Cheese stuffed pepper recipe
Mysterious Bessarabia is located between the Black Sea and the rivers Prut, Danube, Dniester. The traditional dishes of Bessarabia were formed under the influence of the peoples of various regions: Ukrainian, Russian, Jewish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Greek, Moldavian. This is a real culinary paradise for gourmets, because Bessarabian cuisine is boundlessly diverse, but at the same time extremely original.
The abundance of dishes from vegetables, as well as the widespread use of seasonings and spices makes Bessarabian cuisine attractive for vegetarians. Stuffed vegetables are a characteristic feature of this region in the preparation of dishes. Editorial "Site" Offers a simple recipe for a very cute snack in the form of stuffed pepper with cheese and egg.
To make the dish look as spectacular as possible, it is better to use multicolored peppers. Mayonnaise can be replaced with sour cream or yogurt if you adhere to proper nutrition.
The ingredients
Such pepper rings will not leave anyone indifferent. This is fast. cheese-stuffed pepper It is especially important during the ripening season of Bulgarian pepper. Instead of hard cheese, cottage cheese, brynza, Adyghe or processed cheese will do. Pepper can be filled with any salad, perfect, for example, salad "Squirrel".
Vegetables with filling are good for both festive and everyday menus. Meat lovers will love the recipe for appetizing zucchini rings in the lime.
Do not forget about eggplants - one of the most delicious summer vegetables. We offer you to enjoy amazingly tasty stuffed blues according to a Turkish recipe.
Photo by depositphotos preview.

The abundance of dishes from vegetables, as well as the widespread use of seasonings and spices makes Bessarabian cuisine attractive for vegetarians. Stuffed vegetables are a characteristic feature of this region in the preparation of dishes. Editorial "Site" Offers a simple recipe for a very cute snack in the form of stuffed pepper with cheese and egg.
To make the dish look as spectacular as possible, it is better to use multicolored peppers. Mayonnaise can be replaced with sour cream or yogurt if you adhere to proper nutrition.
The ingredients
- 3 Bulgarian peppers
- 3 chicken eggs
- 300g hard cheese
- 2 teeth. Garlic
- 2 tbsp mayonnaise
- dill
- salt, pepper to taste
- Boil the hard-boiled eggs and let them cool.
- Rub the cheese on the finest grater, add to it crushed garlic, mayonnaise, chopped greens, salt, black pepper and stir.
- Wash the peppers, cut the tops, remove the seeds and partitions. Carefully dry the pepper cavity with paper napkins.
- Now parch the peppers: pick up a spoonful of cheese mass and fill the peppers tightly with it. Spread over the walls, leaving room for the egg.
- Put a boiled egg in the middle of each pepper, then fill the remaining space with a cheese mixture. The tighter the filling, the better it will hold when cutting pepper.
- Send the peppers to the fridge for 3 hours, so that all the ingredients are well grasped.
- After the specified time, remove the peppers from the refrigerator and cut with a sharp knife into mugs 2 cm thick. Bulgarian pepper with cheese And the egg is ready, put it on a plate and enjoy a fancy snack!
Such pepper rings will not leave anyone indifferent. This is fast. cheese-stuffed pepper It is especially important during the ripening season of Bulgarian pepper. Instead of hard cheese, cottage cheese, brynza, Adyghe or processed cheese will do. Pepper can be filled with any salad, perfect, for example, salad "Squirrel".
Vegetables with filling are good for both festive and everyday menus. Meat lovers will love the recipe for appetizing zucchini rings in the lime.
Do not forget about eggplants - one of the most delicious summer vegetables. We offer you to enjoy amazingly tasty stuffed blues according to a Turkish recipe.
Photo by depositphotos preview.