10 principles of information vegetarian
For several years I don't feed your mind with meat. Do not worry, now let me explain!
But first tell me, how important is it for You to on the table were fresh and healthy food? Do You assess the quality and freshness of the products before you bring them into your home?
Agree, people asking from the seller in the supermarket, no discount today to look at or expired canned goods, will cause confusion and regretful looks.
Recent years, we have become highly knowledgeable regarding quality and healthy food. We carefully study the composition of the products in the supermarket, prefer products with the prefix eco-, bio-, organic, farm, seasonal, natural, without dyes, without preservatives, etc.
But why, then, in the information food — food for thought — we are still not far away from the cannibals of the most savage of African tribes?
Many of us come to the choice of food for a lot keep his tone light, than food for the body, so we "eat" all without distinction, not disdaining Frank tublatanka...
For several years I follow a special diet. If You haven't guessed, we are talking about the information diet — foods we feed our brain.
If briefly — it is fat-free, sattvic vegetarian information diet. Thanks to her, I feel healthy, optimistic and cheerful, and my mind remains clear and focused.
The idea of my diet: to treat the consumption of information, at least as picky as the food on the table. So I've ruled out from your information diet of meat, fast food, fatty and starchy foods, junk food, GMOs and toxic substances. In addition, over the years of following the diet I have formulated some of the principles of a healthy information diet.
As usual, all the best I checked for my practice, I share with You.
Principle #1 — do not feed your mind on garbage
Sensitive people notice that the food eaten affects the level of energy in the body and also has an indirect impact on the quality of consciousness. So, a certain food makes us lethargic, heavy and mundane, the other awakens in us the lowest quality, and causes animal desires, and the third, on the contrary, makes us light, energetic and joyful.
Many such observations makes one wonder about his diet — "this food makes me stupid and apathetic", "this drink makes me excited and fussy" — they notice.
But why are we missing that we absorb information has a much more strong and direct impact on our consciousness?
Therefore, in the choice of information need to be much more cautious and careful not to poison your minds.
I drew Parallels between unhealthy food and I got such a classification unhealthy information, which is better to eliminate from your diet:
Sattvic - uplifting consciousness, inspiring Vegetarian - a positive, optimistic news, success stories Healthy - giving joy, adjusts to a harmonious way
Principle #2 — get off the needle of the idiot
I am very categorical on the issue of TV.
Yes, there are good transfer. Yes, there are talented hosts. But rarely able to turn the TV off immediately after a good pass and take control of my life and significant for yourself business. Usually after a good pass people stuck at zomboyaschika for another couple of hours, sabotaging their business.
Find something good on TV — that still drained the spoon of honey in barrel of shit — there is a risk to get dirty, and business is unpleasant.
I don't have TV the first year of the Institute, that is already more than 12 years. And it seems to eliminate TV from your life is becoming the norm for many reasonable people.
My circle of friends are young successful people who have achieved a lot, purposeful, travel a lot, lead an active life. That's interesting — I don't know any of them — not ONE — who would be watching TV.
Conversely, each time life brings me with people who have a life (read: my head) a complete ruin, it turns out that these people are big fans of the idiot they have there some news, they empathize with favorite characters...
Interesting pattern, don't You think?
Pursuing the Parallels with food, I would compare a TV with a dropper through which our consciousness enters hallucinogen that weaken our will and overwhelming the ability of critical thinking.
TV is slowly but surely creates in the minds (and even deeper in the subconscious mind) of the viewer a picture of the world, which is in the hands of the ruling elites: the world is full of anxieties and dangers, in Europe and the USA, all bad, and in the East generally a nightmare, and indeed our planet is a scary place — if not an earthquake, a flood, shooting everywhere, sink, planes crash, etc.
The idea of such a zombie is simple: "stay home, keep your head down, work for his uncle and be happy that we are not all as bad as there at them".
Though serfdom was abolished two hundred years ago, in the minds of many people it is still present — largely because they have not yet got off the needles TV.
Principle #3 — choose only the cherries
In English language there is a idiom — "cherry picking" — literally "to remove the cake of cherry", and figuratively — to be picky, to choose the best.
This is what each of us needs to learn in order not to drown in the vast ocean of information.
