A nutrition specialist warns you not to eat buckwheat porridge
Turns out, buckwheat It may not be as useful as many people thought. Popularly beloved cereal in some cases can bring not only benefit, but also harm. Stop panicking! In fact, this happens only in rare cases. But those are the ones we would like to talk about today.
Many do not know, but buckwheat began to be cultivated about 5 thousand years ago, mainly in India and Nepal. This plant came to us only in the X century. It was at this time that the buckwheat (Greek) cereal got its name. Although the Greeks called it the Turkish croup, and the Italians and all Arab.
Despite everything, buckwheat cereal is in first place in terms of the number of useful substances for the human body. For example, it contains a huge number of plants. protein. At the same time, they are very well absorbed. This means that the buckwheat is suitable for sports nutritionand for those who throw away A few extra pounds.
It's in buckwheat and amino acidsand fiber. Thus, dishes from this cereal improve digestion and help the stomach absorb a large number of other foods, such as proteins of animal origin. Naturally, if they were eaten in moderation.
For 100 g of buckwheat accounts for as much as 72 g of carbohydrates. It would seem, because of such a huge number of them, we should recover from the very type of buckwheat. But no. The thing is, it's carbohydrate. They are absorbed throughout the day. And, unlike the same sugar, give a real portion of energy to the body, which is enough for a long time. It is very correct to use buckwheat a few hours before physical exertion.
The other side of the coin rutin (aka vitamin P), which is found in buckwheat, is considered useful for humans in some cases. Unfortunately, due to its abundance in the croup, people with hyperclotting Consuming buckwheat in large quantities becomes unsafe.
If you cook porridge "dry", that is, so that a very small percentage of water remains in the cereal, this can lead to some unpleasant moments. Increased gas formation and constipation may not be the most terrible result. But here are the people who already have gastrointestinalWe recommend seeing a doctor.
The same goes for anyone who has difficulty with diabetes, varicose veins, renal failure and migraine. In very rare cases, the buckwheat is even allergy. Find out for sure, without practice, impossible. It is good that side effects do not cause severe complications.
Nutritionists urge not to combine buckwheat porridge with semi-finished meats or fatty fish. Everyone, probably, in his life ate buckwheat with stew, but in the fresh air. But not everyone remembers what sensations arose after this: heaviness in the stomach, bloating. Saves only the fact that all this happens in nature and psychologically easier for the body. Within four walls, such a diet would definitely cause some discomfort.
In addition, for easier digestion of buckwheat is worth it. cookNot boiling water. This will make it easier for the body to absorb it. But, as mentioned earlier, you don’t need to cook it to dry kernels. Let some liquid remain in the buckwheat.
Buckwheat with milk - not the best choice. And the point is not even that such a combination of tastes is not clear to everyone. Just for the digestion of milk and buckwheat used completely different enzymes. Because of this, a high percentage of what such a "multifaceted" dish can lead to an ordinary upset stomach. sugarBy the way, it will only make things worse.
Not that we want to scare our great readers, no. Buckwheat still remains, in most cases, a very useful and high-quality product. But you should know that she has some disadvantages too. And whether or not to eat buckwheat porridge is up to you!

Many do not know, but buckwheat began to be cultivated about 5 thousand years ago, mainly in India and Nepal. This plant came to us only in the X century. It was at this time that the buckwheat (Greek) cereal got its name. Although the Greeks called it the Turkish croup, and the Italians and all Arab.
Despite everything, buckwheat cereal is in first place in terms of the number of useful substances for the human body. For example, it contains a huge number of plants. protein. At the same time, they are very well absorbed. This means that the buckwheat is suitable for sports nutritionand for those who throw away A few extra pounds.

It's in buckwheat and amino acidsand fiber. Thus, dishes from this cereal improve digestion and help the stomach absorb a large number of other foods, such as proteins of animal origin. Naturally, if they were eaten in moderation.

For 100 g of buckwheat accounts for as much as 72 g of carbohydrates. It would seem, because of such a huge number of them, we should recover from the very type of buckwheat. But no. The thing is, it's carbohydrate. They are absorbed throughout the day. And, unlike the same sugar, give a real portion of energy to the body, which is enough for a long time. It is very correct to use buckwheat a few hours before physical exertion.
The other side of the coin rutin (aka vitamin P), which is found in buckwheat, is considered useful for humans in some cases. Unfortunately, due to its abundance in the croup, people with hyperclotting Consuming buckwheat in large quantities becomes unsafe.
If you cook porridge "dry", that is, so that a very small percentage of water remains in the cereal, this can lead to some unpleasant moments. Increased gas formation and constipation may not be the most terrible result. But here are the people who already have gastrointestinalWe recommend seeing a doctor.

The same goes for anyone who has difficulty with diabetes, varicose veins, renal failure and migraine. In very rare cases, the buckwheat is even allergy. Find out for sure, without practice, impossible. It is good that side effects do not cause severe complications.
Nutritionists urge not to combine buckwheat porridge with semi-finished meats or fatty fish. Everyone, probably, in his life ate buckwheat with stew, but in the fresh air. But not everyone remembers what sensations arose after this: heaviness in the stomach, bloating. Saves only the fact that all this happens in nature and psychologically easier for the body. Within four walls, such a diet would definitely cause some discomfort.

In addition, for easier digestion of buckwheat is worth it. cookNot boiling water. This will make it easier for the body to absorb it. But, as mentioned earlier, you don’t need to cook it to dry kernels. Let some liquid remain in the buckwheat.
Buckwheat with milk - not the best choice. And the point is not even that such a combination of tastes is not clear to everyone. Just for the digestion of milk and buckwheat used completely different enzymes. Because of this, a high percentage of what such a "multifaceted" dish can lead to an ordinary upset stomach. sugarBy the way, it will only make things worse.

Not that we want to scare our great readers, no. Buckwheat still remains, in most cases, a very useful and high-quality product. But you should know that she has some disadvantages too. And whether or not to eat buckwheat porridge is up to you!
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