared at the end of each month to have one of these sums on hand, as if you were evicted for late payment!
Now, as well as in the future, of these monthly amounts, we pay rent of an apartment in the amount of 17,000 rubles, and the rest calmly, disciplinedly and relentlessly accumulate on our housing.
Repairs, furniture, household items and much more, which will inevitably require spending on a new place of residence to buy and pay for any other money! Monthly unpaid payments are only accumulated!
And this is what we get as a result.
At the beginning of the year (we just moved into the apartment) we have on hand 375,000 rubles, which did not give for the down payment. We live for a year, accumulate the difference between the proposed mortgage and the real lease, then at the end of the year we get:
Year 1:
(43,062 - 17,000) 12 = 312,744 savings 375,000 = 687,744 rubles or
(35,635 - 17,000) 12 = 223,620 savings 375,000 = 598,620 rubles
Year 2:
687.744 312.744 = 1,000.488 rubles
598.620 223.620 = 822.240
Year 3:
1,000.488 312.744 = 1.313.232
822,240 223,620 = 1.045,860
Next, everyone can calculate by simply adding 312,744 or 233,620 each year, according to the chosen term of the mortgage.
To anyone who is too lazy to count, I inform you:
Instead of a mortgage for 10 years, you will safely save up for your apartment for 7 years, instead of a mortgage for 20 years, you will save up for an apartment for 10 years and another 100,000 rubles will remain.
Taking into account the money you spent on renting an apartment, you will save on bank interest 640,228 and 2,812,432 rubles, respectively (multiply 17,000 by the number of months of rent until we have enough to buy an apartment and subtract the result from the amount of overpayment).
At the same time, for 7 or 10 years you live in peace, without debt and at the same time having a significant cushion for any unforeseen event!
Sudden illness or job loss will not lead to eviction
If you have problems with money, you may have to spend a little of your savings on rent (and thus roll back on the way to your goal), but this is as a last resort and only for the time you are looking for a new job.
Agree, this is not the same as staying on the street and even with debts (banks in case of late payment take the apartment off the debt at a very small price, and you remain them owed accumulated interest and lose already paid).
All the lyrics like “we live in our own housing”, “we do not need to huddle in rented apartments”, “but we can already do repairs”, actively imposed by banks – nothing more than an illusion. In case of problems with your solvency, the bank will very quickly show you whose apartment you are actually in.
But when renting, all these issues are elementary solved by an agreement with the owner, according to which he does not have the right to evict you within a certain period of time, cannot evict you without advance warning and can raise the rent no more than a certain number of percent per year.
A little more about rising prices and interest rates
By the way, about the growth of rent, increase in the cost of the apartment and other interest rates... Here I can be scolded for such scenarios, but words cannot be thrown out of the song and, if your conscience and worldview allow you personally, you can use the conditions of the fucking capitalist system to your advantage.
In short, if you do not have any business or investment skills, you can easily give money to usurers-bankers at interest in the form of a regular deposit and compensate for inflation, the possible increase in the value of real estate and at the same time seriously accelerate the growth of your savings.
Let’s calculate what will happen if instead of accumulating money in a mattress (or where you hide it there), you take it to the bank for an ordinary deposit at a rate of 10% per annum and renew the deposit with a capitalization of interest every year, adding your savings to them.
Start of the first year:
We deposit 375,000 saved on the down payment.
Year 1 is over:
In our bank there are 375,000 1.1 = 412,500 to which is added (43,062-17,000)12 = 312,744 savings and it turns out
412,500 312.744 = 725,244
412,500 223,620 = 636.120
Year 2:
725,244 1,1 312,744 = 1,110,512
636.120 1.1 223.620 = 923.352
Year 3:
1,110,512 1,1 312,744 = 1,534,308
923.352 1.1 223.620 = 1,239.307
Year 4:
1.534.308 1.1 312.744 = 2,000.482
1,239,307 1,1 223,620 = 1.586,858
Year 5:
2,000,482 1,1,312,744 = 2,513,151 Is it?
1.586.858 1.1 223.620 = 1.969.164
Year 6:
Those who have wanted a mortgage for 10 years have been living in their own apartment for a year.
Or continues to rent an old apartment, the costs of which are fully covered by bank interest (about 20,900 per month).
Year 7:
Who wanted a mortgage for 20 years, buys an apartment for 2,628,670 rubles at the end of 7 years or stays in a rented apartment, calculating for rent by bank interest, which runs a little more than 21,000 rubles a month.
That's the simple math.
15 minutes of calculations, which allows you to save from 5 to 13 years of life, which with a mortgage would have to work for bankers.
It is clear that when investing money on a deposit, the interest received by you will have to be worked out by fans to take plasma or a jeep on credit, so if you do not want to participate in the robbery of these impatient comrades, then just save without investing in the bank. Still, it will be much more profitable than keeping bankers and replenishing the ranks of people working off other people's capital.
Source: okinawa-japan.livejournal.com