The fact that in all of human history created such an amount of information which is absolutely impossible to master man in my life. So that there is not enough of a lifetime to master information created for one this day is still that to drink all the water in the ocean.
Just imagine — we do not have time in one life to see all the movies created by mankind...
And even if mastered speed reading, we do not have time to read all the books...
The good news is that we don't need, we only need the BEST.
Every year in Hollywood starred in over 800 films, but if You look at the ranking of the TOP 100 best movies of mankind, from year to year, it is virtually unchanged. The best remains the best. The situation is the same with books...
The paradox — we don't have enough of a lifetime to read the entire volume of textbooks in English, but to learn the language if desired, only a few months... Because often we need information, and decisive actions.
We need to learn to choose only the best from the ocean of information.
Principle #4 — eat when hungry
Open the door of their mind only that information which (a) is useful or inspires You and (b) which is relevant for You.
I have adopted a simple rule is to consume only the information that I am ready to immediately implement that is to apply in practice.
Principle #5 — follow the diet
What will happen to the stomach if from morning till night we will continuously have? Coffee with a sandwich, Shawarma in the metro, a business lunch, chips, cake... Obviously, we will have problems — at the very least, indigestion.
Sometimes I meet people with the signs of indigestion in the head, which can be read on their faces. Literally, their "blows" from the overflowing of information, they are unable to cope with it and not able to think clearly.
As in conventional diet, the information diet, it is important to comply with diet. Because even the healthy food, eaten in time becomes toxic.
And to hear negative news is to eat fatty foods. Instead give the brain a rest, we were up all night forcing our subconscious to digest the negative.
Principle #6 — information detox
Chronic failure to comply with the diet and information gluttony leads to problems — indigestion and constipation. This is when You are even five minutes can't sit still — overpowered pile of Intrusive thoughts, an urgent need to do something, but not clear what.
To stay healthy, it's important to arrange an information detox.
Information detox is a conscious denying of incoming information. And no matter what, even the quality. This is an analogue of the fasting day.
Now everything is getting fancier digital detox (digital detox) — a temporary failure of the Internet and gadgets. For example, You can decide for yourself one day a week, say, Sunday, to spend without the Internet and gadgets. Imagine, a whole day to check mails and update social. networks?!
Or You can select a time without the Internet during the day. For example, I prefer to spend few morning hours without the Internet. For me it's the most productive time and I don't want someone on the network I was stealing.
Proven experience, lack of Internet is incredibly conducive to creativity and productivity — in just a few hours without the Internet can achieve outstanding results! I admit, it is unlikely that today I would have written this post if not for the rule "a morning without Internet". Try it!
Principle #7 — mental enema
Developing the topic above — that if you want a more efficient tool for the purification of consciousness? You can help the meditation.
Meditation is fasting or, if you like — mental enema, allowing you to quickly and effectively clean the brain from deposits of accumulated and undigested thoughts, feelings and memories.
For a computer is cleaning all the "junk" system files — in the released memory and the computer becomes much faster. Meditation is a tool, cleansing the brain.
By the way, my project on meditation, Mind Detox literally is translated from English mental detox, and if translated literature, "purification of consciousness". Daily short meditation, just enough to keep your consciousness clean. And if You haven't meditated, I propose to introduce this healthy habit into your life!
Principle #8 — take control of Internet surfing
99% of the surfing on the Internet is the movement of the spiral down towards the increasingly meaningless "garbage" content. A simple test — watch where you are usually as a result of surfing?
In my experience, after 30 minutes of uncontrolled Internet surfing, we often find ourselves on some Internet garbage, where we watch funny videos of cats, and a selection of jokes. Agree, much less Internet surfing leads us to read the Bhagavad Gita?
If my eye catches a link on the post "10 iconic architectural achievements of the third Millennium", the questions to ask yourself:
Of course, to completely abandon surfing the Internet is unrealistic and not necessary.Much more productive way to negotiate with them about the rules of such surfing, thus putting it under control.
I myself love to browse the web, but that then was not painfully ashamed of the wasted time spent, I set certain rules that I follow. Thus, surfing is controlled.
