I'll tell you about ka sauna festival, which runs for several years. It gather amateurs and professionals baths. Everyone finds something interesting. I bought this after Chan Sinner Bannik
Will be 44 photos.
I'll start with a bath on the black, for tourists. Everything is simple - add up stones, drowning, and then throws the top tent for six or cellophane. Who goes to Karelia, the informed
This lime bath of huge trunks - it was built right on the festival. Built in 3 days. Very powerful look, but inside the mouthwatering smell of linden honey
But Chan and sinners, have bath or Skate gorbunka. Passed a full, especially in the winter !!! The water is warm - probably 40. It can be a long time to sit and watch the stars.
On festivals a lot of people from different countries: it does pribaltiets vibrating massage some special regime seem on TCM, he with Tibet.
Eh! A Russian banya still out of competition!
On the fest takes many different master classes, everyone will find something interesting.
It's the guys from the Krasnaya Polyana tells how to make soap.
But potters from Kazan show how to put the furnace for a bath. By the way, in Tatarstan cult bath. Very tough guys, do not succumb to Chelyabinsk.
And that Oleg from Saratov, a very famous lechun, osteopath and stuff, he had me steamed. It was just something: with jokes, with elements rasstyazhki, after his bath feel rejuvenated 20 years
This Latvian, showing something zamudrennoe. They're obsessed with scents, forms. I personally saw and used a piece of wood and branches and twigs to 30 pieces at a time.
Baths different needs, different baths are important. This room came from Odessa.
A specially made for the master classes.
A lot of the unexpected. For example, the first oven lined with wood !!!
A lot of baths on wheels. This general first bath, sauna is not a sauna on wheels.
Well, as without it?
And without it?
Banja tent, mobile bath. You can take a hike! It can be used as a tent with heating. From Novosibirsk guys.
Also, spend a lot of competitions and team buildings, more pictures are still.
More steam in a deliberately clumsy style.
Evening of rock and roll
Another room on wheels.
Well, it's a monster. Huge trailer. Banja there is full! Steam Room with a huge stone oven.
Organizers megalomania knows no boundaries. Samovar I and my Masha. 100 liters of tea. It is a time for 500 people.
Devour also like
Japanese bath - furako. Well, or the font of our own. Do Swedes / Finns. Chan cooler! Therefore in such a font the kids can swim start.
More competition. Who metnet on a broom.
Zone relax and find the meaning of life.
In the night from Friday to Saturday as expected fireworks.
Another cool bath of felt. Really cool and unusual.
Another novelty. By the way, what is good fest is the fact that you can here so just go and warm up with a stove that you liked. As the saying goes, better to see once.
For those who suffer extreme - wakeboard.
Russian sauna - Russian song! Guslar. It sounds transcripts and unusual. Especially after Motroheda.
Professional teams come bathhouse.
Guests from Ukraine.
Cedar barrel - within couples and pine sawdust. Women like. For me - a joke marketers.
Soar soared and all, all, all.
Go-Go ...
The contest wet t-shirts!
If last year was the iPads. I have something to show :)
Without any kote fest!
Interior bath.
The dome room of straw and reeds. Mazanka! Steam Room and a 2-floor!
Tolley in bath felts competitions on the beach to look;)
Guests from Belarus. About Yap was his post by the way.
Enjoy Your Bath! That's all I wanted to say.
Will be 44 photos.
I'll start with a bath on the black, for tourists. Everything is simple - add up stones, drowning, and then throws the top tent for six or cellophane. Who goes to Karelia, the informed

This lime bath of huge trunks - it was built right on the festival. Built in 3 days. Very powerful look, but inside the mouthwatering smell of linden honey

But Chan and sinners, have bath or Skate gorbunka. Passed a full, especially in the winter !!! The water is warm - probably 40. It can be a long time to sit and watch the stars.

On festivals a lot of people from different countries: it does pribaltiets vibrating massage some special regime seem on TCM, he with Tibet.

Eh! A Russian banya still out of competition!

On the fest takes many different master classes, everyone will find something interesting.
It's the guys from the Krasnaya Polyana tells how to make soap.

But potters from Kazan show how to put the furnace for a bath. By the way, in Tatarstan cult bath. Very tough guys, do not succumb to Chelyabinsk.

And that Oleg from Saratov, a very famous lechun, osteopath and stuff, he had me steamed. It was just something: with jokes, with elements rasstyazhki, after his bath feel rejuvenated 20 years

This Latvian, showing something zamudrennoe. They're obsessed with scents, forms. I personally saw and used a piece of wood and branches and twigs to 30 pieces at a time.

Baths different needs, different baths are important. This room came from Odessa.

A specially made for the master classes.

A lot of the unexpected. For example, the first oven lined with wood !!!

A lot of baths on wheels. This general first bath, sauna is not a sauna on wheels.

Well, as without it?

And without it?

Banja tent, mobile bath. You can take a hike! It can be used as a tent with heating. From Novosibirsk guys.

Also, spend a lot of competitions and team buildings, more pictures are still.

More steam in a deliberately clumsy style.

Evening of rock and roll

Another room on wheels.

Well, it's a monster. Huge trailer. Banja there is full! Steam Room with a huge stone oven.

Organizers megalomania knows no boundaries. Samovar I and my Masha. 100 liters of tea. It is a time for 500 people.

Devour also like

Japanese bath - furako. Well, or the font of our own. Do Swedes / Finns. Chan cooler! Therefore in such a font the kids can swim start.

More competition. Who metnet on a broom.

Zone relax and find the meaning of life.

In the night from Friday to Saturday as expected fireworks.


Another cool bath of felt. Really cool and unusual.

Another novelty. By the way, what is good fest is the fact that you can here so just go and warm up with a stove that you liked. As the saying goes, better to see once.

For those who suffer extreme - wakeboard.

Russian sauna - Russian song! Guslar. It sounds transcripts and unusual. Especially after Motroheda.

Professional teams come bathhouse.

Guests from Ukraine.


Cedar barrel - within couples and pine sawdust. Women like. For me - a joke marketers.

Soar soared and all, all, all.

Go-Go ...

The contest wet t-shirts!

If last year was the iPads. I have something to show :)

Without any kote fest!

Interior bath.

The dome room of straw and reeds. Mazanka! Steam Room and a 2-floor!

Tolley in bath felts competitions on the beach to look;)

Guests from Belarus. About Yap was his post by the way.

Enjoy Your Bath! That's all I wanted to say.
