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The idea - the most highly organized form of energy

The famous American psychologist Abraham Maslow, studied a group of people who have reached in their work results. Maslow called them "self-realized personalities". He found that people are very diverse, but very personal lifestyle. At first glance, there was nothing in common between the successful entrepreneur, known novelist and a famous conductor. But Maslow found that in spite of the dissimilarity of their way of life they were all extremely motivated and passionate about their business personalities. Each of them had their main goal in life.
Noah Webster said that success - a successful achievement of the desired goal. The creative pursuit of a goal that seems important for you as a result of deeply felt needs, desires and talents, brings happiness and success, because in this case you live in such a way as it should be. A man by nature being constantly directed to some purpose. And since man is made that way, he can not be happy if you do not live as it is defined by nature, that is, purposefully.

The purpose organizes driving forces of human needs and desires, and organizes their energy, concentrate it like a magnifying glass focusing sunlight. The purpose of generating youth and energy, gives life meaning.
The body can not function properly without a goal. The greatest threat to life and health - lack of something to live for. At that moment, when a person ceases to amuse vision of future developments, it is no longer itself. Nature created man so that more than just the longest and he feels happy when tends to some not yet reached the goal. Waiting pleasant realization. What is at hand is no longer satisfied. The most persistent satisfaction is with the person until it lives a hope for future achievements. When this hope disappears, then the end comes to humans.
It is for this reason that people after retirement often begin to hurt. In medicine, a well-known disuse syndrome, when underload organ or part of the body quickly weakens. There is no other group of people, so much prone to depression, illness and risk of death as those who are obsessed with inaction. If you stop to look ahead, you actually stop living.
Targeting - most important condition for a successful life. American psychologist Napoleon Hill in his best-selling book "Think and Grow Rich," he writes: "In order to predict the future of anyone, it is not necessary to be a clairvoyant
. You can do this by asking the man a simple question: "What is your purpose in life, and what are your plans to achieve it?»
. If you ask this question a hundred people, ninety-eight of them will answer something like this: "I would like to live well and be so successful man, as far as possible." Although at first glance the answer makes a good impression if you kopnete little deeper, often you will see a passive man who never get out of life is nothing but remnants of the table truly successful people - those who have a clear goal and a plan to achieve it. In order to succeed, you must now decide exactly what your goal is and to identify steps to achieve it. " And further: "The man who has a goal and a plan to achieve it, attracting opportunities. How can life give you anything if you do not know what you want?. »

goal setting technology

Goal setting - not just a useful exercise, as an indispensable element of success. Winners in life know where to keep the path. Losers only go wherever they are sent - or remain in place. They spend their lives working to achieve other goals. Correctly set goal has an amazing ability to come true as if by itself. The purpose of organizing efforts. We fix in the mind and penetrating all the subconscious, it automatically begins to affect your behavior, guiding him to achieve results. The psychological effect of this would be that the problem is entrenched in your subconscious mind so that it would be adopted as a model and action plan, which will, in the end, to dominate your entire life and consistently lead you to the goal.
Based on the above, we offer you the following formulation technology goals:
First, focus on a specific goal.
To live such a full-blooded life, you have to bridge the gap between where you are now, and what you want to be. Do not focus on this divide. The key to overcoming it - the bridge that you have to build. Bridge line up easily thanks to the clarity of vision.
The goal - have a particular image of the desired result. All that vague, unclear, vague, can not fulfill the purpose of organizing the function. The concrete objective is quality, which becomes a stimulator of thought.
The specific purpose, being fixed in the mind and hold it with the intention to exercise starts automatically affect all your actions with the focus on the achievement of this goal.
When you are connected with your true purpose and it lives within you, the necessary actions to implement it appear as if by magic.
Second, specify its target in terms of positive thoughts.
There are two alternative strategies to motivate. These strategies are a variety of ways, in different directions and with different results. The direction may be to what you want, or else from what you do not want. Both of these areas are important. It is possible hazardous situations, as well as pleasant and useful things. However, if you tend to choose one of them, your life becomes a focused activity, or to achieve success or to avoid failure. motivation direction - a mental program that has an effect on your life
. Make sure that your goal is presented in terms of what you want, not what you do not want. For example, if you formulate your purpose as follows: "I do not want to be annoyed when I have something does not work" or "I do not want to get sick" - you think about what you do not want. But when people think about the negative, that is exactly what is happening in their lives, as they concentrate on it attention. Focus on the positive and tell yourself: "I want to experience a chance to learn that I have not yet been obtained," or "I want to be healthy." Such a statement is not only better sound, but essentially restructures the brain, preparing you for action. Changing ways of expressing the opposite goal is a simple operation, which is, however, a lot can change.
Third, define its purpose so as to be able to achieve it on their own, regardless of the actions of others.
If the realization of your goal depends on the efforts and desires of others, you may find yourself in a hopeless situation. Suppose that your goal is as follows: "I would like to no longer around to criticize me for my appearance." This wording leaves you in a weak position, since the realization of your goal here is dependent on others, and not by you. However, the same goal can be formulated in another way: "What can I do to please himself, regardless of the attitude of others." In this case, you and only you are responsible for achieving their goal. It gives you a sense of self-confidence and ability to act.
Fourth, experiencing the moment of reaching their goal.
Imagine that you have already achieved our goals and get the desired results. Create an imaginary version of what happened already. Relive it as a living reality, then log on.
Create a specific, detailed and vivid image of the desired possession, working for themselves the rich details of the scenario in which you are directly experiencing the possession, it is the main link in the process of goal-setting. Not only does it mobilize your efforts, but also allows you to determine in advance: Is your desire to give what you really need, you need, whether it's to seek it for you
. Staying well locked in your mind, the goal is unlikely to be lead by your actions every day. It will be the same guide on your journey through life, like a mirage for the wanderer lost in the desert.
If you experience a negative reaction to the experience of imaginary achievements, highlight something that you react. Return to setting a specific goal, play again the whole script and replace those parts of it that have caused negative reactions, then imagine it all over again, and again check their attitude to what is received. Continue to replace the part and adapt the result as long as not completely feel that this is exactly what you need.

