He makes a deal with the "black" realtors
Belarus. Minsk.
I hope for someone in my experience can be interesting for someone - instructive, someone warn against errors. My name is M. It all began back in 2001 when I arrived in the capital from neighboring countries, enrolled in a leading university in Belarus. He studied at full-time. For five years she lived in Minsk, rent a room.
So, come 2006. Diploma in hand, found work for two weeks, decided to stay in Minsk and ... buy an apartment. My family is not rich, we call it the "middle class." Exchanged parents' apartment in another city to a smaller area and took an impressive loan, to collect the necessary amount of y. e. At the end of 2006 the situation in the property market was a total chaos: the price of 1-room apartments grew with each passing day in the 500-700 dollars. The wait was impossible, as the collected amount could not be increased. It was found not the worst option, "odnushka" in the panel house near Partizansky Avenue in ugly condition. According to employees of the agency, owner of the apartment moved to another city, had "freed space" and wants to sell a house. Also, I was told that the documents for the sale have been collected and carefully verified. As a result, the transaction was completed. Fortunately a young and naive 21-year-old owner of the capital of apartment there was no limit!
Begin repairs. Bare walls, floors, ceilings whitewash washed off, change windows and doors ... I continued to live in a rented room (if the price were still "with divine" - $ 50 a month) and could not wait to move.
And one day, when I was in the purchased apartment, the doorbell rang. And from that day for more than three years of my life I began to resemble a long-running detective. On the threshold stood the sister of the former landlord. The woman claimed that her brother disappeared a few months ago, now he is wanted, he could not and did not intend to sell the apartment, he could not sign anything ... In the eyes of the dark, it seemed that everything does not happen to me, it's some kind of error, a terrible dream ...
Beginning of the visit of the district, handwriting examination, questioning by the police, clarification of the circumstances of the transaction ... All this time, agency staff, which was engaged in registration of transactions, tried to calm me down (it must be said, not very convincingly), we said that all is fair and officially that the problems should not can.
But the owner did not have to wait long. 3 months after the deal was announced and he filed a statement to the police that he had been deceived ...
Over the years, the courts have continued. Approximately six months after the purchase of the apartment, I did not lose hope, there did some repairs, which allowed me to move. Money for rental housing, given the emerging costs of lawyers, lacked.
I will try to briefly explain the essence of the scam, which involved me the staff of one of the real estate agencies in Minsk. An employee of the agency with her boyfriend became acquainted with people leading asocial way of life, rub their confidence, bought alcohol and find out if any of them are homeowners. Since the owner was found "my" apartment. For a while, "communicated" so the young man kidnapped employees of the agency in the host passport photo pasted in it a kind of "third party", and that person is "turned" in the landlord. Himself the owner sent "to stay with friends out of town." The apartment was offered for sale through real estate agency, which allegedly checked the purity of the transaction, and so on. D. All negotiations are also conducted by agency staff. Personally, with the landlord was not able to meet me. I had to see it with a notary. In the notary's office provided me a man (friend / relative of the owner, who was unable to appear in person) with the formalized power of attorney from the owner the right to sell the apartment and get the money.
I'll tell you how it ended:
- A court decision invalidated the deal, I moved out of the apartment;
- A young man employee of the agency convicted of fraud on a large scale;
- An employee of the agency itself escaped and is hiding in Russia;
- The agency is closed;
- The owner returned safely to the half-renovated apartment;
- I'm paying a lot of money for an apartment, moved to a rented room.
It could result in just such a sad way ... But! To say that I was lucky - to say nothing.
After the eviction, I decided to continue fighting. It so happened that my case has become one of the first in Belarus after the introduction of compulsory insurance activities of real estate agencies in the event of recognition of transactions void. At that time there was not a single case of insurance claims! The insurance company, of course, until recently tried to prove that the agency has fulfilled its obligations, and therefore they should not return me the money (the question, why do such insurance, if not for such cases?). However, in the course of the proceedings it became clear that none of the employees of the agency have to do this, I do not delved into the circumstances of the transaction, was not engaged in the collection and verification of documents, did not meet with the landlord, and so on. D.
In the end, after many sessions of the court was set wine agency that the transaction is declared invalid. Insurance company will pay me the amount spent when buying an apartment. Of course, given the fact that a few years, this amount was approximately at 7000 y. e. less really spent.
Of course, no one will return the money spent on repairs (as was done a lot), one does not compensate for the fact that I had to go through in the few years ... But this is the best outcome that could have ended my story!
Money for some time have been put into the bank, was taken by a new loan, and ... yes, it took a long time, but I still bought their own long-awaited apartment in Minsk!