Here, for example, a few of these rules:
Principle #9 — the proactive information request
If the plane on the Chow to ask, is there something for vegetarians, there is a high probability that You will find something, even if in advance You are special.meals are not ordered. And if you do not ask, You the default selection of "You chicken or meat?"
Proactivity always pays off.
I noticed that the principle of proactive query works fine applicable to the information. Everyone knows the phrase that understanding the problem is half its solution.
So, to successfully locate the desired information, it is important to be able to correctly formulate a query. Correct means accurate, clear and to the point. For example, if I encounter some difficulty in the work, I ask myself: "What information I need to solve this problem?"
I noticed that if there is a clear request for information, you need the answer comes immediately. And the more specific the request the better.
Example of good query:
I noticed that people can't find the answer to your question, not because it's difficult, but because they are just too lazy to think and formulate the right question.
Almost every day I receive questions from the "was it hard for you to decide to leave with wage work?" and "what to do?" and I realize that such people are difficult to help because they don't want to think.
Even if you think even for a minute, it is possible to ask much more educated questions:
Principle #10 — check everything on your experience
Perhaps what I write today, someone of You may seem strange. They say, "what nonsense, always used to watch TV and read Newspapers and I feel good!". I'm not suggesting You take my word for it. Just conduct a little experiment.
Morning #1
View the morning news and read on the way to work from cover to cover the release of some zombie-Newspapers such as "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (by the way, one of the largest circulations in Russia), where they write that everything is bad, all gone, all dead, all stole, etc.
Watch how it changes Your consciousness and mood after such an information attack. How was Your day?
When such informational stuff gets in my mind, I have a feeling, as if my very light and gentle dreams someone drove a rusty roller, ukutav my mind in a faceless asphalt.
Morning #2
And the next morning spend otherwise. Spend a morning detox — no TV and Internet. Make time for their development — exercise yoga and meditation, and after the morning practice brew a fragrant tea and take a pen and blank sheets of paper. Write on the life of your dreams — your life a year from today.
Where will You live? What will you be doing? How will Your day? What You will have a circle of friends? What will help people?
Forget about all the restrictions, whether time or money — create on paper the life of your dreams and put a background of beautiful inspirational music.
And after you have finished writing, ask your all-powerful mind — "What can I do today to get closer to the lifestyle of their dreams?"
Write down on paper all ideas that come to mind. In most cases, within us already is the answer to our query.
We know what to do and what direction to move. You only need to tap into your intuition and creativity and score a fountain of ideas and inspiration.
But if the first time the fountain was not scored, do not worry — keep inside your query (remember principle #9?) — the answer will come!
Throughout the day remember that You have a dream and that today, You make even a small, but confident step in her direction! During the day, thoroughly filter information and surround yourself with only those that inspires, instructs, inspires and supports.
Practical tips
The most important quality of a reasonable person is the ability to discern. This ability improves as the growth of awareness and care. So the meditation as the best trainer of mindfulness to help us. However, we can purposefully train your discernment in matters of mental power.
It's just. Just as often as you can during the day to ask yourself two questions:
Author: Igor Budnikov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: welcomebackhome.ru/blog/274
But first tell me, how important is it for You to on the table were fresh and healthy food? Do You assess the quality and freshness of the products before you bring them into your home?
Agree, people asking from the seller in the supermarket, no discount today to look at or expired canned goods, will cause confusion and regretful looks.
Recent years, we have become highly knowledgeable regarding quality and healthy food. We carefully study the composition of the products in the supermarket, prefer products with the prefix eco-, bio-, organic, farm, seasonal, natural, without dyes, without preservatives, etc.

But why, then, in the information food — food for thought — we are still not far away from the cannibals of the most savage of African tribes?
Many of us come to the choice of food for a lot keep his tone light, than food for the body, so we "eat" all without distinction, not disdaining Frank tublatanka...
For several years I follow a special diet. If You haven't guessed, we are talking about the information diet — foods we feed our brain.
If briefly — it is fat-free, sattvic vegetarian information diet. Thanks to her, I feel healthy, optimistic and cheerful, and my mind remains clear and focused.
