Cleansing the body buckwheat with yogurt

The slags of an organism creates favorable conditions for the development of serious health problems. Body cleansing buckwheat with yogurt provides a great result – these affordable products are well deduce toxins.
Helpful information Buckwheat contains a large amount of fiber – about 10 g per 100 g of product. Due to dietary fiber grains effectively clean the body. Along with this they provide a supply of protein (13.3 g/100 g) and minerals (particularly iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium). Useful composition of buckwheat allows cleaning without unpleasant consequences for the organism.
Yogurt provides a laxative and diuretic effect, neutralizes the processes of putrefaction in the intestine, restores the correct balance of microflora.
Due to the fact that in the process of cleaning the body leaving the waste products and excess fluid, there is a gradual decrease in weight (which is an added bonus). There are different patterns of purification, but at their core is always properly cooked porridge.
Recipes cereal the First version of the cooking involves the use of cereal groats and boiling water (salt, any seasonings and fats are excluded). Cereal rinse, put in a thermos or in a saucepan, cover with liquid (1:2). Leave for a few hours (usually porridge, it is recommended to brew before bed). If you cook porridge in a saucepan, then swaddle her. When the croup rises, it is ready to eat – if not absorbed all the liquid, it can be drained.
Another recipe from combines buckwheat with yogurt grits, place in a saucepan, cover with yogurt based 6 tbsp/200 ml. Pan put in the refrigerator. The cooking process takes 6-8 hours. If you leave kefir porridge at room temperature, it will have a bad taste. As in the first case, use of sugar, salt, fat, condiments impossible.
Scheme of purification the purification of the body buckwheat and kefir can be carried out in different recipes. The first option involves buckwheat Breakfast. The course is 10 days. During this time immediately after waking up drink 1 Cup of warm water. After an hour, eat a portion of porridge, cooked the second recipe (buckwheat with yogurt). In an hour again drink water. After a couple of hours unable to go to the full diet (the maximum limit sweets, pickles and fats). Can hold a 3 stage cleaning with an interval of 10-14 days.
Another option for cleaning is based on the diet – you can eat only buckwheat and kefir. The range of liquid – water and unsweetened teas. The duration of this scheme – 1...7 days. For complete purification it will not hurt to run a few stages with an interval of 1-2 months. The rate of buckwheat is not limited to (a lot to eat still fail as unsalted porridge does not cause appetite). The norm of kefir – 1 liter a day (if you cook porridge on the basis of yogurt, you have to subtract the used amount from the General rule). Food during the diet should be fractional.
Contraindications cleansing of the body with the help of buckwheat with yogurt cannot be carried out in the presence of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. There may be individual contraindications – consult your doctor.
Reviews cleansing the body with buckwheat with yogurt has good reviews. After this scheme there is a lightness in the body, improves health, clears the skin.published
Source: updiet.info/
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