I hope for someone in my experience can be interesting for someone - instructive, someone warn against errors. My name is M. It all began back in 2001 when I arrived in the capital from neighboring countries, enrolled in a leading university in Belarus. He studied at full-time. For five years she lived in Minsk, rent a room.
So, come 2006. Diploma in hand, found work for two weeks, decided to stay in Minsk and ... buy an apartment. My family is not rich, we call it the "middle class." Exchanged parents' apartment in another city to a smaller area and took an impressive loan, to collect the necessary amount of y. e. At the end of 2006 the situation in the property market was a total chaos: the price of 1-room apartments grew with each passing day in the 500-700 dollars. The wait was impossible, as the collected amount could not be increased. It was found not the worst option, "odnushka" in the panel house near Partizansky Avenue in ugly condition. According to employees of the agency, owner of the apartment moved to another city, had "freed space" and wants to sell a house. Also, I was told that the documents for the sale have been collected and carefully verified. As a result, the transaction was completed. Fortunately a young and naive 21-year-old owner of the capital of apartment there was no limit!

Begin repairs. Bare walls, floors, ceilings whitewash washed off, change windows and doors ... I continued to live in a rented room (if the price were still "with divine" - $ 50 a month) and could not wait to move.
And one day, when I was in the purchased apartment, the doorbell rang. And from that day for more than three years of my life I began to resemble a long-running detective. On the threshold stood the sister of the former landlord. The woman claimed that her brother disappeared a few months ago, now he is wanted, he could not and did not intend to sell the apartment, he could not sign anything ... In the eyes of the dark, it seemed that everything does not happen to me, it's some kind of error, a terrible dream ...
Beginning of the visit of the district, handwriting examination, questioning by the police, clarification of the circumstances of the transaction ... All this time, agency staff, which was engaged in registration of transactions, tried to calm me down (it must be said, not very convincingly), we said that all is fair and officially that the problems should not can.
But the owner did not have to wait long. 3 months after the deal was announced and he filed a statement to the police that he had been deceived ...
Over the years, the courts have continued. Approximately six months after the purchase of the apartment, I did not lose hope, there did some repairs, which allowed me to move. Money for rental housing, given the emerging costs of lawyers, lacked.
I will try to briefly explain the essence of the scam, which involved me the staff of one of the real estate agencies in Minsk. An employee of the agency with her boyfriend became acquainted with people leading asocial way of life, rub their confidence, bought alcohol and find out if any of them are homeowners. Since the owner was found "my" apartment. For a while, "communicated" so the young man kidnapped employees of the agency in the host passport photo pasted in it a kind of "third party", and that person is "turned" in the landlord. Himself the owner sent "to stay with friends out of town." The apartment was offered for sale through real estate agency, which allegedly checked the purity of the transaction, and so on. D. All negotiations are also conducted by agency staff. Personally, with the landlord was not able to meet me. I had to see it with a notary. In the notary's office provided me a man (friend / relative of the owner, who was unable to appear in person) with the formalized power of attorney from the owner the right to sell the apartment and get the money.
I'll tell you how it ended:
- A court decision invalidated the deal, I moved out of the apartment;
- A young man employee of the agency convicted of fraud on a large scale;
- An employee of the agency itself escaped and is hiding in Russia;
- The agency is closed;
- The owner returned safely to the half-renovated apartment;
- I'm paying a lot of money for an apartment, moved to a rented room.
It could result in just such a sad way ... But! To say that I was lucky - to say nothing.
After the eviction, I decided to continue fighting. It so happened that my case has become one of the first in Belarus after the introduction of compulsory insurance activities of real estate agencies in the event of recognition of transactions void. At that time there was not a single case of insurance claims! The insurance company, of course, until recently tried to prove that the agency has fulfilled its obligations, and therefore they should not return me the money (the question, why do such insurance, if not for such cases?). However, in the course of the proceedings it became clear that none of the employees of the agency have to do this, I do not delved into the circumstances of the transaction, was not engaged in the collection and verification of documents, did not meet with the landlord, and so on. D.
In the end, after many sessions of the court was set wine agency that the transaction is declared invalid. Insurance company will pay me the amount spent when buying an apartment. Of course, given the fact that a few years, this amount was approximately at 7000 y. e. less really spent.
Of course, no one will return the money spent on repairs (as was done a lot), one does not compensate for the fact that I had to go through in the few years ... But this is the best outcome that could have ended my story!
Money for some time have been put into the bank, was taken by a new loan, and ... yes, it took a long time, but I still bought their own long-awaited apartment in Minsk!