The idea of my diet: to treat the consumption of information, at least as picky as the food on the table. So I've ruled out from your information diet of meat, fast food, fatty and starchy foods, junk food, GMOs and toxic substances. In addition, over the years of following the diet I have formulated some of the principles of a healthy information diet.
As usual, all the best I checked for my practice, I share with You.
Principle #1 — do not feed your mind on garbage
Sensitive people notice that the food eaten affects the level of energy in the body and also has an indirect impact on the quality of consciousness. So, a certain food makes us lethargic, heavy and mundane, the other awakens in us the lowest quality, and causes animal desires, and the third, on the contrary, makes us light, energetic and joyful.
Many such observations makes one wonder about his diet — "this food makes me stupid and apathetic", "this drink makes me excited and fussy" — they notice.
But why are we missing that we absorb information has a much more strong and direct impact on our consciousness?
Therefore, in the choice of information need to be much more cautious and careful not to poison your minds.
I drew Parallels between unhealthy food and I got such a classification unhealthy information, which is better to eliminate from your diet:
- meat, corpses - negative news, death, violence, accidents, war, terrorist attacks, horror movies and thrillers
- fish - political news, the information that I did not concern / situation which I can not influence
- fast food- tabloids and shoddy fiction
- gum - tape social networks, Facebook, rss, instagram, stock market news
- moldy stuff - false information, rumors, speculation, speculation
- fat - meaningless talk and gossip
- flour - a banal series petrosyanschina, comedyclub, Comida
- GMO - foul language, pornography, delusions, hysteria and panic
- E (toxic substances) is whining, complaints, pessimism, apathy.
Sattvic - uplifting consciousness, inspiring Vegetarian - a positive, optimistic news, success stories Healthy - giving joy, adjusts to a harmonious way
Principle #2 — get off the needle of the idiot
I am very categorical on the issue of TV.
Yes, there are good transfer. Yes, there are talented hosts. But rarely able to turn the TV off immediately after a good pass and take control of my life and significant for yourself business. Usually after a good pass people stuck at zomboyaschika for another couple of hours, sabotaging their business.
Find something good on TV — that still drained the spoon of honey in barrel of shit — there is a risk to get dirty, and business is unpleasant.
I don't have TV the first year of the Institute, that is already more than 12 years. And it seems to eliminate TV from your life is becoming the norm for many reasonable people.
My circle of friends are young successful people who have achieved a lot, purposeful, travel a lot, lead an active life. That's interesting — I don't know any of them — not ONE — who would be watching TV.
Conversely, each time life brings me with people who have a life (read: my head) a complete ruin, it turns out that these people are big fans of the idiot they have there some news, they empathize with favorite characters...
Interesting pattern, don't You think?
Pursuing the Parallels with food, I would compare a TV with a dropper through which our consciousness enters hallucinogen that weaken our will and overwhelming the ability of critical thinking.
TV is slowly but surely creates in the minds (and even deeper in the subconscious mind) of the viewer a picture of the world, which is in the hands of the ruling elites: the world is full of anxieties and dangers, in Europe and the USA, all bad, and in the East generally a nightmare, and indeed our planet is a scary place — if not an earthquake, a flood, shooting everywhere, sink, planes crash, etc.
The idea of such a zombie is simple: "stay home, keep your head down, work for his uncle and be happy that we are not all as bad as there at them".
Though serfdom was abolished two hundred years ago, in the minds of many people it is still present — largely because they have not yet got off the needles TV.
- When the news on TV in Bangkok there was a military coup, I was walking through the streets of Bangkok and everything was quiet — no threat to his life I felt.
- In the midst of the most severe flooding in Georgia, which squeal on all channels in Russia, we lived a few days in Tbilisi. Contrary to news feeds, the town was quiet and peaceful, affected only one non-touristic area.
- This fall we traveled to Europe, toured over a dozen countries. Already back in Russia, we found out that according to the Russian media, in Europe everything is bad, the migrants are satisfied with the riots, almost a revolutionary situation — it is strange that a month of living in Europe we never have not encountered this...
Principle #3 — choose only the cherries
In English language there is a idiom — "cherry picking" — literally "to remove the cake of cherry", and figuratively — to be picky, to choose the best.
This is what each of us needs to learn in order not to drown in the vast ocean of information.
