Rules visits bathrooms
To steam in a bath or sauna is to spend time in good company, and cleanse the body, and get benefits for the body. It is no wonder that going to the bath has become a good tradition. But even ardent supporters of bath procedures are not always aware of the possible harm that can be obtained in the steam room.
So today's editorial office. "Site" He will tell you about the benefits and harms of the bath, and also tell you what you should not do after leaving the steam room. This knowledge will help to preserve the health and, in some cases, the life of a person.
Visitors to the bath do a lot of stupid things that go only to harm. Some before visiting the steam room are smeared with creams, clogging the pores of the skin and not allowing themselves to sweat normally. Others steam until the skin is covered with red spots – a clear sign of overheating. Still others wash in a bath with soap, drying the skin and thus damaging it.
Inexperienced lovers of bath procedures do not attach much importance to what they will do, being outside the steam room. Well, bathhouse It overshadows the possible benefits if you do stupid things, not understanding how heat affects the body.
And this is what to do in the first 3-4 hours after the steam room is absolutely impossible.
What not to do after the couple
Note that under the influence of high temperatures chronic diseases worsen. Therefore, with heart failure, hypertension, tachycardia, as well as after a heart attack or stroke, steaming is contraindicated. In such cases, it is better to consult a doctor about a possible trip to the bath or sauna. Only he will give an accurate answer.
Benefits of baths huge: given all the subtleties of the effects of hot temperatures on the body, you can strengthen the heart, remove toxins, get rid of depression, reduce the risk of thrombosis and other dangerous diseases. But to really benefit, you need to bathe in the bath correctly.
Earlier, we published the opinion of the famous doctor Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, ambiguously related to the craze for thermal procedures.
What do you think about going to the bath? Does it do more good or harm?
So today's editorial office. "Site" He will tell you about the benefits and harms of the bath, and also tell you what you should not do after leaving the steam room. This knowledge will help to preserve the health and, in some cases, the life of a person.

Visitors to the bath do a lot of stupid things that go only to harm. Some before visiting the steam room are smeared with creams, clogging the pores of the skin and not allowing themselves to sweat normally. Others steam until the skin is covered with red spots – a clear sign of overheating. Still others wash in a bath with soap, drying the skin and thus damaging it.
Inexperienced lovers of bath procedures do not attach much importance to what they will do, being outside the steam room. Well, bathhouse It overshadows the possible benefits if you do stupid things, not understanding how heat affects the body.

And this is what to do in the first 3-4 hours after the steam room is absolutely impossible.
What not to do after the couple
- Eat fish or meat
At a high temperature, food in the intestine begins to ferment. As a result, protein-rich fish and meat simply rot, poisoning the entire body with toxins and putting a person at risk of intoxication. In order not to tempt fate, after a bath it is better to eat carbohydrate-rich food: vegetables, potato dishes or cereals. - hypothermia
Do not sit on a draft after the bath or run straight to the street. The fact is that in the steam room the vessels expand, and when exposed to cold air sharply narrow and blood flows to the head. Therefore, cool the body slowly, starting the procedure from the head. We recommend after the steam room to take a warm shower and sit in the rest room while the body cools down.
DepositPhotos - Forget about water.
Together with a large amount of sweat, quite useful vitamins and minerals are excreted from the body. But the main thing is that the body loses a lot of fluid, the reserves of which need to be urgently replenished. For this purpose, brine, fresh or homemade kvass are suitable. You can’t drink alcohol, not even beer. Below we will tell you why.
DepositPhotos - Drinking alcohol
In the steam room, when the vessels under the influence of high temperature expand, the load on the cardiovascular system increases. If you drink an alcoholic drink during the first 3 hours after leaving the steam room, the vessels will expand even more and the load will increase again. It is not surprising that the heart after such tricks of the owner can not stand.
DepositPhotos - Make love
Making love also increases the burden on the heart. But at the moment when the heart is working after a bath in enhanced mode, this is not the best pastime. There are cases when love pleasures after the steam room ended in a heart attack even in young people who have never complained of problems with the heart muscle.
Note that under the influence of high temperatures chronic diseases worsen. Therefore, with heart failure, hypertension, tachycardia, as well as after a heart attack or stroke, steaming is contraindicated. In such cases, it is better to consult a doctor about a possible trip to the bath or sauna. Only he will give an accurate answer.

Benefits of baths huge: given all the subtleties of the effects of hot temperatures on the body, you can strengthen the heart, remove toxins, get rid of depression, reduce the risk of thrombosis and other dangerous diseases. But to really benefit, you need to bathe in the bath correctly.
Earlier, we published the opinion of the famous doctor Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, ambiguously related to the craze for thermal procedures.
What do you think about going to the bath? Does it do more good or harm?