Why you don’t eat the Queen of Croup in Europe
Surprisingly, buckwheat, inexpensive and useful, eat only some people. In Western Europe, buckwheat, despite the fact that it is considered a healthy food, is practically not eaten.
In Russia, buckwheat has long been a national product. The East Slavs celebrated on June 13 the day of Akulina Buckwheat, which was considered the patroness and accomplice of the buckwheat harvest.
On this day it was customary to plant buckwheat, and every wanderer used to be treated to porridge full. The wanderers ate and praised, wished that the sowing was happy, so that buckwheat was born in the fields apparently invisible.
Today, almost half of the buckwheat harvest in the world is grown in Russia. It is unpretentious to the soil, but is afraid of frost. Buckwheat is sown on June 13-16, and after 2 months it is ready.
What is useful buckwheat is considered a leader among cereals in nutritional value. Buckwheat porridge is a champion in protein content (up to 16 g of vegetable protein per 100 g of cereals). For example, in white rice protein is only 7 g per 100 g of cereals. Therefore, those who try to eat less meat and fish should more often include buckwheat in their menu.
Buckwheat has a minimal glycemic index, so it is useful for people with diabetes (studies have shown that a portion of buckwheat causes a decrease in blood glucose levels by 12-19% within 90-120 minutes).
Buckwheat has an anti-cancer effect due to a large number of flavonoids, is able to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood. In the composition of cereals there are substances that contribute to the proper metabolism.
Buckwheat is rightly called the “Queen of Croups”, as it contains iron, copper, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc and manganese. In addition, this cereal is rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP and E. Due to the content of organic acids, buckwheat has a positive effect on digestion.
Buckwheat contains less carbs than other cereals. At the same time, it is a valuable dietary protein product with a high content of amino acids. Buckwheat is based on a number of popular diets. And most importantly, buckwheat is the richest source of iron.
Buckwheat does not need chemicals at all - neither for fertilizer, nor for protection from weeds and pests, it brilliantly deals with them itself. That is why buckwheat is considered one of the most environmentally friendly products.
In all the territories of the historical growth of this grain crop, buckwheat is still eaten, but it is still considered a “cheap” food, although, for example, in the same Northern India and Nepal, it is rarely found on sale.
In the United States, buckwheat is sold mostly in zoological stores as animal feed. As you can see in the photo, it can be found in the food department. The label on the right is “replacement of rice”. Probably, not everyone knows what kind of cereal this is - I have to explain.
China is the world leader in buckwheat cultivation. In China, too, buckwheat is not particularly prestigious food. But it has become fashionable to take care of your health, and Chinese doctors recommend buckwheat to their patients.
It's hard to believe, but buckwheat It was widely distributed. Several types of granules are sold - dark, golden, light, long sticks, short and round.
It is recommended for people with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and blood sugar, the elderly and those who want to improve the condition of the skin and prolong youth.
In Korea and Japan, buckwheat has always been common, but as flour. The Japanese still prepare from it delicious buckwheat noodles (soba) characteristic brown color. And although it is much more difficult to prepare than ordinary noodles, it is appreciated. buckwheat Much higher, since it retains all the benefits of buckwheat.
In addition to Asian and Slavic countries, buckwheat is loved in Israel. The Jewish people lived in the territory of the Russian Empire for a long time, and this affected their taste preferences.
Buckwheat porridge cooked in Hebrew is called "varnishkes" (kashe un varnishkes). Separately cooked pasta, buckwheat, fried chicken fat onions are combined immediately before serving on the table. The mixture of pasta with buckwheat porridge seems strange, but it is claimed to be really tasty.
There are dishes of buckwheat in Poland. Here it is made of "Greek" - a dish of Polish and Ukrainian cuisine, which is prepared from minced meat with the addition of boiled buckwheat. The proportions of minced meat and buckwheat vary depending on preferences. Buckwheat can be cooked like ordinary cutlets or stewed in sauce, then they will be softer and juicier.
Why do we only eat buckwheat porridge? In Western Europe and America, buckwheat because of its unpretentiousness to growth has always been considered feed for livestock. Moreover, nutritionists around the world claim that buckwheat cooked (without salt) is bitter and has a clear chemical flavor.
This is a lot of surprise immigrants from the USSR, who know very well that this is not the case. But it turns out that any adult who first tastes buckwheat, feels just such a bitter and unpleasant taste, and only those people who ate this porridge since childhood, preserved in their memory its sweet taste.
It is necessary to eat buckwheat, today only this cereal is able to normalize blood pressure, hormonal background, blood sugar level, raise hemoglobin, increase immunity, remove toxins and excess cholesterol from the body. And only immigrants from the USSR and their children are able to do this, not wrinkling from the bitterness of buckwheat.
Despite the widespread use of buckwheat, we can cook only a few simple dishes from it. Check out these 5 original recipes. They should be used by every hostess.

