Juvenile justice: Childhood love guile
In December 2016 under the auspices of the "Russian children's Fund", published by the educational psychologists Irina Yakovlevna Medvedeva and Tatiana Lvovna Chysovoy "Childhood in the maelstrom of guile or who are "juvenile".
Tatiana Shishova L.
The report's authors are concerned about the impact of global processes on the welfare of the family. In the report they spend examples of regulations of interdepartmental interaction: if you are late parents, the kindergarten teacher is now obliged to call them, and the police and that the police should immediately ask passers-by if the lost child, and not to give the baby to a mother, even if she is in two steps, in order to send a child to vacation with her grandmother now needed a notarized power of attorney...
"Visual inspections" in kindergartens and schools to identify possible abuse by child – care or schooling companies to ensure that all parents to see potential criminals?..
Irina Medvedev Yakovlevna
We give a small excerpt:
"December 31, 2015, the President signed the updated text of the "national security Strategy of the Russian Federation". The preservation and increase of moral and spiritual values recognized in the document strategic goals of ensuring the national security of our country...
Very well, the developers of such a vital document finally drew attention to the traditional morality as an essential factor in the security of the state. Now it is important from words to deeds... to finally Adopt the law on the liability of officials and officers for wrongful removal of children from family...
It is necessary to radically revise (and may cancel) the regulations of interdepartmental interaction allows you to track literally every household. It is impossible to leave and mocking the definition of family trouble that may be subject to almost all people having children.
It is necessary to provide real assistance to families in difficult situations, and not just shamelessly rummaging through the cabinets and fridge to give terrible orders and to withdraw children. Believe that need of repair – take the money. See mothers difficult one with multiple children – select a free babysitter. But if you have no material resources (now, according to officials, they are not)", leave the family alone!".
Irina Medvedev Yakovlevna — child psychologist, writer, essayist, playwright, member of the Union of writers of Russia, public figure, co-author of the drama method psycholegal, Director of Institute of demographic safety (Moscow) answers to several questions:
Why a psychologist in a global world need to be aware of politics, art and Economics Irina Medvedev Yakovlevna told in the lecture, held at the national psychological festival "Dolls and masks" in February 2016:
Author: Anna Gubanova
Source: psy.su/feed/5878/

Tatiana Shishova L.
The report's authors are concerned about the impact of global processes on the welfare of the family. In the report they spend examples of regulations of interdepartmental interaction: if you are late parents, the kindergarten teacher is now obliged to call them, and the police and that the police should immediately ask passers-by if the lost child, and not to give the baby to a mother, even if she is in two steps, in order to send a child to vacation with her grandmother now needed a notarized power of attorney...
"Visual inspections" in kindergartens and schools to identify possible abuse by child – care or schooling companies to ensure that all parents to see potential criminals?..

Irina Medvedev Yakovlevna
We give a small excerpt:
"December 31, 2015, the President signed the updated text of the "national security Strategy of the Russian Federation". The preservation and increase of moral and spiritual values recognized in the document strategic goals of ensuring the national security of our country...
Very well, the developers of such a vital document finally drew attention to the traditional morality as an essential factor in the security of the state. Now it is important from words to deeds... to finally Adopt the law on the liability of officials and officers for wrongful removal of children from family...
It is necessary to radically revise (and may cancel) the regulations of interdepartmental interaction allows you to track literally every household. It is impossible to leave and mocking the definition of family trouble that may be subject to almost all people having children.
It is necessary to provide real assistance to families in difficult situations, and not just shamelessly rummaging through the cabinets and fridge to give terrible orders and to withdraw children. Believe that need of repair – take the money. See mothers difficult one with multiple children – select a free babysitter. But if you have no material resources (now, according to officials, they are not)", leave the family alone!".
Irina Medvedev Yakovlevna — child psychologist, writer, essayist, playwright, member of the Union of writers of Russia, public figure, co-author of the drama method psycholegal, Director of Institute of demographic safety (Moscow) answers to several questions:
Why a psychologist in a global world need to be aware of politics, art and Economics Irina Medvedev Yakovlevna told in the lecture, held at the national psychological festival "Dolls and masks" in February 2016:
Author: Anna Gubanova
Source: psy.su/feed/5878/
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