What subjects students need like air
How many times has it been said that the modern education system is too outdated and continues to become obsolete every day? And so even beautiful. proficiency It does not allow you to apply the received information in life.
Therefore, today we decided to fantasize and compiled a list of subjects that would be very useful to today's schoolchildren. And most importantly, they would be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in real life, and not only in final exams.
Subjects of the school curriculum
The problem of modern schoolchildren They are already overloaded with all sorts of information. Many, in addition to school classes, attend clubs and sections, additionally study with tutors or intensively draw information from the Internet. Therefore, to add new subjects to the school curriculum, you will have to abandon a number of old ones.
What items would you remove from school? Which ones would I add? Share your opinion in the comments.
Therefore, today we decided to fantasize and compiled a list of subjects that would be very useful to today's schoolchildren. And most importantly, they would be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in real life, and not only in final exams.
Subjects of the school curriculum
- Calligraphy
More than one study has proven that cleanliness has a very positive effect on the development of the child. This discipline trains perseverance and attentiveness, develops fine motor skills and even prevents dementia. The student begins to think more clearly and soberly. The abandonment of calligraphy in the United States led to the fact that children began to read worse and began to more superficially assimilate information. But in progressive Japanese schools, calligraphy is one of the most important subjects, and no one is going to abolish it there. - Financial literacy
Do many people use higher mathematics in their lives? Units. Everyone has to deal with money every day throughout their lives. So why isn’t financial literacy taught from an early age? - Rhetoric
Communicating with people is an important skill, but it is not taught in school. For some reason, it is believed that the child will somehow learn to coherently express his thoughts. But such lessons would help to develop oral speech, so that in the future it would be easy to make interesting acquaintances and achieve success in society. - Lessons from creativity
School teaches to think according to patterns, but such thinking is suitable only for solving the simplest problems. And life sometimes throws up problems of such complexity that you have to pretty scratch your head to solve them. So why not teach the principles that will help you gain any knowledge? - Basics of psychology
It is not always easy for a child to deal with their problems and fears alone. And this leads to a variety of problems - from low self-esteem and depression to teenage crimes. Why not help a child at an early age to find himself and not to direct him on a good path? - Basics of medicine
Of course, not everyone will become a doctor in adulthood, but everyone will have to face problems in the body. Therefore, basic knowledge that will help to properly treat a wound, determine a fracture or even cure a cold will definitely be useful in life. But modern OBJ lessons almost do not give such knowledge, being rather a formal and useless subject. - Ecosophy
Wouldn’t it be useful to learn about the pollution of the planet, the perniciousness of excessive consumption, and the scarcity of resources? “Environmental Philosophy” teaches respect for nature and measures that should be taken to prevent a global ecological catastrophe.
The problem of modern schoolchildren They are already overloaded with all sorts of information. Many, in addition to school classes, attend clubs and sections, additionally study with tutors or intensively draw information from the Internet. Therefore, to add new subjects to the school curriculum, you will have to abandon a number of old ones.
What items would you remove from school? Which ones would I add? Share your opinion in the comments.
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