Emotional reasons, destroying the harmony of our body
It's time to talk about bodily-emotional Perevoznaya.
The human body reacts to emotions. If a person experiences stress compress a muscle group, following the ancient laws of life, our body, preparing to defend or to attack. Once the stressor terminates, the full awareness of this at the level of the Central nervous system may not occur. As a result, the muscle spasm continue, but in a weaker, sub-threshold capacity. And every spasm is a violation of blood circulation is a factor, pulling the surrounding fascia, contributing to the displacement of organs, bones vertebrae.
Modern osteopathy is so much emphasis on the psycho-emotional aspects affecting the functioning of the body. The old saying that "all diseases of the nerves", have not lost their relevance today, moreover, confirmed by many clinical trials in osteopathy, the clinic of nervous diseases and psychiatry border States. That's why many osteopaths are increasingly turning their attention to the problem of the "emotional" component of bodily dysfunction.
If at the time of injury the man felt a strong destructive (destructive) emotions, in addition to damage at the level of body tissues, it is formed the pathological stress of pulsation at the level of the brain-mind. Osteopaths call this state – unreacted (suppressed or not released for some reason), neprevzojdennoj emotion.
An example may be a banal car accident with a sharp deceleration and whiplash injury of the cervical spine and skull. Applied to the osteopath for help, the patient has no memory of that fear-stress-anger which he felt at the moment of road accident, but it remembers his body. In such a case, if you go only from the standpoint of bodily treatment, you can reduce displaced vertebrae and wonder why they re taking the wrong position. The reason is that people are still not out of the state of the psycho-bodily injury during an accident. He unknowingly returned to the place he continues to experience stress and fear, he recalls his pain and, as a result, the body once again tense the muscles and ligaments, reiterated the mechanism of trauma.
The task of the osteopath is to help the patient-perceive traumatic incident, to allow the mind-body to understand that "it's all over now", the experience obtained and there is no need for him to return. It is important to-perceive, not to rethink it. No need to think, to enjoy, to doubt or to worry, to simply let consciousness (as hereinafter recounted) to release too much (they were only current at the time of injury) pathological emotions. In osteopathy is similar to the process runs through the body, Obratnaya-psychic connection.
Osteopath is not engaged in psychological delights, he asks the patient, it just helps a special physical techniques and verbal accentuation to run an independent process of physical and emotional release and Perevoznaya. In fact, the patient did not even tell his doctor-osteopath and his task is to allow the consciousness to recognize emotional trauma, to release it from subliminal impulses subconsciously-flesh fixation in the active layers of consciousness. At this point in the Central nervous system includes specific mechanisms change the functioning of the nervous cells, the relevance of pathological emotions is inhibited, the in the mind comes peace and body relax muscle-tendon-organ spasms and fixation.
This approach to osteopathy can be used in other adverse mental fixations.
Often, the disease is acute or manifestoes (starts) after some heavy negative emotions. Here can be:
As a rule, after such experiences in the body of something "breaks", pains in the back or neck, disorders of the liver or kidneys, intercostal neuralgia, seizures, hypertension and many other troubles.
If to approach to the disease formally evaluating only the physical factors of displacement, muscle spasms, or violations of the biochemical balance of the body will need a lot of time for treatment and the effect is often not stable, so as not eliminated the cause of the disease. Psycho-emotional cause, destroys the harmony of the body. The task of the osteopath is to help the patient, and therefore to promote awareness and subsequent liberation from negative experiences.
Again, in the techniques of bodily and emotional osteopathy important role is played by the AWARENESS of the experience. Adopted in some psychological systems, the ways of "crossing out" of emotions, are not his useful adaptive functions in the future. What's the point if you throw in the trash your experience? Even if the process was successful, tomorrow there may come a similar situation – and the injury to happen again. It is important to understand all the nuances of experience, to obtain all necessary and useful knowledge, realizing its irrelevance for life, and allow him to change, to transnationalise, return the person's efforts to maintain the mental energy, the resources of the Central nervous system.