Fifth, do environmental screening of possible consequences of achieving the goal.
Before you reach the result, in reality, it makes sense to present and how you will continue to live with him. As the changes that will occur in you, affect your family, friends? How can change a relationship with them, which can cause problems? After all, you can prepare for the fact that foresee.
It is much easier to make changes in the pattern of costume than to try to reshape it, when it is sewn. It is much easier to ban the construction of buildings at the design stage, than when it is under construction or already built.
When setting the main specific goal should be the basic rule: if the solution requires you to internal efforts, but the result is not fun, it seems, you are trying to change the natural course of events. And it threatens to fail. If you ask yourself these questions and really feel calm, it means that have developed a solution based on the true state of affairs, and then the result will be that which you need.
Sixth, fix your goal in the subconscious.
After you have carried out a major staging a particular purpose, it must enter and secure in the subconscious mind, imbued with it to "the bone».
Psychological principles, based on which you stated purpose is fixed in the subconscious, it is self-hypnosis. The suggestion is directed to the senses; its main tool - a repeat
. Every night before going to bed, closing his eyes, watch the image in your mind to achieve the way you want it to have. Charge you visualized picture of success. To do this, increase its size and brightness of the image, add vivid colors, make the image a three-dimensional and dynamic. See how it glows pulsed light. Note that each time he increasingly attracts your attention. Enrich the way of achieving exciting music. Give her stereo. Hear strong, hopeful sounds that come as a doping infuses new strength for future action. Let it excites you, enthuses. Rejoice in it. Be aware of how much it will bring good. Imagine that all this is possible. Awaken a strong desire to achieve a result, the infection enthusiasm again and again thinking about their aspirations. Focuses on all your attention. Reinforce their belief in success. Let it become your obsession.
The subconscious mind is like a magnet. When it is thoroughly impregnated with a clear goal, there is a tendency to attract everything you need to target was achieved: useful knowledge, the right people, important cases, the right decisions ...

The above technology will allow you to focus all your attention, effort, energy into achieving this goal and will help you to show their best side.
C this point, you will notice how information relating to the object of your purpose in life, will begin to fall into your field of vision in front of you and begin to unfold the opportunities that will lead you to achieve it.
It is known that the idea fixed in the mind and fix it as desire, resulting in the movement of energy that can not be beat. Expressing desires, your thoughts step over the boundaries of the visible reality. You penetrate into the deeper realms of your being.
The idea - the most highly organized form of energy. It is as if your personality magnetizes and attracts to you the events that are in harmony with the nature of your ideas. In science, this is known as the energy-informational resonance. In practice - as something that success attracts success
. The so-called "catch on the fly" or "hunch" that gives you a hint in reaching a decision or choice of action, regardless of any logic and causal relationships is the result of your mind recorded the wave flow of thought.
The principle of energy-informational resonance and the law of attraction (attraction), through which like attracts like yourself, explains the importance of positive thinking and the initial installation to succeed. If the mind has a tendency to draw off the air those mental vibration, which are in harmony with your mind prevailing ideas, it is easy to understand why a positive mind, aimed at success and with the power of self-confidence, attract to itself the idea, which is dominated by thoughts of success .

From the book Zhdanov OI "10000 days. Life Management "