Himself Emperor: Photo from the country of which you are not heard

Today will create their own state, for example - the great Eugene toilet)))). Well, what have I done these comrades))). The Principality of Hutt RiverAvstraliyskoe Principality of Hutt River was founded in Australia in 1970, a farmer Leonard Kesli. Separated from the state, Leonard decided after the Australian government imposed a quota on the cultivation of wheat, and in fact, exposed the majority of farms. In April 1970, a man declared he owned land province, and himself - Prince. In the photo - Kesli himself and his wife, Shirley

This stone sculpture - bust of the ruler

Later, the word "province" Kesli decided to give up and called the new state of Principality of Hutt River. At the entrance to the mini-country flaunts stele on which is marked the date of its foundation.

The Principality has a Constitution, its own currency - the dollar Hutt River, which is pegged to the Australian dollar (ratio 1: 1) - and even released stamps. And it looks like a mini-country passport.

By the way, in 2008 the EU Council adopted a Memorandum of fictitious passports and forbidden to give the holders of visa documents. In the stop-list includes residents of Hutt River. Meanwhile, in the principality say that everything in the world of their own passports for at least 14,000 people.
As for the year 2011 on the territory of a mini-state has just over three dozen people. To date, the Hutt River - one of the most popular tourist destinations in Australia
. Principality SeborgaEto virtual state with a population of 323 people located in Italy in the Liguria region.

Independence was proclaimed on the territory of the local people in 1963. The initiators of the department referred to the existence in the year 954 the city-state of Seborga, whose entry into the Italy in 1870, in their view, was not documented.

for the separation of Seborga The campaign was initiated in the early 1960s, the local florist Giorgio Carbone (pictured).

In 1963 he proclaimed himself ruler of Giorgio I, and later in a referendum locals almost unanimously recognized its authority, were in favor of secession from Italy and adopted its own constitution. And in 1994, Seborga has minted coins. National state currency - Luigino, equal to the then existing 10,000 lire

Seborga Constitution prohibits the formation of armed groups on its territory. The so-called government army consists of three people, two of whom - guards. Despite the virtual status of the country, the people of Seborga pay taxes to the Italian treasury, and participate in elections.
MolossiyaSamoprovozglashennoe Republic in 1977. State Moloss is on the United States in the state of Nevada. I created a virtual country, which was originally called Republic Vuldshteyn, American James Spillman. Later, he proclaimed himself King James I. It is interesting that at the time of formation of the state has not had its own territory, it existed only on paper. The situation was corrected associate Kevin James Bo (pictured below), bought in 1998 a plot of land, to prepare all the necessary documents and became president Molossia.

State micronation produces its own currency (Valor). Valor 1 equivalent, according to the position of ruler Molossoid thirds bundles Pillsbury biscuits. Coins can be purchased on site Molossia for $ 2. This banknote on sale there.

Inhabit Moloss today only 4 people: the president, his wife and their two children

Interestingly, the virtual state flag (blue, white and green tricolor) repeats the flag of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Not enough to him only kurai inflorescence in the middle.

Republic Sozhe11 villages in the east of France in the department of Doubs combined in-state called micronations Sozh.

Its founder - a local restaurateur George Porsche. The reason for the creation of the country in the country served as a spontaneous joke, delivered in 1947, the owner of the restaurant against the prefect of the Department, who came to his restaurant for lunch. Porsche decided to pin officer and asked if he had a permit to enter the Republic Sozh (the name of a man came up on the spot). Prefect like a joke, and he was asked to tell the details of the mysterious country, living their lives in France. Restaurateur kept his head and came up with a story on the move. In response, the official said that the president appoints Georges Porsche republic Sozh.
After the death of Georges Porsche's head of state-micronations was his daughter - Gabriella. And later he took the reins of her daughter Georgette Porsche (pictured).

In 1997, the Sozh issued their own notes. The republic is home to about 5,000 people.
North Island DamplingK northwest of New York City is a small island in North Dumpling, owned by creator segveya (Scooter with electric drive) Dean Kamen. The inventor and part-time billionaire, bought the island in the early 1980s. And in the time of President George HW Bush announced Kamen island independent of the US government with its own constitution, flag and even the fleet (one amphibious vehicle). It inhabits the island just one person - the owner, who calls himself Lord

Despite the fact that the US has not officially recognized North Dumpling, Bush Sr. and Kamen signed the so-called comic nonaggression pact. Today the island lives quite independently (self-sufficient in energy by solar panels). Dumpling Government includes several ministries, including the Ministry of ice cream.

Republic KonkVirtualnoe state Conch Republic located on the territory of the US state of Florida (the Florida Keys).

It appeared in 1982 through the efforts of the mayor of the city of Key West Dennis Uardlou. This event was preceded by the opposition of its inhabitants with the US government because of the work of the federal patrol, who controlled the route connecting the archipelago with the mainland. The city authorities have asked to abolish the patrol as it was creating traffic jams and prevented the tourists. However, higher officials ignored the appeal.
April 23, 1982 Patience Key West mayor snapped and he declared the archipelago as an independent state and himself - President

The country has a constitution and the currency - the dollar Conques. It looks currency, which is actually a souvenir, that's it.

One of the mottos of the Republic is: "Always with humor, always with anger»
. The Principality of Sealand is one of the most unusual and famous virtual states - Principality of Sealand. It is an offshore platform Rafs-the Tower, located 10 kilometers from the coast of Great Britain.

The platform was built during World War II by the British Government. However, after it was forgotten, as was the object outside the territorial waters of the country. In 1966, construction took a retired Major Roy Bates and his friend Ronan O'Reilly. Friends gathered to accommodate the construction of a theme park, but it was not possible to translate the idea into practice them. The men had a falling out and stopped talking. After that, the platform remained in the hands of Roy, who in 1967 declared this place a sovereign state, and himself - Prince
. Unlike other virtual states of Sealand is in a better position and can lay claim to international recognition. In the first place, because this place was based on neutral territory, and to the adoption of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982, which prohibits the erection of artificial structures at sea.
Today, Sealand has a church, founded in 2005, and minted its own coins (silendsky dollar).

Free city HristianiyaEsche one tiny state located in the center of the Danish capital Copenhagen. Freetown Christiania - a kind of commune - appeared in 1971 after a group of local hippies occupied an abandoned military base

Today on the territory of the state of the virtual home to about 1,000 people. Constitution and its own currency in Christiania there, but here there are several special laws. One, for example, prohibits the use of cars, and the other - the sale of hard drugs and firearms. But against soft drugs locals have nothing. They are sold directly on the main streets, where, by the way, photography is forbidden.

In August 2011, a virtual state Christiania received from the Government of Denmark, a semi-autonomous status.
LiberlendI finally - the youngest State micronation Liberlend. It was formed in April 2015 a resident of the Czech Republic Wit Edlichkoy on neutral territory, situated on the border between Serbia and Croatia. Its total area is less than 7 square meters. km. In the photo - Wit Edlichka, self-proclaimed president Liberlenda

In May 2015 the Croatian and Serbian authorities have blocked access to the newly-country, and its founder was arrested for some time, however, quickly released.
On the territory of Liberlenda not yet had time to erect any buildings. Yes, and the basic laws of the country are still at the development stage. In general, Liberlend at the moment is a plot of land overgrown with dense forest.

the country's main motto is: "Live and let live." Applications for Liberlenda citizenship, according to Vita Edlichki filed several dozen people.
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