In cases where people tried to "try on" problem, emotional distress of their loved ones, also need get a new perception. In the process of osteopathic corporal and mental dialogue between the patient's consciousness and his "inner self", there is awareness of the foreignness of these brought emotion and its irrelevance. At the same time, people understand that was to pathological resonance and in the future may change their reactions in similar situations Psychotrauma. Interestingly, a similar exemption from "vzaimoponimanie", does not diminish the opportunity for "compassionate" person. Simply change the mechanism of manifestation of this feeling – from the division of pain and sighs it becomes a constructive search for ways to alleviate the condition close. This has a great psychological effect – if instead of tears and sadness of a sick person sees around him part – calm and confident, giving physical assistance, and domestic support – it is strengthened by the spirit, goes to recovery.
No less important in osteopathy — get a new perception of the patient teleskopierbar fears coming from the past. Very often fear is a leading factor in many physical illnesses. Chinese healers not for nothing considered the energy of cold-fear – the main cause not only of pain syndrome of the spine, but, and stone formation, destruction of the organs and many other pathological conditions. Unconscious fear can not afford to live in the present and move into the future. Addressing the relevance of such fear in the sessions of osteopathy, will allow patients literally start a new life, opens many wonderful possibilities.
I hope, after the foregoing it becomes quite clear why many modern osteopaths are paying such attention to the emotional harmony themselves and their patients.
Currently, osteopathy and biodynamics there are many different methods of interaction between the osteopath and the patient to achieve the effect of emotional releasing hormone (relaxation).
The technique that I, a practicing osteopath, often suggest to their patients for home work with emotions – it's just information, for your understanding and choice. In such sensitive areas as psycho-emotional sphere, there should be strict guidance and instruction. Each person is unique, and osteopaths understand that, as none of the other doctors. What works for one, may not work for another.
Try to mingle with your body, "hear" it, to determine the answers for the reactions of relaxation, swelling in the chest heat (the answer is "Yes!") or compression, breathing difficulties (the answer is "no!"). Choose your path, make your modification, come to their choice. The osteopath can only impart knowledge, but to use the knowledge still have you...
Technique bodily-emotional Perevoznaya fixed in the body of destructive emotions
Technique can be performed in 2 ways.
The first option is used to Perevoznaya already fixed in the body of the emotions related to the past experience, second — to Perevoznaya and neutralize the negative emotions present in the here and now, at this particular point in time. The options differ only in the initial technique of "exit" on emotion.
As I begin the technique of fixed Perevoznaya held emotional experiences, you can pre-prepare – are in a comfortable environment at home, preferably in the sitting position. You can ask family members not to interfere with your practice (implementation of all equipment will take no more than 5-10 minutes).
Begin to perform the technique bodily-emotional Perevoznaya.
1st method:
1) access to emotion. Close our eyes, we present a traumatic situation, an event from the past which preceded any disease or feels with this disease associated.
2) Feel where in the body is an unpleasant feeling, associated with this situation. It may be pain, discomfort, feeling cold or compression in any area of the body. Try internally to "scan" your body and determine what the related experience.
3) Determine, transfer all the attention of consciousness on the area of discomfort in the body. Inner eye look at her, keeping a very NEUTRAL attitude. I try to be very neutral, not involved in the emotional process. At this point, the traumatic emotion and discomfort in the body — not something super important for us, and just zone the "violation function", nothing more.
4) Ask this place, this situation, emotion question: "Who are you? Show me what's bothering you?"
5) And allow any pictures, images from the area of dysfunction to arise before our inner eye. Keeping neutrality of the observed visual narrative zone of discomfort – it can be decorated with pictures from the past, unreal, fantastic images, or just color spots, kaleidoscopes. It is important not to try to control the process – not "miss" "dear heart" pictures, not running. Don't push away the "unpleasant scenes", don't try to remember anything, submit artificially. Do not try to assess what he saw – from the standpoint of "good-bad", "like-dislike". At the time of Perevoznaya it's just pictures. Pictures that we don't really belong – they are the story of dysfunction, just something is not real, not substantial. We are in the position of the unprejudiced observer who looks through the window at quite distant and no longer relevant to his landscape.
6) Images appear in front of the inside screen and will disappear at some point – visual line stops and we feel release. Breathing becomes easy, in the zone of discomfort spreads pleasant warmth, consciousness is in a quiet, calm, balanced state. Happened get a new perception of the traumatic experiences of the past, all necessary information is obtained, and emotion and related dysfunction, pain in the body has lost its relevance, returned to spent mental energy left field interactions with us.
