Natalie rose: How to gain vitality through nutrition

Certification course in detox Natalie rose, a pioneer in the field of philosophy of cleansing the body and eating healthy is just 1 per year in Manhattan, new York. Wishing to study the master so much that many are trained in virtual online mode. A few weeks before the start of Natalia sends members a list of literature and films, required to review, as participation in the course requires some training and familiarity with the philosophy of the conscious cleanse not only the body but the mind, thoughts, and their environment.
Approach Natalie rose to the recovery is significantly different from Express diets and ready advice on all occasions, which are now offered by many experts are self-taught. Same can be said about the transition to a raw food diet, if their creators do not possess a shared vision of the issue. Why do you need so much to know? Natalie rose belongs to those authors who adhere to the integral approach to health, where the important and regular body cleansing and healthy nutrition, movement and positive emotional and psychological wellbeing, a clean environment. And all of these conditions must occur simultaneously and harmoniously.
"I call your course a master class because the students get all the tools for the absolute awareness of your body, awakening dormant powers of the body and regeneration of cells, organs and systems of our multidimensional being. Thanks to the master class you will learn how to be young and successful. You will understand what it means to live fully and effectively, and achieve excellence in maintaining health," says Natalie rose about training.
Based on "clean" food, according to Natalie rose, is a diet as close to natural, raw food. My student Natalie recommends internationally renowned and respected pioneer of the raw food diet: Norman Walker a raw food diet called the natural way to good health, and Arnold eret founded on the principles of raw foodism and fasting baselinestudy your diet can cure any disease. The basis of the diet are fruits, greens, roasted fruit and vegetables, nuts, a bit of bean sprouts. Ideally, use only raw fruits, but since they run very fast purification process, then they add vegetables to these processes to control. In his book "Healing System Misslizamay Diet" eret describes in detail the stages of transition to a raw food diet.

Food is one way to obtain man energy. Energy... How little we know about this important physical quantity, whose father is a genius albert Einstein. Of course we are all familiar with the laws of Einstein's physics of course, but how they relate to each of us in everyday life?
The basis for the documentary film “Great idea Einstein”, which is also recommended viewing Natalie Rojos, lay a series of discoveries of great scientists such as Faraday, Maxwell and Lavoisier and Emilie du Châtel, which provided the basis for further discoveries by albert Einstein about the relation between mass and energy. But only at first glance, the film tells the story of scientific progress. The main idea is to learn to see the Universe as a whole, endowed with energy that moves from one part of the Universe to the other, is in different States, but not going away – we know from the law of conservation of energy. And we are a direct proof of this law. That is such an integral approach and an open mind allowed the great reformer to make their Grand opening.
Herbal products that carry this energy in nature is inexhaustible, can be called the most powerful energy. The quintessence of natural energy are fruits, vegetables, roots, leaves and other fruits.
Think about what the constantly accelerating pace of life, the growing demands, new products require us all to be more attentive, energetic and efficiency. The more energy we can obtain from nature in its original (cheese), the complete we can re-supply. But it is important and the other side of the question is how effectively we spend the energy? The things that bring us joy, succeed easily, without strain and even "recharges us." Meanwhile, a huge amount of energy we expend in order to maintain the level of health in the presence of bad habits, to support the immune system or resist stressful situations.
Everything needs energy and in the end, under present conditions, a person "produces" its own energy resource for 30-40 years instead of 100-150, and lack of energy are on a progression every year. Means and sources of recharge should be more powerful and effective. And these are natural wholesome foods that nature gives us. So simple, it would seem that the question of food fits into a holistic picture of the health, connected with the theory of the relationships of Einstein and teaches you how to become the most effective in search of vital energy. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.yogabodylanguage.com/food-and-energy/