Name one thing you would like to get in 2023
How many people want to write letter yourself? Send it to anyone who reads it with a smile on their face. Memories of the journey are sure to create a tsunami of emotions. Tell them how good it was or how difficult it was. But these difficulties will surely be overcome. A letter to the future can also help.
The idea of writing such messages is not new. Even our ancestors preferred to leave important words, documents, photos in special capsules. Sometimes such capsules could be found accidentally or opened on a strictly prescribed date. But the very fact of creating a letter into the future allows you to program yourself for luck.
“And how does a simple letter help you attract luck, money, success in life?” Of course, the letter itself will do nothing. But it has a special power. Her name is self-control, discipline and planning. A person puts on a piece of paper everything he sees fit. This allows you to systematize your own thoughts, restore order in your head. It's easier. figure out You will feel a responsibility to yourself in the future. Nobody wants to blush because of unfulfilled promises.
Peels Interesting method You can write both a regular paper letter and a message to electronically. There's more to it than that. Undoubtedly, in the process of writing a letter by hand has its own unique charm. When the ink is laid on paper, it feels as if a piece of soul is embedded in every word.
The only question is how not to forget what is written. paper-writingand its location. You can make a special reminder on your phone. But how do you know if something will happen to your phone during that time? A letter to the future risks being lost. Of course, it will be there, but sooner or later necessary. The secret is to open and read a letter whenever the author wishes.
Peels To simplify the task will help numerous sites to create letters to yourself from the future. They're just a pond right now. You can leave a message even on a regular email. It’s easy to write a letter and schedule it for a specific date. The warning will come on the day the sender indicated.
Peels Personal Information What to Write from the Future? It all depends on who is writing. Perhaps there is room in the letter only for the most important information. Or you want to tell me what the weather was like when this message was created. If this information is valuable to you, why not?
We strongly recommend adding more specific. Unfortunately, people do not always remember what happened in their lives on a particular date. Write about how you feel on the day the letter was created. Why did you decide to write it? What emotions do you want to feel when you get it in the future? We assure you, such thoughts will surely cause a smile on your face.
Peels can’t do without this kind of message. future-plan and the goals you want to achieve. After all, it is during the reading of this letter that you will understand whether you managed to achieve your dreams. Did you manage to climb the mountain you were planning to climb? But it is much better if the goals are specific and detailed. This is not only more interesting, but also much more informative. Such details are very valuable at times.
For example, it is not necessary to limit yourself to dry “I want to buy an apartment”. Please indicate how many rooms there should be. Is there a large kitchen and bathroom, in which room guests will gather and who you will invite to a housewarming party? In the future, it will be possible to remember not only the main goal, but also your own emotions and emotional worries. It's very valuable.
Even if suddenly something goes wrong and the letter is not delivered on time, there is nothing critical about it. Its reading is more like the cherry on the cake, but do not forget about the huge and delicious sweet treat. It is important to clean up your thoughts, goals and plans. The letter here will be an excellent assistant. Try to write it and check yourself.
It would be much better if such a message could be forgotten until it was received. Then the letter will become not only a pleasant surprise, but also a sweet nostalgic element from the past. With the opportunity to write a letter to the future, there is a chance to support yourself. Create boomerang positive and put it into your own life. Let him go back and multiply the good a hundredfold.

The idea of writing such messages is not new. Even our ancestors preferred to leave important words, documents, photos in special capsules. Sometimes such capsules could be found accidentally or opened on a strictly prescribed date. But the very fact of creating a letter into the future allows you to program yourself for luck.
“And how does a simple letter help you attract luck, money, success in life?” Of course, the letter itself will do nothing. But it has a special power. Her name is self-control, discipline and planning. A person puts on a piece of paper everything he sees fit. This allows you to systematize your own thoughts, restore order in your head. It's easier. figure out You will feel a responsibility to yourself in the future. Nobody wants to blush because of unfulfilled promises.

Peels Interesting method You can write both a regular paper letter and a message to electronically. There's more to it than that. Undoubtedly, in the process of writing a letter by hand has its own unique charm. When the ink is laid on paper, it feels as if a piece of soul is embedded in every word.
The only question is how not to forget what is written. paper-writingand its location. You can make a special reminder on your phone. But how do you know if something will happen to your phone during that time? A letter to the future risks being lost. Of course, it will be there, but sooner or later necessary. The secret is to open and read a letter whenever the author wishes.

Peels To simplify the task will help numerous sites to create letters to yourself from the future. They're just a pond right now. You can leave a message even on a regular email. It’s easy to write a letter and schedule it for a specific date. The warning will come on the day the sender indicated.

Peels Personal Information What to Write from the Future? It all depends on who is writing. Perhaps there is room in the letter only for the most important information. Or you want to tell me what the weather was like when this message was created. If this information is valuable to you, why not?
We strongly recommend adding more specific. Unfortunately, people do not always remember what happened in their lives on a particular date. Write about how you feel on the day the letter was created. Why did you decide to write it? What emotions do you want to feel when you get it in the future? We assure you, such thoughts will surely cause a smile on your face.

Peels can’t do without this kind of message. future-plan and the goals you want to achieve. After all, it is during the reading of this letter that you will understand whether you managed to achieve your dreams. Did you manage to climb the mountain you were planning to climb? But it is much better if the goals are specific and detailed. This is not only more interesting, but also much more informative. Such details are very valuable at times.
For example, it is not necessary to limit yourself to dry “I want to buy an apartment”. Please indicate how many rooms there should be. Is there a large kitchen and bathroom, in which room guests will gather and who you will invite to a housewarming party? In the future, it will be possible to remember not only the main goal, but also your own emotions and emotional worries. It's very valuable.

Even if suddenly something goes wrong and the letter is not delivered on time, there is nothing critical about it. Its reading is more like the cherry on the cake, but do not forget about the huge and delicious sweet treat. It is important to clean up your thoughts, goals and plans. The letter here will be an excellent assistant. Try to write it and check yourself.

It would be much better if such a message could be forgotten until it was received. Then the letter will become not only a pleasant surprise, but also a sweet nostalgic element from the past. With the opportunity to write a letter to the future, there is a chance to support yourself. Create boomerang positive and put it into your own life. Let him go back and multiply the good a hundredfold.
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