Sacred architecture of the body: harmony of BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT
Sacred architecture of the body or sacred architecture of the body-temple is the name given to their experience of Natalie Droen. She opened up by conceiving in Excess of the unique approach to spiritual transformation using the body.
It had not established schools and just taught its approach students. At the moment, all her students continue to transfer knowledge and experience that he received from Natalie on my way.
Below are some basic principles of Sacred architecture of the body and leading wording that is the SUT.
1. The basis of SAT — faith in a Higher power, God, the Creator. The body given to us Over — we did not choose.
2. The implementation of the law "as above so below" the Power of higher laws or the power of Heaven. In the body — the top holds the bottom.
3. "A breath of Grace — Exhale on Vozrastanie." Breathing the secret, the key to finding
4. "The movement in the Vertical" Bones of the skeleton are arranged on the Vertical. Fabric flock to the vertical correctly located around the Sacral built skeleton.
5. "The basis of the internal work is Prayer." How to open and let the internal prayer.
6. "The opening of his inner vision" — As you learn to see with your inner sight the skeleton and organs.
7. "Energy is hidden in sacral vertebrae" — the secret of the first vertical.
Sacred architecture of the body is the experience of transformation and hold the body in a new, corrected through exercise, internal, spiritual work, the breath and prayer.
Sacred architecture of the body is the experience that is passed from the master to the student personally. Not provided training on video CDs or books (only to continue training and development used recordings of lessons with Natalie and leading. And books sent Natalie Droen to explore the leading.
Sacred architecture of the body is a way of life and spiritual practice of physical perfection of the body, which restores his natural agility, beauty and health. CAT teaches a woman at any age to be truly alive, harmonious, integrated with awareness and a mystical understanding of the structure and interactions within.
Sacred architecture of the Body — introduction to the temple of secrets, contains the schema of the growth of the individual from the Image to Likeness.
"Sacred architecture of the body" — working with consciousness through movement and breath; it's not just school traffic, and a whole philosophy of life. Its essence is that health is a joyful, creative, free flow of life, and age — the word "increase," to ascend in the Spirit, and life is a day longer, not a day less. Youth – not years, but a state of mind. Your body is the temple in which we live, and to treat it should be, like a temple.
Natalie Droen
The goal of this workshop Sacred architecture of the body – to restore the natural flexibility of the joints and the sensitivity of the whole body to understand the body as the temple of the living spirit in it, to open embedded in every human being the potential of the image of God, and with Him to rise to the Vertical – visible and invisible, but very real.
Sacred architecture of the body suggests the harmony of BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT; the Interaction between subtle and dense physical and the spiritual in man. (CAT) contributes to the development of new capabilities of the human brain, the expansion of consciousness to the perception of universal Laws.
Sacred architecture of the body is the understanding of the experiences of other, going this way and create your own, how to understand yourself through your body and the contraction of the Holy spirit.
Question: What will you give me lessons Sacred architecture of the body?
If you start now and stay in the system of lessons at least 2 years (with a periodicity of 2 times a week for 1 hour), then you can gradually bring into your life new habits that will give you the opportunity of a lifetime to engage in the Sacred architecture of the body at any time in any place to give this process a pleasure.
If you train in a group, can support each other in creating the right environment for transition to a new state.
If you have no leading in the city — to attend seminars in the cities where there are group and leading. And occupy yourself by doing something that I could master.
For SAT there are no limitations on age and health.
Meeting with Natalie Droen. Archive footage. Petersburg 1992-the year
Sacred architecture of the body — a unique method, system, experience giving women the possibility of real, fundamental change for the better your body, health and life in General.published
Source: sacral.com.ua/about_sat/
It had not established schools and just taught its approach students. At the moment, all her students continue to transfer knowledge and experience that he received from Natalie on my way.
Below are some basic principles of Sacred architecture of the body and leading wording that is the SUT.

1. The basis of SAT — faith in a Higher power, God, the Creator. The body given to us Over — we did not choose.
2. The implementation of the law "as above so below" the Power of higher laws or the power of Heaven. In the body — the top holds the bottom.
