Andor Jakab
I could hire 12 people, with a salary of € 760 on hand, but I will not. Let me explain why.
From the Editor. Andor Jakab Hungarian blogger published an article on relations between the state, employer and employee, in the summer of 2011. Article received considerable attention in the media and the blogosphere, has been controversial, and has been translated into several languages (in January - in English). DELFI portal publishes articles Yakub translation into Russian.
You could work in my company engaged in the service sector, in a beautiful office. This is not telemarketing, not fraud. You would carry out serious work that requires skills, 8 hours per day, five days a week. I would take you to work legally, I would pay your taxes. I could give this work a dozen people, but I will not, and here is my explanation why.
I would not take a woman to work.
The reason is very simple: women give birth to children. I have no right to ask if she wants it. And if I had the right, and she would answer, it would deliberately deceive me. Or change your mind.
Do not get me wrong. I have no problem with the fact that women give birth to children. I myself so was born, and my children too. I would not take a woman to work, because when she was pregnant, she goes to the "maternity leave" for three years, and I can not fire her. If she wants two kids, a vacation lasts for six years.
Work, of course, still needs to be done. And I'll take a job for someone who will work with her as she spends many years on vacation. But I can not fire her, not only when it is not at work, I can not do it, and when she comes back. So I have to fire someone who worked for her all this time. When a woman returns to work from a "maternity leave", I would have to legally raise her salary to the current level to its position. In addition, I need to give her leave, she has accumulated during the "maternity leave". When she finally returns to work, she can begin to fully 2-4 months of paid leave.
Even I would not have hired people older than 50 years.
Not because I have a problem with the most experienced professionals. I would hire them because soon they will take "protected age." And I'll get to them in a trap in the same way as with a woman hired to work. You can not lay off people in pre-retirement age, you have to pay the salaries and all other expenses even if they perform poorly. I can not dismiss the "protection of workers", but somebody has to do the right job, and I had to hire another person.
I hired to work only men aged 25-50 years.
Hire them to work risky, too, because I do not have the right to fire them for any reason (my income is insufficient, or I do not like how they work). Is a risk that they will go to court, and is likely to win. But this risk, I still manage.
You cost me € 1572.
This is - the actual data for the year 2011 with a salary calculator www.nettober.com. As you can see, your salary in the amount of € 760 will cost my company in € 1572. The only way to somehow reduce this gosnatsenku twofold - to pay you less. But I'm not going to hire you on a lower salary because, in my opinion, you can not normally live on less than € 760. You will depression, you destroy my life, my company, and even me. That is, I do not want to hire someone for less of this amount.
Such garbage occurs only in Hungary (Latvia too close - ed.):
This graph - from research Deloitte. As you can see, the government takes half your salary. It annoys me that I pay you a € 1500, but you get a little less than half of that. Especially considering the fact that the medical services you get no better than that of any recipient receives a "minimal salary».
I must also take into account that 35-year-old man has 25 days of vacation per year. This means that someone has to replace him within a month. If I need 12 employees to hire the 13th to replace all those who are going on vacation.
But I still, in spite of all the above, could give you a job.
I am bold entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs take the risk, so I can not sell my apartment and move into rental housing. I hope that the € 90 000 per apartment will be enough. I feel free to start my business, and if you do not go (often associated with start-ups), I will not cry.
My company will offer excellent services that are not possible without providing decent working conditions. I'll get to work 13 - 12 permanent jobs and one for replacement during the holidays. 14 people with me can work in a comfortable, well-furnished office area of 158 square meters. meters. It will cost me 10 euros per month per square meter, plus 3, 5 euros per square meter. meter for utilities. In total 2133 euros per month.
Here are my monthly expenses:
Office rental: € 2133
Salaries: 13 x € 1,572 = € 20,436
Other costs: (accounting, marketing, etc.): € 3058
Total: € 25 627
Pretty scary for monthly bills, is not it? So much I have to pay on a monthly basis, regardless of income. And good and bad months. And during the summer lull and before Christmas, when the work will be much less.