In Russia, buckwheat has long been a national product. The East Slavs celebrated on June 13 the day of Akulina Buckwheat, which was considered the patroness and accomplice of the buckwheat harvest.

On this day it was customary to plant buckwheat, and every wanderer used to be treated to porridge full. The wanderers ate and praised, wished that the sowing was happy, so that buckwheat was born in the fields apparently invisible.

Today, almost half of the buckwheat harvest in the world is grown in Russia. It is unpretentious to the soil, but is afraid of frost. Buckwheat is sown on June 13-16, and after 2 months it is ready.
What is useful buckwheat is considered a leader among cereals in nutritional value. Buckwheat porridge is a champion in protein content (up to 16 g of vegetable protein per 100 g of cereals). For example, in white rice protein is only 7 g per 100 g of cereals. Therefore, those who try to eat less meat and fish should more often include buckwheat in their menu.

Buckwheat has a minimal glycemic index, so it is useful for people with diabetes (studies have shown that a portion of buckwheat causes a decrease in blood glucose levels by 12-19% within 90-120 minutes).

Buckwheat has an anti-cancer effect due to a large number of flavonoids, is able to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood. In the composition of cereals there are substances that contribute to the proper metabolism.
Buckwheat is rightly called the “Queen of Croups”, as it contains iron, copper, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc and manganese. In addition, this cereal is rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP and E. Due to the content of organic acids, buckwheat has a positive effect on digestion.

Buckwheat contains less carbs than other cereals. At the same time, it is a valuable dietary protein product with a high content of amino acids. Buckwheat is based on a number of popular diets. And most importantly, buckwheat is the richest source of iron.

Buckwheat does not need chemicals at all - neither for fertilizer, nor for protection from weeds and pests, it brilliantly deals with them itself. That is why buckwheat is considered one of the most environmentally friendly products.
In all the territories of the historical growth of this grain crop, buckwheat is still eaten, but it is still considered a “cheap” food, although, for example, in the same Northern India and Nepal, it is rarely found on sale.
In the United States, buckwheat is sold mostly in zoological stores as animal feed. As you can see in the photo, it can be found in the food department. The label on the right is “replacement of rice”. Probably, not everyone knows what kind of cereal this is - I have to explain.

China is the world leader in buckwheat cultivation. In China, too, buckwheat is not particularly prestigious food. But it has become fashionable to take care of your health, and Chinese doctors recommend buckwheat to their patients.

It's hard to believe, but buckwheat It was widely distributed. Several types of granules are sold - dark, golden, light, long sticks, short and round.

It is recommended for people with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and blood sugar, the elderly and those who want to improve the condition of the skin and prolong youth.

In Korea and Japan, buckwheat has always been common, but as flour. The Japanese still prepare from it delicious buckwheat noodles (soba) characteristic brown color. And although it is much more difficult to prepare than ordinary noodles, it is appreciated. buckwheat Much higher, since it retains all the benefits of buckwheat.

In addition to Asian and Slavic countries, buckwheat is loved in Israel. The Jewish people lived in the territory of the Russian Empire for a long time, and this affected their taste preferences.

Buckwheat porridge cooked in Hebrew is called "varnishkes" (kashe un varnishkes). Separately cooked pasta, buckwheat, fried chicken fat onions are combined immediately before serving on the table. The mixture of pasta with buckwheat porridge seems strange, but it is claimed to be really tasty.

There are dishes of buckwheat in Poland. Here it is made of "Greek" - a dish of Polish and Ukrainian cuisine, which is prepared from minced meat with the addition of boiled buckwheat. The proportions of minced meat and buckwheat vary depending on preferences. Buckwheat can be cooked like ordinary cutlets or stewed in sauce, then they will be softer and juicier.
Why do we only eat buckwheat porridge? In Western Europe and America, buckwheat because of its unpretentiousness to growth has always been considered feed for livestock. Moreover, nutritionists around the world claim that buckwheat cooked (without salt) is bitter and has a clear chemical flavor.
This is a lot of surprise immigrants from the USSR, who know very well that this is not the case. But it turns out that any adult who first tastes buckwheat, feels just such a bitter and unpleasant taste, and only those people who ate this porridge since childhood, preserved in their memory its sweet taste.

It is necessary to eat buckwheat, today only this cereal is able to normalize blood pressure, hormonal background, blood sugar level, raise hemoglobin, increase immunity, remove toxins and excess cholesterol from the body. And only immigrants from the USSR and their children are able to do this, not wrinkling from the bitterness of buckwheat.
Despite the widespread use of buckwheat, we can cook only a few simple dishes from it. Check out these 5 original recipes. They should be used by every hostess.
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