Why it's important to eat buckwheat
In addition to antiseptics, masks and all kinds of canned food, in the wake of alarming information about the spread of the coronavirus, Russians traditionally stock up on buckwheat cereal.
Statistics say that the average resident of our country consumes no more than 3 kg of buckwheat per year. But cereals, which we don’t usually eat very much, mysteriously become especially attractive in times of disaster and economic crisis.
These are magical. buckwheat The scientists around the world are confused, and "Site" He knows what the secret is.
Why do they buy buckwheat?
Useful and inexpensive buckwheat is able to normalize blood pressure, hormonal levels, sugar levels, raises hemoglobin, increases immunity, removes excess cholesterol from the body, and therefore it should be included in the diet.
But it is also important to understand that buckwheat, like any other product, should not be abused. 3 times a week is more than enough to feel the beneficial effects of dietary cereals on the body.

Statistics say that the average resident of our country consumes no more than 3 kg of buckwheat per year. But cereals, which we don’t usually eat very much, mysteriously become especially attractive in times of disaster and economic crisis.

These are magical. buckwheat The scientists around the world are confused, and "Site" He knows what the secret is.
Why do they buy buckwheat?
- Useful.
Buckwheat is almost perfect in terms of ecology. First, there have been no experiments involving genetic modification (such as wheat), and the grains we buy today are virtually identical to what our ancestors ate hundreds of years ago.
Secondly, the queen of cereals does not need chemicals at all for fertilizer, nor for protection from weeds and pests, she brilliantly deals with them herself. Buckwheat porridge is a champion in protein content (up to 16 g of vegetable protein per 100 g of cereals).
For example, in white rice protein is only 7 grams per 100 grams of cereals. Therefore, those who try to eat less meat and fish should more often include buckwheat in their menu. Ready buckwheat has a lot of antioxidants, dietary fiber, vitamins (especially rutin) and trace elements.
Buckwheat porridge has a low glycemic index and helps reduce sugar levels. Green buckwheat is especially effective in this regard. This cereal is useful for the prevention of diabetes, as well as in its presence.
In 100 g of buckwheat cooked on water, contains only 120 kcal. It serves as the basis for a number of diets, while the porridge itself is quite nutritious and charges us with energy for a long time.
Buckwheat is the richest source of iron. It contains a lot of folic acid, which stimulates hematopoiesis, increases endurance and, what is especially important today, the body's resistance to diseases. - Economy
With the money that a person gives for a pack of buckwheat, you can buy one can of canned food, but it is eaten at a time, and buckwheat packs last for a long time. Cooking one plate of buckwheat porridge will require only 80 grams of cereal, and if you eat a portion every day, you get 1120 grams in two weeks.
Given that one package of cereals now weighs not exactly a kilogram, but 900 grams, it is easy to calculate that a two-week supply, depending on the brand and type of packaging, will cost you from 100 to 300 rubles. In addition, buckwheat is stored for a long time (up to 20 months, subject to storage conditions). - Variability
Buckwheat is the most popular cereal at any time. But if cook According to the same recipe, over time, all the households will not only stop loving her, but even hate her. And therefore, cooking experiments with buckwheat can be carried out and even necessary.
You can cook buckwheat in various ways: steam, stew with vegetables, bake in the oven and, of course, traditionally cook. A delicious buckwheat turns out if you salt it at the beginning of cooking. Also in the middle you can add sliced onions. Throw it in almost finished porridge, cover it with a lid and don't stir the porridge.
You can achieve a rich and original taste of buckwheat porridge by boiling it on green tea or pouring cereals at night with tomato, beet, apple juice, and in the morning adding vegetables and spices to the porridge.
Delicious buckwheat with milk can be prepared on a stove, in a multicooker, microwave, oven and even without cooking.
Today we want to share a list of 13 unusual dishes based on buckwheat, which will make you appreciate this product in a new way, as well as will appeal to the little fastidious people who do not want to eat simple porridge. - Traditions
Buckwheat probably came to Europe during the Mongol-Tatar invasion. Therefore, she is often called a Tatar. In Russia, buckwheat has long been a national product. For example, on June 13, we traditionally celebrated the day of Akulina Buckwheat, the patroness and accomplice of the buckwheat harvest.
Buckwheat has always been considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. And on this special day, it is also a talisman that attracts the flow of money energy. Each member of the family should eat buckwheat, and guests are treated to porridge full.
In Soviet times, buckwheat was given to diabetics. Accordingly, in the minds of people for a long time the opinion that this cereal is somehow healing. Buckwheat was part of the army supply, which gave the impression that it has a special composition, with which soldiers do not even need meat to get a full diet.
All this has been deposited in the collective memory, making buckwheat a special product that distinguishes Russian cuisine from the general background. Interestingly, for the first time trying buckwheat porridge foreigners, its taste seems bitter.
This surprises many Russians who know very well that this is not the case. It seems that only those people who regularly ate buckwheat since childhood, feel its taste pleasant and sweet.
Today, Russia is the world leader in the production of buckwheat. Almost half of the world’s crop is grown in our country. But people of the older generation remember well how difficult it was to get buckwheat before, and therefore stock up on cereal for the future.
Useful and inexpensive buckwheat is able to normalize blood pressure, hormonal levels, sugar levels, raises hemoglobin, increases immunity, removes excess cholesterol from the body, and therefore it should be included in the diet.
But it is also important to understand that buckwheat, like any other product, should not be abused. 3 times a week is more than enough to feel the beneficial effects of dietary cereals on the body.