Launched the awareness process of self-regulation of the nervous system led to the fact that associated with the emotion part of the brain relaxed, stopped pathological impulses. Following this, as nervous a "call" to the spasm ceased to flow – relax muscles, ligaments, organs in a body area, interact with the center for emotions in the brain. Relaxed muscles and fascia are allowed to include mechanisms of self-healing of the spine and bodies of the vertebrae to assume its normal position, the authorities restored the circulation. Pain and discomfort left the body.
7) a few seconds-minutes sit in silence and peace. Enjoy the inner harmony, comfort. Will try to remember this feeling in order to try to bring it into daily life.
2nd method:
1-2-3) access to emotion. If the body is the pain and discomfort, malaise, but the relationship with emotional experiences is unclear, carry out the following method of Perevoznaya. Close your eyes and inner neutral eye look at the area of discomfort.
4) Set the area of discomfort is the question: "Why are you here? Show me what's bothering you?"
5) Neutral the observed visual series of images, emerging from the zones of discomfort in front of our "inner screen". Not involved. Just are present.
6) as it passes in front of the eyes of images-images that can come the understanding of what needed to be done to prevent the disease, what is the cause of the disease. Do not try to assess, not trying to remember, do not try to draw conclusions. All that is needed "pop-up" in our mind after Perevoznaya, now we're just neutral observers. In the process of Perevoznaya may experience discomfort and other related area of the primary lesion areas of the body. If this happens – just watching the therapeutic process, we allow them to break free and desactualizadas to any component dysfunction. If the pictures are accompanied by taste, sound, tactile, olfactory images – just observed them without surprise and without giving a special super-value.
Once the traumatic memory will be released and periasany in the form of images, there will be a relaxation zone of discomfort. It may appear a pleasant ripple, to spread the heat in the consciousness — to experience a sense of "completeness", "satisfaction". If the release of negative emotions will be accompanied by an excessive sense of joy – will try to "see" - perceive and joy.
Unfortunately, joy is the flip side of sadness. Often, experiencing joy, people may subconsciously fear that the joy will pass and it will be replaced by something sad. So to start therapeutic self-regulation, it is desirable to achieve complete balance and neutrality in our feelings.
7) After completion of the process of Perevoznaya sit for some time in a state of inner harmony and peace, remembering and bringing into everyday life is an amazing feeling.
In the case when you need to-perceive only that emotion, not to allow its fixation and negative impact on your life and relationships with others, you can try the following embodiment of this emotionally-osteopathic techniques.
1-2) Felt emotion (his to any situation, person or perceived from the outside, a resonance from someone as negative, painful feelings, discomfort), defined by where in the body is feeling this emotion, where it is located. Area bodily manifestations of emotions can be experienced as a place of compression, discomfort, heaviness, pain, cold.
3) Internal neutral look at this place in the body.
4) Ask this place, this emotion question: "Who are you? Why are you here? What's bothering you? What do you want?"
5) is Neutral, not evaluating, not interested look at those pictures and images which arise before the internal screen – i.e. watching "the story" emotions (dysfunction).
6) do Not try to influence the visual range, not happy, not scared, not sad, do not feel hostility – no matter what – don't try to estimate. No "good-bad" is just redundant information. As soon as we recognize it, it loses its relevance and the emotion itself neutralized, because it has nothing in the body, we are not holding.
7) After pictures will stop, and the pain, discomfort or tension in the body disappears a few seconds-minutes and we'll be in a state of peace and quiet.
This simple technique can be performed in any place, at any time, in any circumstances, in any position of the body.
Also interesting: How to choose a pillow that will not harm the spine: the Board of osteopathic
Be SURE to teach these exercises to your children!
Even with my eyes open (but leaving all of the attention inward!) you can perform this technique. At certain skill it will only take a few seconds and the result will be your poise, confidence and inner vitality, ability to resist stress and to solve any problems. Without wasting mental strength to maintain destructive experiences, you will gain much more health, your day apart. You won't get tired and can easily take on 100-200-300% more and better.
Respect your body, your soul and your mind. Try to focus on the integration of all of your existence. This experience can bring you great treasure. published
Author: Smirnov Alexander
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.osteodoc.ru/emoutost.htm
The human body reacts to emotions. If a person experiences stress compress a muscle group, following the ancient laws of life, our body, preparing to defend or to attack. Once the stressor terminates, the full awareness of this at the level of the Central nervous system may not occur. As a result, the muscle spasm continue, but in a weaker, sub-threshold capacity. And every spasm is a violation of blood circulation is a factor, pulling the surrounding fascia, contributing to the displacement of organs, bones vertebrae.

Modern osteopathy is so much emphasis on the psycho-emotional aspects affecting the functioning of the body. The old saying that "all diseases of the nerves", have not lost their relevance today, moreover, confirmed by many clinical trials in osteopathy, the clinic of nervous diseases and psychiatry border States. That's why many osteopaths are increasingly turning their attention to the problem of the "emotional" component of bodily dysfunction.
If at the time of injury the man felt a strong destructive (destructive) emotions, in addition to damage at the level of body tissues, it is formed the pathological stress of pulsation at the level of the brain-mind. Osteopaths call this state – unreacted (suppressed or not released for some reason), neprevzojdennoj emotion.
An example may be a banal car accident with a sharp deceleration and whiplash injury of the cervical spine and skull. Applied to the osteopath for help, the patient has no memory of that fear-stress-anger which he felt at the moment of road accident, but it remembers his body. In such a case, if you go only from the standpoint of bodily treatment, you can reduce displaced vertebrae and wonder why they re taking the wrong position. The reason is that people are still not out of the state of the psycho-bodily injury during an accident. He unknowingly returned to the place he continues to experience stress and fear, he recalls his pain and, as a result, the body once again tense the muscles and ligaments, reiterated the mechanism of trauma.
The task of the osteopath is to help the patient-perceive traumatic incident, to allow the mind-body to understand that "it's all over now", the experience obtained and there is no need for him to return. It is important to-perceive, not to rethink it. No need to think, to enjoy, to doubt or to worry, to simply let consciousness (as hereinafter recounted) to release too much (they were only current at the time of injury) pathological emotions. In osteopathy is similar to the process runs through the body, Obratnaya-psychic connection.
Osteopath is not engaged in psychological delights, he asks the patient, it just helps a special physical techniques and verbal accentuation to run an independent process of physical and emotional release and Perevoznaya. In fact, the patient did not even tell his doctor-osteopath and his task is to allow the consciousness to recognize emotional trauma, to release it from subliminal impulses subconsciously-flesh fixation in the active layers of consciousness. At this point in the Central nervous system includes specific mechanisms change the functioning of the nervous cells, the relevance of pathological emotions is inhibited, the in the mind comes peace and body relax muscle-tendon-organ spasms and fixation.
This approach to osteopathy can be used in other adverse mental fixations.
Often, the disease is acute or manifestoes (starts) after some heavy negative emotions. Here can be:
- unrequited love,
- resentment of the parents,
- quarrel with friends,
- disappointment in something important, in your last choice
- the anger on employees,
- difficulty in working with a strong activation of the internal "sense of duty"
- many other state.
As a rule, after such experiences in the body of something "breaks", pains in the back or neck, disorders of the liver or kidneys, intercostal neuralgia, seizures, hypertension and many other troubles.
If to approach to the disease formally evaluating only the physical factors of displacement, muscle spasms, or violations of the biochemical balance of the body will need a lot of time for treatment and the effect is often not stable, so as not eliminated the cause of the disease. Psycho-emotional cause, destroys the harmony of the body. The task of the osteopath is to help the patient, and therefore to promote awareness and subsequent liberation from negative experiences.
Again, in the techniques of bodily and emotional osteopathy important role is played by the AWARENESS of the experience. Adopted in some psychological systems, the ways of "crossing out" of emotions, are not his useful adaptive functions in the future. What's the point if you throw in the trash your experience? Even if the process was successful, tomorrow there may come a similar situation – and the injury to happen again. It is important to understand all the nuances of experience, to obtain all necessary and useful knowledge, realizing its irrelevance for life, and allow him to change, to transnationalise, return the person's efforts to maintain the mental energy, the resources of the Central nervous system.