Most likely, the company will not be able to sell more than 1,000 hours of service per month. That is, to come out "to zero", my price should be € 25 627/1000 = € 25 / hour. But this is not enough, I need and profits.
I'm not greedy, and the market is too small. So I put the margin at 20%. This will increase my bet up to € 30 per hour (pronounced "thirty plus VAT», € 37, 5). I have rounded this sum (down), so that customers would pay € 37 / hour for our services.
7 euros of this amount would go directly to the state, 30 - the company's revenue. I'm an optimist. Our marketing "lights" My plan is working perfectly, we can sell 1,000 hours of service per month. Business is, I am pleased with their employees.
It generates revenue of 1,000 x € 30 = € 30 000.
€ 4373 - a profit. I could afford to pay € 2446, and it would cost the company at € 3 144. Of this amount, € 1521 I would have received a net salary (twice my employees), the company's profit would have been € 1,229 before tax. I would have paid € 122 in the form of income tax, plus 2% of revenue, ie € 600. In the end, every month on the company's account is € 507.
Thus, I can earn € 1521 per month, but do not forget that I sold my apartment and invested in the company. That is, I have to rent a home at least € 300, otherwise I'll be homeless. I'll live modestly, do not spend so much, and my wife will work too. Yes, I have time and something on spending especially will not, because unlike my employees I work 12 hours a day, including on weekends.
So I can save € 900 per month, and my investment of € 90 000 will be repaid in 100 months. I will need 9 years to recover the funds invested in the company, and only after that I can afford to buy a new home. After that I will be able to live within a tight budget, will not pay rent, but also will not be able to save. I'll live like a European.
In those circumstances - I hope they are clear - I do not feel a great desire to sell the apartment and invest money in the new company.
But for sure I will not do it for four reasons.
The competitors are selling the same service, illegally, on a really crappy conditions, all at € 9 per hour. They just put money in your pocket - without a receipt, even without the VAT. They do not take the responsibility, there is no guarantee, officially they do not do anything. There are no official, legal trace of their existence. They do not have to rent an office and hire an accountant. Pursuing this work five hours a day, they can easily earn € 1 000. They will show the middle finger of my job at € 760, where they are not allowed to moonlight, but forced to come every day on time and meet the very highest professional standards. They were not allowed to cheat customers, and if they do, they will be fired.
Competitors will spend defamatory campaign against my firm. I can face the anti-capitalist propaganda, I will put a greedy bastard who takes € 37 for what others do for € 9. I will be an enemy of the beautiful people of Hungary, while the rest of the honest work of my price.
My employees can come to work only to learn the secrets of my business and steal my customers. They lure them with lies that give the same quality and range of services, but at a discounted price. Once they steal enough customers, they may decide that hurt my company and to be fired - a great idea. Then they can go to court, claiming that I fired them illegally, and won. Between times they will work quietly with my stolen clientele, the creation of which cost me a fortune. And, of course, they will be offended. They will blow at various forums and talk about what worked in my company and, therefore, know what they say. My services are not only very expensive, but the quality - a piece of shit.
Complaints about all this will not help, because no one cares.
Here, in general, so I do not give anybody a job. And I think, for the same reasons many entrepreneurs start a business, too, will not create jobs. And so more and more people out of work, buys fewer goods and thus pays less VAT. And so honest companies is getting smaller, and they hire fewer workers, and pay less taxes. Therefore, the state receives less money for social assistance, which is why social assistance will soon become like a concentration camp.
I'll give you a job, only if:
I can fire you if I want.
VAT will be reduced to 20% (and more preferably up to 15%).
If the state will pick up "only" 30% of your money.
If a higher income does not entail a higher penalty.
If the state to fight corruption and not with honest companies.
While this does not change the work, I will not give you. While the state does not win corruption in all possible aspects, I would not start a business and create jobs.