3. "A breath of Grace — Exhale on Vozrastanie." Breathing the secret, the key to finding
4. "The movement in the Vertical" Bones of the skeleton are arranged on the Vertical. Fabric flock to the vertical correctly located around the Sacral built skeleton.
5. "The basis of the internal work is Prayer." How to open and let the internal prayer.
6. "The opening of his inner vision" — As you learn to see with your inner sight the skeleton and organs.
7. "Energy is hidden in sacral vertebrae" — the secret of the first vertical.
Sacred architecture of the body is the experience of transformation and hold the body in a new, corrected through exercise, internal, spiritual work, the breath and prayer.
Sacred architecture of the body is the experience that is passed from the master to the student personally. Not provided training on video CDs or books (only to continue training and development used recordings of lessons with Natalie and leading. And books sent Natalie Droen to explore the leading.
Sacred architecture of the body is a way of life and spiritual practice of physical perfection of the body, which restores his natural agility, beauty and health. CAT teaches a woman at any age to be truly alive, harmonious, integrated with awareness and a mystical understanding of the structure and interactions within.
Sacred architecture of the Body — introduction to the temple of secrets, contains the schema of the growth of the individual from the Image to Likeness.
"Sacred architecture of the body" — working with consciousness through movement and breath; it's not just school traffic, and a whole philosophy of life. Its essence is that health is a joyful, creative, free flow of life, and age — the word "increase," to ascend in the Spirit, and life is a day longer, not a day less. Youth – not years, but a state of mind. Your body is the temple in which we live, and to treat it should be, like a temple.

Natalie Droen
The goal of this workshop Sacred architecture of the body – to restore the natural flexibility of the joints and the sensitivity of the whole body to understand the body as the temple of the living spirit in it, to open embedded in every human being the potential of the image of God, and with Him to rise to the Vertical – visible and invisible, but very real.
Sacred architecture of the body suggests the harmony of BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT; the Interaction between subtle and dense physical and the spiritual in man. (CAT) contributes to the development of new capabilities of the human brain, the expansion of consciousness to the perception of universal Laws.
Sacred architecture of the body is the understanding of the experiences of other, going this way and create your own, how to understand yourself through your body and the contraction of the Holy spirit.
Question: What will you give me lessons Sacred architecture of the body?
- New, real sense of growth and development.
- Rejuvenation of physical and spiritual as a result of replacement "of the aging program" to "increase"
- Feeling connected to your inner state with the appearance of the body as a result set their properties.
- A new breath "to the age", above the exhale breath.
- "Top holds the bottom" — the realization of this law in the body. As a result, ease in movement and in living life
- Creating feelings of stability and stability through correct statement of the body
- Change the mass, body weight at an optimal due to the acquisition of new habits to keep the body in space, and breathing new properties.
- The creation of correct and beautiful posture: extension of the body, shaping the legs, arms, belly, high staging breast, thin waist
- Improving function of internal organs and systems, improvement
- Getting rid of the pain within the body through conscious breathing, attention and movement
- A unique experience combining the prayer with the breath and presence in the body
- And most importantly — making a real, conscious mechanism of controlling the body and the internal state FOREVER!
If you start now and stay in the system of lessons at least 2 years (with a periodicity of 2 times a week for 1 hour), then you can gradually bring into your life new habits that will give you the opportunity of a lifetime to engage in the Sacred architecture of the body at any time in any place to give this process a pleasure.
If you train in a group, can support each other in creating the right environment for transition to a new state.
If you have no leading in the city — to attend seminars in the cities where there are group and leading. And occupy yourself by doing something that I could master.
For SAT there are no limitations on age and health.
Meeting with Natalie Droen. Archive footage. Petersburg 1992-the year
Sacred architecture of the body — a unique method, system, experience giving women the possibility of real, fundamental change for the better your body, health and life in General.published
Source: sacral.com.ua/about_sat/
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