GREEN buckwheat - QUEEN Croup

Green buckwheat Today we will talk about another unique product - green buckwheat. "Ah - you say - buckwheat know, since childhood!" Yes, we know. But the fact that it is unique in its "green" - this is not everyone knows
! In the 20th century, buckwheat is widely recognized for the record content of vitamins, minerals, complete proteins necessary for human health, for which it has been called "the queen of cereals»
The entire list of nutrients is in the raw, green buckwheat, purified by special technology. After this treatment, unground buckwheat remain alive, without losing the ability to germinate!
Save the nutritional value of buckwheat depends on the technology of grain processing. The decisive role in the process is hydrothermal grain processing: as a result of exposure to heat saturated steam at a predetermined steam pressure accurately, cereal gets its brown color
. Some manufacturers of corn steamed in very hard conditions, which leads to the collapse and loss of quantitative content of vitamins, buckwheat becomes dark brown tint. This cereal quickly fall apart, that consumers and processors evaluate as an advantage. But as a result of such processing buckwheat loses everything that is so rich! And our bodies have to spend their own resources on the production of vitamins and minerals from it "killed" high temperature material.
It's no secret that the temperature is 40 degrees Celsius - the threshold at which begins to destroy the vitamins and minerals that are contained in the crude product. Back in the fifties of the last century in the Soviet Union sold the green buckwheat. Mass to give her a tanned look began with the filing of Nikita Khrushchev, podsmotrevshego this method in the United States.
It is taxing on the soil, it is grown without chemical fertilizers. Buckwheat culture is not afraid of weeds, displacing them from their own fields, without the use of pesticides. Genetically modified buckwheat not exist in nature - it is not amenable to genetic modification
. Consider the characteristics and value of green buckwheat, which leads in the rating of useful cereals. Heat-treated cereals to some extent loses many useful properties. Therefore, if you want to get the most benefit from this product - just look for the green buckwheat in health food stores, or make it an order through the Internet
. GREEN buckwheat USE
Buckwheat grains in its composition contain 13 - 16% of high quality protein, the value of which is determined by the presence of essential amino acids which are not synthesized in humans. The biological value of protein buckwheat protein is meat, fish, eggs.
The content of unsaturated fat in 2.3% buckwheat (including omega-3), and they are completely absorbed by the body.
The composition of buckwheat grains include flavonoids, including rutin - vitamin antisclerotic, improving the condition of blood vessels in the concentration buckwheat which is superior to other cultures. The connective tissues rutin strengthens the tiny blood vessels, so fresh buckwheat is very useful in various diseases of blood vessels, rheumatic diseases and arthritis.
According to the content of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B8 (inositol), B9), buckwheat is a leader among the grasses. In addition, it contains carotenoids (vitamin A precursor), vitamin E.
In buckwheat 3-5 times more minerals than other grains. Particularly high content of cereal crops of iron (oxygen delivery to the cells), potassium (helps to maintain optimal blood pressure), calcium, phosphorus (for the musculoskeletal system), magnesium (helps to cope with depression) and iodine. Also contained in buckwheat silicon, selenium, copper, zinc, fluorine and other macro- and microelements.
Organic acids that buckwheat is very rich, are catalysts for digestion.
The antioxidant properties to protect the product from buckwheat prokisaniya a greater extent than all other types of grain. Green buckwheat groats not rancid during prolonged storage, not moldy moisture. The total amount of antioxidants during germination of buckwheat reaches 383mg / 100g, vitamin C -. To 26mg / 100g
. Nutrients buckwheat presented within each individually has a certain value. Besides, here they work is interconnected, participating in important processes of vital activity - their complex combination of beneficial effects on the operation of almost all organs and systems
. Thanks to its unique composition, in addition to general restorative action of buckwheat seeds increase hemoglobin levels, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce capillary fragility. They are recommended for the prevention and as an adjunct in the treatment of various vascular disease, anemia, diabetes, chronic stress.
The biggest benefit of buckwheat will be if you leave it alive, without heat treatment, while maintaining all the vitamins, minerals, all those nutrients, which is so rich. You may ask - how does it then there is such a live !? I agree, we are used to another: the richness of a large plate of buckwheat porridge .... You could.
And you can add to your normal diet a couple of tablespoons of green buckwheat, soak it in water. Then any dish (salad, yogurt or cottage cheese), the abundance of nutrients in it will turn into a green buckwheat tsarskoe.sostav
Sprouting increases the nutrient content of the times, adding new and useful properties. And many do not even suspect that is not only tasty buckwheat porridge, but also a real elixir of health!
To get the seeds germinated buckwheat, it will need a little more time than for other crops. But, it is the queen, which requires greater attention!
GREEN sprouted buckwheat
Wash beans, fill them with water and soak for 2-3 hours. Then the water is drained, washed again (you can use a sieve), and we get rid of substances that inhibit germination, and mucus.
Impose buckwheat in a container for germination (eg, glass jar), cover with a lid leaking (air access and preservation of moist air), put it on its side, spilling grain, and leave for a day - usually by this time the hatch sprouts. The most useful properties are buckwheat seeds for 2-4 hours.
If you immediately the whole germ buckwheat was not used - remove it in the refrigerator, where it can stay for a few days. Who went on sale for the special proraschivateli seeds. Buckwheat quite capricious culture, so for some it is a way out - proraschivatel will save time and will enable faster to get the desired results
. Syroedcheskaya paste of green buckwheat for immunity
Protein-vitamin lunch raw foodists for 5 minutes, the paste of green buckwheat
Why the food is so important for the health
Sophora Japanese-net vessels all. From hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease.