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Be careful. All also still relatively

The most amazing thing: we do not see our Universe, we only see her past! Even the Sun we see and feel, an 8-minute freshness. If it goes out, we have all these 8 minutes won't know about it. And what here to speak about the distant galaxies and stars.


On the other hand, the delay in time and allows astronomers and cosmologists to observe directly the past of the world. The farther into space, scientists can look, the further back in time the Universe opens in front of them. Space and time in some wonderful way, then unite and become one, the more that astronomers measure distances in light years. But not only does it look amazing. As if by magic a very very distant past of our world suddenly becomes our present. And it happens constantly enough on a clear night to look at the starry sky...

Dear reader, of course, understand that it will be about the theory of relativity. But here I'm not going to recount in detail nor the special theory of relativity (solemnly wearing wonderful, in my opinion, the acronym "SRT") nor the General theory of relativity (it is the abbreviation of I also like — "GRT") in the hope that "we all learned a little something and somehow", and popular scientific literature on this subject very much. I just want to remind about some of the really amazing consequence of this theory.

In April 2009 the world had spread the news: spacecraft Swift has recorded a burst of gamma radiation received by the date of registration designation GRB 090423 (2009, 04 months, 23 th). Subsequently, using ground-based telescopes and further calculations this surge was identified as the explosion of a star that happened about 13.1 billion years ago, after about 600 million years after the Big Bang. This star (or rather its destruction; then it is, according to modern scientific ideas, should turn into the "black hole") at the time became the youngest object in space, which humanity has been able to get close. I gave this episode not so much to share with you the joy for astronomers (this is quite a serious opening), but to ask a very strange question: so when this explosion happened? Thirteen billion years ago or on 23 April 2009 from Christmas?

We (people) registered radiation (i.e. light; gamma radiation is also the light of certain frequencies) in 11 hours 55 minutes Moscow time on 23.04.2009. According to certain indirect evidence established that this light came to us with his usual speed, i.e. the speed of light 13.1 billion years, and draw appropriate conclusions. But according to STR, "clock" objects moving at the speed of light, stop. These objects move in space but not in time. In other words, the photons are extant radiation have not spent a second of his time. At all points of its journey, from the initial (burst) to an end (Swift instrument), "their hour" they were at the same time. That is, the time of 13.1 billion years ago, and 11 hours 55 minutes Moscow 23.04.2009 for photons, "informing" us about the explosion — it is one and the same moment. And when there was an event for the Swift instrument, which she had registered? 23.04.2009. So when the explosion happened?

STO gives an unequivocal answer: for us, the explosion occurred 23.04.09. The theory of relativity has delivered us from notions of absolute time and space. The absolute value is only the speed of light. As in quantum mechanics, the protagonist is the observer, and besides, with your own clock that is ticking its own time. While there is no preferred observer: each observer depends on where it is in relation to the event is and how, again in relation to this event, it moves. No material object can move at a speed greater than the speed of light, and therefore for each individual observer is when it reaches the so-called wave front of light coming from this event (the same explosion, for example). That is, when the observer receives a signal (information). The concept of simultaneity of events becomes relative. For one observer, event a may precede event b, and for another, on the contrary, the event will be preceded by event A. And both look to be absolutely equal, both are true.

This so-called light cone. So graphically portrayed "life" events (or the observer because the observation is also an event) in four-dimensional space-time. The cone is three-dimensional only because we represent him, and especially to portray four-dimensional, is almost impossible. The cone is limited by light, its speed. All that is within the cone, one way or another, can influence the event (observer). All that is outside, for this event or observer does not exist. Each event and the observer's own light cone. If these cones intersect in the past or future (or the same), their interaction is possible, if not — alas... the Point of the "Observer" is an event at this particular point in time where he is. Talking about the location of events in space-time we can only relative to the observer.

In the example of the explosion of the stars I suggested to use the services of a very strange observer of photons of gamma radiation. And even gave them for these purposes for hours. Whether I was to do it? Imagine absolutely fantastic, but perhaps a few more clear the picture. A space traveler in a space ship, capable of speeds slightly below the speed of light (according to SRT, not a single object having its own weight, e.g., the electron, the speed of light can not reach), were in the vicinity of the star just at the moment of its explosion. Of course, he had to be evacuated from there, and it's on full steam rushed to the side of the Earth. We have to make our hero "without family, without a tribe" as any movement in space at relativistic speeds before the explosion might be confusing. For example, when he started from the explosion and no Land yet in sight was not. And came to us after 10 years, 23.04.2019. And at a press conference urgently convened for the occasion, the whole world was told about how he almost died in the explosion of a distant star and as bravely fought with the elements, showed the top of the piloting skills, but which at the same time it was magnificent and majestic spectacle of the explosion of a star, etc. etc. From all the his story we really are now important only two words: "just", that is 23.04.2019. So when the explosion occurred, about which we were told by a direct witness, who arrived to us with almost the speed of light?