In cases where people tried to "try on" problem, emotional distress of their loved ones, also need get a new perception. In the process of osteopathic corporal and mental dialogue between the patient's consciousness and his "inner self", there is awareness of the foreignness of these brought emotion and its irrelevance. At the same time, people understand that was to pathological resonance and in the future may change their reactions in similar situations Psychotrauma. Interestingly, a similar exemption from "vzaimoponimanie", does not diminish the opportunity for "compassionate" person. Simply change the mechanism of manifestation of this feeling – from the division of pain and sighs it becomes a constructive search for ways to alleviate the condition close. This has a great psychological effect – if instead of tears and sadness of a sick person sees around him part – calm and confident, giving physical assistance, and domestic support – it is strengthened by the spirit, goes to recovery.
No less important in osteopathy — get a new perception of the patient teleskopierbar fears coming from the past. Very often fear is a leading factor in many physical illnesses. Chinese healers not for nothing considered the energy of cold-fear – the main cause not only of pain syndrome of the spine, but, and stone formation, destruction of the organs and many other pathological conditions. Unconscious fear can not afford to live in the present and move into the future. Addressing the relevance of such fear in the sessions of osteopathy, will allow patients literally start a new life, opens many wonderful possibilities.
I hope, after the foregoing it becomes quite clear why many modern osteopaths are paying such attention to the emotional harmony themselves and their patients.

Currently, osteopathy and biodynamics there are many different methods of interaction between the osteopath and the patient to achieve the effect of emotional releasing hormone (relaxation).
The technique that I, a practicing osteopath, often suggest to their patients for home work with emotions – it's just information, for your understanding and choice. In such sensitive areas as psycho-emotional sphere, there should be strict guidance and instruction. Each person is unique, and osteopaths understand that, as none of the other doctors. What works for one, may not work for another.
Try to mingle with your body, "hear" it, to determine the answers for the reactions of relaxation, swelling in the chest heat (the answer is "Yes!") or compression, breathing difficulties (the answer is "no!"). Choose your path, make your modification, come to their choice. The osteopath can only impart knowledge, but to use the knowledge still have you...
Technique bodily-emotional Perevoznaya fixed in the body of destructive emotions
Technique can be performed in 2 ways.
The first option is used to Perevoznaya already fixed in the body of the emotions related to the past experience, second — to Perevoznaya and neutralize the negative emotions present in the here and now, at this particular point in time. The options differ only in the initial technique of "exit" on emotion.
As I begin the technique of fixed Perevoznaya held emotional experiences, you can pre-prepare – are in a comfortable environment at home, preferably in the sitting position. You can ask family members not to interfere with your practice (implementation of all equipment will take no more than 5-10 minutes).
Begin to perform the technique bodily-emotional Perevoznaya.
1st method:
1) access to emotion. Close our eyes, we present a traumatic situation, an event from the past which preceded any disease or feels with this disease associated.
2) Feel where in the body is an unpleasant feeling, associated with this situation. It may be pain, discomfort, feeling cold or compression in any area of the body. Try internally to "scan" your body and determine what the related experience.
3) Determine, transfer all the attention of consciousness on the area of discomfort in the body. Inner eye look at her, keeping a very NEUTRAL attitude. I try to be very neutral, not involved in the emotional process. At this point, the traumatic emotion and discomfort in the body — not something super important for us, and just zone the "violation function", nothing more.
4) Ask this place, this situation, emotion question: "Who are you? Show me what's bothering you?"
5) And allow any pictures, images from the area of dysfunction to arise before our inner eye. Keeping neutrality of the observed visual narrative zone of discomfort – it can be decorated with pictures from the past, unreal, fantastic images, or just color spots, kaleidoscopes. It is important not to try to control the process – not "miss" "dear heart" pictures, not running. Don't push away the "unpleasant scenes", don't try to remember anything, submit artificially. Do not try to assess what he saw – from the standpoint of "good-bad", "like-dislike". At the time of Perevoznaya it's just pictures. Pictures that we don't really belong – they are the story of dysfunction, just something is not real, not substantial. We are in the position of the unprejudiced observer who looks through the window at quite distant and no longer relevant to his landscape.
6) Images appear in front of the inside screen and will disappear at some point – visual line stops and we feel release. Breathing becomes easy, in the zone of discomfort spreads pleasant warmth, consciousness is in a quiet, calm, balanced state. Happened get a new perception of the traumatic experiences of the past, all necessary information is obtained, and emotion and related dysfunction, pain in the body has lost its relevance, returned to spent mental energy left field interactions with us.
