Why limit yourself to eating for 3 days

In urban environments, we are subject to stress, sleep little and eat a lot of junk food. In this regard, we often get sick, feel bad, get tired faster at work. To improve health and performance, you need to do it from time to time. fasting-day.

Detox diet Ayurveda diet includes easily digestible products and spices that accelerate metabolic processes in the body. Detox diet eliminates toxins and toxins, and weight loss will be a pleasant side effect. Digestion improves, the diet relieves swelling, the quality of the skin improves.

Do not confuse the detox diet with fasting, on the contrary, it is a way to cleanse yourself without harming your health. Before starting a detox diet, make sure you are not allergic to foods that are offered to follow the diet.

Detox diet rules
  1. You must prepare for the diet, you can not suddenly deprive your body of what it is used to receiving every day. A few weeks before the start of the diet, reduce the amount of fatty, salty, spicy foods in the diet.
  2. An important factor in a successful detox diet is compliance with the drinking regime. You need to drink 1.5 liters of pure water every day. This will improve kidney function and remove toxins from the body faster.

Increase the effect of wrapping, massage, swimming. You need to adhere to a detox diet no more than once a month. Detox diet for 3 days excludes the use of alcohol, fatty and sweet foods, smoking. During treatment, you need to consult with your doctor. The detox diet is not compatible with all medications. During the diet, you need to give preference to moderate physical exertion and full sleep.

Day 1
  1. Breakfast: 200 g millet porridge with one date and 15 g pumpkin seeds. Herbal tea without sugar.
  2. Lunch: 250 ml spinach soup, 100 g beet salad with cilantro and pomegranate grains, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil. Green tea.
  3. Afternoon: 150 ml milk with 3 tbsp sunflower seeds and crushed walnuts, cardamom and vanillin, all mixed with 150 ml of boiling water and whipped with a blender.
  4. Dinner.: 200 g of rice porridge with spices, 200 g of fresh vegetables steamed or in the oven, tea.

Day 2
  1. Breakfast: 1 apple baked with prunes and almonds, tea.
  2. Lunch: light soup with beans, 150 g of baked vegetables, tea.
  3. Afternoon: half avocado, water.
  4. Dinner.: omelet baked with vegetables, tea.

Day 3.
  1. Breakfast: 200g quinoa with vegetables, tea.
  2. Lunch: 200 g vegetable stew with beans, 200 g turkey fillet, baked or steamed, tea.
  3. Afternoon: carrot halva. Rub the carrots and sores in milk for 10 minutes, then carcasses in coconut oil with saffron, nuts and stevia.
  4. Dinner.Pumpkin soup. On vegetable oil, roast a pumpkin with onions, pour boiling water and salti. Cut the potatoes with straw and cook the soup until the potatoes boil, add to the taste of hops-suneli.

Detox diet for weight loss Very effective if you follow all the rules. This is a good way to get rid of extra pounds without exhausting yourself. Paired with breathing exercises, the detox diet will be many times more effective.

The main rule of Buddhists is to limit the use of food in time, while you can not exclude favorite foods from the diet and feel in great shape.

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