The fact that in all of human history created such an amount of information which is absolutely impossible to master man in my life. So that there is not enough of a lifetime to master information created for one this day is still that to drink all the water in the ocean.
Just imagine — we do not have time in one life to see all the movies created by mankind...
And even if mastered speed reading, we do not have time to read all the books...
The good news is that we don't need, we only need the BEST.
Every year in Hollywood starred in over 800 films, but if You look at the ranking of the TOP 100 best movies of mankind, from year to year, it is virtually unchanged. The best remains the best. The situation is the same with books...
The paradox — we don't have enough of a lifetime to read the entire volume of textbooks in English, but to learn the language if desired, only a few months... Because often we need information, and decisive actions.
We need to learn to choose only the best from the ocean of information.
Principle #4 — eat when hungry
Open the door of their mind only that information which (a) is useful or inspires You and (b) which is relevant for You.
I have adopted a simple rule is to consume only the information that I am ready to immediately implement that is to apply in practice.
- So I do not buy books and movies for the future — the right information always comes at the right time.
- So I don't read useful tips for the gardener — I don't have a garden.
- So I'm not ready to travel (except for visas and tickets) — it's much easier and more effective to decide on the spot.
Principle #5 — follow the diet
What will happen to the stomach if from morning till night we will continuously have? Coffee with a sandwich, Shawarma in the metro, a business lunch, chips, cake... Obviously, we will have problems — at the very least, indigestion.
Sometimes I meet people with the signs of indigestion in the head, which can be read on their faces. Literally, their "blows" from the overflowing of information, they are unable to cope with it and not able to think clearly.
As in conventional diet, the information diet, it is important to comply with diet. Because even the healthy food, eaten in time becomes toxic.
And to hear negative news is to eat fatty foods. Instead give the brain a rest, we were up all night forcing our subconscious to digest the negative.
Principle #6 — information detox
Chronic failure to comply with the diet and information gluttony leads to problems — indigestion and constipation. This is when You are even five minutes can't sit still — overpowered pile of Intrusive thoughts, an urgent need to do something, but not clear what.
To stay healthy, it's important to arrange an information detox.
Information detox is a conscious denying of incoming information. And no matter what, even the quality. This is an analogue of the fasting day.
Now everything is getting fancier digital detox (digital detox) — a temporary failure of the Internet and gadgets. For example, You can decide for yourself one day a week, say, Sunday, to spend without the Internet and gadgets. Imagine, a whole day to check mails and update social. networks?!
Or You can select a time without the Internet during the day. For example, I prefer to spend few morning hours without the Internet. For me it's the most productive time and I don't want someone on the network I was stealing.
Proven experience, lack of Internet is incredibly conducive to creativity and productivity — in just a few hours without the Internet can achieve outstanding results! I admit, it is unlikely that today I would have written this post if not for the rule "a morning without Internet". Try it!
Principle #7 — mental enema
Developing the topic above — that if you want a more efficient tool for the purification of consciousness? You can help the meditation.
Meditation is fasting or, if you like — mental enema, allowing you to quickly and effectively clean the brain from deposits of accumulated and undigested thoughts, feelings and memories.
For a computer is cleaning all the "junk" system files — in the released memory and the computer becomes much faster. Meditation is a tool, cleansing the brain.
By the way, my project on meditation, Mind Detox literally is translated from English mental detox, and if translated literature, "purification of consciousness". Daily short meditation, just enough to keep your consciousness clean. And if You haven't meditated, I propose to introduce this healthy habit into your life!
Principle #8 — take control of Internet surfing
99% of the surfing on the Internet is the movement of the spiral down towards the increasingly meaningless "garbage" content. A simple test — watch where you are usually as a result of surfing?
In my experience, after 30 minutes of uncontrolled Internet surfing, we often find ourselves on some Internet garbage, where we watch funny videos of cats, and a selection of jokes. Agree, much less Internet surfing leads us to read the Bhagavad Gita?