Launched the awareness process of self-regulation of the nervous system led to the fact that associated with the emotion part of the brain relaxed, stopped pathological impulses. Following this, as nervous a "call" to the spasm ceased to flow – relax muscles, ligaments, organs in a body area, interact with the center for emotions in the brain. Relaxed muscles and fascia are allowed to include mechanisms of self-healing of the spine and bodies of the vertebrae to assume its normal position, the authorities restored the circulation. Pain and discomfort left the body.
7) a few seconds-minutes sit in silence and peace. Enjoy the inner harmony, comfort. Will try to remember this feeling in order to try to bring it into daily life.
2nd method:
1-2-3) access to emotion. If the body is the pain and discomfort, malaise, but the relationship with emotional experiences is unclear, carry out the following method of Perevoznaya. Close your eyes and inner neutral eye look at the area of discomfort.
4) Set the area of discomfort is the question: "Why are you here? Show me what's bothering you?"
5) Neutral the observed visual series of images, emerging from the zones of discomfort in front of our "inner screen". Not involved. Just are present.
6) as it passes in front of the eyes of images-images that can come the understanding of what needed to be done to prevent the disease, what is the cause of the disease. Do not try to assess, not trying to remember, do not try to draw conclusions. All that is needed "pop-up" in our mind after Perevoznaya, now we're just neutral observers. In the process of Perevoznaya may experience discomfort and other related area of the primary lesion areas of the body. If this happens – just watching the therapeutic process, we allow them to break free and desactualizadas to any component dysfunction. If the pictures are accompanied by taste, sound, tactile, olfactory images – just observed them without surprise and without giving a special super-value.
Once the traumatic memory will be released and periasany in the form of images, there will be a relaxation zone of discomfort. It may appear a pleasant ripple, to spread the heat in the consciousness — to experience a sense of "completeness", "satisfaction". If the release of negative emotions will be accompanied by an excessive sense of joy – will try to "see" - perceive and joy.
Unfortunately, joy is the flip side of sadness. Often, experiencing joy, people may subconsciously fear that the joy will pass and it will be replaced by something sad. So to start therapeutic self-regulation, it is desirable to achieve complete balance and neutrality in our feelings.
7) After completion of the process of Perevoznaya sit for some time in a state of inner harmony and peace, remembering and bringing into everyday life is an amazing feeling.
In the case when you need to-perceive only that emotion, not to allow its fixation and negative impact on your life and relationships with others, you can try the following embodiment of this emotionally-osteopathic techniques.
1-2) Felt emotion (his to any situation, person or perceived from the outside, a resonance from someone as negative, painful feelings, discomfort), defined by where in the body is feeling this emotion, where it is located. Area bodily manifestations of emotions can be experienced as a place of compression, discomfort, heaviness, pain, cold.
3) Internal neutral look at this place in the body.
4) Ask this place, this emotion question: "Who are you? Why are you here? What's bothering you? What do you want?"
5) is Neutral, not evaluating, not interested look at those pictures and images which arise before the internal screen – i.e. watching "the story" emotions (dysfunction).
6) do Not try to influence the visual range, not happy, not scared, not sad, do not feel hostility – no matter what – don't try to estimate. No "good-bad" is just redundant information. As soon as we recognize it, it loses its relevance and the emotion itself neutralized, because it has nothing in the body, we are not holding.
7) After pictures will stop, and the pain, discomfort or tension in the body disappears a few seconds-minutes and we'll be in a state of peace and quiet.
This simple technique can be performed in any place, at any time, in any circumstances, in any position of the body.
Also interesting: How to choose a pillow that will not harm the spine: the Board of osteopathic
Be SURE to teach these exercises to your children!
Even with my eyes open (but leaving all of the attention inward!) you can perform this technique. At certain skill it will only take a few seconds and the result will be your poise, confidence and inner vitality, ability to resist stress and to solve any problems. Without wasting mental strength to maintain destructive experiences, you will gain much more health, your day apart. You won't get tired and can easily take on 100-200-300% more and better.
Respect your body, your soul and your mind. Try to focus on the integration of all of your existence. This experience can bring you great treasure. published
Author: Smirnov Alexander
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.osteodoc.ru/emoutost.htm