From the Editor. Andor Jakab Hungarian blogger published an article on relations between the state, employer and employee, in the summer of 2011. Article received considerable attention in the media and the blogosphere, has been controversial, and has been translated into several languages (in January - in English). DELFI portal publishes articles Yakub translation into Russian.
You could work in my company engaged in the service sector, in a beautiful office. This is not telemarketing, not fraud. You would carry out serious work that requires skills, 8 hours per day, five days a week. I would take you to work legally, I would pay your taxes. I could give this work a dozen people, but I will not, and here is my explanation why.
I would not take a woman to work.
The reason is very simple: women give birth to children. I have no right to ask if she wants it. And if I had the right, and she would answer, it would deliberately deceive me. Or change your mind.
Do not get me wrong. I have no problem with the fact that women give birth to children. I myself so was born, and my children too. I would not take a woman to work, because when she was pregnant, she goes to the "maternity leave" for three years, and I can not fire her. If she wants two kids, a vacation lasts for six years.
Work, of course, still needs to be done. And I'll take a job for someone who will work with her as she spends many years on vacation. But I can not fire her, not only when it is not at work, I can not do it, and when she comes back. So I have to fire someone who worked for her all this time. When a woman returns to work from a "maternity leave", I would have to legally raise her salary to the current level to its position. In addition, I need to give her leave, she has accumulated during the "maternity leave". When she finally returns to work, she can begin to fully 2-4 months of paid leave.
Even I would not have hired people older than 50 years.
Not because I have a problem with the most experienced professionals. I would hire them because soon they will take "protected age." And I'll get to them in a trap in the same way as with a woman hired to work. You can not lay off people in pre-retirement age, you have to pay the salaries and all other expenses even if they perform poorly. I can not dismiss the "protection of workers", but somebody has to do the right job, and I had to hire another person.
I hired to work only men aged 25-50 years.
Hire them to work risky, too, because I do not have the right to fire them for any reason (my income is insufficient, or I do not like how they work). Is a risk that they will go to court, and is likely to win. But this risk, I still manage.
You cost me € 1572.

This is - the actual data for the year 2011 with a salary calculator www.nettober.com. As you can see, your salary in the amount of € 760 will cost my company in € 1572. The only way to somehow reduce this gosnatsenku twofold - to pay you less. But I'm not going to hire you on a lower salary because, in my opinion, you can not normally live on less than € 760. You will depression, you destroy my life, my company, and even me. That is, I do not want to hire someone for less of this amount.
Such garbage occurs only in Hungary (Latvia too close - ed.):
This graph - from research Deloitte. As you can see, the government takes half your salary. It annoys me that I pay you a € 1500, but you get a little less than half of that. Especially considering the fact that the medical services you get no better than that of any recipient receives a "minimal salary».
I must also take into account that 35-year-old man has 25 days of vacation per year. This means that someone has to replace him within a month. If I need 12 employees to hire the 13th to replace all those who are going on vacation.
But I still, in spite of all the above, could give you a job.
I am bold entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs take the risk, so I can not sell my apartment and move into rental housing. I hope that the € 90 000 per apartment will be enough. I feel free to start my business, and if you do not go (often associated with start-ups), I will not cry.
My company will offer excellent services that are not possible without providing decent working conditions. I'll get to work 13 - 12 permanent jobs and one for replacement during the holidays. 14 people with me can work in a comfortable, well-furnished office area of 158 square meters. meters. It will cost me 10 euros per month per square meter, plus 3, 5 euros per square meter. meter for utilities. In total 2133 euros per month.
Here are my monthly expenses:
Office rental: € 2133
Salaries: 13 x € 1,572 = € 20,436
Other costs: (accounting, marketing, etc.): € 3058
Total: € 25 627
Pretty scary for monthly bills, is not it? So much I have to pay on a monthly basis, regardless of income. And good and bad months. And during the summer lull and before Christmas, when the work will be much less.
