Ukrainians will not pay taxes: an open letter Yatsenyuk and Yaresko.

Five reasons why Ukrainians do not pay taxes, and will not do and more (an open letter to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Finance and Minister of Economic Development).
Dear Mr. Yatsenyuk, Mrs and Mr Yaresko Abramavichus!
Ukrainians do not want to pay taxes. But at the same time willing to sacrifice for the army.
Ukrainians hate the tax authorities. But at the same time proud of the volunteers.
Ukrainians do not want to fund the government. But at the same time for him to shed blood.
You never bothered these paradoxes? You understand their causes?
If not, you will not be able to manage our economy.
Let me try to help you open your eyes on the five reasons why Ukrainians do not pay taxes :.
State taxes accrues as street thrown.
Public authorities - a gang of racketeers.
Pay taxes too risky.
Pay taxes - a luxury that not everyone can afford.
The state is absolutely stupid.
Well, now let me detail for each item.
1. The State shall calculate taxes, as a street thrown
The law declares 18% income tax, 20% VAT, 5% or 10% of the single tax, and so on. But suddenly it turns out that the income tax you have to pay upfront - arrived yet, and the money is already paying.
Or that the amount of VAT does not count when you buy fixed assets - for example, a car (despite the fact that the seller pays VAT on the full).
Or, say, the notorious "first event". Or restrictions on the "uproschentsev." Or announced a 30-percent tax on the excess of expenditure over income ...
Experienced Accountant will describe to you many more such cases. It can no longer be called by the word "law". This is - a game of "thimble", which is so fond of street scammers. And the Ukrainians do not like to deal with scammers.
2. Public authorities - this gang of racketeers
Entrepreneur can stop any close-tax collector, a firefighter, sanitation center, labor inspection, architectural, environmental or other, landscaping ... And most importantly - no official responsible for their illegal actions.
Even if you and vysporite case in the courts (which is very difficult), officials still did not. If you sue the state cover their losses (almost unbelievably), still nothing is official.
He can do whatever he wants - the law and practice guarantee the integrity, even if such actions are detrimental to the state.
In other words, the state with all his strength to protect racketeers and all your (and indeed our own) assets is responsible for their actions. They can make you all, and you with them - nothing.
You can, of course, die heroically in a desperate struggle for justice, well, you can not die, but to work so as not to get caught the eye of the authorities. Guess what choice do Ukrainians? Correctly. Fade.
Shadow market - is underground, and the Ukrainians have extensive experience in the underground struggle.
3. To pay taxes too risky
God forbid you become a great, or even noticeable taxpayer. Because then you will be charged in a separate account and each year they send a check with the task to collect an additional amount of 10 to 20 per cent paid for the year.
Even if all accrued and paid accurately. Enterprising tax inspectors are often advised to deliberately make mistakes in accounting for the appropriate amount, and during the test to save time once they submit. They say, "it is easier for you and for us».
And for dessert, you will terrorize always illegal requirements and penalties, from which to defend can not (and probably will not want to) even the court.
Ukrainians do not tend to take risks for the sake of the head tax.
4. Pay taxes - a luxury that not everyone can afford
There is no question about the principal. If your business is bigger than a stall in the market, you will have to pay the salary of an anomalous number of accountants. Because the tax system, we not only illogical, complicated and confusing. It also changes all the time. And if accountants suddenly mistaken, it will fall on your shoulders payment of financial penalties.
However, except you have to pay accountants qualified lawyers, because the tax authorities will constantly attack you, starting with the call for an interview, claims to provide "all documents", up to the calculation of non-existent debt cancellation of the certificate of VAT payer, and in the near future and withdrawals from special accounts.
All this will have to challenge in the courts, paying not only lawyers, but also legal costs. In addition, it should be understood that the court is not always stands on your side, but it is also costing a pretty penny.
Ukrainians are not rich enough to pay taxes other than an exorbitant amount for the pleasure of their charge and defend.
5. The State is absolutely stupid.
If a person has taken a decision and then change it almost every day, it is irresponsible? Short-sighted? Or just narrow-minded?
