Yuna Moritz: the juvenile justice system of the West – war with virgin
It was in the winter.
The wind was blowing from the steppe.
And the cold was just a little Baby in a Nativity scene
On the slope of the hill.
His warm breath of an ox.
Pets animals
Stood in the cave,
Above the manger warm haze floated.
"Christmas star" by Boris Pasternak
Five-year-old boy in Russia has made from the flames and saved his brother two years when it caught fire, the transport in which they were riding. Russian boy awarded for saving my brother. In Norway, Finland, the two children would be taken away from parents and given to a foster family or in an orphanage for children whose parents violated the rights of the child, leaving the two brothers alone in a life-threatening situation.

In America, my father adopted the baby from Russia locked him in the car, in the heat, went to work and forgot about the child who died in a car left in the sun. The U.S. Supreme court proved that the adoptive father, because of which died an adopted baby from Russia, had no intent to harm the child and is not subject to punishment.
But it is punishable in Norway, Finland, the mother of Russian children who are crying on the street when they are home and they want to eat the green apples from the tree, or on a swing to ride, when to bathe and sleep.
In America adopted a child from Russia is dying from the beating, witnesses fully, and the court ruled that the child himself had killed after falling from the porch, according to the adoptive parents. But in France, the mother of Russia a child taken and given to an orphanage or to a foster family because the child's father, a Frenchman, who divorced his wife and, in General, moving to another country.
Today, Russia is persistently pushing the juvenile justice system of the West, the law on the rights of the child. In practice, this law is already in force, the parents lose the kids, because in the refrigerator a few products, in a room few meters, wallets little money, the roof is leaking, have not been renovated, little toys and furniture, sanitary conditions are worse, but to improve them to no one, except the foster family and orphanage.
I slept with the mother on the same couch of eighteen, four of us lived in one small room in a communal apartment, where there were many people and one that furnace stoked with coal and firewood. As a child I went with mother to cut firewood to earn five onions, two kilos of potatoes, a Cup of millet and a Cup of vegetable oil.
But I was a perfectly happy child, despite the hunger, childhood TB, skimpy clothing, night queue for textbooks, notebooks, which have always been few, they had very to protect. And only in a student dormitory I had in a lifetime opportunity to sleep on separate beds.
But for my wonderful mother if I she was taken away, I would Razvitie into small parts all the representatives of the Western juvenile justice!
Russia has colonized, not "Europeanized", ungodly brutal sweep from the poor to the "population". In the West the poor and the needy – in bulk, I've seen the slums, where nobody takes away children from their parents due to cramped housing, poor food, these children are not swaying anyone. And in Russia children from poor take the guardianship, and in the West of Russian children take the same bodies, and that hunting season lasts from as long as "fell off the shackles of totalitarianism," and the land of the Soviets disappeared!..

The children of Russian oligarchs ("anywhere is better than Raschke"!) somehow playing catch-up with the traffic police in Russia, and not where "all better". And for some reason in Russia they are considered children of the elite and upcoming elite. No, the elite – not the oligarchs with such offspring.
9 family night without the computer and shopping
Kindness: getting rid of illusions
Elite – five-year-old boy who saved his two year old brother from a fire. Elite – the two boys who saved the adult who was drowning in the river in winter. These boys carry buckets of water, grabbing the snow shovel, learn and work.
In Norway, in Finland, has selected these children from their parents – for the oversight: the children jumped into the river in the winter, pulled out an adult who was unconscious, straining could catch a cold, the parents left them unattended in a life threatening situation, children should be taken away and send to a foster family, America, France ... everywhere, "anywhere is better than Raschke".
But these Russian children are our elite. And the juvenile justice system of the West – war with the lady whose baby in a stable, but above it shines the star of Christmas.
Author: Yuna Moritz
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.facebook.com/yunna.morits/posts/778691672268638?pnref=story
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