Can children eat semolina?
In the Soviet era, semolina was mandatory given for breakfast in kindergartens, hospitals, camps, sanatoriums. Grandmothers of the whole country tirelessly fed semolina babies, believing that it is a high-calorie and nutritious dish.
"Site" It will tell you why regular consumption of semolina porridge is contraindicated for children and how to make a legendary dessert of imperial cuisine from it.
Recently, experts have discovered in the porridge of our childhood a number of serious shortcomings. For example, it has very few vitamins and minerals, in essence it consists only of pure starch and a small amount of protein.
Since there are a lot of carbohydrates in semolina, it contributes to rapid weight gain and is contraindicated for diabetics and people prone to obesity. However, this property has a reverse side: children with low weight porridge is prescribed specifically for its set, but not more often than once a day.
Can children eat semolina?After weighing the pros and cons, parents must decide. Pediatricians recommend not giving manca to children under 1 year of age and strictly limit the use of manca by children under three years of age.
All the troubles that are fraught with semolina porridge for children are not at all terrible for an adult, and semolina is very useful for older people: it prevents colon cancer, does not irritate the stomach and perfectly saturates.
When mentioning manna porridge, many remember breakfast in kindergarten. Porridge and even with lumps ... In defense of the manka, it should be said that, in addition to unappetizing breakfasts, you can make a delicious dessert from it: Guryev porridge.
It is believed that the legendary Guryev porridge was invented by Dmitry Alexandrovich Guryev, Minister of Finance during the reign of Alexander I. It's a dessert, but practically no gram of flour, no cake, no cake, no sweet bun.
In Guryev porridge, layers of boiled semolina are alternated with sweet filling and (in the classic recipe) with milk foams. Even today, this dish is considered a real delicacy. It’s not easy to cook, but what a taste! I can't tell you!
Ingredients for 4 servings
Ironically, one tragic episode from the life of the royal family is associated with Guryev porridge. Before the train crash in 1888, the emperor was served this particular dish. When the waiter approached the king to add cream, a terrible blow occurred and the train derailed.
Later, the emperor said that the Guryev porridge saved his life. The cars, which housed bedrooms and an office, were simply crumpled, only the dining car, where he was, was not damaged.
Now you know, How to prepare Guriev porridge. Enjoy this delicious and healthy dish, which was highly appreciated by Emperor Alexander III, his loved ones.
Cereals are a unique product, we have been used to them since childhood and eat without thinking. As a result, we consume useless and neglect those that are really necessary for the body. In order not to make such mistakes in the future, spend time and figure out which porridge is more useful and which can be abandoned.
Buckwheat, inexpensive and useful, eat only some people. Why is “Queen of Croup” almost not eaten in Europe and the United States? I don't know about you, but I would eat it 3 times a day!

"Site" It will tell you why regular consumption of semolina porridge is contraindicated for children and how to make a legendary dessert of imperial cuisine from it.
Recently, experts have discovered in the porridge of our childhood a number of serious shortcomings. For example, it has very few vitamins and minerals, in essence it consists only of pure starch and a small amount of protein.

