Byutzhetny geksakopter.
Collect something like I wanted for a long time, but usually not enough time, money, or even some nonsense case. But then last week there he awaited miniotpusk. And still posting to China arrived, but inside ...
Will be 10 photos.
Frame six-pointed can carry six engine with speed regulator, three motor rotates in one direction and three in the other.
2. But first, for engines fasten propadaptery - holders propellers.
And be sure to catch the blue thread, otherwise the vibration all quickly unscrew the back.
3. Rama again disassembled and fasten to the rays of the engines and the Speed Reducer (ESC).
4. Solder controls power distribution to the board, in this frame, it is built into the frame itself.
5. Dopaivaem else, and power cables to the battery. The latter should be quite thick, as on them at full throttle for the calculations can be a current up to 70 amps.
6. rays screwed bolts with locking thread, install the power supply electronics (UBEC), beeper alarm battery discharge isolating solder Melt just in case. I think where to mount the battery ...
7. Install the upper part of the frame and sculpt it the rest of the electronics.
The receiver, Bluetooth module for communication with the phone \ computer, GPS, as well as the "brain" of all this ravlega AIO flight controller. Last glued to a special damping strip that would be fine vibration from the engines less impacted gyroscope and accelerometer.
GPS in order to save is not used specialized, and a module that was used at the time when smartphones were not built-in GPS, holux - m1000. After some shamanism began to give coordinates at a frequency of 5 Hz. What I do ustaivayte.
8. Lepim until Tie :) suspension for a mini camcorder. And the legs, they were a little MIGA for weight unit ... but nothing to correct the situation black lace :)
Will be 10 photos.
Frame six-pointed can carry six engine with speed regulator, three motor rotates in one direction and three in the other.

2. But first, for engines fasten propadaptery - holders propellers.
And be sure to catch the blue thread, otherwise the vibration all quickly unscrew the back.

3. Rama again disassembled and fasten to the rays of the engines and the Speed Reducer (ESC).

4. Solder controls power distribution to the board, in this frame, it is built into the frame itself.

5. Dopaivaem else, and power cables to the battery. The latter should be quite thick, as on them at full throttle for the calculations can be a current up to 70 amps.

6. rays screwed bolts with locking thread, install the power supply electronics (UBEC), beeper alarm battery discharge isolating solder Melt just in case. I think where to mount the battery ...

7. Install the upper part of the frame and sculpt it the rest of the electronics.
The receiver, Bluetooth module for communication with the phone \ computer, GPS, as well as the "brain" of all this ravlega AIO flight controller. Last glued to a special damping strip that would be fine vibration from the engines less impacted gyroscope and accelerometer.
GPS in order to save is not used specialized, and a module that was used at the time when smartphones were not built-in GPS, holux - m1000. After some shamanism began to give coordinates at a frequency of 5 Hz. What I do ustaivayte.

8. Lepim until Tie :) suspension for a mini camcorder. And the legs, they were a little MIGA for weight unit ... but nothing to correct the situation black lace :)
