Why the food is so important for the health

Let's look, which requires correction of eating. Back in 400 BC, the famous forefather of modern medicine Hippocrates said, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine - your food." A fanatical inventor of the light bulb, Thomas Edison declared that the "doctor of the future will not use drugs, and patient interest in the maintenance of their physical qualities through diet, will look for the causes of disease, rather than to deal with their symptoms."
Do you still remember, perhaps, how you begged Mom to eat a bit of nutritional porridge, or eat more vegetables instead of sweets and biscuits. Most likely, she knew what to do if spent on this power.

Some statistics about the role of diet to health
The figures cited in the study, are puzzling, four of the ten most popular diseases fatal - heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes - are caused by malnutrition. Violation diet is also considered a contributing factor in the development of such disparate diseases as acne, arthritis, baldness, deafness, premenstrual syndrome and nausea.
Health, pay much attention to various directions - from trauma to childbirth, few developing dietetics. doctors often do not take into account that a metabolic disorder that provokes many diseases is a consequence of heinous diet. But now patients themselves much more curious and clever. They're interested in the role of food in maintaining health, and not in vain. After decades of depending on drugs and high-tech surgery people have realized that the ancient Hippocrates, and gorgeous Edison was surely right: the food - a great healer.
The downside of progress
The mentality of mankind has not changed in a single day. To do this, it took almost a hundred years. And by the way, the treatment of diet was used in ancient times. Archeological excavations in Mesopotamia, dating from the third millennium BC, show that the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians sumeriantsy consumed foods, herbs and spices as medicines. Ancient Egyptians treated asthma figs, grapes and beer, and infectious diseases - garlic (a very familiar tool, is not it?). Celery was used in Asians has two hundredth years BC for the treatment of hypertension. A lemon juice enjoyed success with sailors on long trips as the surest means of scurvy.
Villagers rarely get sick, not only because they live in the open air. They feed mainly on what is grown themselves - fruits, vegetables, legumes. These foods are rich in carbohydrates, protein, fiber. They are practically no fat. And although the level of medical care in rural areas is lower than in the city, there are sick less often. The village is a source of therapeutic agents is the kitchen.
When at the beginning of this century in many countries there was the industrial revolution, the nature of the power of the majority of people has changed dramatically. With the advent of tractors have the opportunity to handle large areas of land. Weight of corn, wheat, oats, crumbled in the poultry and livestock feeders. Meat from a rare delicacy has become a normal everyday meal. Such a diet containing a lot of fat and little fiber, provoked massive development of heart disease and cancer. Cancer rarely met in the past century. And heart disease - a product of our time. If you look at the medical journals of the last century, you will not find mention of coronary atherosclerosis (clogging of the heart arteries of cholesterol plaques on the base). If the disease and there, it was a rare and hardly recognizable. Nowadays it is one of the most common diseases.
By the end of the Second World War, industry crushed the once dominant agriculture, many new diseases. Medicine began to search for a panacea. She has, for example, have long been considered antibiotics. Power receded into the background. And when television came into use, and firmly took its position in the houses, the food generally took the form of a supplement to the evening's viewing. There was a fashion for fast food - refined, processed with low nutritional value.
By the mid-50's relationship to food in general it has become a necessity, "car" in the "fuel". There were fast food restaurant, where the proposed high calorie foods quickly. A little later, there was the fashion for vitamins and minerals. And no one comes to my mind that, if you stick to a well balanced diet, no longer needed in the use of vitamins and minerals in tablet form.