And the state changes once approved by the tax system continuously. Before the advent of the famous Tax Code was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of several hundred major changes in the VAT Act and the Income Tax Act.
It would seem that the Code is adopted precisely in order to put an end to this. But the first changes to the document were already three weeks after it was signed. And for four years, the number of amendments passed for seven decades.
The second example - the identification codes. That most famous invention Azarov, which should clearly identify the taxpayer, not to be confused in the namesake or spellings.
We have the result. If the report you to the Pension Fund together with the exact code specify an inaccurate name (for example, instead of Natalia Natalia), a person not zachtut experience - despite the fact that all payments were made and statements are presented. And this is no joke.
A "through" the numbering of tax bills? And electronic registration of invoices for large sums of money? A paranoid attempts to match all of the tax in a nation-wide electronic registry? Well, as the pinnacle of madness - the special account for VAT.
Have obvious signs of mental illness, which in our case is not suffering people and the state. This disease is called Azarovshchina, from the name of a talented creator of our tax system - Nikolai Azarov, people generously gifted linguistically and macroeconomic.
But be warned:
Dear Natalia! (Unfortunately, we do not know exactly how you have written in the tax code). Dear Mr. Aivaras! Note that Azarovshchina - a contagious mental illness. It infected during official communication with Ukrainian officials.
Pay attention to your supervisor, Mr. Yatsenyuk. Really, before being appointed to this high office he was adequate. We personally are witnesses.
But a few months as prime minister changed this man beyond recognition. What are some special accounts that he introduces them since January. Such apocalyptic attempt to destroy the country's economy in order to have something to reimburse VAT to exporters, deserves a global medical examination in the best psychiatric hospitals.
Even Azarov did not dare to carry out this martyrdom act of terrorism. Although it was he who came up with these special accounts.
If Mr. Arseny prior to his tenure someone offered to pull out of the entrepreneurs cash in the amount of 16 percent of GDP and lock them into special accounts, it would be the first to call for an ambulance. And now the same Mr. Yatsenyuk insists on this version of the destruction of Ukraine.
CAUTION Azarovshchina is contagious! We already feel that the new leaders of the economic bloc seriously fever. See that the Ministry of Finance proposes to economic meetings, and as trying to expropriate those who have seen the all-seeing eye of state statistics. A Ministry of Economic Development is not in a hurry to get robbed on defense.
State we really stupid. And make it a kooky silly or stupid by nature officials.
Ukrainians do not want to have anything to do with fools, because we know that it is better to lose with a clever than a fool earn.
All this leads to massive evasion of taxes Ukrainians, and since you are not driving a finger to destroy these reasons, do not even count on any changes.
The real economy of Ukraine is not noticeable from the windows of your cabinets and the State Statistics Committee. Despite the efforts of the state, Ukrainians still grow, produce, process, sell and invent. Just you, thank God, did not have any idea about the true scale of this process. And, fortunately, can not stop him.
You will tirelessly chasing every one of us, to bring new tax authorities, increasing their wickedness, to play off these creatures for entrepreneurs Yanukovych once incited the "Golden Eagle" for citizens. However, the ending of the story is easy to predict.
Ukrainians will not pay taxes until each of the following reasons will not drown in the Forget-river. And do not think that you are something different from the "paperednikov." They also believed that the root of evil is that all businesses are hiding from taxes. And sincerely believed that the task of the state is to catch and punish everyone.
Understand Ukrainians do not pay taxes simply because they do not believe their own state, fear him and do not respect. And, unfortunately, this attitude has every reason to.
P.S. We are not supporters of the platform 5.10 and other economic ideologies of primitivism. We generally are not economists. All the above is based solely on our own sad experience, which includes assaults tax office, police (tax and conventional), the prosecutor's office, sanitary station, SBU, labor inspection, fire and other evil spirits.
All that we have experienced on their own backs, and all because of the fact that, like an idiot, and yet still pay taxes.
Sincerely yours.
Brothers Kapranovs.
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