Let's synchronize our watches. Hourly traveler he spent on the flight from the scene of the explosion to the Ground some completely insignificant minutes (excluding time for acceleration, braking and landing, of course). But what has happened 13.1 billion years and an additional ten earth years, you will need the traveler due to the fact that his speed was slightly below the light? For him they simply did not exist as at the time of his start from the explosion site did not exist and the Earth itself, whose age scientists estimate 4.5 billion years. As for not yet exist billions of years after the explosion of a star. They, these years, only in our heads, and we judge them by earth time because of the physical theories and the appropriate mathematical apparatus. And these years did not coincide with the years of the hypothetical observer, if he were now somewhere near the same exploded star, like not the same, in fact, our "now".

The testimony of our hours continuously diverge, and further: the universe continues to expand with acceleration. Since the explosion of the star, according to scientists, the universe has increased 9.2 times. Proportionally during that time (that exists in our heads) and increased the distance between us (in four-dimensional space-time measure of distance between two points is time) and continues to rapidly increase. And in some of the earth's future star, who sent us the first and, apparently, the last Hello, will have to go beyond the horizon of our events. The speed of our "recession" will exceed the light, which in this case is not only possible, but inevitable (the physical fact is the expansion of space, but not the ratio between its distant points). And the price for this reckless flight will be that we will cease to exist for each other: our "light cones" will no longer touch never. It seems that the observer in our "now" near this star (most likely a black hole), and will not be able to learn about the existence of such a planet as Earth.

Pay attention to light, penetrating the Universe, time does not exist. His "clock" is always "worth". Perhaps this is the only "objective" point of view on our world. But we can hardly ask whatever was passing photons the question of how they feel, "raslovici" in space, for example, at 13.1 billion light-years. Well as learn from complex, highly organized instruments of Swift, whether they have experienced awe, feeling a flash of a very distant star. It is wiser, in my opinion, to remain in place. But remember that the reality we perceive is very different from the reality of other observers, especially those that move towards us at relativistic speeds. Which suggests that the time and space realize themselves only in interaction with our consciousness. And by the way, remember that the higher in relation to us the speed of anything, the shorter the object. And if something massive rushes past at light speed, this is something likely to be tapered in space to zero, but it will have infinite mass (or, one might say, the endless energy of motion passes into the infinite mass). To imagine the existence of such objects is quite difficult, which is why it is believed that nothing with mass to the speed of light can not reach.

Try to look at the above story with the star from the point of view of quantum mechanics. Check the exploded some time ago, the stars have been in the process of quantum measurement. This means that photons of gamma radiation was released (there has been a collapse of the wave function) from a state of superposition, that is, of all its possible States in one after scientists thanks to equipment Swift realized the result of the measurement. And only after the realization by scientists that the radiation is a consequence of the explosion of a star that occurred 13.1 billion years ago, the explosion itself and the star came out of the superposition. And only when the information was published, the existence of this star has become part of our reality. But further evolution of this quantum system (our star) will again be described by a wave function, that is, it goes back to the superposition. Sooner or later we will lose it any connection because of the expansion of the Universe, and will never be able to measure this system. And to talk about any of its future States can be simply senseless, that is, it will stop for us earthlings, their existence. I think we have the case when the history of the same events, considered in different ways, very close.

All of the above applies to space-time. What about the material itself, its mass and energy equivalence which follows from SRT? They are also relative? The famous English physicist and mathematician, head of the Department of mathematics of the University of Oxford, a man who made a great contribution to modern cosmology Roger Penrose argues that even "according to the classical theory — not to mention quantum... — the material reality of the substance is much more vague than it seemed before. The problem of its quantitative measurement — and even its very existence — is connected with the necessity of taking into account the extremely subtle points and can not only be done locally!" (R. Penrose. New mind of the king)

His words actually translated into everyday language, means that even in the classical world, we can't be sure that a particular object or phenomenon that we observe here and now are to the full in the here and now. For example, the energy of motion of a fast train disappears for us if we are sitting in this train. Where does it go? We conclude that the mass-energy of the system also depends on observer's motion. And in some cases can completely (in the case of a train with us all the same in any reference frame will remain its rest mass and thermal energy) disappear to nowhere or appear out of nowhere (if someone is interested in this topic, I recommend to go to the source of the above-mentioned book by Roger Penrose). published

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: www.cablook.com/universe/budte-zhe-bditelny-vsyo-k-tomu-zhe-eshhyo-i-otnositelno/