Most likely, the company will not be able to sell more than 1,000 hours of service per month. That is, to come out "to zero", my price should be € 25 627/1000 = € 25 / hour. But this is not enough, I need and profits.
I'm not greedy, and the market is too small. So I put the margin at 20%. This will increase my bet up to € 30 per hour (pronounced "thirty plus VAT», € 37, 5). I have rounded this sum (down), so that customers would pay € 37 / hour for our services.
7 euros of this amount would go directly to the state, 30 - the company's revenue. I'm an optimist. Our marketing "lights" My plan is working perfectly, we can sell 1,000 hours of service per month. Business is, I am pleased with their employees.
It generates revenue of 1,000 x € 30 = € 30 000.
€ 4373 - a profit. I could afford to pay € 2446, and it would cost the company at € 3 144. Of this amount, € 1521 I would have received a net salary (twice my employees), the company's profit would have been € 1,229 before tax. I would have paid € 122 in the form of income tax, plus 2% of revenue, ie € 600. In the end, every month on the company's account is € 507.
Thus, I can earn € 1521 per month, but do not forget that I sold my apartment and invested in the company. That is, I have to rent a home at least € 300, otherwise I'll be homeless. I'll live modestly, do not spend so much, and my wife will work too. Yes, I have time and something on spending especially will not, because unlike my employees I work 12 hours a day, including on weekends.
So I can save € 900 per month, and my investment of € 90 000 will be repaid in 100 months. I will need 9 years to recover the funds invested in the company, and only after that I can afford to buy a new home. After that I will be able to live within a tight budget, will not pay rent, but also will not be able to save. I'll live like a European.
In those circumstances - I hope they are clear - I do not feel a great desire to sell the apartment and invest money in the new company.
But for sure I will not do it for four reasons.
The competitors are selling the same service, illegally, on a really crappy conditions, all at € 9 per hour. They just put money in your pocket - without a receipt, even without the VAT. They do not take the responsibility, there is no guarantee, officially they do not do anything. There are no official, legal trace of their existence. They do not have to rent an office and hire an accountant. Pursuing this work five hours a day, they can easily earn € 1 000. They will show the middle finger of my job at € 760, where they are not allowed to moonlight, but forced to come every day on time and meet the very highest professional standards. They were not allowed to cheat customers, and if they do, they will be fired.
Competitors will spend defamatory campaign against my firm. I can face the anti-capitalist propaganda, I will put a greedy bastard who takes € 37 for what others do for € 9. I will be an enemy of the beautiful people of Hungary, while the rest of the honest work of my price.
My employees can come to work only to learn the secrets of my business and steal my customers. They lure them with lies that give the same quality and range of services, but at a discounted price. Once they steal enough customers, they may decide that hurt my company and to be fired - a great idea. Then they can go to court, claiming that I fired them illegally, and won. Between times they will work quietly with my stolen clientele, the creation of which cost me a fortune. And, of course, they will be offended. They will blow at various forums and talk about what worked in my company and, therefore, know what they say. My services are not only very expensive, but the quality - a piece of shit.
Complaints about all this will not help, because no one cares.
Here, in general, so I do not give anybody a job. And I think, for the same reasons many entrepreneurs start a business, too, will not create jobs. And so more and more people out of work, buys fewer goods and thus pays less VAT. And so honest companies is getting smaller, and they hire fewer workers, and pay less taxes. Therefore, the state receives less money for social assistance, which is why social assistance will soon become like a concentration camp.
I'll give you a job, only if:
I can fire you if I want.
VAT will be reduced to 20% (and more preferably up to 15%).
If the state will pick up "only" 30% of your money.
If a higher income does not entail a higher penalty.
If the state to fight corruption and not with honest companies.
While this does not change the work, I will not give you. While the state does not win corruption in all possible aspects, I would not start a business and create jobs.