If my eye catches a link on the post "10 iconic architectural achievements of the third Millennium", the questions to ask yourself:
- "I'm designing your house and looking for inspiration?" NO
- "I architector and for me this information is necessary as professional development?" NO
- "was it in my plans for the day self-development in the field of contemporary architecture?"NO
Of course, to completely abandon surfing the Internet is unrealistic and not necessary.Much more productive way to negotiate with them about the rules of such surfing, thus putting it under control.
I myself love to browse the web, but that then was not painfully ashamed of the wasted time spent, I set certain rules that I follow. Thus, surfing is controlled.
Here, for example, a few of these rules:
- No surfing until I've done the most important job of the day.
- No surfing in between the creative work — it changes the feeling and clog the head.
- I pre-set a time that is ready to "kill" surfing — for example 10-15 minutes. This time, I let myself shamelessly flipping the tape Facebook and watch funny videos of cats, but after 15 minutes switch on your case.
Principle #9 — the proactive information request
If the plane on the Chow to ask, is there something for vegetarians, there is a high probability that You will find something, even if in advance You are special.meals are not ordered. And if you do not ask, You the default selection of "You chicken or meat?"
Proactivity always pays off.
I noticed that the principle of proactive query works fine applicable to the information. Everyone knows the phrase that understanding the problem is half its solution.
So, to successfully locate the desired information, it is important to be able to correctly formulate a query. Correct means accurate, clear and to the point. For example, if I encounter some difficulty in the work, I ask myself: "What information I need to solve this problem?"
I noticed that if there is a clear request for information, you need the answer comes immediately. And the more specific the request the better.
Example of good query:
- "how to insert java-script in the letter?"
- "what documents are needed to get a single entry three-month visa to Thailand at the Consulate in Delhi?"

I noticed that people can't find the answer to your question, not because it's difficult, but because they are just too lazy to think and formulate the right question.
Almost every day I receive questions from the "was it hard for you to decide to leave with wage work?" and "what to do?" and I realize that such people are difficult to help because they don't want to think.
Even if you think even for a minute, it is possible to ask much more educated questions:
- "How were you planning on leaving salaried work, which must provide before moving on?"
- "What three books you advise to read before moving on?"
Principle #10 — check everything on your experience
Perhaps what I write today, someone of You may seem strange. They say, "what nonsense, always used to watch TV and read Newspapers and I feel good!". I'm not suggesting You take my word for it. Just conduct a little experiment.
Morning #1
View the morning news and read on the way to work from cover to cover the release of some zombie-Newspapers such as "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (by the way, one of the largest circulations in Russia), where they write that everything is bad, all gone, all dead, all stole, etc.
Watch how it changes Your consciousness and mood after such an information attack. How was Your day?
When such informational stuff gets in my mind, I have a feeling, as if my very light and gentle dreams someone drove a rusty roller, ukutav my mind in a faceless asphalt.
Morning #2
And the next morning spend otherwise. Spend a morning detox — no TV and Internet. Make time for their development — exercise yoga and meditation, and after the morning practice brew a fragrant tea and take a pen and blank sheets of paper. Write on the life of your dreams — your life a year from today.
Where will You live? What will you be doing? How will Your day? What You will have a circle of friends? What will help people?
Forget about all the restrictions, whether time or money — create on paper the life of your dreams and put a background of beautiful inspirational music.
And after you have finished writing, ask your all-powerful mind — "What can I do today to get closer to the lifestyle of their dreams?"
Write down on paper all ideas that come to mind. In most cases, within us already is the answer to our query.
We know what to do and what direction to move. You only need to tap into your intuition and creativity and score a fountain of ideas and inspiration.
But if the first time the fountain was not scored, do not worry — keep inside your query (remember principle #9?) — the answer will come!
Throughout the day remember that You have a dream and that today, You make even a small, but confident step in her direction! During the day, thoroughly filter information and surround yourself with only those that inspires, instructs, inspires and supports.
Practical tips
The most important quality of a reasonable person is the ability to discern. This ability improves as the growth of awareness and care. So the meditation as the best trainer of mindfulness to help us. However, we can purposefully train your discernment in matters of mental power.
It's just. Just as often as you can during the day to ask yourself two questions:
- "What I now feed your mind? What kind of mental food I absorb now?"
- "Do I need this food?"
Author: Igor Budnikov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: welcomebackhome.ru/blog/274