- Deficiency One.
Manca is rich in phytin, which binds calcium salts and prevents them from flowing from the intestine of the child into the blood. It turns out that semolina deprives babies of calcium, which is so necessary for the growing body. If there is little calcium in the body of children - muscles, heart, blood clots worse. Therefore, children who are intensively fed semolina porridge (2-3 servings per day), often get sick with rickets and spasmophilia.
Parents may ask: do other porridges also bind calcium? Yeah, but to a lesser extent than manka. That is why doctors now recommend feeding babies first vegetable puree, and then porridge and meat.
DepositPhotos - The disadvantage of the second
The manca contains a substance harmful to the child's body - gliadin, or gluten (a special protein of cereals), which can cause a disease such as celiac disease, or gluten enteropathy. Gluten and similar proteins are found in five grains: wheat, rye, oats, millet and barley. Under the influence of gluten in patients with celiac disease, the intestinal mucosa thins and the absorption of all nutrients, especially fats, is disrupted. The disease can occur when a small child begins to give semolina (rarely oatmeal) porridge.
Therefore, complementary foods begin with the so-called gluten-free cereals - buckwheat, rice or corn. If the baby responds well to the first porridge (buckwheat, rice, corn), then after them you can enter oatmeal. - Third disadvantage
After semolina, iron is extremely poorly absorbed, which provokes the development of anemia. But it is during the period of active growth of the child that the body should receive a sufficient amount of iron. There's almost no fiber in the manka. Therefore, its regular use can lead to constipation. Because of this, it is recommended to alternate semolina porridge with other dishes from cereals, such as buckwheat or oatmeal.
Since there are a lot of carbohydrates in semolina, it contributes to rapid weight gain and is contraindicated for diabetics and people prone to obesity. However, this property has a reverse side: children with low weight porridge is prescribed specifically for its set, but not more often than once a day.
Can children eat semolina?After weighing the pros and cons, parents must decide. Pediatricians recommend not giving manca to children under 1 year of age and strictly limit the use of manca by children under three years of age.
All the troubles that are fraught with semolina porridge for children are not at all terrible for an adult, and semolina is very useful for older people: it prevents colon cancer, does not irritate the stomach and perfectly saturates.
When mentioning manna porridge, many remember breakfast in kindergarten. Porridge and even with lumps ... In defense of the manka, it should be said that, in addition to unappetizing breakfasts, you can make a delicious dessert from it: Guryev porridge.

It is believed that the legendary Guryev porridge was invented by Dmitry Alexandrovich Guryev, Minister of Finance during the reign of Alexander I. It's a dessert, but practically no gram of flour, no cake, no cake, no sweet bun.
In Guryev porridge, layers of boiled semolina are alternated with sweet filling and (in the classic recipe) with milk foams. Even today, this dish is considered a real delicacy. It’s not easy to cook, but what a taste! I can't tell you!
Ingredients for 4 servings
- 100g mankie
- 500 ml of milk
- 50g sugar
- 60g walnuts
- 40g dried
- 30g butter
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp vanilla sugar
- Pour milk into the pot, sprinkle sugar and vanilla sugar.
- Bring the milk to a boil and with constant stirring pour semolina. Cook on a slow heat about 5 minutes before thickening.
- Get the saltwater off the fire. Add butter to the porridge and stir.
- One at a time, add the eggs. Stir it well.
- Cut the nuts, slice the dried apricots.
- Roast the nuts a little in a dry pan.
- At the bottom of the form for baking, lay out a little semolina porridge, nuts and dried apricots on top, repeat the layers again.
- The top layer is slightly sprinkled with sugar. Bake for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. When languishing in the oven, semolina is soaked in sweet filling, its taste becomes creamy and tender.
- Ready porridge decorate with fresh berries and fruits, chocolate chips. Bon appetit!
Ironically, one tragic episode from the life of the royal family is associated with Guryev porridge. Before the train crash in 1888, the emperor was served this particular dish. When the waiter approached the king to add cream, a terrible blow occurred and the train derailed.
Later, the emperor said that the Guryev porridge saved his life. The cars, which housed bedrooms and an office, were simply crumpled, only the dining car, where he was, was not damaged.
Now you know, How to prepare Guriev porridge. Enjoy this delicious and healthy dish, which was highly appreciated by Emperor Alexander III, his loved ones.
Cereals are a unique product, we have been used to them since childhood and eat without thinking. As a result, we consume useless and neglect those that are really necessary for the body. In order not to make such mistakes in the future, spend time and figure out which porridge is more useful and which can be abandoned.
Buckwheat, inexpensive and useful, eat only some people. Why is “Queen of Croup” almost not eaten in Europe and the United States? I don't know about you, but I would eat it 3 times a day!